SSF penne ee: = : 4 ® . : Page Fourteen THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thiltstiy' Nov.361b ' CAPT. IE SUNDAY MNFEELS FINE NOW| X-RAY FAILED ; FEELS FINE NOW SCHOOL LESSON Today We Go , teen | NOVEMBER 23: JESUS CORRECTS ic Gi i Veteran Conductor Praises | *9)i% NARROWNESS --Lu, 9:46.56. Mechanic Gives Evidence JOH Tanlac for Overcoming] {Mest Mk. 9: 38-42; 10: 13:16; Lu 9:/ these are cases whore science in its ae 6:5 af | most profound phases is absolutely His' Troubles. GOLDEN TEXT.--"Grace be with "all! balked, yet other help is at had Eve F th -- them that love our Lord Jesus Christin sin-| "Thin ip proved by the testimony of a n urther "A few bottles of Tanlae have feerity." Eph. 6:24, mechanic, 35 years of age, who suffered, made gne feel just like a new! Tye ap, 30, PLACE.-Caperna-| at times, positive torture from stone man" was the statement made | ym, in the bladder, After trying many by Capt. F. M. Cook siding at! EXpOSITION.-1, Jesus Gedtly Rebuk | remedies without result, he bad ua 144 East Winifred St. Paul. |. the Disciples Longing for Greatness, 46-| X. ¥ photograph taken, which also Minn., recently, Captam Cooke 4s. failed to show where the trouble was, has been conductor on the Great] In the purallel account in the Gospel] Fortunately, just at cuin juncture, Northern Railroad for fiftoen|of Mark we ure told that the disciples) when he almost had given up hope of y ind is one of the mosty "by ie bee eae snony, hele any relief, Gin Pills were brought to men in the sedvice of the] {Who shoul the: greatest (| | bis notice, These famous Pills in u vory 34) This rearoning und disputing as to| bi Y who of them should be the greatest had] Short time enabled him to pass the continued Captain cone vt a Yost unfortunate time, immid.| stone which was the cause of pis red from stomach | jutel atter| the Lord hed told them of| trouble. We will give the namé of vand had scarcely any ap-/ His own humiliation and death (vs, 43-| this man on request. petite, amd what little Tate dis-/ 45), Jesus knows the heart, and while! Kidney and Bladder troubles should agremd with me =o that T would| He bad not beard ther dispute. He "caw | not be neglected. 'Tho frst symptoms become tervibly. nauseated. cease ihe Feuuring of their heart Tale "ey should be sufficient warning. Pain in would form on iny stomach and | Gej8yy, ameter tre tbouchte gf aien "2 | #6 sides or buck, commtant Hea dae eh: |S seewefall UF-O.Labor ¢ dic East | ' Sod only knows oughts of we : i 0m Successful Labor Candidate in East afer! my heart SL could hardly | Chron. 6:30; Jer, 17: 8. 101." Reading | BeUFalgic and sciatic pains, rheum manor Candidate in: En breathe. Thad terrible headaches hearts He put to them the question, | tism, dizziness, constipation, grave that would last for two or three!" What were ye reasoning in the way higbly-colored urine, specks befure the eS Mr hath Lae : _-- Sitter Pitty years ago--before Sir Joseph Lister founded antiseptic surgery--surgical opera. tions often were followed by gangrene and blood poisoning. Today such consequences are rare exceptions, and medical science hus so extended the idea Of sickness prevention that the great plagues of the past no longer ravage the world, Serums, vaccines, anti-toxins, sanitation -- all stand guard before the citadel of health. Now science has developed an effective agent against that general condition that underlies 90% of ali hu- man disease--constipation, That effective agent is Nujol. Leading medical authorities agree that pills, salts, castor oil, etc., simply force and weaken the system Nujol softens the food waste aad encourages tie in. testinal muscles to act naturally, thus removing the cause of constipation and self-polsoning. Nujol helps Nature establish easy, thorough bowet evacuation at rejrular intervals--the healthiest habit years popula Comp trou) J.B. JOHNSTON | noks e and nearly drive] He stll reads our hearts (Ps 139: 1-4;! eyes, all point to ierangement, Gin RNT ¢ ma Le aa ou Derome ay| leh 4.18; Rev. 2: 28 Te the disciples | Pills should be obtained without delay THO ON im the world. Get abottle from your druggist today. me wild, a 2 Id have bad boroe i in mind how He knew their! Druggists and dealers earry then' ae (Too tate for last week Rosa Eaborrice Saulcd one feet of Danger" rw, arte Gary) at tants Thal 1 would nave eee ut Rive bie eee care | --your money refunded if not satiafied. | Nov 12. Mee Martha Ayerst returned | DT a Saeed Oil Ce (New Jey AO Brenan We oe Bea Mone of something to Keep fat about their sondost. ani Gonversation | Free sanpieon ro(uest. tu ber home in Owen Sound ufter cpendieg | Warning: prs mang sn | 1 rine he Bah from falling. My such bad shape 4 could sleep very! of hearing: and if we would bear it | of Cauada, Litt Mite, "ard would get up in the} mind we would be more careful about out | States eae Me morning feclins dll and heavy | conduct wut conversation. The Saviour! Male Sty Buelow ty Fquestion Way very embarrassing, Our, very different when we must & with her ster. Mrs. ALE shan hers, Beware T produit primed the 1 Nil. You may our form inte, Nujol ~j at INT by the way. though He was seemingly out | The National Drug & Chemical Co, | @ few we + Toronto: United | Aye ro, Inc, 202 | Mr. Ledrew af Turon 254 | Metholist Church here hed in the nday even and all ran de Jan by, waned te do }disnutes ste f fin Heft this week for a Nothing f tried: save Te iN aA ell thea to dea teeae wher they a yw the West She war aerimimmel Lal due uy oped, anil Rent petting (A Toten lee have Uae abba | hi ang oho mot get foe ur ioe au eae a gramme | ord + Aworse all ther tine PW WEEKS | selene." There would be far fewer ebureh | ther thin this, we unit remember 4h 4 : te i aah Stet ate Tg tg fe a th" 2 vw cn an | || For Constipation (ry Tanlae and Pe © for tmefer uml far happier in their | the oppo: i Wes aa: facing aihh ainngiulabe W ss " besun 4) ree of chrch memem 'wl make peau, at he Fee ae ee one |initns Liscie held er the hens SICKNESS PREVENTION two het A hich Bye them. |v! out for His would venture tide any [0 Mt Wier. on Weilneselay. Nov liter. 1 Tine appetite Pa Ue en ne ee eet Ta nol every tne Ie y having a [ter will ceoune and tring tiaw'. ahd we HS Loeat aetees wath) 9 ats abiut* at, Just 'ell rei f pete legally Trey eg eee ll intres Haty with her, | hie lito Te pertertIV. "Gas has quad fare he etre you tell Hans HW half hearted believers hail ade " Mant Wdstness ont dane | lew Hulless . AILWAY. mre i uy stomach al Lam thet gs sotto that dept for " The uw wh gi sweh 9 time | Now 4. and Mew A dame | __ (Experimental Faris No GRAND FRUN eS EwAS trent Uvstl sli fet vat woth : in Hn re te none _ Th atmaduction of a il new varity | vever lave deny nmiere he $ vine party « Hebnukes James snd Joka, | Os 8 Uf hulless oats by the Experinie Hae ea mr cm [en eit |e THE DOUBLE 1 Kiibert street hy shame hi atcention as it should. F mple ~ appemted tune for che Cintshiue of | Naniety are now being «distribute Jestin' work and Ths reeeving buck tu | and in the neni TRACK ROUTE a Jefe sand ener 5' metho! . oF in my hts ness ie ate aa Heuven had come and "He stewlfastty set IVY Pouminion Cervaliet at On novears vent ti te last twenty fou Hip Ghee. tage tw ery Pe eee tate far list weeks [lies somes wile. between ans fe Last twenty four Th Te ce ae mules Ue a 5 ast we t Iaete namples will be gt | Dam very eratelal far what this) Would wee ay better oat than th Aether wae al + ea ae ite bey LL Comeratulations ta Me orm in almost any ict of Canada, TORONTO Tanlae has dene for me." Jiwelve disenles who stun ee tie hod! given Hing ctn| Mes Ts, Bau anahesarivaliat oak it is believed that this owt will be wide- | Tanlac is sold in Barrie by| Hewat aks ata» . din. aust He "stemtfucly "cet His eee The Ioro'hier of the 1.0.1. 450 marched | useful. The full name uf the variety | MONTREAL Gros Monkman,, in Omi hy M, | elie shat pe, tiesereate casa Tavares gE vag vag |e the Peter "Cure on i Lies, Ota 480, tis derived peel DETROIT r& Co. mvale by Wop! saan Wala i 5 Samaritans, hough ey lad | morming. where the pustos jade in between the we - H Cooke & Co., in e urate by . {i upied ween they with their jeremy of the Samaritans, but hoagh th ube! | Sumestalieg resend eae - peak Swedish Select, und u bul: and J MeGuire in Lefroy by G. a amines that it very lit feed dee ai ey fro dude 18 °°Ye should eurnestly eon. | les oat from Chins. The new yin CHICAGO Ardill, in Stayner by No B. West. herd tu what dewe } ue we was | tu for the futh which was one delivered | decidely superior to the old. Chinese Cort | steeping var chit a . in Cookstown by W. G. Mackay,) ing them tees th we thigh len. / ante the smnts Threshing out free from bull. this type uf | pares bales SOW nigh eae me in Waubaushene by Georgian Ray | th sane slispute are janie and there [eerest eaiuity be) A number from here attended the fun] 8 furnishes @ concentrated product of ex | traing: me en: Belnelpal' dey Lumber Co, Ltd, Port Me- [i dca at te ae BE da eegtapes tnd Jews, The "siar: [eral ot the lute S, MeMaster at Utama on | Uemely high value which has only to be ung, - YP tlie, in Allise | oy) fog), ti of James and John at this tine was so! M to the wife un} Stuund in order to make most exeellout |, Unexcelled dining car service . 0 AT 21), ani ute broke out agai feet especially for voung pigs and chick: | yi! informatie ee aS hour of | ons, When carefully enough cleched ies! Pronk Tekst: ONeeAL ig Grand y desired | fy sinehre aytnipathy at am: | aFbetton RB. Schell, in Lisle hy at the rgness sil for ' uben of the Lord's Supper (ha i ' wwe as human food wakes meal of si ; Pon ea a ae, Be (iaeanition of the Ronde Sayper thu Fe ae al Caer ie suering wirh long | WES human fod, it makes 'erty 'wat | Horbing, -- District Passenger A. Weaver, in. Penetang, | ilis sien ie eeu onl with See tlaciingoeieeats Tee eA Wiican followed the | Mas Very good field churacters, being rather | Agent, Toronto, : h " , é . wughts of His humiliation and preps steal of being grieved that amen will sot rece eine, aud G. Watson followed the in ripening and having reasonably | v uishene hy Chas. A. Nettleton, | {uenie of Hie humiliation occupied only Foot being grieved that im UI net rest of the hunt club to the north on Mon siruw. The yield. (eo far ts Rerhel | ogpop Pes E. BILLINGSLEY Phone @ ' ve dewus anid be saver peur innimie "rebuked" James and John a ~ tuday His impatient servant: 1" sunuber from here are heluung to load ear of poitoes at Utopia GTR, Price yd as the frozen in the in Hawkestone by Thos. A. Stone, j with vuions of personal power and suyrens * in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble Most gently and significangly id our in Coldwater by C. G. Millard, in| Tort rebuke their selfish, umbiions. lve fo Coldwater by Mt 47, 48). There always seems to have heen i concerned! is 'equal to about seven. ths of that of Banner outs, Farmers | --= -- who ure interested in the ruising of hogs Midland by Geo. Gerrie, in Brad. | 47, 48". Th a grated a sf hese. liipcanl. & f ares Lond chickens are stromely al ised 0 2 W ur Sranulated Eyelids, ford by W. I., Camphell, in Stroud) # Mtl child at hand wh thew whe will not merive Jesus. become | Rev. TJ. Dew a aufering with Jum Te Ree OH 8 ial Ae tne already: prov] sure to Sun, Dust and Wind by Chantler Bros., in Craighurst) ,,. enough for them all. auney, aoa simply ee it is another vit a , veers. ss E gucklyteleved by Hurae i ines y Jury. : luge en one place will not receive se who went to Thornton Tues 7B ERS, i by J Hill in Collingwood by Jury | song them would be great Hini:He will go od ue eather ing ai leer the evs eben aR Dominion Cereulist yes Eye Comfort x & Gregory, in Belle Ewart by A.J 4 Asie "Wii, Hedabs ite ei ev, J ie and \ just Eye for I A 4 n 8 1D. Byrnes on the Forward Movement cer. Se reo arp! | Your' D: ite or by mail 60c per Bottle. & Trombley & Co., in Mt. St. Louis} juloweth war Wane Ga tey. oe i tase y eujaved a teeat both im the uddressee| Put your money into' War Sav. | ¥e% 0 Eye free write bas by E. J. Peters & Son, in Moon-} ty was not enough for the disciples stat Forcing Bulbs in the House. jan the Lantern views, ings Stamps and let it wark. | Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, stone by J. B. Sykes, and in Vig-}thx man followed Jesus. he also (Experimental Farms Nov | . toria Harbor by T. W. Brown.-- |] fullow 1 and if he would not, the ee Bulbs when properly forced make splen: j must «ap working in Jesus' name. They did house plants and come into bene le Advertisement. the thy "bal" son it Ne nt a ome nm -- mainte ty " ss to turn} S3™. Surely they thought tore of self need the brightening effects af their rie conditions, and the Something you want u an they did of Jesus, "Many there ute colour. "Buller ma mene tere ah teehee into money? Use the Adlet col-| still who look with suspicion upon all work includes Nurcissi, Tulpe und the *P not done by their clique or lenomination. yore recent Darwin Tul ns noted for their | sus the proper pluce, we will clegnnce of form and range of rich colours. not ck whether they follow ws "A that Sr the bulla hore ben potted the we will be concerned about is. do they fol: |.) essential is to induce an abundance Famous Wash ise: orp tecadhintist: oa eet a cio otehyyal the toughtiul: santiders er Gat devlep acuta eee te M4 ation of those sectarians who would rather | [it Geet Mee satay pri tasting qualitie «5 eals MER seo woud he tos than that other dcnom of the flowers, Explice nivie tans > izations sould get into a choice Geld fist. Cycetion "ig" fine gat eg tt a d D.D.D.. the greatest of skin remedies { ( a steed yy man who i rating Out' see tunes Lor ihe Hole Ihe ulein chon 0 'HE farmer cannot go back to the \ ( will remove those skin afflictions that have | devil's in Jesus" name, there will be enoug! und dampest purt of the c or the veg: | \ wade your Ife & bundles That intolerable devil belt fe oeeuny. a theater er lange oe a ves matutles 8 awa scythe or the cradle. He must keep itching. burning and discomfort wil disap- | strengt le that is not a 18 x a provide ond hich anne: Fe A R peal hago thi eet ann Ja At area ie comin YA ayo abreast of progress by using binder , ae curr many cases pronounced ineur-| Jeeus hl sul, "He that ia not with me! si0* #8 nearly ax, pow Erne itiot ae i He Bee sure ay. eases. yonounes fssean-] against ne" (Mat. 12:30) and to some peel grnegr ec geal and tractor for the economical hand- e the first bottle ing ye it us difficult to reconcile the two ut- | J f 7 i | tee the first bottle to bring you relief teranees, but-there. ie no real ineoasie, |@ne of potting may be eufficient. but in ling of his crop. Herbert G. Robertson, Druggist, Barrie. The in perfect | MO8t cases it ix not. therefore water reg. tency. The two utterances are inp ularly as often us the top soil shows signs fe eu : ¢ harmony if we will only bear in mind tbat Of deyuctes "Another meen ee ete a So it is with the telephone. It is an im- ss D D share ene neutral othe heralorg; the | the pots into ce and keer tbe portant part of the business and social:life é sund moist. Provideggmye pluce is not too iey jold, or they are ndP kept exceptionally | A AREER of the sommunity: is se' an alee ' Ey [eh Footing will proceed suiisfuctorily, | fog igi tiat tire system, local and long distance, in the . e and" towards the end of December. the| "AHI Wi i ' roots should begin to fill the pots. 'Third, | 47///] iM highest state of efficiency. Old apparatus : e | after two months or ten weeks has elapse | ; MLL and old methods must continually give way | bring the pots into a lighter place und to new. Extensions must keep abreast of a | water even more regularly and frequently | |// a , = Take an NR Tonight = Allow, them to make about three inches of the needs of the business community. qRY IT AND fetter ming. That "leesy" | TOWth and the growih to change to a . ; . pa i Rey Gon'taknowinhatecee ese' ta ths imarmin. That "les good green oe then bring some "Of the | Public services everywhere ran behind * pots into the full light and warmth. Very : . - Ro | Farland healthy. Seewth aneeh ties during the war. Skilled men and material I | sult, . were scarce. Necessary maintenance and Hitt Eran TO ive ite sei Bat Wis repairs had to wait the return of normal ! jlo. First, do not on any occasion place . ' A tb 'ves, catharties and purges only force the jthe pots too near the furnace or near the | SS pd times. Reserves of plant and material were peda d ee ed robe bea sharp ate tye dealt exhausted. A Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) acts on thes! rae. ie yd hard hed . . liver, bowels and even kidneys, net forcings ut tore stants the tally ant chrvel Sp ee The task of overtaking these postponed repairs, of | recap rll cada is oante Te result Is toms, Second. ido nol over-water at ov restoring the margin of reserve plant while keeping } Nature's Remedy will act promptly, thoroughly, yet Tala ber ners cat aes service up to the highest standard, is now engaging | £9 mildly, so geatly, that you wi {i think mature here Last allow thx pe te oaea ie pans of wa- ouy earnest efforts. New buildings are being built, { se self has come to the rescue and is doing the work. te, Thitd, donot allow the plants to ex- new long distance lines, new underground and eerial H rience too violent temperature changes, : 5 AU the time of rooting the feaieretia ey cable, new switchboards--all in order that the tele. range on 3 ig 45 sexrees and Atte the phone may. continue to do its part throughout the P 1 babi plants are brought into the light it shoul A : ; . » 2 atlpated, range from 50 to 70 degrees. Higher tem- . difficult period of reconstruction. Our 1919 program. : peratures during the day, due to combined me calls for an expenditure of $7,000,000. r furnace and sun heat, may not burt the Plante but dimy 'are ut to, be pees fy Telephone worl:ers everywhere appreciate the kind- i if forces to experience several 4 Fy i ' . f hears of dry, high temperature during by p-operation of subscribers in their honest efforts I the evening when they shoul! enjoy the to give an adequate'and efficient service. 4 resting period always provided for then | under natural conditions, \ Flowers with little or no stem and planta 5 if with a stunted growth are due to improp- The Bell Telenhone Company of Canada er forcing guethods. Bulbs appreciate the ' : sunshine hd when in the flowering stage 2 eT . , ig . | aleo respond to and should have abundance i Tomorrow Feel Right HiRaas ae um anGoetya.25 Borie. ie secant Horticulturist,