THE: BARRIE: f XAMINER --_---- WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED------- CIRCULATION SECTION 2 mus week" ~ $875 COPIES | Thif BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING | 16 PAGES * 25°83, 56th Year te ALE aeaer BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1919. $1.50 Poe Veer tin aittnce) No. 46 Barr Victory THE Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up Capital 4 9,700,000 Reserve and Undivided Prosts-- 15.07 0,000 : «220,000,008 Tioiene ducati and. Willer Wel Catineweed for Dr PHONOGRAPHS AND EVERYTHING |Hubhard, dr. aitties and pulliety! yesterday a ehalten IN MUSIC manager, are the Canadian C8 | eyed tron Collinews ~ falives working pup first place. Ut = promptty G ry M ° Ss Soldier Burned Out veutgee ala ee CRreUIIGe CoMIBM aereqie Aaser ¢Speute wines arrett's Music Store A+ beuse belengims to Gee. etianibeieey, edeatea a pper | tee iM ro Arthur as "follow ~, = V Ehyabeth st. justent. Caheeda Col and fumed as a Han City Hurean has Cor. Elizabeth and Mary Sts. . shuren its foothall team. Mr.sore ? ~. side the Gown bats. was badly | iat tas pisen rapully tw emine fared casamusits Phone 259w P.O. Box 178 bulted by : n Tuesday lhe min the mation pietare world, | \y Ha pege much b ORGANIZING TO BOOST BARRIEf Community ting on a Campaign to In- crease Civil Interest. wha witnessed within] fare and the West Simcoe the past week the the new Barrie Community As- oan soe iahen and the p | ) ol E vit yom! Friday even WHO WILL HEAD | THE DISTRICT ?: Association Put-|Hot Race Between Barrie and Collingwood -- W. Simcoe | is Doing Fine. Garrett's Music Store Special This Week aunching af) Pistriel are making wo nanie for selves in tie" present View| Voeampain, -- Already | erests with | Trade. The ation will dowider sey; Should be loyal ly supported by by Hie av ie i nd love all the mumeipalities but every citizen. and aims} Sunnmidale and 'Teeumarth-Ad- ry n SUE AY MALL SEVERAL EXTRA GOOD SIX- This Bank gladly furnishes full aun . Urea! OCTAVE ORGANS * ' . ian . an field | information, and is pleased to co rig nc ate ta a oan eek |e on These would fill the place of a piano operate with intending subscribers. by the Canade tty Bureau off Havrie rd bast Fein for a number of years and you may obtain ir y "i Hendaittelees BI daw with wt ef S158000 for one on a reduced cash basis or on easy ot o " yun i} some some 2 '3 nate art BOM terms of payment. Don't be without house" to all eili- music in the home when,a small outlay will make you the possessor of a good in- strument. Call and see them. full sof Barrie piled Cor whieh wall onday morning another ber { ALSO HEINTZMAN & CO. AND WEBER PIANOS and a full line of Titer-town Haver to beat Bown yore wall best ua The Pravines." bonds and boost Barrie. District Objective to date % ' Bar % - $300,000 $525.050 175 « i Cihvens generally are taking a Returns to Nov, 12 Collingwood . «300,000 "406-250 155.4 fb bul sats removed Hen. Hert Lytell wi 'ohn Sinelair, « in the competition! Up to last night the total for] Vespra......... 75,000 87.100 116.1 in safety, Thoust in f the Prewulands Mon Gaaintun, Fred "Novenwn, Wo lance is being giv-| West Simcoe was $2,374,050, of |Sunnidale 47.500 63.3 enionts in te upper mt Easy Onilier, Sam Tihiekmore, oS. 8 Do what you! which $120,009 was special sub- Hoot oe if rn . " erty e elps. If] seriptions. 'T 31.9 Inpisf 7 fr ies hy Altre " itn iM i ie : i vr phone cent, at tie "bi ih divin. | Eas & Tostio aes Jarba Toi Suxtable, GT. Dey ' J y |Wen Gwill'bury 199.950 133.3 soldier, who is | | (Continueo on page 12.) Buy |ions the totals [Tee'seth & Ad'In. 275,000 235,400 85.6 Sarjeant & King, Ltd. GREAT SACRIFICE SALE Lasting 7 Days--From Saturday, Nov. 15, to Saturday, Nov. 22--One Week _Sarjeant & King, Ltd. ST: 50-in. on sale Windows REDUCED Mill Ends of Factory Cotton, 7 to 10 yd. lengths, at before-the-war prices, 36rin:, on sal€ oo. eee ee eee . 16 Watch our Show We're "Overstocked'"'--that's the whole story. Delayed shipments, owing to recent strikes, have been piling in along with last month's regular shipments, causing a congestion of stocks which we are forced to relieve, regardless of loss. As future prices are sure to be higher, this is surely a great chance for YOU to practice thrift. You need merely to glance at the prices below to realize that this sale is too good to miss. Remember, it lasts for SEVEN DAYS ONLY. LADIES' COATS COATS REDUCED LADIES' COATS 20 LADIES' COATS 15 ONLY LADIES' COATS made up in the very best of wool cloths. If you want a good knock- | in the very latest styles. Newly arrived, Northway make. Worth to- about coat for winter, here's your chance. Selling at a "$5.00 day $22.50. Sure to be year............. $15, 00 Ns! low figure. Come and see them. .. Sale price eis sicssivesane ww wean na om eeanaas aawereais For one week . 29.0.0... e cece eee eee a NORTHWAY COATS REDUCED PLUSH COATS SACRIFICED A rack'of Coats in browns, greens, blues and greys, with belts, buttons, plush collars, hip pockets, rows of box pleats and many novel button $40.00. Sale price .... and braid trimming, worth to-day $35.00 .........000- $31. 00 Best Quality Plush Coats in Nartiaey make, Cut Price esis ceiver as conawey ee os eains oe arrows every respect. Worth today $45.00 On Sale............". 7536.00 10 PER CENT OFF ANY COAT IN STOCK NOT MENTIONED ABOVE--10 PER CENT OFF APLES double the price. All colors. HATS, recent creations from our workroom, beautifully trimmed, 5 Sale price 6.0... cece cece tee eee een eee nee eeeee $5.00 | 54-in. Heavy All-Wool Diagonal Coating, Black Bed Spreads of heavy white cotton, large size, spec- | 25 Velvet and Felt Hats, good style, to clear .......-..-+-- $1.00 | and Navy only, winter weight, worth at least $3.50. ially priced for the sale ............. $1.99 each. SALE BEGINS 9 A.M. SATURDAY, NOV. 15 On Sale $1.95 Baby Lamb Coats in latest styles and excellent cloths, worth to-day A SPECIAL IN DRESS GOODS A table full of Dress Goods in Serges, Diagonals, Gabardines, Broadcloths, Panamas, etc., worth | Sarjeant & King, Limited | «=» » On Sale $1.19