Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1919, p. 16

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Fri.-Sat., Nov. 14-15 A story that grips your alfentein al the very start and holds it with- aulooslackening lo the Very end. Ut a strik- ing, surprisimg. unusual picture Harold new Comedy, Alsv Lloyd ina BERT LYTELL Do you know that it is 'EASY TO MAKE MONEY' SEE BERT LYTELL AT DREAMLAND Mon.-Tues., Nov. 17-18 " if i dian, dat Upper Canada ¢ e and fam- elas a star on its foot. Mr. Lytell has tpidly to eminence motion piet in the world MADGE KENNEDY: --IN-- "DAUGHTER OF MINE" A story of people you love to meet. Wed.-Thurs., Nov. 19-20 Z |man. » good citizen and enjoyed a deserved @ |Brotherhoods at " Hthe office of. ALLANDALE NEWS |, Mrs, Wm. Rusk is in North Buy visiting 'her son. | Miss Violet Hill is in the city visiting her sister, Allan Brunton was home from London over Sunday. What about another bond? jis the last day. |" Roy Stone has bought W. B. Taylor's jhouse in Eesa street. Get behind the Community Association and boost our town, James Ford of Toronto apent the week- end at bis home here, Mr. and Mrs. Fowler Visiting at J.D. Wisdom Mrs. M. A. Hayes is spending a week or so with relatives in Colgan, | Mrs. C, Wilson and children are visit- ing the former's mother in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Lamb of Eust Toronto were week-end guests of Mrs. W, A. Pratt Mr. and Mrs, W| J. Marshal! have reach- ed Toronto on thelr way home from Eng- lund Jos. Trusk lust week purchased from S E, Turner a double house in Cumberland street. Mr. and Mr, W home after holidaying Windsor Mrs J. Tomlin and daughter, of Toronto, ting wich Mr. and Mrs. Thorington, Saturday of North Bay are Catlin have returned in London and H, Knapp, engineer. is nursing « sprained kle owing tog fill into the clinker pit at Gravenhurst last week Mr. und Mrs. Defo of Bolton, on their wedding trip. have been spending a few days at_D. Magloughlin's Mrs. Pingle. on her way from New York to her home in Winnipeg, spent w few days with Mix Archie Wilkinson. Rev. CW. Reynolds of Davisville. a for- mer pastor, will conduct the Burton Ave Methodist duniversar Sunday, A meeting of the O.R.C. will be held in the Trainmen's Hall on Sunday, Nov. 16, at 2.30, A full attendance is requested. While awaiting a load in the gravel pit a few diya ago. J. McFadden was caught in a cave ui hud his left font badly crushed. Debate. "Resolved that Moving Pictures re doing More Good than Harm," Bur ton avenue Methodist Church, Monday. Now. 17. | Owingstetwo eam of coul being derailed Jat King the Toronto morning train was one hour lage on Wednesday. coniing, via Jeorgetown and Beeton, Arthur Srigley and Miss A, Worsnop, 1 of Mr. and Mrs. E, Worsnop, Col well, were wedded at Ivy lust Wednesday They will reside in Cumberiand street, Miss Carrie Whitney left on Wednes a evening for a trip to her old home jnear London. England, She sails on Sun day morning from Montreal on the SS. Minnedoss he regular meeting of the B. of R.T. jwill be held in the Trainmen's Hall at 8.30 \p.m. on Sunday. Nov. 16 All members sre requested to attend. Election of officers land other important business, i Karl Long, a fireman living in Essa street, was attacked by acute indigestion on 'Tuesday und falling over. hit bis head aguinst the cellar door with such foree thut he was unconscious for some time A wedding of interest to many Allan dalers took place in London on Nov. 1. when Miss Reta Neill became the bride of Mr. Everett: McLean. They purpose living in Walkerville, 'The bride is a grend daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John Neill, Allan dale. The Presbyterian Church was crowded fist Sunday night when Rev. J.D. Byrnes gove a splendid address on the Forward Movement with particular reference to Home Missions for which he is Supt. Mre ngle of Winnipeg delighted the audience with ao solo, The Tate. Jerrid Wardman Jerrid Wirdman, one of the best known engineers on this division, died at his Thome in Brock street, early Fridsy morn ing, Nov. 7, He had been s sufferer from chronic stomach trouble for over two years. Fighteen months ago he had an operation which seemed very successful. About New 'Year's, however. he was taken with a hem- orrhage when out on his run and had to be brought home. Heisent to the celebrated Mayo Bros. in Rochester, Minn., for treat but little hope was given him and for several months he had been failing rap idly. | Deceused was 52 year old and was born at Newton Robinson, For many years be had handled the throttle on the G.T.R. jHe is survived by his wife and five sons, \the two eldest of which, Palmer and Wil- fred. saw service overseas. Of his father's family the following are Robert and Joseph of Superior, Wis.. Palmer, of Ashtabula, Mich, James and Mrs. E. 8. Lally, Barri = Mr. Wardman was an efficient railroad jpopularity among his fellows, The United ded the funéral on Sun- day afternoon and's large number of other friends were present to show their respect. Benj. Gilchrist Killed at Scotia Benjamin Gilchrist,' foreman carpenter in the B & B Dept., G.T.R., was killed at Scotia Jet. Inst Thursday while engaged in the re-construction of the pumphouse des- troyed by fire Iast summer. They were putting the smoke-stack in piace when one of the supports gave way letting the pipe fall Spon him. The blow struck him on the temple snd it is thought caused instantan- cous death. His body fell to the roof and then. rolling off, dropped to the ground, a total distance of about thirty feet. Deceased was sixty years of age and was born in Aurora, where he joined the G.T. 'R. staff forty years ago.. He had lived in Allandale three decades and had been a fors- man for a number of years. A thorough and conscientious workman, he rendered faithful service st all times, Of a very quiet disposition he did not take any sc- tive part in community: affairs, but. was, nevertheless; highly esteemed as a good cit- inen. In the Presbyterian Church be held manager. and his work there' was much appreciated. is sur. vived by his wife, two daughters and one son, Lieut, Jos, Gilchrist, who won his 'commission on the and is still at Bux- ton, England. One brother, Wm. Gilchrist, lives at "Aurora, The funeral was held on Saturday af- 'ternoon to the Union Cemetery. Rev. W. J. Watt conducted the service in the pres- ence of a large number of citisens were present to show their respect for the depart- 'ed and their deep sympathy for the family so suddenty bereaved. 'The pall-bearers were A. McLennan, N. Galbraith, M. Reid, "EL Ford, W. Culross and &. Shear. BEAUTIFUL MILLINERY PLEAS! Our show of Millinery enthusiasm th have the advar finest quality material cost. We invile van to dil array while stocks ar Misses Marshall and Lawl Miss Browne late. of Chief Trimmer. herder, hemmi nches long Get yours early 3for ....,.$1.00 Each 6 for Women's good winter weight Ringwood Glave in Nav Black. Pair .... ir f Mm Wa) "3% from Stock. IN MEMORIAM SUTTON--In loving memory of our dear son, Thomas Melville Sutton. who died in Barrie, November 14, 1917. We who love you, sadly miss you, As it dawns another year. In our lonely hours of thinking 'Thoughts of You are ever near, Father, Mother, Brothers and Siste: IN MEMORIAM In ever loving memory of my dear son, George Roy Brown, fell st Paschendsele, Nov. 14, 1917. His cheeks were pink, his eyes were blue, 'In his face was many a sunny smile. 'This world to me will never be on fair or sweet again, --MOTHER. IN MEMORIAM RICHARDSON--In loving niemory of Ag- neo McGinnis, wife of John Richardson, who died st Fergusonvale, Ont., Nov. 14th, 1918. 'We saw her suffering, heard her sighs; With aching hearts and weeping eyes, [We saw her sinking ho But could not stay de: otal aches, all sufferings past, | ur by hour, \ ath's awful power; | QUEENLY QUALITIES WINTER COATINGS BY THE YARD at hoth ends, I ix real goud value Medium and Dark Grey and . T60 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS First goods, no seconds, | Light and Mid. Grey Union Standard Flannelette J (sttan and Wool Flannel, Blankets, imedium size. measuring 64 by 72 ins 27 inches wide. A good Wn he Gres and 1 oaring eluth, plain only. Borders .......... $3.19 | Selling at 1917 price 480 hn \ i Hifi Barrie Dealers for Victor Vic- trolas and Records--Choose jAnd though on earth the body lies and you immed. Th and serves you Women's Fine H. mere Hose, in Jar. Pair .. WHITE FLANNI 30 aches wide and nil is selling 20 $1.90 12 for... in Women's Heavy Cape Gloves, self and contrasting point ¥. no Putty, Tan and ti. 6 to 7s Al... $2,00, $2.26 and $2.50 GREY FLANNEL . Malues beautifully made with gi IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear one', El- don and Jessie Skinner, who departed. life Nov. 10 and 11, 1018, One year has passed since thot sad day God called the ones we loved away, Forget them. no, we never will, roll on, we love them still day but their names are spoken Never an hour but they are in our thoughts A link in our family chain is broken, "They are gone from our home, but not from our hearts. MOTHER AND BROTHERS. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of George Wilton Liv- ingston, "who died Nov. 17, 1918. Dear George, thou hast left us Just one year ago to-day. Your fathet who was gone before Will weleome you up there. "Though your loving voice is cilent, And: your true heart ceased to beat Yet we miss your well-known footsteps, |And the face we used to greet. George left us in the prime of youth Now his sweet young life is o'er He is waiting on the other shore. 'The angels came with lightning speed. And "This hour thy sou! I need", Father in thy gracious keeping - 'Leave we now our loved one sleeping. Say Stockings Store is the Specialty Stocking store These we recommend: Sand. British make and very popu- Women's Extra Fine Gauge Cashmere Hose, mae in England, full fashion- Good Petticoat Underskirts of Best Japan Habutal, iately think of this Store. best in all Hosiery needs. eather Mixture Cash- Grey, Reindeer and -» $1.60 ELETTE EXTRA styles of dress. Tt al top, 4 hose supporters. fort and service. . Women's Pure Silk Gloves, double all through, in Mode, light Grey, Black and White, f points. sizes 6 to 8, Pair $1.90 WE SELL KNITTING YARNS Monarch Floss, Monaroh Down and Shetland Floss in a complete range of color- ings. Scotch Fingering Wool in Black and Grey And the finer grades of and rills, there IN MEMORIAM REID--In loving and unfailing memory of our darling Isabel, who fell asleep, safe in the arms of Jesus, Nov. 15, 1918. Sleep on, beloved, sleep and take thy rest, Lay down thy head upon thy Saviour's breast. 'We loved thee well, but Jesus loved thee best, Good night. Only good night! Beloved, not farewell, A little while and we shall meet again. Where we shall live and with the Saviour dwell. Good night. . --Mother and' Family and Mac. IN MEMORIAM In sad and loving memory of Pte. Thom- 'x William Ross, killed at Passchendaele, Nov. 12, 1917, buried at Poperingbe. ' "The midnight stars are shining on a far-off silent grave, Where sleepeth without dreaming one we could not sav Had we but ecen him sit the last, or held his drooping head such bitterness or grief. he reste in pence, He gave his life for others, Sadly mourned by his Mother, Sisters Mother, Sister and Brothers. 'and Brothers, Our Special Black Cat Silk Ho: t Wonen is now listed at val and perfeet fitting. Sizes 9, 94 paie. We still 1 P 15 doz. ING PRICES and 10. Pair $1.45 of old stock in Black, White, Mole pene a Women's Mid. Grey Cashmere Hose, aud Grey, Sizes 8! to 10. To he or buying Mal at all pure wool, elastic, seamless foot. sol at the old prie. Pair. $1.50 te SHpphr is Tiniled. Pairs <2 AS" Waa Fine Onalinine Hose, 'I.lama' complet Boys' Heavy Rib Worsted Hose, madi: British make, seamless foot, full win Cha of first qualily yarns. foot is seam. splendid: Stocking, p Murray-Kay Jess. taps clastic. Sizes 7,7! and 8. value as 82 Pu Pan wie iE aia ate . 900 in 1917. Sizes 83, and 10, Sizes 81,9, 81, 10 and 104. ..$1.25 Dial ssippedip:s gia: esseneecormmere $1.25 GOOD PILLOW COTTON IS SCARCE If you ean make a Coat for yourself . ' ' 5 hhis is the balance of a 1917 purchase, small vast by buying from our pore bleached, smooth fin- geod heavy weight cotton, assorunent of Lovely from dressing, ready for e threads and Kerseys, Zihelines, Hoimespans and It is 33 inches wide, Pillow Cottons Whitney Cloths, in Burgundy, Navy, iil' Wile: be due: iate this. Grey, Brown and Fawn i . é At i... $4.00, $4.25 and $4.50 7 pieces only to sell at yard... .800 A GOOD TEA TOWEL OUR SPECIAL $1.50 CORSET 4 This is a mul, weight Union Gotten and Linen, eolored Isa Corset that gives the desired contour te suit the popular is made med. low bust, long in skirt, laced in | 20 to 27 a WOMEN'S GLOVES--This Store's Assortment of the wanted styles is head of the class. 9 Women's --_--_--_---- AIL pure w Three Splendid Silk Values Premier Taffeta Silk, full 36 owide, leautiful lustrous finish, wear guaranteed. Super Duchesse Satin, Underskirts of Best Imported Molre, Manufaclure, 36 inches wide, good med. and full sizes, tucked and gath- ! bisa) or plies eee and ered Flounce, A_ splendid wearing i Skirts. ve absolutely fas! ne Taffetine in two Fine Crepe de Chene, 36 inches wide. v slyles, elastic hand. frilled, | an eseellent tality for evening and gathered Flounces, in wear, in Navy, Prune, Sleel, Rose, Paddy, While, Navy, Copen. i Peach, Maize, Shell, Sand, Old China hagen and Black. Fach .... $2.80 i African, Black and White. Yd. $2.25 Pictorial Patterns | GEO. VICKERS ------$------------------ -- _________.. But God has willed it otherwise and now ,reavement, Next Wednesday night a Paw |Masters' Night will b@ held at | dear. son and brother. Pringle, No. 651508, killed in action Sept. 27th. 1918, during an attack on the.Canal Du Nord and Bourbon Wood. buried im Quarry Wood Cemetery, France. Folks may think that we forget him, 'When at times they see us smile, But they little know the sorrow That this smile hides all the while. med of Coutille, weight mark, lace trimmed We recommend this for cap Pair $ Fine Fabric Gloves, chamois finish. 2 domes, in Mode, Light and Mediuin G Reindeer, Chamois, White and Black. Self and contrasting points, Sizes 6 lo BE. Pair $1.25 Fingering in Black, White SCARLET FLANNEL Scarlet Flan- xearee goods, full 7 inches wide and heavy weight, Yard ..., $1.55 oe inches tack only, Yd.' $2.25 fine French and Magazines IN MEMORIAM In proud and loving memory of our Pte. George A. Sadly missed by --Mother, Sister and Brother, Card of Thanks Mr. J. MoFadden and family wish to thank their many friends for the kindness shown them in their recent bereavement. Card of Thanks Mra, J Wardman and family wish to 'thank the members of the Brotherhoods (Our hearts, we think, would not have felt aa other friends for kindness and sympathy jown in connestion with their recent be- Corinthian Lodge.

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