THE : BARR IRCULATION THIS WEEK ~~ 3875 COPI IE: EXA WITH WHICH Is AMALGAMATED------__---- MI . SECTION 16 PAGES - ,secrons J. A, MacLAREN, Editor THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1919. > ------$-- Copies 4 cents --- Year (in advance) No. 46 56th Year W. C. WALLS, Manager NEW VICAR AT TRINITY CHURCH Rev. A. R. Beverley Welcom- ed by Large Congregations Last Sund. Wy AK » MAL hee Han Lis Work as wear of Pyinty Churel. last Sunday, ~ that sof iis ministry t rine amd event ehuveh was dllel le eaparity. by regation= whieh leak part im service Wilh greal heartiness ad Listened with the ele allention to the execetiont sermnans delivered by the new view. As ming oof ro day was alse of | inferiar of WULfully hed erated wlth eheysanthesiumns al ferns. with panels of gram ale Heewalls. A oniimber of fase tldled: to the The Rector. We During the morning gervier the Heetor Rey. Canan Mes 2 eratilated the congregation pen Hie aequisition sat Mr Bs Med PULy eomeurred ant Pernt WAT trusted Cat the ether wor reenable oan every way te \irar anil Weld redone: edifiee at the He Despoke for Mrs Bevertey ree Mal ese alention, supr eed a mutual svanpattey atid MY se nieenssiry uf the ehoreh is todo ats best wapk redurtory Wards IHN hes mernine Pw oviear jdde felony words th he he Karatly wel fenie extent the pertor at whale express ny NS Oulu me unfentied pleasnre te ehoafler heme ontsule the Preavinee dor twelve years. One Hiri is a previnee of whieh all antl he peeud. Ut lada's: popula Hs peoples has quarter of ton and furnished hall this pened is nei country s quate for uversens sere vie Great sndustevally and in matural reseurces, it tits also seenpied a position of leadership tothe Dominion. Only those wha, have lived outside its be some years can appr unique position it enjoys position carries With its sponsibilities which we should ognize and shoulder both as individ Mas component patris of th wince" Continu- ing. We said) "Ef fw come ta sob as Barrie, to a ¢ mely appointed and to a people ef whose good works Ihave beard much and of whose kindness { have already had ample evidence" He appealed to his people to work with one heart and one mind autiful a town y be divergence of views and this is one of the most diffi- eult problems with which a min- ister has to deal. There is room for--and we must e considerable divergenc jew in-acchureh ose broad as the Chureh of England. Some of these views are due to early en Virunment and training: 'some are fempermental; some are t result of convielion. 'Truth. is absolute but some aspects appeal fo one more strongly than an- other and this leads to greater emphasis being laid upon differ- ent aspects by different people. Difference of thought is an evi- puce of vitality, but while diff. ing from others each should ex- consideration and fore- rance. "After all," he said, "we will find that the things on ve whieh we differ are few and trifling, while those upon which We agree are grand and great and {rne. Let us try. to emphasize these for the upbuilding of the work of God among us." Reasons for Thanksgiving Turning to his sermon, which Was based ow -the words, "Fhanks be to God who giveth us the victory," the vicar brief- ly reealled the situation in inid-summer, 1918, and showed how the prayers -'of the people had been answered ina 'ay. The anniversary lice was very fitting time to regall with thankful hearts the "marvellous wav in which prayers were' answered and the tide turned to vietory. Some of the reasons for thankfulness mentioned by -the speaker were: Tragic Death of Well-Known Caught in Deep Rock Cut. Samuel MeMaster, 1 for jabove were Fadden, Rey and Ralph Rell and, marl ing between (heir camp and the) tral te mits marsh nol easy te traverse. Tad brief period is ¢ obviate crossing this, the hun) lighe ni both minister \lers usually take the track, On /dnd pe . and a year L habout Plas t Miy killed. Th is) v ent taloeate sounds inth flroek cuts amd it is prohabte tat sparinu: spiritual | He has a pleasing, onal, thought it te be further away EM pessible ti is wilhin 7 He has been thy. hiect riattor was a and its presenta- A eitealy followed work af the | MeMaster wankd hav: {Oop ele hunaws The f Hothete ean wh the seek off Meo Mew feral th the debit we he Werks listary {hts Limb was found and a 100, wards further they came pen re where he had met his end in whieh we re. jMhat the wietor is the proof af their sac amd address oon the fs thought that he was Mt iecan thie day. fy by the pilot ant that iy the evening the church was ath was instantaneous, A i Report whieh thee: honghl was lin the HReKed weber eee used by a railway tarpeds, An 7 4 jexamination of his rifle, how. history the country had as| {had discharged, undoubtedly due that this Jesus is the one and Ito the for [hit its owner this work Decraxed had a miraculous es-j mankind, the only King of kings, cape from death four years ago s! when one lex became caught in aay.) ike Jin aL ee the fly wheel of a gasoline engine| daughter of the late James John-- time we have had such a noble King and Queen and Prince of Wales setting be- Hfore the people such a splendid acknowledging the 1 in the victory the preacher said iving should not ex- haust itself in asknowledgment, In every church there should be erected same memorial for those who did not count elit a privilege} urch so hand-| curiffe the best artificial limb [brothers and three siste tension of the Kingdom. available pluckily stuck to his|Mark and Joseph of Utopia, operate successfully. A man of] Mrs. c intelligence and industry, he took| Mrs.-Eben Harris of Grenfel. quite an interest in public affairs] 'There was a very large atten- and had many friends. In religion|idance at the obsequies on Mon. he 'was a Presbyterian, a mem-|day afternoon. Rev. A. Shepherd per of the Angus chureh, where}conducted the funeral riles, as- was elected an elder some| sisted by Rev. T. J. Dew. Those years 'ago. He was 42 years of|who carried the pall were: Walker the cost but 'Thankfulnessglso should be con service for others; for the main- tenance of right and justice and the upbuilling of a strone pat. riotism laid upon the sure foun. dation of christianity, Masquerade at Ovenden The pupils at Ovenden College their friends had a theroughly enjoyable time at a masquerade ps hi He is survived by his wife Fadden, Roy: Bell, Ralph Bell and (formerly Miss Minnie Johnson, ! David Miller. Decorations were. mostly Hallowe'en variety and were very clevérly done, ystumes, ancient and modern, Victory Loan campaign. -There are still many Cana- dians who have neglected to become Possessors of Victory Loan Bonds. hn in great variety and 'neath the colored lights made a pretty So good were many of the make-ups that it was very difficult to say who was who be- fore the masks were removed. Three playlets of the schoul were greatly en- joyed hy the guests presents An original play entitled 'Aunt Eliza,' written by four of the girls, was put on by the following board- ers: B. and M. Boultbee, D. and A. Brown\E. Herman, R. Adams, H. Cowen, D. Hoare, R. Davis and The' plot furnished complications, and the girls made the most of. A sketch from Torehy was well done by four day girls, C. Raikes, G. Fyfe, A. Bell and P. Por: valiant. efforts of Canadian arms. They have shared in the good times which have been the good fortune of Canadians in the period following the War. They wish Prosperity to continue; but they have omitted to do their part in. insuring that there will be jobs and prosperity for all in days to come. ~ iven by pupils hour--without discharging their debt to the soldiers who died that they might live; to the warriors who are being restored to civil life. - the situations. surprisingly good work in "The Battle 1) "bat the menace of German fad Regillus'"(Mucaulay). SAM'L M'MASTER | |WIPED DEBT OFF KILLED BY TRAIN CENTRAL CHURCH Burned the Mortgage. Tt was with | eding gladness the 4 a trawie last str amd congregation af | Merning near Severn Fa'ls, 3 ithe ¢ Methodist Chureh & while on a hunting expedi-! celebrated their anniversary last Train amd instantly killed Wiping ah the inde tedness af On the previous Monday seven! 85500 upon this sacred edifies hunters from UClopia made their) Particular eredst! should be given camp abent four reds from the fe Thos. Dawsen whose generous CPR. track fo Voyards offer of Ston0 if the eoatt vern Falls. In th } riy fhe debt were provided for gave weve and dsaiah MeMas.@ start to the drive which cul. | alker MeMinn, Wm, Mes Minated) ins the burning of the on Metday night 'or ation such as the ¢ and earry throug runways is mach rock and! stiveess such a campaign in itable in the Ww Henry Barrie 2 Titerven. it + Fally entitled te an early start ,the warm Alulations which |was mad fT $, who had, they have received . W left camp Sunday Servic venminitesabcad af (he! fhe: seevieest ati SUE Wore mote allow fo his' slower in keoping with the happy ¢ About 250 yards north an, te helpful, large - Whe caiip ts a deep rock cut! iy attendedt, sucvessful in! py sharp curve, Mere the avery way GOR Turk, at junfortunats man was caught hy! brant the sp preacher, ix {(ravelling freight and ine wll known in as an ex-| HT wellont spe e der preaching, | Lusped sens Hh the morning te preached on he sobject oof ha estes sang seve MeMaster, if he he; Where h we the train til] pew that aneithe costly and nd if, as train was Vhour Mr He time te dings. ney hunters say, th ne fifty miles ber jtien, ner deelly Her eloquent preaching, ean af {he faundation of the Lard Jesus (Clete en His teachings, on in Him, and al to Him. A veh eee Metireh wherse rks are. sal Poached Abe Lraek on Teal aien. iE IGS ink shack aneed Mey FON te a places af wey hip away ont bers Won the girmirie has this iis a Ml etiech: amt oon the hand, if the great vity ea. Nhedral has ut not. it eannot he en his fren sly wins whe No few vards south remains of the hunter, has Batis cut up. Geine nerth ee the Cruek they found the | sanhaty ifternonn he gave the chook avery interesting well filled with worshippers whe the ideceased listened with deep inlerect ae the Jes heard : Neneh af {preacher eloquentiy discoursed minutes afte ramp his eom <0, the old, old theme that is always new, "One Jesus." He showed that the cartridge | toreetully reminded his hearers unive o vith which the train} iniy remedy for all the dils in the only Saviour of barn and was torn out, He[Ston of Allandale), one son and through, however, and se.|threr daughiers; also three isaiah enfel, Mrs. Jos. Jennett and Thos. MeCann of Utopia, which he continued toot ¢ McMinn, Win. Henry, Wm. Me- ONLY TWO DAYS MORE Saturday, November 15,-is the closing day of the They are grateful for Victory, which crowned the They should not let another day pass--or another | Splendid Response by Congre- Utopia Man on eal | gation Raised $5,500 -- | being struck by a G.PLR.| Sunday and Monday, this event! n-| Closed with an Vmoval ot thu Monday's Vea Meeting 'wertised as an old-[eher, tendered her resignation wer five hum rewd was ne eas: al inet piling detectable viands in abun- led al Christ ssf taj was killed iis! Churet* and in his sermon | ith Ree burning of the map z as. Corbett and Mes, Re G Man-/apply if her physical condition ¥ address was made hy} Owen, and a pleasing! 4,, " PEN WEE hen selves make prasperous at aeeenty as atl ined Du, an serigtiral lane !! yet full davheht. The Womust be oul on Raynor, vical solos: Miss Pearl Lewis, soloz Miss Bryson, organ | meeting wer nth he I why ty should be the only munivipality to ree in the way of (axes A tax could easily be fixed on the basis of so much for each There are eight or ten loeations in Oshawa and from October Attendance one to three boards The total revenue to the these twenty _or| Marshall thirty boards in the cours Year would amount to-a consid. erable sum. With the taxation of boards it}35, Miss Marr should also be made nece secure a permit for the ere: boards inerea: er endanger public safety through jMeston 31, Miss Collins 31, faulty construction. In Toronto,| Findlay 32 such permits, building and are required, fire departments,|Miss Henry 26, M It should also be] Miss Guest }{Possible for people living in a]33, Miss Bi residential district to oppose an|37, Miss Sarjeant 49. new bill boards near their homes, Dr. Little, M.O.H. if they felt like doing so.--Osh- rf awa Refoinie the Board _ brieft Let the slogan of.the last days of the campaign: be "Clean up the war job once for all." The most you can scrape together is the least you can subscribe to the Victory Loan. a es eae his action t 'K.C., for pit g [LADY TEACHERS ASK FOR $1000.00 As Maximum in PS. Salary Schedule -- Board Settles with Joint Stock Company. The two main features at the Yovember session of the Board fion, held on Monday {he application of the feaehers to have the salary schedule raised to $1000 and the decision tw pay the claim of the Joint Stock in full settlement of differences between this eam pany and the Re MI the mem~ bers were present, Students at BG ported yrincipal Girdwood + {2 students ni attending the Rov. G. R. Turk {B.C He requested certain ox penditures for library, maps, pie lords. 'The serviees|lures and biological specimens to impressive altar{eomply with the requirements, He also asked that more atten for the day, Which {lion be paid to the cleaning of Hi one, about |floors, which are entirely oul of J to the re-/Keeping with the rest" of the © from the |building, Two B.C. Resignations Miss Harper, commercial tea. to Wreting 'ullracted Hake effect at he end of the year, people on Mon-| ste ing cept feed such a|position in Stratford C. | flask, but the} Owing ta impaired health, Miss. {0 Gt, pro-/Simithsan also asked ta be velieve She said she Was inst reluctant to sever her the fea, an enter. feanneetion with the srhoolas she P ygiven in the chureh thas found everything relative to Moor Presiding. Inythe position absolutely satisface fure was thestory. When a new appointment Mrs.tis being considered she will re. te the tray, whily Mr. permits, and in'any event she will 'plied the mateh to the lat see the Board at a loss fora document. A con-| teach nds of S$. Ward School Mneipal Shear called attene tion to three matters needed in {jthe Burton Ave, set val 1 Heat for the hasement room used as a pom b 2 Sor 1 for gir yroom. (3 Pianu for kinde: earlen room. The one naw uw Was provided by friends of the Lennos n for the t 200. --___ Tax the Bill Boards school for the use of the whole Kingston has decided to fax the of that eity asks the Kingston i school, Teachers Want More A petition was reeeived from are a valuable |flie women teachers in the publia "And jaouree of vevenue to their own-|SChools, asking that the maxi_ { so why should they not con-}/2UM salary he raised ty 81000 share of the city r year and that each teacher be granted an increase of $100 dat. bot indeed? 'The]ing from Jan. Ist, 1920. They Whig is right. i abt in Kingston but. in|this application necessary and Oshawa and throughout the eoun-| teachers all over the province ara trv should be called upon to pay{@sking for increases from- $109 faxes to the municipality where business.' business valugilé franchise. The com. panies operating them have an extensive dnd valuable equipment. The one company in particular i any {hat controls the largest number [Come to realize that education is of boards and owns the "plani| Ne, if not the chief, foundation as il is called in Oshawa and the {Stone of civilization: therefore other lake shore towns, from 'To-| Children not only receive book route to Belleville, is a wealthy concern, with headquarters in To- ronto, and there is no r The dill boards | Pointed out that the H.C.L. makes to $400. Pouple in other walks The pill |Of life had received 'increases as represents ajCOSts went up but teachers on a stated salary have the greatest difficulty in making ends meet. jThey also said, "Sinee the out. break of the war people have knowledge but_must be trained more thoroughly in hone: truthfulness, industry, justice, harmony and all that goes to make a true and noble citizen. Money spent on edueation is not wasted but is thrift, for thrift is intelligent spending not "hoard- ing." Referred to committee. on why' ve anything at each lo-} Central---J, Marlin 33, W. prrie 3) Miss Booth 31, Miss 37, Miss Longman 3% of a/Miss Tripp 25, Miss Livingstone i Clutton 38, Miss Sproule » Miss Nixon 18, Miss MeRobie ry to East Ward. 'arson ion South Ward--E. Shear 33, Miss as often bill] Mingay 36. Miss Watson 31, Miss the fire hazard, Kennedy_35, Miss Justice 30, approved by the] | West Ward---J. E. Morrison 38, Dougall 26, A s Humphrey @sley 34, Miss Reid the erection of Dental Inspection addressed arding J. school inspection. While' the Edgerton Wins Appeal nurse is doing good work, her Judgment has been given in;recommendations are not always the appeal case of Edgerton vs,|followed, pai This was an appeal/spect to carious teeth, a most by Hepburn from. the|fruitful source of trouble and di. of Judge Wismer on}sease. He believed that some May 16, 1919, which awarded the/arrangement should be made for H. Edgerton, of[this work so that assistance $779.50 and costs injwoull be given to those unable '0 recover $825, being|to pay. In the case of adenoids Purchase money ofjno child whose parents were un. stallion "Furioso." The appeal|able to pay was allowed to suffer, was dismissed with costs. Boys,|the surgeons doing the work in Ferguson for deft.!such cases free of charge. icularly with re- (Continued on page 7.),