"A Thursday, November 6, 1919 a FIRE Destroyed 8317, 014. 386.00 worth of property last year! 6000 people were burned to death! Many men were rnined! Insurance covers only part of the loss. In. sure, but be prepared to put out the fire yourself before a loss or death occurs. Many fires cannot he' prevented bul all can be put out before a loss occurs if you can grab a Weldon Fire Gun < |] Strongest-- a wolded steel shell in black baked enamel, Simplest--No complex pump or loose parts Fastest-- Jus! open valve "and a &teady stream shoots 25 feet, forming a dense gas of 500 volumes. Surest--Kills all fires, care bide, gas, gasoline, films, grease, oil, electric, etc. Safest--Chemical can't de- teriorate, freeze, or harm anything but fire Best-- For autos, factory, home, office, store, school, garage. If you are interested in Fire Extinguishers call at MOORE'S . Vulcanizing Shop 55 Elizabeth St.--Phone 405 THE WELDON FIRE GUN » $9.50 each MISS L. E. WILLERS PIANIST ACCOMPANIST wall, St Braden' veen party Gentlemen} -amy ¥ NEWS OF COOKSTOWN The representative of the Barrie Exuminer in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. News items for Cookstown and adjacent country m 'Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper scriptions, either-new or renewals may be forwarded through him. Miss Patterson, 'nurse, of Chicago, is visiting at her home in Essa. Thos. McKnight has sold the barnes foro position on the railway. business to Mr. MeCullough. Mrs. Miner spent a few days in Toronto |Club, who left for South Rive: ou Mond y last week, Daniel Kidd left last week for Tort Wil- |Flynn. Jas, Wreggitt. Alf, Hounsome, Cecil liam where he will spend the winter. Miss C, Sutherland is visiting her brother, 'Dobeon, Ambrose Campbell. Jobn. Baker |Dr, Sutherland, in St, Catharines, dW e High Scho eld a Hal- G0ing later on. eee IG febook students, bald Friday, | Mr. Duffin of Toronto, who recently pur. when u most enjoyuble evening was spent [chased Mra. Jas, Campbell's farm \in_gsme H Mr. Sune . Fisher's have the aole agency' for the 'House of Hobberlin (Tailors to Canadian Order now and be one of the | itsany satisfied customers, is supposed to have entered ool one night last week. In sturting the fire he used » chai Inthe morning the teacher chair was found beside the afove, the tramp wp: parently having made himself comfortable, John's Church will hold their an- ,hual fowl supper on Wed. Nov. 26, H. T. Rankin wishes to announce that! The re: he has put in a stock of harnes# and is now 'Cunningham. Prepared to do business in that line and | Hospital on Monday, Oct. 27, were brought solicite your patronage me nd Mrs. W. h friends onto ure visiting at Robt. Marling', Hurry Coleman and fami Forest lust week, E. Morton spent over |Will reside in part of Mra. Jax, Campbell's be handed or phoned to Mr. jone No. 39 finds him. Sub- Arthur Rowe left on Saturday for .il- landale where he will make application The members of the Cookstown Hunt jwere W. J. Broley. Hurry Fieher, John! Bunting, T. Lawrence, Elmer Feltis, John and Wm, Nevils, A few othere intend put on your feet. moved to town this week. Mr. Duffin and family rough treatment. 'house for the present. J. R. Coure left on Tuesday for Spar frow Lake, Muskoka, where be will enjoy + week's hun ing. Rev. W. Creswick, Commissioner of 'the Boy Scouts, attended an executive 'meeting of the provincial council in Toronto off the Ithis week. Mrs. Gordon of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mm. on. ~MeNaught H, T. Rankin delivered « Newcombe pi 'ano to Walter Smith of Ivy this week. Miss Baker of Stouffville is visiting her yaister, Mrs, H, B. Barnes «of the late Willi who died at Owen Sound in Toronto. before buying: Boys' Extra Stout Blucher Cut Boots, with plain toes, made of waterproofed Tan Leather, wide fitting, Sizes 2 rn $4.35 Boys' and Youths' Bouts, Blucher cut leather soles and hee Fine Quality Grain style, with solid m James Sizes 11 to 134.. oo $3.45 Prices right. to his late residence. lot 8. con. 2. Mul- Sizes 1 fo DAL. ++. $3.85. Mrs. EC MeLeod and children of Tor-|mur and from there conveyed to Shelburne {Cemetery on Wednesday for interment' The Boys' and Youths' Stout Solid Leather Mrs, John Grshum and son Robert, and |!ste Mr. Cunningham was 70 years of age Tlucher Cut Boots. Heavy soles and visited at Moust |He was a brother of Geo. and Jerry Cun- cond wide heels, ningham of this pluce. Sines 41 ta 13 $288 Wesley McNaught spent Sues of te bl. 1. 1§3145 Mr. and Mra Sunday in Toronto, Mis: Peurl Broome has taken a position in Toronto Mine Robin . Fisher's left for her home in $ th Successor to the Miss Doane Patterson: Brow: of Eaue threshed about (er conca oni Tucwday al lise Week, ta aue for the Spirella Corset Companiy 500 tvushela sweet clover last week, (first | 1" o Blintea bh Mews ORY ios orders from all old customers and threshing been 4 popular occupan: of the chair the ay Wiativ new ones us possible, = -- -- -- past T Asveltine of Kingston ry 6 Charlotte St. Barrie, Ont, will be the new first vice-president, and | TEMPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES Mr. Boys Elected Pres, of the Ontario Curling Assoc. Lads Toots in Box Kip Blucher Cut Style, wl, broad, solid leather soles, low heels. ' . © of |W. A. Boys, K.C.. MP. of the Barrie f " fae Hee Ses OT hecih. Clul wm ielecved Seadent of the] Sines 8 10 (02s ceev eee e eee war on Saturday, OMturio Curling Association at the forty. Snel OR RMU reth vannul sheeting at, the Geaaie Chae ant cleetion is that to the| ney ux in two years, 2 routine, he will go up nti he becomes presiding ithe most impor second vices cording 10 OCA. ene each year Fine Footwear for Men and Women at Correspondingly Low Prices. ANNOUNCE ANOTHER WEEK-END OF SPECIALS FOR THE YOUNGER MEMBERS OF. THE FAMILY What kind of Shoes are your Children wearing? WHO IS YOUR SHOE DEALER? It's not a safe proposition to experiment when you buy Footwear. Knowing "Where to buy" is just as important as knowing what to Children's Shoes usually have hard roads to travel; they get a lot of This Store sells shoes to meet every requirement, you are sure of what you are getting and you can't go wrong on that basis. The following are a few of our specials which we invite you to inspect Girls' and Misses' Stout' Grain Lace Boots, medium high top, stout soles, wide heels, Blucher cut style. Sizes 8 to 104. . $2.75 Sizes 11 to 2. + $3.50 Misses' Bools in Blucher Style, made of best quality Box Kip, stout soles, low heels, Sizes 11 to 2 + $2.95 Misses' Boots in Dark Tan, high top, lace' style, sewn soles, medium narrow 'toes, low heels, - $3.85 Girls' Boots in Dark Brown Blucher Style, sewn soles, low heels, sturdy and strong. Sizes 8 fo 104 $2.85 sional work. oan will ultimately cir || For terms apply to phone 820 or Mr. Ralph Johnston, | and WALTER BATES SINGING MASTER "| Pupils prepared for profes- BUY VICTORY BONDS mans Ww lofficer an 19; C. P. FARRELL rem ttirssoureal io men os | : Orchestra furnished for I | Asune ace ron re worst tance jas A Macta 1 Torani who was| the youths of this town each succeeding !ing you, Mr, Editor, for space, | Dances and all occasions | pik Tond et oox |the chief executive in 191 OF the! yeur on Hullowe'en, What was. formerly 'Yours truly, | 4 © Herbert Ave. Toronto TERT EMRE TORRTO|] curlers who ele! the ranch ad Ss, | harmless fun bas degenerated into an ab- TAXPAYER. -- | . Humanity has lacked a practical theumatie (Hit finer Hon. Peter Gow in 1 'fy | solute disregard of law and order, For *wo H ieee tanngsecreeia i fye Havel, voy yop sng th are S00™ een ma reper te | Your unty grows whem ein Vitory SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS) #5\.:2.°) susie TRC a ---------- [to breaking and. pulling. down the fenee, (mds and it alwaya handy if BARRIE | suderualte wth arate tenes Scandalous Behavior they have actually destroyed parte of the | 5 ie Moines [Pe Si Wit you alte hr pace in| sogmest a earner lamar Torre | M0 mone' subscribed to the, a * Gret-clans eet eae ne tee | re 'Sole Agent for Barrie, ba ber ae Ul ES satan | Cas welbing be dave 4 protect revidente | culate in Canada to the benefit} -- 1 8 specialty. Prices slwuye right William Crossland, Druggist and Kodaks. ton destruction of property pwrpetrated oy |against such scandalous behavior? 'Thank-| of all, ey it Place nfitural --\. to Wat. \\ red op- nsibil- sand . r pokes i , ae AT REASONABLE PRICES or the P Hip nan of and Our stock of Standard Firs such as Mink, Sable, Beaver, Fox, aie Wolf, Opossum, Hudson Seal, Lynx, Fitch, etc., etc., are at least 20 He. Ale per cent below the market value of the goods to-day. . These are facts. 5 and The skins, all bought last season, are based on last season's prices. . ' We can sell you good Furs at less than the prices asked by the large . city stores, also we have the largest and most complete stock to be fy, Ale, : found in SIMCOE COUNTY. kward While 6 wills Hudson Seal Coats in big variety, all lengths and trim- See the large selection of Children's Furs--White ; ; atts mings, from ............05 - $225.00 to $350.00 Thibet, White Coney, Oppossum, Fox, Wolf, etc., etc. We eae very fine : , . ° ; . range of Ladies', Miss- eo Electric Seal Coats from ........- $150.00 to $200.00 pou py otkrocans are prepared wy give you estimates as' Pa Children's cloth : on Fur Collars and Cuffs for your cloth coats. Also on 7 olenr, Muskrat Coats, from ......+.+-. $75.00 to $100.00 remodelling and repairs. y Coats--new foods are Keen- -, + trimmed and untrimmed. : , riving every ay. ee in Marmot Coats from ...... . +++. $75.00 to $100.00 RAW FURS-- -RAW FURS okie ancien peed» Wy Persian Lamb Coats from ....... $275.00 to $300.00 For No. | Prime Furs we will pay more than you Velours, Silver-tones, eouve Russian Pony Coats, Oppossum trimmed, at..$110.00 can get from any local or outside buyer. We need the Beavers, Zibelines, ainds a Z furs to manufacture, and we are going to pay the highest Tweeds, Plush, pens Sets of Furs, for Misses and Ladies, an assortment prices, but we want only No. 1 Prime Furs. Do not Baby-Lamb coats, vow 4 of specially-priced sets, from $10.00 to $15.00, in Mane bring poor skins. Send your furs to Barrie by express. See our Special val- ithe churian Fur, Natural Wolf, Imported Fox, Cat, Lynx, We wit, put our price on the goods and hold until you ue in Plush Coats, Poke > \ etc., etc. confirm price. If not satisfactory we will return to you Salts". * P y : die In the more expensive sets and single pieces our at our expense. REMEMBER if you want the BIG If you are looking eadith i tionally reasonable. * PRICES let us have your skins. : for a Winter Coat we and PCOS RIE ERECP can save you money. deals rvice. ere a ie high , . Beh New Fall and Winter Hats for Men ni nt a See-our Genuine Velour and Silk Finish Felt Hats, priced from ding. $3.50 to $7.00. Be NEW BORSALINQS--JUST ARRIVED. We are sole agent for. an Barrie-and Allandale for-this famous high-grade hat. They are-now ud guaranteed as before the war, color and shape,. They will out-wear . ie two hats of any other make. sy ; ; ma In Caps we have all the new materials, and our prices are right. rous\ Lop: ~__ -can nidis New Suede and Beaver Caps at $2.00. Boys' Caps from 50c to $1.50 BARRIE ONT.