Thursday, November 6, 1919" THE BARRIE EXAMINER EARNESTNESS IS A STRONG =~ , , CHARACTERISTIC OF E. C. DRURY | ee ee a, ; . ' e ; F , - ' is By W. L. SMITH, ties will remember "Dick" and the Young j < Hi 3. | Editor of the Farmers' Sun. Lenape of = cere ee Pood ---------- ea : a with jim, once ssid that Sam Bla! 8 mem- . ; q Enmestness--strenuous, virile earnestness |ory like a wet" blanket--anything thrown 4 ce --this is the outstanding characteristic in|et it stuck there. That is the sort of -usmi- ° 4 : the mental and moral make-up of E. C.|ory Drury has. But he does not depend 4 Drury. 4 4 __ lon memory alone. He is glutton for ' Earnestness runs through all the activi-|ovading, for worth while reading. Even ties of life in his ease, It bubbles over like jthe Tali Tamarac of Luther, the iate Jim T Perr agen fg cpl emree de gt [a a mega Aaron ng a or / prohibition days when be expatates oo the lye for blue-books No git in er eens / i S fairly boils over when the merits of aweet |Ptory eet oot te ee ! j Glover ure under discuion. But eveM report of the Auditor-General or the snnual Webster's unabridged fails to furnish 4 com-|Tyade and Commerce returns for Canada. ' | bination of words that would dq justice Rut hie reading i much wider than this to the blazing earnestness expressed by ¢¥¢. (statement would indicate. The Bible and hand and voiee when E. C. turns bimsell |Shakespeare, MeCaulay and Dickens, the ° | Tore cus that aura of ihe ge illsinin pol bert literature of the English language. find ic Canaan tae eof the, it him & Rees and inteligent appreciation e F.0, nwt have first seen the light during Is Strong on Platform the progress of an old-time Methodist ""pro-| All, these things--wide reading. a mem- tracted=meeting."" In no ovher way could ory that holds earnestness based on cot vic such prodigious earnestness have been born tion und « strong and yet clear voice 1 at \ { Dru- Y | in him. 'curries well--will: help to explain The chief charucteristic that came with !ry's strength on the platform. And oa the nativity hus been accentuated by the fine |pletform no one who hax heard him iced i Of life work followed since a maturity that,oe told that he ix strong. There are, in = } {itm|. few men in public life who can make hegan early was reuched, On Sundays, a ~~ . Toeal prescher. this young man eloquent ; nvineing speech than 4 say be hearc urging sinners, in the usual é y npiotop uny subject neeeped sense of the word, to repentaace [of which he "has made himself raver. | q On any other day of the week that van (And this is said, notwithstanding the fart be spared from the home work of that he his heen known, on oceuson. to on which E. C, represents the third Drs 8 eto two und even three, e mneration an equally fiery call to political four or five. real good hitching jan" be Sinners to see the errors of their way may (fore finally tying up for the night \ Sra : be heard coming from the same source. Combined with w high order of nlstform ---- Two Characteristics shility there is a corresponding w Two other notable characteristics por. {tithough the weakness dors not equal the cee ee et leader are simpheity n {steeneth. Ang here nnocher Binke story Irving aed an almost ehikt-like faith in mun. !may he told. Ur is aid of Eahward Blake that, after one of bis masterly efforts in fave only ja that not in- (tbat a cesar in 2 the House of Commons, in whieh he bsd : said all shere wus to be aaid on x question, | F y h: 100 th ' ) i raga Ae at ae ele ou have in the Savings TI hat jheedless of what followers were saying after | cacbat him by wey 'of repetition. Drury is not B : : rap 1 i what mS a a tite dow et pot ank it will pay you 3 pe under hia hat rather than the hat racif, isle. He only reads the editorial page of p Tr ria the heart within, aot the clothes with 'ever paper lies at hand. unless that | ra wih ey yO teal | cent. interest, or in fifteen years, kind in ge i ever It is wha | ind silken hose. the glitter of uniform and' Anovher weakness has in it grave pox the rustle of silks thot mark the opening sibilities of danger. Freedom of speeth ix of a Legistature will leave him éold, The such a consuming passion with this spokes: | 4 Well-reusoned argument, bucked by con: jnjn of agriculture that he is apt to be a : ction, come -from what source it may. litle too free in this matter. He carries | challenge his whole attention at once. idea of open diplomacy to.» rather | Has Retentive Memory e pont at times. That almost child. | i One exceedingly valuuble qualification ; mpliety alreudy referred-to. and a} \ gsi | for big new office Mr. Drury possesses --a |conf are apt to lead to the "4 ul t ' Ya remurkably retentive memory "Dick Arn. |miak' f stetements, and the imparting io) a € a mone y ou strong, the Young Conservatives of the nine, {cont ey that wally sive ae ' ) : never indulge in save when the doar is th . -- . jelase tyled. und seldom then, 'There are e gi B : k d eae ae ae Savings Bank and inves | h ou wish "some- {jilent in several langusges sa: NA body would in | "sy one pavtcutve Drary i= peculiar cow: | it in 1 * t somethi Myo ueeen' te tbe work of che tan he Vict B Cc will Mena BRECUAES Beis" Ben (hl Btn hy ory Bonds, Canada when digestion is good, poisons [sv thy nnd findeth 19 to do with all 5 a , gre formed during Jts pro. |e". "wtwuil share wen ata pay you 5% per cent. interest on heme acre ion of untiring industry cesses thet soles ciminsted aes conmbinat gating wry | it : . th irritate mind as well as body. [1m aie ee eee veh Pade terested he 1 or 1n e i aps tee Meson. ; same time, $82.50 9 bY | 5 gets to the botom of it before he finally quits. But efforts to get hitn started, or | to keep him going at the dull rou'ine of mosaic business, have at times brought hie Sola every: friends almost to despair. There seems | mee PILLS In borem |i such esses to be an inconquerable dis: | ' position to put off until tomorrow the thing | that should have been done day before esterday. It is rather a pity that those { : a ARDY Ene old beech trees. well laden with pliable . rods. that once lined the Penetang road, i i had afl disappeared before FE, C. start®d to! q school. Judicious applications of the rod | | at that "time might have led to greater) > if application in another way on the part of | e@ : ' --_--_---- the victim Ister on. By Lydia E Pinkham's ~~ Honest and Sincere | . BW the retort, made by a young hue Vegetable Compound, |bind, who complained of the discovery that 4 p : , his wife was not an angel, fits in here. "A Winona, Minn,--"I suffered for more jnice vor: of mate you would make for an than s year from nervousness, end Was | angel." No woman is altogether perfect. and 80 bad I could not |men fall still farther short of perfection. rest at night-- |Good qualities must be set off against other | eevee ares oe eae ite ol and get more interest would bare Set f aatisfactory level on the right side, There and in the mornin ty of purpose, whole- boundless enthusiasm. Would be all tired |, wide outlook based on equally wide know Lydia E. Pinkham's ledge. ed 8 cseeky for cont in im- . .s 8 |peccable-English and in pleasing voice, op- j , : r egetable Come jie based on careful and painstaking en- laeued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee & ound end thought |ouiry. Taking him by and large Ontario's operation with the Minister of Finance , next Premier will messure up to his job, of tbe Dominion of Canada. : - eft and will not be shamed by comparison, : . well and feel fine in the morning and \¢ven with the greatest of his predecessors. do my work, I gladly recom- W. L. SMITH. ¢ liances, 3 tend tags Pinkham's Vegetable Heating' Cor Mes, ae eee ae oe B.C.I. Students or Old Boys : Olmstead St., Winona, Minn. 'The Barrie Collegiate Old Boys will like- 7 = How often do.we hear the expression |Iy line up as follows for their game aguinst en, "am so nervous, I ean B.C.L, on Saturday. or "it seems as i 0, ; > "Such women s ree ying Wing--Gallagher (U.C.) or Hall Meg soles Sees Eee | eee, aes Arete (0, : ! | Hoyes we 8 # Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Com |" juside Wings--'Holly" Dyer (Prep. C), _BARRIE FISH SHOP pound, a trial. ta 'LS. For ears it has been gman (TiL8.) ' igs ee is sec |e, "tbe EO vt &@ 4 mente, inflammation, ulceration, {eg | "Scrimmage Boys | (TL8.1, Cameron . 4 ziness, and nervous tration of E. Dyer (Meds.), Now Open for Business omen, ands now enusidered the stam |. ke--MeDonald, Dyment, Eeten (T.L. . . ; dard remedy for such ailments, ef Selling all kinds of } « 5 WET AND DRIED ; FISH ALSO EVERY DAY 4 Fried Fish and French Fried Potatoes Served at Tables or Sold Over the Counter to Take Home MAIL CONTRACT r Sealed Tenders, addressed to the Post- master General, will be received at Ottewa until noon, on Friday, the 28:h of Novem- |® ber, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract, for four years, six times per week on the route Barrie Rural Mail Route No. 2; from the'tbo Ist April next. qi Printed notices, containing further in- formation ss to. conditions of proposed. Con- 'tract. may be seen and blank forms of Ten- der may be obtained st the Post Offices Barrie and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, Toronto; Post Office Inspector' 'Office, Toronto, October 16th, 1919, E A. SUTHERLAND, Post Office a