Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Nov 1919, p. 8

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i Page Eight THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, Nov. 20, 1919-4 | : | maaey nace ne ~ . |The W.c HUNTER CLOTHING COMPANY [] §,__ WEDDINGS Our Weekly Store News a A ' BARRIE, ONT. Fisher--Healy THE CORSET ISTO THE FIGURE WHAT THE FEATURES ARE TO THE FACE At the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Cates, 154 Argyle St. To_ ronto, a very pretty wedding took Place when Miss Ethel May Fisher, a former resident of Bar- 5 ie, was united in. marriage to And the expression of your costume as well as your entire veieethal APPearance is either improved or disturbed by ihe stlection and manner of wearing your corsel. Our Cormniene Mill wladly see that you are nat only properly filled, hut etl also show the most correct way in which lo ailjust the rong fo give the proper poise and freedom uf movement, Here cee CLOTHIERS TO ALL MANKIND - Frederick Healy, of Niagara Falls, Ont. Rev. 'G. R. Turk officiated and the wedding march was rendered by Mrs, W. H. No Guesswork Co: No Clothes that wear well and look well. New in weaves. New in patterns. New in styles. For busines: For dress decasions, For all kinds of weather. rrect in fit. delay--no guesswork. C. P. FARRELL Orchestra. furnished for Dances and all occasions 6 Herbert Ave., Toronto cline to say anything about his conduct, having been warned that anything he might say would be used against him," Examiner Adlets are news mes- Fisher, of Barrie The bride, whu was given away by her uncle, Mr. E.R. Cates carried a beawtiful bouquet of | white chrysanthemums, and worg a very pretty dress of pale blue! silk lined with pale corise. The Presents received by the. bride | were many and varied, tha! groam's gift to the bride being al beautiful pearl pendant necklet, Affer the ceremony the bride and! froom together with the guests, | numbering some thirty-five, sat! down to a choice wedding repast, is Premier Drury. Hartley Dewart, the Liberal leader, is also a Methodist, and the f ans now follow only 'in. their train. The Methodists have cornered all the lenderships.--Almonte Gazette. -- sages. Read them on page 12. 'Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows cy A HOSIERY AND GLOVES Here is something new in Gloves. are being ralsed from seed on the Government's farm at Indian Head. Baskatchewan, which comprises 480 ecres, in enMrfent quantities as to a dietribution of some of the ne the quality. NEMO CORSETS-- Made for slight, medium and stout figures favorite with stout ladies CALA GRACE-- Always a popular corset, that comes in some twenty » including a new Pink Satin Model, suite slight figure. Pric different style: able for g Special sale of D. and A. Corset All sizes in stock. Special .. Gifts Made of a must engage to prepare their land according to directions. Inspectors visit the farms from time to time to seo that the land ts properly prenar- West arrivals--and the prices are very low for Staples of Interest to Those Who Make up A very great SO $3.00 to $6.50 Low bust, medium hip: REITER § - $1.25 For Their Friends them wherever he desires, with the assurance that, if given a little In- telllgent care and attention during the first year or two, they will crow between ed, and. after delivery of the trees. to maturity, and be as strong as trecg ONE cree eee Plants to se that they are given prover at- of the forest, 7 fever 'onually. The Canadian Pacific Rail. tention in the matter of cvltivation| Ready tailored your size. Jafter whieh the groom took his| fine luality ~ Chamoiselte amt eed a. et ; ' We fit you before you pay. oung bride to her new home in throughout with Glove Silk. A Glove that | Brown Holland Linen, 22 and 32 inch widths ' - , Niagara Falls, Ont Will wash well, wear well, look well aid eesscne onsets +ossses,. 65¢ and 760 yd. SUITS AND O'COAT i. keep sour hands y Glove ax tl! Mat could | Blue Linen suitable for taney work, ote, 46 ' wey ned Of any Glove. Comes in Brown, | inches wih eran : 8Bo yd. --Morri Sindee, Tih ATS . Mayes--Morris tay mugen. Tack and White. .§1.78 pale | 45-inch Cirealar Pillow Linen $1.60 yd. $19 98 TO $39 98 St. Peter's Chureh, urchill, Just here we might mention that well known. Abrvi Linen Pure Linen is inches t 5 ie Was the scene of a quiet wedding Niagara Maid Glove of Double Silk, all colors wide " _ ' lov at 8.30 a4 whey and sizes... Sues ++ $1.75 pair ootetes satin catty , ' eee Era. Vinlet, ware cit wor Me |G Heavy Tam Cape kid Glove 220077 $256 fair | A nice quaniy Wie 7 '50 yard i . RS " . 0 re it " fs » Silk Pewee owas! . . m1 Underwear -- Hosiery -- Ties George Mortis, was united in ae Wout cloves "Have Chamoisette Sik Cireular Pillow Colton. 40. 42 and 44 ine al 1 ~ -- Gloves -- Shirts marriage with Mr. (ieorge Mayes, Silk Hone with stripes or eins. Match your | OOo yard. We can give you a nice heavy H |son of Mr, and Mrs, Jolin Mayes.| Tey, Oxfords or Pumps with this Stocking. quality that could be embroidered { [Rey RJ. W. Perry. tortor of the Brown, Beaver, Cordovan, Black or | Huck Towelling-- Th W. C HUNTE CLOTHING COMPANY chureh, performed the coremony. | While # Rese errate $2.50 pair 15 inch .... 360 yd. 2 inch .... 780 ya. i eW.u. Phe bride, whe was given away Lidl Cream and W Mite Gacmiere $235 ot Hetustitehed Linen Runners, 18x54 $2.50 each " by her father, ware a navy serge ool a 50 and $2.38 pair foi sich, "hitie 4 BARRIE ONT. tani aah wwlk foes and hat an Bigek Cashmere Hose 769, $1.00 1.26, 1.50 pr, | Hemslitehed Tray Cloths, 18x27 Bo and $1.00 H B (MIEN. nd cennried, MAE Gey Chirens Cashmere Mose in Black, White, Baleel Geelong orl tate qultable: Hor aiken, ee Ma Tan, Red, Blue and Pink duily » Linen He tushians, e anthemums. Miss Nellie Henry chi ~ 'laves in Chamuisette, Grey, Ma Be BESTS omen 260 to $3.00 yd. { n jof Barrie, Ks ste as nest the aoral or White 890 pair | All sizes Grostiel Centres now fs stock. This ' , Wearing a blue satin ures with "Hingwooll Gloves"--Navy or Garlinal | is the Jast shipment we will receive this i T HAVE CARS |BOY MUTILATES hat to maleh and carrying - 800 and 360 pr. J year. Buy arly and avoid visappeintmert : Bo pI ; = , [yellow chrvsanthenmms, Mr UNDER CONTROL; SEVERAL CATTLE + | Thonias Maves, the gream's! | : : A NOVEMBER CLEARAWAY OF ALL SIZED | uted Ss greamsnian ' . 2 ; if a After the voremeny the bride and! RIBBONS ' 2tv for Public, not Sp ver ar| i vy Safety f r Pub lic, n nt peed Peculiar ( me of Youth NEAT erowm --procomdied -- tes Porontol If yeu want Ribbons now or expect to use them ee ae Limit, Deciding Factor-- AllistonsNow in the Bar- | where Mrs, Wessel. aster of thie! within year here is your opportunity to. select a dig mae al hate bride, held a reception. "Phey will vevpeiment of the Inveliest of Ribbons in. all widths, colors Boulter Loses Appeal. te Jail. Visit Woodstock and other points aml fivles al prices that we really could not duplicate at eas Nholosale if we were buying them again now. His Honer Judge Wisier has] Wilner Lounds, whase home is | Wash Ribbons of figured satin. All ealurs and widths always Handed out jindement in the fnear Albston, was breusht tothe Nixon--Willlams In stork al lawest possible. privn ' appeal of Pred Bolter, of Toron-leounty gail last wer eharged A duet but pretty wedding tok Dresden Hibbons ina variety of patterns and colors ibis. caw ' M1. fram the deetsion of PAL [with a most unusual crime, thal Plice at Burton Avenue Methodist i be nll' veie Athen yyy 7, BOC, 758 and 890 @ yard : Radenbars!, whe imposed a tine {ot mutiliing dumb animate pane sees teat ' a3 Snecna atl Mowe Rihbons'in ie f for callisen belween curs awned|Particulars of the offences with 41 3 pm. when Helen Elizah hy . ia "gyre 8 A by Boltor and Chas, Harris. an {whieh he ie char 1 anecgivenhy Ste of Mroand Mrs. Hensy Ca Mocal 4 inches 350 yt Bradford SL, Aug. 16, 1919. The pthe Alliston Horall as follow. E. Williams Nalston, hecame the hidgement is follows For some time past farts brode of Willian Nixon, Pains- "In this case there if abun. Jin Essa from as far east as Ee. Sk. son nf M Mrs Jahn} dant evidences to support the vone [bert over te the "Fossorantia Nisin. Rarrin. Rey. A. E. Owen Vielion of the defendant of hay--border and from. th cumseth oO Merted. The bride lanked ing driven a motor caren Brad-[bne north to the Pine Plains (Prey in her travelling suit af ford St. in the Town of Harrie inJavove Maxtor, have been eontine 2! vege with silver acrey bat #, reckless manner contrary tofually making the discovery. that _maiteh and wins attended by Hon 11. Subsection ¥ of the June or mare uf ther animals had her sister, Miss tir hee Williams Motor Vehicles Act, and I there. [heen mutilated by bein slashed The strani. ably supperted fore dismiss the appeal with{or deliberately cut with a iy chs nett hen, ise ae ae - ests. In disposing of this mat./&nile or some other very sharp" anne Mi eee TSS WT, than = Sweok ler CIE BI RORe RIE Lo Ceres pa oT HE had [felts and god wishes the happy rT ransforming The Prairie an opinion on the point whether |two calves badly eat, Ely bowney'! am left an th 40 {rly fe or not a driver is justified infof town had a two-year-old buil pointe, "Onin nie wetes Abs and] © @ELDOM does & settler in a new + 3 - turning out to the wrong side nf fwhich was grazing on a pastiare) Deine. Westie on ie tek S vovntry find things exactly as he Me A the road to avoid an accident, farm out in Essa so badly lace: vias Nixon will reside on: Ut , would like to lud them 'Tue / {find that the defenda ated that it died. Another farm. /¢nerssion, Innisfil trees, as an iastration Ie fs tru driving his car at an excessive [er's ram was the victim of this| ere are large stretches of country rale of urd ta the Jindiseriminate knife, while nu-| Martin--Nash teen teore co enial te ere wher fact that Bradford St, is one up-|ierous others in widely separat.| Trinity Churen Was Whe scuna| Sarge arsar te tee central parts of on whieh there is at deal of [ed alities found their stock 1 quiet wedding at three o'elock {he Prairie Provinces of Canada asa ' traffic and where one might rea-|lacerated. About the {5th of, Wedne ay afternoon, '2,] Mke this Open spares of forty to a sonahly expeet at all times to {September J. Marks went out|when the marriage was solemn. hundred eres or more are alr meet cars or other vehicles orjone morning to milk his cows | ized of Miss Evelyn Nash, surrounded by trees, affording excel. pedestrians or children unex-Jand discovered a two-year-uld| ter of Mr and Mees thts verted taeda Ag waking a pectedly, either driving or cross-|heifer bleeding at the mouth. An ne: Bt ta Mr. Martin, tions are exceptional. though they ing the same examination disclosed the fact wronto, son of Mrs. Martin Serve to emphasize the rule." Moms The section of the Act referred [that her tongue has heen cut aff|Penetans Si. Taree The bride! the new settler finds too tany. thes \ fo is as follows: "Any person who fund a long gash had been slash: | was given y by her brother-| or practically none at all. In the for drives a motor vehicle on a high. [rd in one of her sides, Mr. Marks, | in-law, Mr. Peter Shepherd, Rev,| wer case consider. ble labor ts require Klessly ur ni nily orylike others*who had suffered|A. R.' Boxerloy pertnrmed {he| om Ib clearine bees ae setter can Pw imilarty, "notified the County/eereiony. Miss Minnie Nash| hope for aay rp. 'tn 'the tates 1 or in a manner whieh |~imilarly, notified oun eeces ; c| ase, the-settier has the advantage of ous to the publie, hav [Crown Attorney, Constable Wil-| was bridesmaid and Mr. James being able to break his land immed}. ing regard to all circumstances, [lids was notified but was not| Martin gruomsman. After the Siely and. If be proceeds in the right including the nature, condition {iletailed by the Crown to inves. Se emeny a rreeption was held] manner, soon hag it In a condition ioe id use of the highway and the |tigate. Several of the farmers}at the home of the bride's par- vroducing 4 remunerative crop, But oem OF traiie which actually {who had suffered losses engaged|ents, after which Mr. and Mr. ee tee cemme trate a: tome whieh cat ts at the tint, or which might |Constable Williams themselves | Martin left on the 5.45. train Bika than tree a y fRasanabiy be expected to be on {and after half a day's work on|They will reside int oronto, The A large, gart. of wis, Cenudiah the highway, shail be guilty of an]Monday the constable had young xtootm's favors were: To the Prairies comes under the second vaie- offence under this Act. lounds in custody and had se- bride, a wrist watch, and to the gory Nearly all of the southern to IU will be "noticed that anfcured a confession from him of |hridesmaid a cameo pendant, the central parts of these provinces' fence may be committed with-/having mutlitated Mr. Marks' ------_ are oven prairie, ready for the. plow. fut exceeding the spred limit of [heifer. Lounds also confessed to Dayboll--Lang Sound wieter mallee Sad thee chee be #9 miles an hour, and it is the/being the guilty one in other! The marriage took place secing a tree. But a wonderfu) trans: ; duty of every motor driver to|cases of--mutlilation, While in| quietly in Trinity Church on Wed.| fee at {3 slowly taking place. If iwe his car-in such a manner |some othefcases he denied hav-| nesday afte: 7 nature bas left these fertile prairivs » dr e h lay afternoon, Nov. 12, at two : Hei agit | as not to be dangerous to the [ing anything ta do with the crime |o'elock, of Miss' F srence Lang, [Reslibeet Aber eaters re Ra Get | public, and on streets like Brad. |or knowing anything about it. It daughter of Mr. and Mrs Sos.) gary to wee growth, 'Trees oui row, i ford St. much greater care is re-|was about'{wo o'clock when Con- Lang, Grove St, to Mr. Edgar| £8", poet: piace and Ged auired by law than on streets of {stable Williams brought Lounds Dayboll, of the Civil Service stait,| for "ust ne heat ate ae grains, Toads where there is very little |in. He was taken' into. the Ottawa. The ceremony was per-| -- jnst av alfalfa und other fodders just traffic." flerk's office where he received al formed by lev A R. Beverlay,| a8 potatoes and all manner of 'roots Scene [hearing before F. B. Elliott, FP. lthe bride beng n away by} 894° ver.ctables, grow--wonderfully San ti e gz away by : ; 1 Tounds, was charged with mut-|hor father © Annie Powell] Well, And pie Sram sets iid sie elaine aaa) ee Re er. e : ° ating Mr. Marks' heifer and|was bridesmait and Mro-Pete : f ; ' ' MAKE YOUR SPARE TIME = |whon asked what he hail to see ; 'ori Med; 2¢a% beautifying maay a farm "and:| (1) Headquarters 0. P. R. Irrigation Works, Strathmore, i Weht." ag | Shepherd, gf Toronto, supported transforming the prairie land: All trees planted since erection of buildings PROFITABLE said: "I done ib all right." H6/ihe groom. 'The bere wore her| grape, | Alberta. ees p 5; . * was sent up to the County Judge travelling suit of brown with hat |n this vewutitying process. tarm-/ (2) The Kind of home many of the older settlers in Western | Barrie Business College [iar entence and aa eyed [to match. Mc. and Mrs. Dayboll Cavadian® Goren ouTaeed, by the Canada are building. Note young trees in background. | A fully equipped school. 'o the jail by the constable with- will reside in Ottaw: canedien Goverimea and sig Cana: wi feta %o distribution of trees until they get thorougiily established. i Iy equipp: side in Ottawa, fic Railway. Doth are tak. Way restricte % i opt further delay. Lounds states flee, Wacine Haley. De to fart-ers in its irrigation block In| Success In growing trees Is being | Offers the best in modern s fe i Ing @ Keen Interest in the planting of Ing the Inst realized by farmers throughout the BUSINESS TRAINING Bee a nee een VOREE of armel eal Timah re ig ni li Eller Aree ecient ray rrterema treed Canadian Prairie Provinces: and this } s Al age. If he is not @ couple of| Time was when the Presbyterians sway. courage farmers to {mprove their 8'X years bas distributed al : ovinces: j Individual instruction. years older he is a remarkably /ed Ontario, "The late Sir Hichanl Cos. | fOU"R# surroundings by distributing buadred thousand trees to Seenye deena eae Pigg ni Mod ; Day and Evening Sessions well developed and unusually | ¥tight in. bis book of comjeacences pub-/ trees free of cost to farmers. Bach this territory, In foo saplied for tees tnet were. caatrey memaes, the ENTER ANY TIME. strong boy for fourteen years. | lished termes tea Sis 'the leg. | maintains large nurseries" where pleating, thong "the rightol-wey 'of old home But he has many advan fi " ta That he is a degenerate is quite | Preponderance of sovernmena pee] teen are grown for this purpose the railroad and in station gardens. * tages over the ploncer Whe has sy oy H. A. HENRY, Prin. ig | Mlature and in the old governments, Prac-| Under praitie conditions' ioe govern. . is land before . evident from the trend of his ally ber of the Hi be. ta katchewt To obtain trees. whether from the to work to clear his lant fore ha ' | . " tically every member of the House Ment at Indian Head, Saskatchewan, ent or the rallway company, can start to farm, He can begin to ' oer find in prompting him to Lake |Tenged to. the Scottish church, oe the Canadian Pacific Rallway st Roverntment or ulred to be farm from the moment of his ovcu- ; SL wnesess foieasure out of such cruel acte. However the Methodists appear to have| Wolaeley, "Saskatchewan, "Un amt Pe eens tee Tees oe pation of the land. And whee (eu ' PIANIST ACCOMPANIST ft tia ttule sharp enough to de| aimed ds eng thes tafe pe isrietons ln nuracrien wore flied, armers, must make they nacion of the land and hea fei |

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