Page Twelve THE BARRIE THE ADLET COLUMN FOR SALE---Cow and calf, quiet and cas- ly milked. Apply 87 Ross atreet. 43-45p FOR SALE--Five well-bred Leicester ram lambs, D. H. Minty, Craighurst. 49-45¢ REMODELLED and Repaired, Miss M. McArthur. King Block, Barne. 48p |, FOR SALB--40 it windmill in first-class condition. Apply to Examfner office. 40-45) Maul for light duty Other Mrs. Ceeil, ALTO LIVER Town or country. V. R. Finlay, 120 Coline St Phone 30 $2ife F-roomed house, situated oppos: Schoul 94 Clap. perton street. Phone 4448p FOR SAL half of N half lots 2. 3, 4, 3. in lot 16, con, 11, Innisfil. Apply to Margaret Quan'z, Craigvale 39-50 ONTARIO WINTER WHEAT. BRAN, and ORTS FOR SALE. Government pri- Fisher Flour Mills. Ltd 42-46¢ --Day or night service. | There is every possibility of a; fd scarcity in Tea about the be- ginning of 1920. Keep a gooc i LOCAL NEWS supply on hand. We will be a glad to fill ydur five-pound) G4. cameron shipped three orders at five cents a pound|cars of stock at Barrie this week. reduction. Keep your eye on the official 'Y seore board in the Victory Loan T. N. HOBLE office window, "THE HUB" --loave your order now for Heintzman & Co's piano tuner at Tea and Coffee House J (arrett's Music Store. | - --See Hinds Bros.' windows | WOMAN wants work by the day. Apply|for special 20¢ articles, reg. 25¢ 13 Ross street. > 45-45e} to 35c, ne "Bringing up Father," Nov. 12. SHED housekeeping fla le, ape : ISHED housekeeping flat 10 Jet, pyat Grand Opera House, Plan |_ly to this ofice SPJ opens al Malcomson's at 10 a.m., FOR SALE-Two team of beavy horses. | Friday, Nov. 7 Apply at, this office gael Hinds Bros. have a Special BOOKKEEPER, young lady. desires posi- | © Black "Tea al 550. ps tion, P.O. Box 834 45-43e| pound: 5 Ibs. al Sie: 10 Ibs. at -- In. General servant.) Apply Mi) OSH. Brown. of Mulland, has y. the Americ! . AB ASp| Sean ae A pee _Beverley. the American Hotel, 45-450) ooned up a real estale brokerage FORD CAR in good condition, $300 buys|business here. See his adver. Apply ROR. Urry, Barrie. 45-45p|tisement in this issue EWES FOR SALE, Six pure bred Shrop shires, two years up. Bred to first-class Crawford, Minesing. Sp 00 for a modern nine-room brick house, 0 well sine or a small six. room, Bax ON Exanuner office 45 31 FOR SALE. Brevi-to-lay Rhode Island Red fowl. Guelph strain. Also one black robe, Apily Ganl residence, Muleaster street 4247p HOUSE FOR SALE- Valuable property corner of McDonald and Muleaster street For terms apply JO. Powell, exre Powell & Co. 42.45 FURNISHED ROOMS und. Apartments to | tent. abn unfurnished fat= of two, four | it five rooms, Apply Noo 1. May aventie" 4itfe CLEANING SING Your 'old suit nel averees mole to Irak like new. by Havey Tens Row Block, Dunlop St Mrs. Harry Smith, 13 Perey St, in fed an adlet for a steve for sale last week and sold it) the day after the paper was issued. Hear Katharine Hale 2 Auditorium, in small wood FOR SALE----Twi stoves, Apply FOR SALE--Ten hens. one rooster, $13.00 the lot if taken at once. 8 Frances street COOK WANTED, experienced. Good wo ges Apply st Ovensden College, Barrie. |Sonig and, Verse." Ausprees of Women Teachers' Association. T Bluck socker xpanicl, name Admission 25 cents 45-45¢ ) tan Reward Apply 115 Collier Local buleher shops have re- ect 4548c] duced the prices of sume lines \ Som SALRLIA wh en The jf cured me [FOR SANE eS Kennedy, FER of the packing firms have quoted Allundal © $h46p [the lower prives te them as ye i table las se eed thie |RULL FOR SALE High grade UV ENEL Seer me eens two years old, pure bred. A weeupied by 'Orn: Blutior: Radium Stine ny the Adam son Black i in automnebile stow NOGRAPHER open for position Tw» | yy sant and a half yeurs expenence. Apply Box | Rey. Dh Hyrhes. Supt. of TRY Bromine, AER Mises will preach in WANTED General nvaid. gad wa Ap TSE Andrew's Churel next Sune Mr © C. Hinds, 181 F 1, phone 12 pelo the Atlan. eth Hytay naaverne tis 4 the evening shareh A TADY with every comfortable h wohl 1 saw or twa boarders the send week in Decemier Apply P 470 Hes SIZ. Burew North half FARM Fok sit apply Pun ANTE Hathest powers pad. sat STRA\YED vs Ww 1a divert Get WO rel snd wha Bor aale at your own terme 8 for Cheismis stck | Keenan's Mic 44 A5e POL RENT. cunte rooms Vere pen RO per month ate posession, Apidy Mrs Do HL Be re st wis SAX WELL Examiner 40-45 For sa) 40 eres, 150 ander enltiva bahane Mlundule P.O. 42 47) nnte our ROFL Ca nse 1 Rock Cockeres ny Unby chicks A each, 10 Orpitigion Cockerels. 82 Anderson, Crossdand, 44-480 Exneriene-d Chak Gens for private famaly nul dining room only whe 2e + kept, No washing, Dre nid syrens cunphed, Wages $40. Pleas Humphrey. 21 Ponlar Hh 44 45c reply Cnnpin Phas Ri To WOW IT MAY CONCERN. Take no- tier that in defauft of payment of prin py hen note. also bill storage, on certain chap you mill property | of WOH. Merten Ont... the Tauchinery: will to sald. in. cover, the debt Wo, Martin A160 cijsal onl for mpesire oung man of good appear: | T years, for responsible of Knowledge of shorthand g lesirable bat no " rmanent position. end goo chaner of advancement for the fight man, | Renly in own handwriting lifieations, and xalury exnect Examiner. 44tfe of oifice men are sgving: "L simply. must mike more money. Meanwhile tramed secount 5 Gincturing concerns. a clerk, assistant | bookkeeper. stenng. raph. you can graduate into the big irg uccountant's position by simply | ing ut home during your spare time. and thir without interfering with your yrresent occupation. We have a bank. Yet "HOW TO LEARN ACCOUNTANCY" which explains how you can study at home under the supeavision of chartered accountants, the best accountancy course in America, We have dozens of students in Toronto alone and hundreds through- out Canada. The book is sent to you free of charge, and it may help you out of your present position' placing you where 'You will-be able to get_a much Larger sal: ary and better position, If you are am- itious." if you wish to make your way jn life, then it is up to yoy to write us snd investigate our method. It will not cost you anything to look into our offer. while it may cost you a lot of money by not investigating. 80 just -drop us a Tine to-day. and read our booklet which will tell you how easily YOU can become 'mn expert accountant. International Ac- countants Society, Box 362, Toronto, Ont. 45-(fe Auloof the Chil Lande | FOR SALE. All hinnechold | gos, including one good chok dave Hiren's Shelter purpase servins | Apily 33 Mutesster Ubernned fea ah fhe mew: home oy tt the egy ets clTieak opening, gold brooch with tiie tas doe auuineainicedd Titer nek OW moet dD ats, but only same | EXAMINER Demand Sweaters » AND THERE ARE MANY TO CHOOSE FROM HERE While a Sweater's first essential may be warmth, its styling should also be given due consideration. Careful examination will reveal that these Sweaters are just what you need for the crisp Fall days. In plain and fancy knit. Men's Fine Wool Sweater Coats, plain | Bo colors, red, brown, black, grey, also plaid sweater coats; these are big values $4.75, $5.00, $6.00, $7.50, $9.00, $10. Men's Pull-over Sweaters, plain navy blue brown, and red; these are good value HE RGiSeee one oo enerenn © $3.50 and $3.75 Boys' Heavy Wool Pullover Sweaters, black and orange, easy priced pnenee pe a lame $2.25, $2.50, $2.75 Ladies' Sweater Coats, all wool, nice col- Orings, easy priced $7.50, $9.00, $9.50 Ladies' Silk Sweater Coats, nice colorings, purple, black, old gold, orange, rose. canary; extra sizes 28, brown and value Ladi ne Wool Pullover Sweaters, with sailor collars, spe prices $3.00, $3.75, $6.00, $6.75, $7.00, $8.50 Ladies' Brushed Wool Sets, scarf and logue, nice assortment at colors, eas priced 2... ee eee $3.50 set Misses' Brushed Wool Sets, good colors, sear! sind toque, special... $3.00 set WE SAVE YOU MONEY Brown Fibre $ 13-inch price With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon. See a ina his arm an} TURNISHED HOUSE, Flot or Wourtment= Sti Hyditecc bit aisle wethwutt chil i heen : chill cul af othe engine af tle call Box 88 ARAR eek back tem when he was anney af pene Mote ferumhat soot Lizhtwind Hardwe neh ent Just arrived a send asserts] Vardy Walter Goi AHO went at the New Presby ters aul Stall block folding purse, contain Hominy Hoke. We al svall suri nf money Finder ple wad selortiat at chiteed | W Ragunare nffiee and bibles ---tiarre dts wat roe ner of Eheabeth at the Vespers Hy Viavier + Tivfiekd street nf pareanents, WANTED Y ie ound Grau) Opera ae with thie ---- wthraetian best ane) Satie. | WASTED Gi girt wh he shaw Wan. Paverstami an The} how silver Wine. ad will probably peated ata haber date Mi it 1 Obb Time Toa Meet. Gene [HOESD PEP LOST. abou S months old. pap Metheutist Chureh, New 10 hivek acel tan, white br Son yg atid aes | white tors, Finder plewe ademe VK ( 0" ba 5 Lowe. 0 Thomson street 4nd and a * tardies Lo wipe: olf pee oun -- the whole yor MAN wishes work on frm. es Cehurel. Supper served ato pom. perieneed or would take other work, if "Pjekips Site table, Woull' areept. work divine) rhe Tuckskin Hunt Chih: Left _/eetton, "Bag UCT Usaniire Teast Monday te spend the hunt. f aK see WANTED to buy. wy Rare pre ing oseasen in) Muskeka. 'The _Give fall particulars of by nes! Club consists of the following M no sents. emibers, Messrs. © Mex. er 45 4A7P | Robert and Redge TO RENT. Up-to-date paved ene! Linton. J, tence and floor. just east Collier street | vers and Harold D} Methodist Choireh -- Inumediate poses | 4 thie Hor Apnly Wo ON. Duff, 126 Collier Telephone 17. gel bytery, te be held in st. Andrew s] (Chureh next Tuesday, most of the FOR SALE--Chapman Gust a 'time will he ¢ to the an- Toronto Pump. for farm or country hohe | nual conferene water supply. Kuss condition. man |}. ziven hy Rev ufvetured Ontario Wind Engine é& Pump | 's ie ea Ree Will sell cheap, Geo, Allan, 35 Me Bex, _laes Binnie agd" Arye N ih street. Hamilton. | Prank Rae For a HOWE FOR SALE --Brick house, 12 rooms. ! the all conveniences, large veranda in ALi he pri ford street Rrick hans. | Fasa street. $1800. House $10.00, John street. Geo. Wile | ® 45-45¢/ A © of fr ing loz roof hogs shipped by ). shipper on Monikty lized To the 80 per ewl.: for lambs. 6O per owl, Barrig weights. roof catlle sold at a range 7 1 86.00. ty $10.50 ace '0 RENT-South West. qu de i' 18, concesion U, 'To. of Tnnisfil and |e, ie and quality. east 30 aeres of the South East quarter} Che anniversary servicers al of lot no. 17 in the 1th concession of [the Stroud Methodist Chureh will the township of Innisfil, For particulars |be held on Sunday, Nov. 9. Spe apnly. to Mis mith, Crnigvele |ial services at {{ a.m. and 7 p.m. RRA 45-46P | Services will be condueted by at ne mage: prev: Gapt_W. Lib; daweene PROPERTIES FOR SALE [p.a.. 'or Newinarkel. | Freewill offering. Pastor, Rey. Mr. Shap-! Woe are still isting and-selling tm { alot of town and farm properties. There's a reason. you want 'Andeow'n Choir at the to buy, sell or rent, it will pay| py, of Mr and Mrs. i vou fa seo us,.we have one of|Brown last week. The-house was the best lists north of Toronto. | artistically decorated in orange, We also have a number of Town |and black with pumpkin lights. | Properties to exchange for Farms.| prizes for costumes went to Mrs. Remember, we guarantee a square | (og, Browil., dreasen a dealto all parties, * _lgrandmother, and Mr. Barker who PARTRIDGE & GORDON wore a Jewish outfit. The cus- Real Estate Agents tomary Hallowe'en games occu- Office Phone 861, Residence 796 or 478 |picd most of the evening and all Office: Five Points, Barrie, Ont./had a merry time. a ---------- The Rev. A. R. Beverl who Whitewear Factory Started = {comes to Barrie as the Vicar of) The new industry for the'man-|Trinily Church, Mrs.. Beverley ufacture of whitewear for misses/and their, two children arrived and children opened in the King|from Quebee City on Wednesday. block on Monday morning with|Rev. Mr. Beverley will assume twelve' machines. running. An-|his duti next Sunday, when other six machines will be added | special thanksgiving services will as soon as opetators gat some/he held in Trinity. Mrs. Bing- experience. Miss Tho on, of/ham has sold her \property on Toronto, is in charge. Mr. Watts |Collier St., which will be used-as yesterday expressed himself as}a vicarage, and Rev. and Mrs. | much pleased with the logation' Beverley and family will take up| and the way things are going. 'their residence there next week. eon i to fer real estate, 3 Owen street | Hallowe'en party was | rsx in Ih) Gakes are almozt an impossibility Sunkist ¢ ( A WHERE MOS IN MEMORIAM SS--In loving memory of Hildred with eggs at the present price, so Jefferies, who passed away Nov. why not use an egg powder ? We who loved you, sadly mise you, As it dawns snother year: In_our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you ure ever near, Beatrice and M: IN MEMORIAM An ever cherished aad fond memory of our darling Thelma. who fell asleep in Je- sux. Nov. 3. 1917. Only und dearly be- loved child of Fred and Beatrice Grose, A lovely sweet, though frail and tender flower. to ux ten years was given, Transplanted now two years, our precious flower brigh:ly blooms in Heaven, But. oh. for the touch of a vanish'd hand 'And the sound of a voice that is still. We have NO-KG in packages equal to 24 yokes. with dire. IN MEMORIAM fiens for use, per pke...+-200 | JOHNSTON In ever loving memory of And Rolf Keg Substitute, equal |) Corporal James Miller Johnston, 177th to 24 eggs. both white and yoke y Simcoe Bu., who died of wounds, Some per tin 250 | where in France, November 6th, 1917, HH. Custard "Powder, MeLaren's Jelly flavor fin 450 |The hardest part has come Powder, all Anboene ten ee ote throng 2 for 250 | The face of one we mourn, ing Mra. Perry and Cora. uch 6Oc Collingwood, Onta pefruit, Marmalade 26c.and 450 i nineteen IN MEMORIAM Delicious Pure: MINCE MEAT of |. In loving memory of our brother, Frank finest quality, which may he [Herrell. who died Nov, 5. 1018, at Row- fased with apples. per th, 300 |!*y Station. Alt Pure <Clover? Honey, ini tar Short und sudden was the call a JOF one so dearly loved by all. 2-2 260, 800 and BOO |r. iow wns grent, the shock severe, Sardines in Tomato Sauce, tins |We little thought his deuth so near. with key 200 j And only those who loved can tell The puin of not suying a last farewell, SATURDAY ONLY Brother and Sisters. Strong. well made, five string BROOMS, each (while they IN MEMORIAM lant) 870 | s{¢CONKEY--In fond and cherished memory It Pays to Pay Oash at the Cash 'of our loved ones gone before. Dalton G. disaster, Nov. 9, 1913, both very deeply mourned for; and also little Amy Win- nifred, only sister, and Tommy R., the berland street, Allandale, s son. 'When fife was bright and full of cheer; IROBSON--On Friday, Oct. 31, 1919, to |The Reaper takes the choicest flowers Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Rotwon, Shanty |And little children, aweet and fair McConkey, Oct. 27, 1918, after a brief ill- WISDOM'S second brother, who many years ago died = ore 'Also in fond remembrance of their father, Cotton Sweater Coats, with collars, , 30, 32; colors navy blue, ae... $14.50/ GOOD VALUES IN CLUB BAGS Black Fabrikoid, size 18 inch, two handles; special value Black and Brown Cowhide Bag, 18 inch, two handles, extra value ..... $10.00 School Cases, 12 inch. Fibre Suit Cases, lock and two side clasps, swingle handle dark red; these are big $1.50 $5.00 50c 60c 15 75 sizes 22, 24, with br: inch $2.00 the nice goods at little prices. IN MEMORIAM JEFFERIES--In loving memory of Hilla Jefferies, cousin of Mr. and Mrs, Kellund, who passed away Nov, 4, 1918, We think of you. Hilda dear, But not with outward show Hut the heart that_mourns Mourns silently and Tow, 'The silent grief that in our souls Human life can trace For many an aching heart is hil Behind a smiling face. Martha and Arthur, IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my deurly beloved wife and mother, Sarah June Agar, who died 'Nevember 7, 1916. Peaceful be thy silent sleep, Peaceful in "thy grave so low; Thou no more on earth will join us, Thou no more our sorrows know. Yer y we hope to meet you When the day of life is fled, And in Heaven with joy to greet you Where no farewell tears are shed. sincerely -Husbund and Daught IN MEMORIAM In memory of my friend, W. N. |. dison, who enlisted in the 157th Bn., und was killed at Passchendacle Oct. 31, 1917. He sailed away with the boys so rave He never thought of feur. And now he sleeps in a eoldier's grave While we mourn him over here. Sleep on, Nelson, in your far-off grave, The grave T may never see. But while life and memory. last I will remember thee. Deeply regretted by his sister's chum. Myrtle Hill. Want to sell your Motor Ci A little adlet may do the tri See page 12 TRINITY CHURCH Special Thanksgiving Services Sunday, Nov. 9 8.30--Holy Communion. 11.00--Morning Prayer and Sermon. . 3.00--Sunday School and Bible Class. 7.00--Evening Prayer and Sermon. - nese; and his eldest brother, Capt. Ed: ward Haughton McConkey, who went S down with his ship in the Great Lakes BRI n an Oct. 81, 1919, to from diphtheria, in, the eighth year of LUNTON--On Friday, Oct. 31, 1019. their age. Mr. and Mrs. Alf, H. Brunton, 23 Cum- |c aie 'ees arth tn Sport 'end 'maaciiood, Bay, MAW--At Minesing, on Wed. Oct. AMA ee sibert'S: Maw, a aon | Wilinm D, McConkey, June 3, 1004 (Russell Garnet). MOTHER AND BROTHERS. REV. A. R. BEVERLEY, Vicar ¥ 4 |