| | Page Six £ THE BARRIE EXAMINER ' Thursday, November 13, 1919 EPRPROAPAPRPANP AAP AY O Re & NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS s RELPLELEL LP LNG NN LLP LR MINESING STATION UTOPIA Reeve Wurtie and bis brother John Wat-| Nov. 10.--Died--Accidentally killed by 8 tie are away hunting. train on Sagurday morning last, while W, Pattenden bas finished threshing for]hunting in Muskoka, Samuel McMaster, in this year is forty-second year Mr. and Mrs. J. Wattie and son are the} Miss M. Murphy, Barrie, spent the week vests of C. Wattie. lend with Mra. L. Rows. The men are making a good job of| Mrs. W. McMaster, Cookstown, is visit- the ditch on the Eighth Line. ling her sister, Mrs. R. Bell Stirling Knapp met with what might] W. Knox of Hamilton is again buying Dave been o serious accident last Monday, |potatoes in thia neighborhood. November 3, When coming out of | Ralph and Roy Bell and Will McFad- J. Watson's with the threshing outfit, the!den have returned from a hunting exped. ing up pinned him between the ition in the north. two but as the block was immediately | E, McMaster of Toronto University s vis pulled out from behind the wheels of the {iting his parents, Mr. and Mra, J, McMus separator, it only left him a bit bepised |ter. and sore. Miss A. Turley is holidaying with Toron'o ---------- friends. MINESING In spite of the storm on Wednesday af- sigebaprer ternoon lust. s large number of ladies of Nov. 11--W. E, Crawford caught 9 fine|the W. A. attended s quilting at the home cotter lust week, of Mrs. R. Ross, 'Three quilts were com: Fred Priest received a severe shaking up| pleted for the Dorcas Mission bule. dst Saturday in a runaway A number from here attended the Orange Ralph Chappel arrived home from the |yervice in Ivy Presbyterian Church, lust West last Saturday. Sunday ° J regret to report that Clifford Knupp. has last the sight of one eye. Thos, Livingston is serious rufiered 9 stroke of paralysis, LEFROY W.C. W. McCullough has purchased Mrs, ill, having The stork called at the home of Mr. and | Long's house and lot , Plowright last Sunday and left Mrs. Richard Adams, mother of Alex. Ad ama of this place, passed away last week at the home of her son, David, in Thorn: ton Mrs, Gardner of Meaford epent a day |with her aunt, Mrs. Wa, Allan irs. Weeks und son Harry of Bescon, New York. are spending two weeks with her_mother, Mew, Wallace. Bensok Morr uw having w cottage built 'on East Essu street a | 4. Biéckmore had his barn ptising on Thursday Mervyn Noble having sold his farm at Churchill to Hall Bros., Aiton, has purehas- ed Ivan Grose's property in this village Miss Irene Patterson of Stroud spent a few days with friends here this week Mr RW, Wanted Immediately 75 LONG JOB 75 cents hour and over- time. Railway fare allow- ed to men proving satis- factory. CUNDLES Apply in person to | Nov, 12--Miss Lina Moffat of Toronto , has been visiting hi pe he A hus JOHN V. GRAY -- |jsow gone to vint her sister, Mre. Matthews Construction Co: af otinayese. Limited S. Pratt, who went to Hamilton last week on business. re home on Mod- Confederation Life Bldg. |} TORONTO night too late to take part in the nniversary services und entertainment of Central Church, Barrie, and was very jmuch disappointed, be being much inter jewed in the work' of the Chureh ( Vietory Bonds are heing purchased here IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL 'ite an_extent--s godd investment REALESTATE. wisconsin beth street was destroyed by fire on Mon day; also some household eifects Consult M.D. CUBITT-NICHOLS |... ye Cte denne est lust week with Ivy friends Cement House on Wellington street, all! Mrs George Lutimer is visiting. friemts convemences, hardwood floors, $2,200. |i Collingwood. Broom Brick House, Burton avenue, im! Master Elvin Dean apent a few days in first-class condition, electric light, 'fur- | Toronto nce, all conveniences. veranda, back | Mack Lonmer und Miss Nellie Bush of and front. $2,600. $600 cush. "| Toronto spent Sund Gordon E, Bush's Brick House. Braiford Street, all conveni-} Miss Wapgr Davieson (nurse. of Tor ences, $2,200. onto, visiting her mother, Mr. Jas Rougheust House, Owen street, $900, | Davidson cash $500. Mr, Hodgin and Leonard of Mansfield Brick House. Penetung street, 9 rooms, elec-| visited Mrs. McCracken last week tric light. stable. gurage. hen house, 100 KNOCK . 24s ueres, $4,000, | Frame Howe, Jobn Seog |, Nov T --Mise Agnes Allan returned HGlgain augeees $2200. j Home: lst nee fter spending House, Grenville street, all eonveni: | Rone Grafam and Samuel Sh ' eerer Robt. Graham and Samuel Shaver are Brick Honge, Collier street, make a fine) MMHOE a enanle of weeks in the vorth aes, SAI Wilda snd Leonard Martin spent last Ks week-end with Wyevale friends, ty ara Roy Davis and wife are spending two 1 ef A ee 5 auen sireets from $500 (woke wich Mr. und Mrs, Jos, Bowman " By eet. Threshing and clover threshing are finish. FARMS FOR SALE ed in this neighborhood for this season, vfil, roughest buildings, a0, $000 eat | _ SIXTH LINE, VESPRA an ct ets house! ye and Mrs. J. Cooper of Belleville : h Mr and Mrs. C. M. Hickling over HOUSES FOR SALE la few | i | Brick House Cer House, Muleuster street. $2500. 200 were Fal Carh, 82.500. ited w : 100 errs. Innisfil ° i a eet y and' M. Tobin of Toronto spent Tnnisfit . §2'509 {8 few slays of the hunting season with M. Trini a0 Mu aepely $2000 | Mie. and Mfrs. R. N. Hiekling attended the 15D eres $5,000 | fneral on Miynday at Utopia, of the late SS MeMoster. Mrs, Hunter and Mise Meta Hunter of tock and implements SN acres fall whew M.D.CUBITT-NICHOLS |" 3 ry set estos o na Clarkson House, Barrie Phone 62] cur visited Mrs. M, Murphy recently. SUN. MON TUE. WED. THU. FRL SAT. 1234567 2G. 112 13 14 Gommsscing SUEDAY, OCTOBER 5th, leawing, TORONTO Tuwiom STATION! 9.15 pm, DAILY MOST MODERN EQUIPMERT ay Coaches. 1@ Rockies, Ie, were the guests of Mrs, Win- | i SS ECONOMY IS the road to wealth. Vickers' ves the way--every quarter saved is 'Stepping stone to wealth--wealth means » deal of comfort later on--shop at this store and save. We sell thrift stamps, too. --GEO. VICKERS. ------_--_------------------ QUALITY AND SERVICE are the founds tions upon which our steadily growing business has been built. Our prices also to your advantage. wees --THE HURLBURT SHOE CO. IT IS OUB AIM to carry a full line of Dry Goods and Ladies' Clothing and sell at Prices that will be convincing. You ean do better with ua than any out of town con- cern, --POWELL & CO. IF YOU WILL GIVE US A CHANCE first 'on your Furniture needs you will find we can not only beat the Mail Order House, but save you money on all kinds of House Furnishing, 'Try us out. --W. A. LOWE & SON ------_--_--_------ FALL AND WINTER WEARABLES for men can be bought to best advantage here. No need to send to Toronto for the latest styles has @ one-price eystem oll over Canada. You get just as good service at our store a8 in Toronto, not only in pianos but in all lines of music, --GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE, Phone 259w. P. 0. Bbx 178 A WORD ABOUT HARDWARE. If every- one would stop and consider the advance that bas been made in all kinds of they would be convinced we cannot only beat Mail Order Houses, but give you better BEWARE OF CATALOGUE FURNITURE. All Furniture looks the same in pictures. Buy where you are sure of a square deal and Furniture for every room in the house. DOUGALL BROS. tulogu® prices. Come Prompt efficiency are combined with WE DONT FEAR to us for your hardware ajuda ness and quality --MERRILL & HUBBARD CAREFUL PURCHASING is of the ut most iniportance these days, We mve un surpassed value in paints. oils, wall-papers, ete --JOHNSTON & WARREN EVERYTHING IN MUSIC--Come to me for your musical needs, Muste makes 9 Home out of 2 House. KEENAN, THE MUSIC MAN. OF COURSE YOU ALL KNOW I handle the Ford, the universal car; besides I also am agent for the Dodge and Right-Cylin- der Oldsmobile. Get in your orde- for your cars early. Big lines of accessories and supplies, --T. R. HUXTABLE ; DON'T LIVE IN DARKNESS. Have your House wired for Electricity. Get our esti- mate. Big line of Fixtures. We do every-! thing but furnish the Juice. Call us up-- we ure prompt F. J. MOODIE, MAIL ORDER HOUSES do not hurt our business, but we are in line with anything at helps our town and merchants. We fo Undertaking in all up-to-date methods. uying at home issn good ides. J. BYRNE, Undertaker. MERRICK & LITSTER. ARE YOU USING GOLDEN KEY FLOUR? Best for Bread. Order a bag from --MERRICK & LITSTER. LADIES' TAILORING, as well as Tuiloring For Men, is a specialty with us. A fine range of suitings. --H. J. FWISS ELMVALE nd Monday, On Sunday Nov. 2 and 3. of the Elmvale Presbyter isn Church was held and it was one of the most successful in receut years. Rev. Dr Abraham of Toronto wad the apecial preach er, In the morning a very large congre. gation were present and in the evening the seating capacity of the church wus tax ed to the limit. "Needless to say, th vho came expecting @ treat were no: dis: jointed as two excellent sermons were | evening am old-fashioned teu | wan served in the basement of the church | the Indies sgain proving their ability to ; cook by serving one of the finest -linners that has been put up for some years. Jud: | ging from the satisfactory remarks thut were passed this part of the program wai thoroughly enjoyed. After the dinner had been disposed of the crowd adjourned to the auditorium of the church where an excellent program was put on, the following artists assistin, Kathleen Moore, of Clarksburg, solist ; Miss Jean Idle, of Thornbury, instrumentalist ; Miss Pearl Newton, of Toronto, elocution- ist. Short addresses were delivered by Rev. R- Morton of the Methodist Church here and Dr. Abraham. Rev. Mr, Hannah, in his capacity' as chairman, filled the bill to the thorough satisfaction of everyone. |All the artists were good but the anter- --ALEX. MILNE & SON. | * YE OLDE FIRME--HEINTZMAN & CO. |" service--OTTON HARDWARE CO., LTB. '! you are taking no chances, Big line of | ;, THE DOLLAR YOU SPEND IN BARRIE WILL "COME HOME TO The Examiner "BUY-AT-HOME" Campaign Read these artieles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the people whose ads. are here. They will treat you right. The money you spend with them stays in circulation in Barrie. _----_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_--_-- ARE YOU GETTING MONEY'S WORTH? The Purchasing Power of a Dollar is Now Only Fifty Cents, and Everyone Expects Value on Every Purchase. Buy At Home Where you Can Examine your Purchase Before you Give Over your Money. With the bigh cost of every- thing one buys today and the most univer quality inn is greate war your stor meney to gel value Host inpossille fo get value for your money--with the purehas- Ing power of a dolla And the prospects funprecedent when ty people a of the living Man they ever dit before in their - murh-discussed {af everything you buy sen why they value for the money they spend, Haw Pest te maintaid this standard of prosperity is the questan before should met get the best of business lants of iy done by Mis position in reg to the hest advanta Certainty the more we all be home, the more money will kept in community iy of eocrelated xs directly, and the se afl rentize {his fundamen the better When we spend our money at it to people ef our unity whe help to build) jae Hen own community--when we Home we sive own con nil air money to the maile« house we help to fawn and district merehant vive enterprise and rates the and his of the amount collec monicipality. tbe He pay 1 by supports paal, our fall fair eavic enterprises heoas for in contributing fo the welfare the disteiet, He is a liber Hise ny cnr toe helps te advertise onr town, Phe mail arder hous other hand, dees nothing community, exeepl ta take money from this distriet and put fi if into eiveutation in. the We Save You Money. Buy in Your Home Town. J. SUTCLIFFE & SONS grade of ys of the textures of manufactured product---there need than ever in the rue if seems a ent in two yonet bright ormer values living im aA new age- eetainty the greater the vol- community s those merehants ina more rd cities have purchased large quan- circulation in eur own We are a commun-| than in the Interests and what helps ane helps all more or! 1 ner we) ul fact cour own| The local is your partner in a < faxes same as all of us, share is the lion's ene our t : sehonts. our churches, aur hos., BUY in in fact in all most Ladver- | papers and thas SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS |THE ALLANDALE HARDWARE STORE on the reer lets a specialty. WE ARE FULLY CONVINCED there is no use of sending out-of-town for Dry as our prices are lower than out-of-town Get posted. Get our prices first and be sure. Big Stock of all kinds of Lar dies' goods. --MOORE & ARMSTRONG. 8 _-- MOORE & ARMSTRONG first, it will be a big I ' Home every time, © R.A, STEPHENS _---- MAKE UP THAT ORDER FOR GROCER- = 7 les, Come in or get us on the phone and centres, where it does no good to [get our prices. We buy close and sell close. the people of this community, Brerrittiog always fresh and wholesome. Apart from sentiment. how-|2%Y &% Home--eee the difference. if pays tr huy at home, The SHINDS BROS. ---------- rs | merchant is here every day |WHEN IT COMES TO DRY GOODS we the werk to back up his goods |just will not be undersold, either in or out and his prices. Before you buy of town, Moke us prove it. Get our prices an article from {he local mer. |first. Big stock of all kinds of Ladies! chant you have the opportunity [G24 carried. DEVLIN & MURCHISON ty look it over thoroughly -- to know just what you are getting for your money And after you ry loc WE ARE ALWAYS THE FIRST to displ {the latent creations in Ladies! Hous illinery. Keep in touch with the I buy it the merchant is here to an |fashions and shapes. Big nak et matte swer auy complaint or dissatis-|to-wear Hats in stock, --V. §, BROWNLEE faclion on the part of the eus- fumer, should sueh arise, Not s0'POOR PLUMBING is dear at eny price. with the mail-order house. Ul is /AUl our belp are thorough mechanics. If we a somewhat "hit and miss" polivy {do that job of plumbing or heating you can\ when you send your money. to Fst assured it ie done right, Get our esti- them, You buy from a catalogue mates first, --MOFFATT & PARR and vou have no means of de. |* termining the quality of tho|!F PRICES AND QUALITY COUNT for goods vou are going to get in anything a visit to our store will convince puoi eit ae ecole jamyone we carry the stock and our prices wen for your money, will surely be an object to every close Today the stores of Barrie buyer. Try us out, carry the finest assortment of --SARJEANT & KING, Limited hp-to-date goods they have had wpe tecrile goods They have bad WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY be sure you ee ee ie creat ABP S27: 'deal with « House that ia known for relabi- y keep their stor in fash~ 'lity, You don't have to know jewelry when ton.' and summer visitors from |you deal with us. Big lines of all kinds both American and Canadian of Jewelry to choose from--W. L. REEVE soods here during the |MAKE OUR GARAGE YOUR HOME for y Vtities of 'our auto. If it needs repairing I ean do quick. 'Big line of accescories and tires, grease, gasoline. Run your car ip and we will do the reat --WALTER TURTON'S GARAGE sf summer, remarking on the (fact that they could purchase better qualities at less prices, sir home cities, The citivens snould take a pride! --=------------------ = in their retail stores, for no THERE I$ NOTHING IN THE DRUG community of this size ean boast LINE you cannot find at our store, all 100 of better, and in ne community Scan. as Eig [ne of Propeiteny net can betler qualities be obtained [icines, Toilet articles, Sick-room supplies, for ae little mones, "the better [it ill be to your sdvantage to trade bere. the stocks the merchants carry better the selection the eiti- , and the greater the IT [SOUR AIM to sell all kinds of grocer asi {ies and Provisions at close prices. We have zens Jmumber of people who pure rrie, the belter the oppor ito 'stick to it. Try us out sod Buy at {he merehants have for in- |Home, --J. D. WISDOM & CO, Allandale. ng their stocks and earry- |, roe eee cause it. iv RESIDENTS OF ALLANDALE do not nesd nay EA, te----heeause It 1S tg Jook further for Dry Goods or clothing. fo your interest to build up your /You will find just what you want st our own community store in big variety, at prices that are much Parrie--beeanse you !lower than other Stores, Try us out \save money by so doing, --JOHN WEBB = BUY IN ALLANDALE and when you want hardware don't forget us. We carry Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. n lorge range. BARRIE --V. S. BRUNTON G.W.LEastman, Prop, R.G.Manuel, Mgr |= ite and Marble Monuments | KEEP IN TOUCH WITH US in the Jewel- y best material used and {ry line. I carry a big stock of all kinds of Jewelry and do repairing on short notice. I am the official Watch Inspector for G.T. Railroad."Also, I issue Marringe Licenses. --W. B. WEBB, Allandale, Tablets, class workmen employed. Brass Tab Prices always right. |OUR CLOTHING *SATISFIES the men jand boys looking for style, quality and rea- |!T WILL PAY-YOU TO BUY YOUR AUTO jense price. Full line of furnishings, ACCESSORIES FROM US. Ask us for any- | --THE W. C. HUNTER CLOTHING CO. /thing you need--WALTER URRY, 36 CUTTING AND FITTING OF CLOTHES is IF YOU CONTEMPLATE BUILDING on Bayfield St. an art and the merchant tailor who is repairing, see us for all kinds of lumber or |Buy FURS FROM THOSE YOU KNOW. proficient in this art is bound to get the buil preference. Try us for your next suit. Big short notice. lines of woolens to choose from. --F, J, LOWER | 100 und the proceeds of the Monday even, ing's enteriainment were $196.00. friends in Thornton this week Miss Beckie di Cloves Are Flower Buds Cloves ure the unopened flower buds of un evergreen tree which grows in the Spice They ure dried in the sun. week Ielands, and then packed for exportation, Prepare to par for Victory. EIGHTH LINE, INNISFIL boas 11 --Mr. und Mrs. A. Pirie visite//Men sometimes speak of the good old times Muster Jack Forbes re: | turned home last week after spending a few 'swith their cousins, Luella and Alvin | PF | Wilson, Anten Mills, gf material. Bills cut to order on | 1 Big stock Lath, Lumber, |We have a splendid assortment and you can save money by buying from us --SIMMONS & CO. shingles, etc. THE BALL PLANING MILL CO., LTD. The Good Old Times Today Inborer who has five collars | 4 day enjoys conveniences that Queen Elizx beth did not have in Kenilworth Castic. Dr. J. A. KEARNS Physician and Surgeon PHEI.PSTON. 0: Office hours: 12-2 and 'but in reulity there never were uny gol Jold times. Those were the bad old tim lund these ure the good new times--Rev. , ell Dwight Hill WALTER BATES Orillia Board of Education has passed a SINGING MASTER resolution prohibiting dancing in their | Collegiate Institute. Pupils prepared for profes- A membrial tublet to fallen soldiers was ' rork: unveiled und dedicated at Waubasushene sional work. |eently. The Bishop of Toronto officiated, For terms apply to phone 820 or Mr. Ralph Jobnaton, Buy advertised things, it pays BEWARE OF CHEAP IMITATIONS THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE "CANE MOLA" 100 PER CENT. PURE SUGAR CANE MOLASSES The best, Fattening, Milk Producing, Food Saving, Feed Molasses, on the market. Don't accept a substitute. We have a supply for immediate delivery. ALEX. MCKEE The only authorized Local Distributor for fence there has' been .no entertainer of late years in Elmyale more sppreciated. The Sundey collections 'amounted to over $120.- CANE MOLA COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, Montreal, Que. PATTERSON'S, The Rexall Store, Allandale r a success with this system and propose ~ Sa thr own nally ves i tem fru ne Sleep Pari train . Un Full Trun Horn Agen' Depot