Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Nov 1919, p. 11

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rest. 8 for mato! hison rout ». ond THE BARRIE EXAMINER Page Eleven z x CRAIGHURST Imitated--never equalled There 1s ss much difference be-" en Sunlight imitators ay there 1s between sunuight and tw artificial with superior soap for vuur monev--yoo ect LEVER BROTHERS LM BRENTWOOD Now 4. Ose, after an ab years eumty The Mixes Berthelotr of 0 the week-end with their au Dresjaridine Mis M. J. Winds of Toronto is visit with frends in Brentwoorl ice of | lous barn, which 1 its eapacity D. Gatley spent a pleasant with her son, DY Ar. of Barrie. hist week Win. Morby, whe bh for the piast six me ly Hollowete bmpraving th o vom terial dame being dune te pees ins a Property, Truly Brenswouk us a lawesbed hue city. Voratues re meng lively. Numerow buyers at New wre paying from tw 310 Th ere ate aul of AT qual teatly © Abwut an aver athough the ge: het te be up te staniard crop has been is reported Harold Moewell left on Mowlay morning with many others on the fur north AD) Gauley with Adie ton frends Li EDENVALE Now 40 Mr. and Mix. Walter Middleton ya) gyn ef Gloichen, Alta. are spending some ttn wath old friepels amt relatives h the stork' of Mr. and Mrs. A fay, Oct 29. ni left a hate buy vier' tls The farmer yore at through pleuzh te ond: threshing here There Was to ehurch sevice beld here on hay. lust uimiversary wt Min wing Minard's Linment Cures Colds, &c. ---- Recommends Internal Kath- ing for Piles and Constipa- tion. suifer from ony alls results curnulated waste in the - what the JBL bet there would be Conatien home. Mr EON Ont, writes "L jureh pu about t ie best mor years Thal heen t en ulcers in the b «money T spent on medic doctors only relieved: temporarily. M Caselde hus completely cured thes and T feel at a duty Lowe to my nea to ender the Caseade in the very highes: terms, No amount of money could estimate the value at hay me Ne home should be without one. The JBL invention for 1 sw y Lever invested, {with webs und Coseade is the only perfeete n, cur rheumatism und keeps you fit at is shown and explained at . Crossland's Drug Store This is Better Than Laxatives 'One NR Tablet Each Night For A Week Wil! Correct Your Constipation and Make Constant Dosing Unneces- sary. Try It. Poor digestion and assimilation mean a poorly nourished body and low vitality. Poor elimination means clogged bowels, fermentation, putrl- faction and the formation of poisonous gases which are absorbed by the blood and carried throush the body. he result is weakness, headaches, dizziness, coated tongue, inactive livel billous attacks, loss of' energy, ner' ousness, poor 'appetite, Impoverished blood, sallow complexion, pimples, skin disease, and often times serious {ll 'ness, . Ordinary laxatives, purges' and ca- thartics--saits, lls, calomel. and the Ike--ray relieve for a few hours, but Teal, lasting "benefit. can only come through Use of medicine that tones 'Up and strengthens the digestive as 'Well as the eliminative orga: etre ze, box, of Nature e, Remedy 4NR Tablets) and take one tablet each' night for a week. Rellef will follow the very first dose, but a few days will elapse before you feel and realize the fullest fi. "When you get straightened 0: again you nee not take' medicine every day--an occasional NR Tablet will' then keep your system {n good condition and"you will always feel your best. Remember, keeping well Is 'aster and cheaper thin getting well. Nature's Remedy (NR Tablets) are sold, guaranteed-and recommended by. your druggist, WM. CROSSLAND. DRUGGIST Malis Himes AEE: Better than Pills loee. A mor Livery Ils. ac-Bax w renewing wequaintunee inthis vi. [Church Jno, | Mi e has put an wddition to hie adis Bunya dangerously ill jee av this ent smaflpox is develoying quite rapidly: in a hung ten to !th 1 months seo and and feel just right' | Soap and tts light' Why? -- Absulute purity cleansing powers - more real them vn Sunlight Soap ITED TORONTO ONT Nov. 10.--Mrs. A. Robbins is with her niother, Mrs. A, Debenham of Dalston, who is very ill in Barrie hospital. Mrs. D. Teney has returned to her home in Saskatchewan after an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Morrison, and other relatives, Mr. Teney also was bere for a couple of weeks, but returned on account om business Miss Jean Minty had an enjoyable visit with her friend, Miss Rouse of Mitchell Square. Leander Hart of Upton Works, Michigan, and his brother, John Hart of Elmvule called on friends here the first of the weck Miss McClung and Miss Jamieson of t Second of Flos were visitors at Mr. Tur- ner's over the week-end. Miss Goldring. teacher, sncnt the week PHELPSTON Father Canilin of St, Michael's Turnbto, spent the week-end the mugs of Rev, Mo J. Gearin. C1 Mrs. Morrson und daughter Annie, the Laughlin, King. and MueMabon_ of mivile teaching staff, svent Saturday ening last with Miss M, Platt | Mix Eo Shunshin ie meeting with de Uo sccess with her musical elusses it Irene Moran, who 3} Nov. 1. n singing. el Laughtrr of James Kelly, who s couple af week» ago was strack by u eriving at ty briines, is, Lam pleased te report, boner more uble to be out and aroutil, Receving a ride home from F school, she did not observe the approach of annther tien atl ste S receiving a that th the opposite ditre ly in front of it Tix miraculous ot kitled ure reported in » should be tu reading n Torowt, and the MOH. is advocating the 1 eorit of v k loaded a car of as fine potutwes as ever left this district, taking average tun for the earload. all of ch were grown in his own potute witch A few other cane were loaded by Shanahan Bros The prevuiling price wis $130 hut 1 hear the price anced to | UFO. borh load. | 315.50 being paid for hogs According tw munienl tiytaps. PLA fe going te save Reeve Train a run eeveshin. the comune. elections Ssuith I Drysdale will seel nity Reeves. Have ant he: oraghli iukting a te who intend « eitiors tone doubt there will be a = ent cking. the ho An clove wee the rectare 1 th whe would take a keen internet int chet ond their general nderrune 1a ines Wer ella real y nig we re un thanks tw the party who | ody Ned of Ay frowned near ¢ son of Henry uecidentally while duck. hi here for buri Roto Croighurst, home at Ayre, the fu the Cert followin hort tine in the We. binarried » httle over two: rs. having two iYoung. childre Mr. O'Neill was 9 young man of promise, and had a very" sree of Friewls, bo and in his new vme on the West. und it was certainly a shork tw his relatives and friends here | wrt of the sud sceident that befel him while ow shooting ducks with a compan- on. His parents, brothers and sisters, wife atl fomily have the real sympathy of all | Jin this community. 'The funeral was large- | 'Ivy attended and' was condueted by Rev. Mod. Gearin, = - | Owing io the scarcity of coal, S. Platt [would be willing to part with « few tons of good soft coal such ax was used exten- sively here tygt season. | | MIDHURST | «anit had only been Nov, 4,--WV. W. Boyce has purchased the house and lot (one sere) formerly owned by Mrs. Frankland. Mr. Frankland has moved to the Sneath property. Mrs, R, R. Herman und Master Roy left for Toronto on Tuesduy to spend a week with friends, | Drawing potatoes and shipping them on ithe ears is the order of the day here. | Stanley Dunn left for Bala on Tuesday to |vidit the hunting grounds, |_ Miss Gertrude Corson went to Buffalo, ast week and intends spending the winter months there, I, Miss Lottie Cochrane is visiting friends jm Belle Ewart, | Miss Mary Boyce of Elmvale is the guest jof Mrs. W. W, Boyce. Mrs. M. Black is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. Horton, Big Bay Point. Mrs. James Frankcom has returned home jafter spending a few weeks with her daugh. ter, Mrs. J. W. Hughes, Toronto, R. Wattie. A. Dwyer and R. Lytton left for the hunting grounds this week, Nallowe'en passed aff quietly around here with not much damage done as most of the boys and girls attended thé Hallowe'en party at H. Barrett's, Most of the farmers 'ate busily engaged in getting out their turnips, W. Comeron of Alliston spent the week- end in the village. A. Lucock of Barrie spent a few days last week with Midhurst friends. Mrs. Harry Carson, who has been in the R. V. Hospital, Barrie, is able to be out and come home. . . Cochrane and G. Henderson are busi- ly engaged in lathing und plastering F. Wallwin's house. Minard's Liniwwat Cures Garget in Cows end her parents in Whitby, | A great many potatoes ure being sbijpeit from this point. There are four buyers here. A freak potato grown on the farm of John Archer of Medonte, shove Hillsdale: is an object of interest. It is the shape uf 8 hand tightly closed; it resembles u fist very much and is about the sume size. The largest potatoes I have heard of have bre grown on the farm of Geo. Frazer. of them weighed four pounds and some measured twelve inches in length As Perey Thompson was taking some furniture and building mazeriut down to T. O'Neill's house at the millyard on Thure day. something broke about the wagon just | as he was crossing the ruilroal track at | the Station, He unhitched the horses and | before he could do anything with the wagon the Winnipeg Express pulled in, smashir the wagon badly und destroying tents. Mr. Thompson barely escaped he small sum to invest. H. A. SIMS M at The Bank of Toronto, lanager your venture. Put something by for a sunny day! IHEN the horizon brightens with an opportunity that-may lead to your success and prosperity, do not let it find you unready to take it on. Through lack of capital, many men have been forced to sce their opportunities pass-- in many cases all that was required was a very A few dollars saved each week or month, deposited to your credit in a savings account earns, will soon accumulate to a substantial sum. Have it ready when the call comes for Your savings account is invited. THEBANK°F TORONTO with the interest it at uu struck by the flying debris, | Richardson went to Barrie Harey pital List week suffering from a h was six hours late, was going "d inthe eal - thigh. stuusbed to the Wa It west. |Drury replied for both, expressing the wish | village, There fe smother care of smallpox at) tered the furniure aud hme and broke [that they would always hold. ther place jhave a son. Anton Mills the wagon and ruck, but driver and team [in the hearta of their old friends, nt got off safely. | The Women's Institute and Farmers' (From auother indent) farmers of this viewity shipped {Club will meet at the home of Mr. and | een, Ave Readman spent the week end at his through the UO 8 carloads of potatoes, |Mrs. Fred Partridge on Tuesday evening Tissniie linea | Inext. The report of the convention will Rev Herman and GC Caston at te given There will also be music. Every- teniled iter guprer tendered Eee CROWN HILL Joue welcome. . Drury at hix home Saturday evening. | Now. 10,--Mnw. Irwin Luck und son Har. | pe Meo 1. and the Mies Wright of Orr| ry are visting relatives in Toronto. BELLE EWART Lake spent one Sunday with their ester, | "Mrs. Edgerton accompanied her daugh v4 Mr. D. Sommers, ters, Luurette and Margaret to Toronto A Richardson has gone nurth for the | this. wee hunting. season ; Mrs. A. Trombley is spending a few days Miss Hattie Leuch of Lovering hac re. Fruendy. and neighbours to about 150 lin 'fencene ee "Taughter, Blanche, {areal Ronie Aer wpetaling some tiaie. with Feathered, at the Homie of Mé,. and "Mm. lwho is having ai cherie ee be ee her wunt, Mrs, Gen. Ostranier EC. Drury on Saturday evening for an [this week What might have been a serious aeculent | oyster supper und to extend to them the P. Thomson. While crossing | right hand of good fellowship the track with a load of furmture and lime | dresses were given by Rev, W. Irwin |x few days. the drawholt came out leaving the wagon |wnd Rev. F. Herman, Mr. Herman pro: |" Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Harvey on the track just as the Winnipeg train, | poxing the toust, Mr. Drury was pres. t. jon the Harmonic, spent a few days with and will remain for the Women's |i: family here Tusnitute convent Short ad-|new home and will be moving into it in ' Here is the latest news from music land Between the covers of this handsome book you will find 488 interesting pages of up-to-the-minute musical information. are sutic 4 with 4 beautiful bouquet. Mr, |The stork is having a busy timo in ous Mr. and Mrs, D. Cochrane alsd W. Ruffett is sporting s new car. The boys played some pranks on Hallow. Boys will be boys. DALSTON Nov. 10.--Thrashing is finished in thi art and a fair yield of grain is reported, Mrs. Chas. Church is very poorly at time Hermon, Chief Engineer | of writing. Mrs. A. Debenham is in the hospital eb present, suffering from cancer. A number of families in this distriet ing from severe colds, Dr. C. H, Baldwin, V.S., of Beaverton, John Ferrier has almost completed his |'#lled on friends here last week. Bruce Watson bas gone north with the hunters, John Lavender of Toronto was home Whan on the arrival of a son on the Ist. | for a few days lust week. The newest successes of the most popular stars of opera, concert, and vaudeville. The best and latest dance musica, The triumphs of great sym- phony orchestras and military bands, The weirdest jazzings, Songs and music ofall lands and all ages. All the music of all the world is yours on Columbia Records. : Here you will find thousands of fase Columbia Grafonolas Sti cinating numbers convenientlyindexed in this complete and authoritative en- cyclopedia of music. This new Columbia Catalog is in- dispensable to music lovers who wish to keep their records up to date. Every Columbia dealer has a limited supply for distribution without charge. Besure to get your copy before this complimentary edition is exhausted, tandard Models $32 to $360. New Columbia Records out the 20th of every month COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY, TORONTO a BARRIE AGENCY Insure your own and the Nation's Prosperity BUY VICTORY BONDS Garrett's Music Store PHONE 259W P.O.BOX 178 ere tae ee

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