Page Ten PHONE C. BROWN 250 OR THE BEST IN BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES and PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop: Cor. Elizabeth and Small Streets Are Well Supplied --at-- Fire & Life Insurance Agent Real Estate and Money to Loan A number of Valuable Farms and Town Properties for Sale on the most reasonable terms. MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING 6.6. Smith & Co, Established 1800 UNDERTAKERS pen Day and Night Morgue and Chapel in connection BARBIE, ONT ------ INSURANCE All Kinds Placed in RELIABLE COMPANIES WE WRITE Farm Risks at the Old Rates YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED To Cover Everywhere A. F. A. MALCOMSON The Insurance Man, Barrie. ccs hi have | spoken a dozen words Vy) and never before our chance meeting at DYEING AND CLEANING Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? All Your outside at W- Firth kinds of Repairing done. We know how. W. FIRTH Phone 229 Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. Corner Sophis and Mary Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Tanks, ete, We carry in stock n large wsortment of , B.C. Shingles Wood Turning and Dressing "done | Rough. wad Dressed Luni sod Prepared Roofing Kiln Dryig w Specialty. brompmly. Consult us with your building, THOS. ROGERS Office 163, Phone: i Wie: tS TO DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Our success as funeral directors has been developed by our pat_ rons, and our best advertisement recommenda- Some of out éustomers have been with us for years. We aim to serve one and all, rich and 4 peor, alike--to render the very is word-of-mouth tion best we know how. W. D. MINNIKIN Phone 431 \ Vat, Neat, ' Your Reading Needs Phone 82 The Barrie Planing Mill Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, Residence 353 34 Mary St. 2 doors south of our former location. Those who make f PAID-UP CAPITAL RESERVE FUND BARRIE BRANCH, BANKING SERVICE This Bank is more than merely a safe place in which to deposit money; it is an institution whose purpose and policy is to assist in the wise directign of the financial , and business interests tional facilities provided by this Bank extend the range of their business possibilities. 794 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, its customers. ull use of the excep- $15,000,000 $15,000,000 H. M. Lay, Manager. Copyright, 1916, by Publication rights Serial & / CbeKingdom of the Blind | By E. Phillips Oppenheim Little, Brown & Co. secured by The Examiner, through special arrangement with Owners of copyright. (Continued from Inst week) Granet rose wt once to bis feet "OF course. 1 will come wherever you bike." he assented The two tien passed together aide by side, im momentous silence, -seross the stone | hall, "out of the bouve, und. round' the Kk of the gurden to 4 wooden shed. be fore which wax posted a sentry. The Mian stood on one side to lett On the bare atone flonr inside wise | ed the dead body of Cotlitis, 'The salt wa: ter was still oozing from hin clohes ond [imbs. running away 1 'There was a small blue hole in the middle of his fotehend he ayently."" Thawisin situ. "ix Jit the tuagnentiin high! Which | rhowed the Zeppelin where tu throw her }homls, The thing wae obviously prear raged, "wn you identify: bin" Wentiiy him?" Geant exclaimed Why. 1 was playing bowls with Tum yee: | terday afternoon, He wa Glaskine ter febant named Collin, and x ery fine } golf player Me i staying at the Dormy House ( uetin ste another elas wt Thotisan reinarked under gewnt, T may 1 that there | hom Grawet shook his hewd dubiously \ TE know nothi Jur he mov ark T have acarce! him in my hfe happen to rom the Darzsvy tho tw know how he « | ese 2 "HE you ean dal 1 answered eaealy you that he di "please te not My errand shouldn't have brought an- cially a stranger. with me. 1." Major Thomson coneluil LT certamly Fother noun, esp Thank y {ed "that is allebshuve to way to you for] | the oresent."" Has there been much damage don wt neaired ery little."" They hnd reached the corner of the Granet glanced down towards the Upresume," he remarked, "that 1 am tty to depart" | Thomson gave-a brief order to the xnl- her who had been attending them | "You will find the' car in which came wanting 10 tnke you back. Captain Granet," he announced The two men had paused. Granet was on the point of departure. With the pas ing of his sudlen upprehension of danger, his curiosty was awakened, "Do telling me. Major Thom wn," . "how it is that you, hold. ing, T presume. a medical appoin'aent, were selected to conduct an inquiry like jthiet T have voluntarily submitted my, If to your questioning, but if I had had anything to conceal 1 ight inclined to! dispure your authorit Thomsen's face was immovable, He sita- ply pointed to the gate at the end af ihe avenue, "HE it hud been necestazy, Captain Gran- he said coldly. "I should have been able to convinee you thut Twas acting under uuthority, As' it is, T wish you w od: | morning." | Granct hesitated, but only for 1 moment F ¢ Then he shrugged hix shoulders and t od-morning, Major!" He made his way down to the lune, which was sill crowded with villagers ond loungers, He was received with a shower of questions as he climbed into 'he cur, much damage done that 1 can hear" he told them all. 'The corner of the house caught fire and the lawn looke ike a sand-pit." He was driven_in silence back to the Dormy House. When he arrived there the place was deeerted. The -other men were lunching at the golf club, Ife made his way slowly to the impromptu hed which served for a garage. His own car Was standing there. He looked all srovind to make sure that he was absolutely alone. Then he lifted up the cushion by the driving-seat. Carefully folded and ar- ranged in the corner were the horn-rimined seetuéles and the silk handkerchief of the man who was lying at Market Bura- ham with « bullet through his forehead. J CHAPTER XXIV Mr. Gordon Jones rose to his feet, It had been an interesting, in some respects momentous interview. He glanced around the plain but handsomely fucnieh- ver of the man | jis) hight was indinereet enough. but | sviling. "Tum not sure that it is Down ing Street which rules, We can touch our buttons and nieve urtiies and battle: "hips across the fuce of the earth, You pull down your ledger. sign your' name and you can strike a blow as deadly a any we cun conceive . The banker smiled "Let us be thankful, then," he suid, "thit the powere we wield are huked te xether in the great euuse Gordon Jones hesituted "Such things. T know, ure little tv yuu, Sir Alfred." he continued. "hut at the same time T want you to believe thut hi Majesty's Governinent will not he unm ful of your help ut this junctui steak of rewards at such s time is pe Preuiuture, 1 koow that ordin. Yy honours tie not sypeal to you, yet it has been aug [ested te ame by a certain pemon that I should ne You of the country's grat Tn phen words. there wm nothing ask for which it would Ww our aml privilege to give you Sir Alfred howe You are very waid La ter on 'she may reflect. AL prow fut there seems ty be only un ne aluty fore us. utul for that one needs no re ured The two men parted. Sir Alfred rose from the chair in front of his desk and threw himself into ¢ easy-char which his guest had been vecupying Atay of Jey antahine found its way through: the jfengle of tall buildings on the other side Yi zizeag path vero und touched the firm lines Jof the street Sov great soldier might wit out the progress of his armies in different countries, listening to |the mar of their guns, watching. thir divunier. their faltering, their success ur] j their fuitures, Sir Alfred's vision was. in wesenwe more sordid. ino many way more | complicated. yet it, tee. had its dramatic side ed at the money-markets of suw exchanges rise and full dim vista no khaki-elad. ar. my with flushing bayonets. but a long, thin line of black-coated men with sullow faces. clutehing their money-hage. There wax u knock at the door and hix eecretary entered "Captain Granet bas heen here for some time, sir." he announced softly. The banker came bnek to the present He woke up, indeed, with a little wturt, 'Show my nephew in at once," he direc el. "I shall be engaged with him. fo at least a quarter of an hour. Kindly go round 1 si interview with Mr o'clock this afternoon The clerk silently withdrew, tered, 4 few minutes later greeted him. pleusantly. "Wells Ronnie," he excluimed, I thought that you were going to he down in Norfolk for 'x week! Come in. Bring 3 up to my ride. 60, Thin ix one of myedest miornings Granet Kilently obeyed. Sir Alfred glan. ced around the room, There was no pr sible hiding-place. not the slightest chince of being overheard, "What about it, Ronnie?" 'We did our share. Granet answered "Collins was there at the Dormy House Club. We got the the flare. They came down to within Willinma for thi Granet en The banker => Tells How to Regain Per- fect Health and Keep It by Bathing Internally. Are you sware that nearly one million bright, intelligent people throughout Can. ada and the United States alone bathe in. | ternally instead of loading their systema jwith drugs?. Why? Because it keeps them fin better bealth in every way.» Internal bathing is the only sure means lof keeping the intestines clean and free from accumulated waste matter, which is cure to slowly poison the system und become food for the million of bacteria which infest the system, thereby causing rheumatism, impure blood, indigestion, headache, and a hundred other ailments which are directly the result of constipation, ¢ If you want to. be healthy all the time we would strongly advise you to geta JB. L. Cascade, which is the only perfected pliance ever devised for efficiently clean- sing the colon and lower intestines, It is the invention of Dr. Chas. A. Tyrrell. of New York. who is a specialist on Interna) Bothing. The . Cuscadé is shown and explained at Wm, Crossland's Drug Store, where you can receive an interesting book called "Why Man of To-day is Only 50 | ed, office, a room which betrayed so few evidences of the world-flung power of its owner. © "After all, Sir Alfred,"' he remarked, per cent. Efficient." It will tell you fucts about yourself that you probably never the Bank of Eughind and arrange | signal and we lit) two or three hundred feet. uid they ust have thrown twenty bombs, at least. They shop. The house caugl managed to put that out, They got Collins,"" Granet said, devo: | Ping his voice almost to s whisper. was shot by my. side too, I've been in a few tight corners but to hold an inquiry? iow 'Thomon ! Tue banker owned, of the 'hospitals ?"" "Supposed to be." grimly. "I am beginning to wonder-- Tell me. you haven't sbout him, have you?" | should 17" "Nothing exeept that I buve an uncon. foriable feeling about him." Granet. went yi "1 wish T felt sure that he waa just JAvhut he 'professes to be, Hew the ust mam who seme to suspect me. If it hadn't been for Isubel Worth, 1 was done He had me where { couldn't move. The girl lied and got me out of it." Sir Alfred druuuued for a moment with j bis fingere upon the table fm not sure that these risks are | worth while for you, Ronnie." be sail The young man shrugged his shoulders, His face certainly scenied to have grown thinner during the lust few days "T don't mind it xo much abroad, he declared. "It seema a different thing there. somehow But over here it's all wrong: it's the atmosphere, And that fellow Thomaon menue Tm sure of it' "Is there any reson for ilbfecking be tween you two! the banker mauired. nodded 1 suppose hot Tm. eh ung man's face underwent sud den change. Yes. he confessed. "If E hadn't be up this, if T ohadu't: gone so far inte it that no other course was possible, 1 think T should have been content toh jus what T seem to be because of her" | Su Alfred leaned back in his co: He e might have tooked at some. inter specimen he sand, pyuase you sim. ply confirm the expe: of the ages, but, frankly, you amaze me You ue hioving amongs: the big jilacem of hfe. 'you ure with those whe are making his tor dd you would be content to give the whole thing up For what' You would become a commonplace, easy-going young auunal of a British soldier. for the eof the affection of 4 gnad-loe king. WALL bred, commonplace British young wo EU Udon': understand you Ronald. You have the blood of eipirectuakers. an Your veins. Your educatidn and environ ment have developed an outwurd sesem. bhinee tu the thing you jrofers te be but behind son't you f other things * T feel hom, right enough." Granet re. pled T have felt then: for the last xev en or eight year. Bur fam feehng some thine else. "ton. something which [dare cay you never felt, something whieh f have never quite believed in" Sir Alfred leaned back in hin chair Tn 4 way." he admitted, "thin ox disp pomting. You erght, I have never fel: the ell of those other things When. I Was 4 young man, Twas frivaloux amply when T fel inclined to turn from the hig things of life fur purposes of relaxation When an. alliance wie suggested to. me, 1 ens T have been Oriental enough to keep | Women in my life where they belong. "Tain disappointed in you, Ronnie."" The younz man shrugged his shoulders haven't flinched," he esid [xrin' reply, "However. let that go, Te |me why you came up? Wasn't it hetter to have stay: little longer? [op,,Pethanw."" his nephew uswented arm came on a Tittle rocky. and I hu to chuck golf, Apart from that, I wasn't ket Burnbum, 1 son that T aaw hight but they know at the Dormy House Club that he started with me in th and has never been heard of since. | there was the young woman wed you by | banker reniurked | later on," 1ST sick of a declared gloomily. "Is "fresh up here ut all" | Sir Alfred frowned lightly | Nothing very much." he said, "At the sane time, there are distinct indica |tiows of a change which T don't like With certain statesmen here at the top [of the tree. it wax perfectly exsy for me to carry out any schemes which T thought necessity. During the lust few weeks, however. there has been a change. Nom Hy. things are the sume. Actually, T seem to End another hand at work. another Then That may be aw: own atfuiry,"" Grunet there anything deqnntimesmraneennt | hand which works with the censorship, too sz = One of my very trusted agents in Hurwich made the slighteet sli the other day. A few weeks ago. he would either have bron fined twenty pounds or interned. Do yan know what happened to him on Wednes- j day? Of course you don't He woe ar. rested at one o'clock and. shot in hulf an hour. Then you saw the papers thix morning? All sailings between here and 1 certain little «pot we know of have been stopped without 4 moment's warning. 1 am compelled to pause in seversl most interesting schemes." he replied. "but there will be very soon, Take hold of yourself, Ronnie, Don't look downwards so much. You and I sre walking in the clouds. to slip. Confess--you've been afrai "T have," Qranet admitted, "'not afraid jof death but afraid of what might follow upon discovery. I am half inclined. if just one thing in the-world came my way. sail for New Yorks tomofrow 'und atart again," 'To be continued.) If Inbor were only organized for Pence instead of as they have been for war. how | much they, the real consumers most in- terested. can accomplish for themselves distribution for themselves, read the facts in RURAL CANADA. Nov. realized before. or write Tyrrell's Hygienic Institute, 163 College Street, Toronto. ember, damaged the shed but missed the work. | fire, but they | ou escaped all right, I'm glad to! "He! They caught me, | | nothing tighter than that. Who do you| think was sent down from the War Oifice Thomeon--thut fel- | "Do you mean the man who is the head Granet answered n't heurd anything more "Not a word," Sir Alfred replied. "Why for--finished---down at thay wretched hole! | a THE MARKETS Ee Woking ut bis nephew ne a aman ofp Tothe grip of the content to accept it, hut thank heuy. | Hoes bur the soft apot's there." was the | 48.50e, povatnes, bag $1.35 dowu at Branesster for a) hurley § f | This EDDY Pail ln made of indurated Sbreware-- which ls wood pulp--moulded-- pred baked poder sasribe, peat, Saul fe ie en' E Aint-llke hardaess strong ao steel =lighter then wood ext time you need « mill I @ bouschold pail-or a butter tub, 'nak' your dealer for one of oe EDDY'S __ inpuraten FIBREWARE 'The E. B. EDDY Co, Limited. Hui, Can, Makers ef Edd;'s famous Matches and as Toile: Paper. Fe SATURDAY MARKET The firet sleighing of the season resulted ta gool marker on Saturday. though to iw sure it was thin scraping before might | fall im moot localities. Dressed pork, tent and iuiton were the largest ufferings an {the square, and a good businem was kept the morning. Anples. some re hough very rapidly. Som ones at $46.00 per hartel these were Others at 84.00 (Snowe had go Ib at many just looked at by the ti8e a dozen was asked a lnrge number of dressed duck had rele Hens and chicken also were Plentiful, 2c, 2 vetively clesned up x great 1 Turnips seem § favorite dish uf many, judging by the fowkets laden wich then, Potatone were meomed the very uncertain in price, 81-7: general figure Butter fe 68.706 Epes. per dozen Chicken. dressed, hy Duck, Ih. Lamb, Ih +. 25-4 Potatoes, baye é $1.50-81.75 Potators, peek Hea ee, BBE Beets, hunch o..cessvsasciiuecece. Oe Radish. bunch * 5c unsh, exch ins, euch Ctrons, euch Cabbage. exch Tomatoes. per basket Onions, Dusket Apples, bag Apnles. per basket Mint, buneh Sage, bunch . Horse Radish root, bunch ..... Horse Radish, half pint hottie Croan. at.. ecieevanntt Milk, quart Hay. ton ~ 100 sess. $20-822 $16.50-$20.00 NEAR-BY MARKETS ov. 17, 1919) Whent $1.92, rye $1 $16.00, butter Alliston ) $2.00. hay Te. ~ Creemore Wheat i 2-31.35. peux $2.25-82.50. ,pota- | tors $1.40 bag. butter 53c. exge S8C\ live "My | hogs $15.7 cur Minard's Linimeut Co., lie, didn't she?" the fay Tt is almost as bad to falter nx ESS f in| selves write the Pinkham Medicine Co., Hann ind city in solving problems of food | Lynn, Mass., for suggestions imem to Be sure to! overcome them. Orill rye $1 Wheat $208-$2.13. oats 90e, 41.50, peas $, barley altogether confortable about things at Mar- | $1.00. eggs Ge. hutter Ade. potatoes $1.30 ax obliged to tell Thom: | $1.40, nothing ef Collins that hozs $16.50. A ited Gentlemen. have used MINARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and in my fail urs, sud for the every day ills and ac cidents of life 1 consider it hus no equal. 1 would not sturt on a vayage without it if it cost u dollar a bottle. CAPT, FL R. DESJARDIN chr. "Storke." St. Andre, Kumouraska, THAT CHANGE IN WOMAN'S LIFE Mrs. Godden Tells How It May be Passed in Safety and Comfort. Fremont, 0.--"I was passing through the critical period of Ie, befig fore six years of age and had all the symp- toma incidenttothat change--heat flash- , Nervousness, and was in general run Bldown condition, #0 jit we hard for me to dom i Lydia E. Pink sptoms have, disap: |. GODDEN, 925 Na- to poleon St., Fremont, Ohio, and the annoyj peared," Mirae Such ; annoying a W. A. Boys, KC, MP. > Bradford Ste, Barrie, In vocal work special attention is given to Voice Production. " Pupils prepared' {er ATCA degree in bth piano and weal; also clementury exams, of Toronto Couser, Vatory of music or University exame Studio: King Block. Phone 424 W. H. THRESHER Orgwnist and Choirmaster of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, Organ And Theory. Pupils prepared for say Coun: piinctieal and theoretical sie terted free, Residence and Sturtio, $8 Worsley St, Phone 510. 34-yrly ------ Le@aL ALEXANDER COWAN Successor to Lennox, Cowan & B; Barrister) Solicitor for obtaining probate ai Gul, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancen, ent! Offices: Hinds' Block, No 8 Dunlop sires' Money to loan. BOYS & MURCHISON Barristere, Solicitors, Notary Public, Con. Money to loun at lowest rates of interest 13 Owen St. (in the preauses for. merly occupied by the Bank of Toronte, Brauch office, Elmvale, Ont D.C. Murchisos PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices Kent Building. Toronto, Ont, {C. W. Plaxton G. Gordon Plaxtos ---- i Plasto DONALD Ross, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie Money to Joan, CRESWICKE & BELL _ BARRISTE! Bolicitors for the Supreme Court ot Judy. cuture of Untuno, Proctors, Noturies, Cons veyaucers, ete. Money to' loan in Koss Blo W. ALJ. Bell, K MEDICAL OR. H. T. ARNALL Office and Residence Corner of Toronte aud Elizabeth Street, opposite Elisabeth St. Methodist Church, Telephone 167, OR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University Office wud Residence, corner Elizabeth and Office hours 9 to to 8 p.m, Phone 105, es W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY especially. 56 Collier St, Barrie, Wum., 1 tod pnye DR. VICTOR A. HART Grusluate of Trinity University, 'Toronta, also Edinburgh and Glasgow. Specialty--Disewses of Stomuch. Office: Corner Buyfield aud Worley Sta Office open until 8 p.m. daily. L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office und residence, Coltier St., corner of !Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 275. oe DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 91 + Owen 8t., Barrie, every Saturday. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours 11 a.m, to 6 pan, and by appointment, Toronto Phone North 3326, Burrie Phone No. 2. ------ ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL =" Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge 8t., Toronte H. J. Welch, C.A. G. D, Campbell, C.A. T. E. Lawless, C.A. W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer Manuger Cost & Efficiency Department, POOLE & PEARCE _ THE BARRIE DAIRY The Home of Pure Milk If Service, Cleanliness and Quality Count Phone 772 FURS! CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED MISS M. McCKERNAN 58 Small St., Barrie, Phone 323 PROTECT | Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Diy dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. D. J>REBURN, Phone 142. Dis.Mgr.