Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Nov 1919, p. 8

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Page Eight" THE BARRIE EXAMINER HOCTOTOR oR RR ORR ioOk % : NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS 5 OQOR OR ROR TOR OOK 1K Timely Bargains in STAYNER UTOPIA e Nov. 4.--I um glad to report Mim! Nov. 3--Quite » number from here at- Glara Reinhart able to be home {com the|tended the Presbyterian anniversary at Ivy ¢ In er Collingwood! hospital. though she is not im-{on Sunday last' and report splendid. se-, 1 proving as fust as her friends' would like, | vices, H iss Pratt, returned missixawy from I Several 'loads of pot: hav * i dia, gave a very intersting address in the| shipped trom here alieady. AB's Fal We say bargains 'because they represent val- Baptint Church on Friday night of ast they ae fairly good erop jo this vicinity. ues that cannot be replaced at the price. weiter Caribell and family moved to Bar doctors car thle to be around a F 1a rane senha Lee cent saving on a Sample | ' last week, Their friends wish then feCann spent a few days last of Watson high grade underwear. Beautiful | success. friends Vi '9 a Mig, J: Lite of Toronto came to stay!" Mie G. Willoughby of 'Alliston spent the garments for stout women among them. ; wil Irs. Lugeer for the winter, k-end with he: i |. Wi i " . Me od Ma Bae Be sk te the. ee with ber sister, Miss 8. Willough 4 Our regular lines show every desirable style of onto on Saturday to attend the funeral of] On Wednesday ev fi underwear. i x theltern nate ne BBs aye tay eae yeu, Loree f ' First Floor Annex Mie View Montgomery and Master Lore the home of Mr. end Mrs. W. A, Miller SPECIAL ~- returned home last week after spending |to presen: to them a gift before their re. Ss "Velya" & week with friends in Orillia, moval to Barrie. To Mr. Miller was pres, Leonard's "Velva" Vests and Drawers $1.00 each ------$_ ented a beautiful mantel docks" to Ladies' Si : § * EIGHTH LINE, INNISFIL r= Miller, "s pie knife and auled spoon -adies' Silk Bloomers, White or Pink pdr: 4 John Kelly ie sporting» new [tH pearl handles: to Bells Bible, The $2.25 and $4.25 pr. ( 'ord car ee s 1! Mrs, Miller / = é by the President of the W.M.S.-- rarity eal et MG age the a na {| IN OUR SKIRT AND 3 4 ai , {friends and members of the W.M.S.. have sapeng ag git fan the, be le dra bere congas vrei eat _ ITEMS OF INT EREST fume te North Bay lnot' eee" of pleasure and regret. We do sincerely Desirable styles for eithor Mir. and Mr, J." Ferguson vind family eeret your departure from our circle. You dress wear or everyday service | . - fora Sunday wich finds in Orla. PAR ea hens, renciy with an open plats have found places on our display | Striped Flannelette, 35 Flannelette Blankets All wool pullovers for ow iil tOverIng from: & seri] sting We have always felt amured of | vane inches wide, good weight, (Slightly imperfect) Children, sizes 1 to 4 Deep sympathy is extended to Mr end |[YOUr earhest aympathy and prayerful sup. Petticoats in Taffela, Messaline, ° 18 Bn white with pink or bl ars, Black, Whi d ' Mrs. Fred Nest om. the death of 'heir baby|P%t: . . Willow and Jersey Silks; | replacement price 35c 1 : pink or blue years, Black, ite ani bos or many years you have beep a faith. 'AIl_best colors. i vorders, next to largest Red, assorted ful member of the church. at one time Ss .. siz Vv * . teaching "in the Sabbath School and aleo # $8.50 to $9.00 each pecial 25c yd. size. Very special price $1.50 and $2.98 § singing in the choir, and it was u rare Petticoats in on, Taffetine, $3.19 pai . OPERA HOUSE See art itd Jae Bs. you. place on Moire and ther Bloom =-- ee Re Esbbat € Nive, sleaye: enjoyed: our Black and colors. $1.19 to $4.60 Men's hea i meetings in your home and T cun assure ekemero longs 81: z a nes ' en's heavy ribbed un- Friday and Saturday you very hearty welcome any time you Skirts in big assortments, bougni | Knitted Scarfs-for Men, Ladies' heavy Cashmere derwear, not quite all aud your d at un afternoot Sika: eare eek. Fae seese _ lov ato ei ut 7 - Nov. 7 and 8 ~ wn degen inl aya aie ek ring bet fe nl advanren, Fares Misses and Ladies, all gloves, pspetualy suitable re but a wonderful val- ur away, we hope your visits may iH Ske s ef . . or Ww) aT C a frequents We wotld gladly 'have 'you re Sitaaetsmaad. samplés, clearing at half Worth gee pp Vee and Ue for this season, 34 to Everybody's Favorite [ain with us, Tut ao thie sonnot be. we t Tale me aye A 10 518.00 the regular pri Marchage Seti eee) 20s senen se lide each reel we nn " eat vithou erials . .! . regula price. asi i a i W ACE RED fel es ot et 306 ren without g price purchase. Selling at 38 Boys' sizes .... 85¢ each Al I brunce, 'not for its intrinsic value, but as i a token of our appreciation of your past . adi Ni. Kindness to each member and your loy: ty to duty. Signed on behalf of Wo- i \ "The Dub" men's Missionary Society: Mrs, W. A. BUY Thompson (Pres,), Mrs. Wo H. Hatton After the presentations » very pleasant | evening was spent. Supper was served after Which the story of a $)which the national unthem was sung. man who made good. ANTEN MILLS : One man sees him Tam glad to report that Miss Bertha BONDS Th i i flinch in a trivial test and Reynole reverie. é particular materials, pattern and color of ai : papain pil, Wilson and Tom Muir have gone . - ; decides that he isa COW $10 Pany Sound District to hunt Geet An inv ag the goods for your suit or dress iS as important as ard. The narrative shows A Hallowe'en Party _ 'An investment of this the style of the making. how he proved he was nu ¢|. A very enovable tune was gent at the! (kind should appeal to the 6 . deena ita home of Mr and Mrs, Alex Wilson o i instinc 2 i ives y i i weakling. It's _interest- $]Halloween, it bomg «party civen be Le business instinct and pat ur showing gives you a selection 'that will ing 2 vou will like it. 3]ella Wilsor-in honor of her brother Oli riotism of every loyal please you. ing and you will like it Seb th MR rol po Canadi A : : ver's birthday, About thirty. or forty anadian. - d if you are meeting a $lyoung people gathered from vaferent parts RAGIN i oral , Sate of the community. Those from u distance 1 av, 4 i q Hy A ; Fritnd Fas ie tual ie cen Me a en party s If you have a none ; In all' Wool and union Poplins and Serges we j ay g e «Miss Hildreth Lennox, Miss Islay Gill and Savings Account it wi have valuesemmuch under reguli i ii és eee, Ms eth air. Mill prices are . along. She will like it Miss Mary Shrubsole of Barrie. iy you to close and b A A Pp a . The' evening was spent in games and mat pay ) 0 Close and buy higher. } too. Isic und continued into the wee sma' hours a Bond. LES: i SUNSHINE COMEDY of the morning when all went home I . S THAN PRESENT COST { pleased with the evening's entertainme NO RISK Jersey Clot t qui "4 | and the new Victory Loan Notes - 5 ra nek Suite all Jersey Cloth, all pure picture, That wag great gues on the number of All of Canada's vast wool, 54 inch widih, Nig- | wool, 54 inches wide | , in the bottle. a ae . : " Bf v" cha e - . "Life of James Wilson-- ) ih ihr ie and can" resources are behind it. SALTS' PLUSH ser Brown only 90 ya,| ade of Navy litical discussions were in order z . Hero." The violin selections by Wilfrid McLaugn- --_--_= | y # » $5.00 yd. -- mele r lin were well executed. -- ! ENS stow parts at 7.30. The ony thing forgotten was a speech : Second show p.m. deputy-reeve. P he Jurich hour was a real happy event, £ PRICES: Wikkon Kanpp pinned the donkey's tail . oore Yr arrie an ue Adults 16c--children 11¢ ${in the proper place. Pp. Seer enreemenenrenceovencamiema HAWKESTONE ' . Next Week's Program ' I mae to spent be Geo. aia has - -- = Tes ad his sawmill burned dewn at Burks = Complete: Falla, Untactanately it aa nol, tinned, ORO STATION MINESING STATION fully and secepted the position of, Chief California, and a brother, Iaaae § Mon.-T " yf Will Dimalii is home again from run-) gy f° speci at. dhe!| | Geus0--zc, Clerk at the Land Titles office, which he|Ivy, Ontario, also survive him. of on-Tues--"Venus in Shine a es he he week of special meetings at the | Oct. 30.--Congratulations to Mr. and Mm. hein' up tothe simen ct fae Sate ees | BN : 13 in |Brick Church has been concluded. Though |A. Knapp, who have returned from their e a "i , the ant Jey's furniture was delayed in late Mr. Speers was a staunch member of | With your i owing to the motor moving 'H* week wan dark the attendance at three [trip und ate beginning to know what house- \t"° pyc Preprneieg a emer, oF ith your help Barrie will get Washburn. ing stuck in the soft roud, services was very good; and though there | keeping means. active interest in the affairs of the com-| {© Prince of Wales' Flag--Vic~ Wed. only -- "Bringin re making preparations for a trip Wore po remarkable evidences of good done: | Miss Mabeth Trucey from Collingwood munity. For several yeurs he waste iem,{ {TY Bonds are the best invest. cd. Dy ging to the, north, deer "hunting Ihe gatherings, and a fraitfel wintara work (coed on friends "here on Sunday while' Ber of the Brandon School Board and held ment and the security is unex- , up ather," mu jon't forget the thankegiving gervice in . cl passing through to Barrie, offices in the Independent Order of Forest- | Celle | ae dy the Methodist Church on Sunday the oth, |#* looked forward to. |" Walluce MeLean has gove 10 the shunties em and the Ancesr Grtorcy trie Nee | . a Rev, Mr. Knighton of Edgar is the epecial \tor quarterly 'Board' on Monday" erect! for the winter. . uuen. Besides his wife eleven children are | Thurs, Only Hee Fe Sad Te rn (ser stone Yo hove Bw a at | yi re ee nu bas «pie A. is meu tree a BW Comes. the Bride."-- 3]Shuny-Bay choir in the evening iectory. one, and he special camnelen:| ysis Fannle iste of Barrie spent the Else, Dorothy nd Verda Speers at home, John Barrymore. ara yt ime one et pee out |"onng ator et a ae oC pe [ted a the oe' of Th Patent Mon, lls DSc af Alexi : ' . lead yet! S gol her .out ' a3 i "i " ig, dixtrict, B. ¢ C.P.R., dispatch- i Fri.-Sat--One of D. W. 3)of-bed on Thursday last at 11 p.m. to en- [ee Sy ae Se pees we ee eee a a wera ord Br tae ting as su. ° office, Brandon, Herbert R., Port Stan- | Griffiths' latest id $] Suire time of the following Sunday's ser |"°F? Gry Watt of Allandale meached |perinterdent racey acting us U- ley, Ont.. Roy R., of the local C.P.R. Price List i atest ANAT Bi vice," The Methodist National Campaign |, Rev. W. J. Watt of Allandale preached |p a ticket office, who recently returned. from 1 Cut dove fue | greatest successes -- $jntust be having good effect. 5 STE Thomane at Guile be venee h Po:ato picking is the order of the day overseas, Fred F. Speers, of Edmonton, lot. P "Romance of Happy George Clark, Herb, Newman and Rev. | ,,Mm-,fbomnson acute i Nisiting her 'in this vicinity. 'and John A. Speers of Brandon district, A ' an APPY BIA. A. Jenner attended the Quarterly Board "Mrs. D. MeCusig cisited' her daughter, | \sister, Mrs, James East, of Los Angeles. Valley. 'on Monday at Oro Station Mrs. A. Graham of Hawlestene, 'ughters | Noy. 3--Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. | i Dinard Tole Gan . 7 rs, A. Graham of Hawkestone. Geo, Tracey on the arrival of a duughter, . jinare iniment ures t NM ! CUNDLES Mrs. Bell at Midland visited at Thos, ' eo i '« recently. \ ! N 5.--W. H. Pratt of Hamilton is Mir. Lange fh Ke ve vi t | SRT AT ag caves Bet Si lanon Mr Lon of Keniwort vt > ents, od eo A number of friends gathered at the home ' a vigiite Liempenet ie? bee Bs haps of Mr. ind Mrs. Andrew Knapp on the a 6 y evening of the 27th. An enjoyable even. a a i 4 ( 'OW IE, & CO Ho'hear Mr Dray te new penser of Om 'werng of th rth" An eno ie vn Replace that Leaky Roof with . | Y.. ' e 3 i . Were presented with a centre table. after " 9? y corte ger, as etn, Lean whic Kau faves rep Rel NEPONSET PAROID' - sae ln ee ree Tuents were served before depurting. i The original Genuine Paroi {{* 3 Bert Guest, who has been gathering , ! i 8 d) e New Fanc Goods Store cream for the summer, is through "for this | IVY Twin Shingles and Rolls of 108 sq. feet y season and is now running the steam roller The folllowing obituary of a former res We.h: ial di f Roofi a + ' in town, . ident of Ivy is taken from the Brandon eshave a special grade of Roofing at a low price for ' | 8. Pratt es to Hamilton to-day to Sun: Poultry Houses. | . 5 close a 'deal in real estate and will re- Brandon friends of Henry Watson 'Speers Wools, Stamped Goods, Children's turn on Saturday, will be shocked to learn of his'death which | THIS IS AN OPPORTUNE TIME TO PUT YOUR occurred very suddenly at his home, 218 FEN HAP' Wear, Pullovers and Sweater Coats ie "Sper ha complaed 'hwo ra aca te Mr. Speers complet is work ; 5 . A ' oats, BF Famous Wash as usual at the Land Titles office and re- | We have a variety of'styles in that well known brand, i Beads and all lines of Fanc Good Fj turing home had gone out in the garden : to dig potatoes and after a short time EERLESS | y | aS Heals Skin came in and aat on the verandah to wait P Fi G 1 ; Zz for supper. When one of the family went ' ' i - Cla rton Street----East Sid D,D.D.,; the: greatest of skin remedies !to call him it was found that he had pased | and the prices are right. i | : Pppe: eet----Fast Side 'willremove those skin afflictions that have |away. The deceased had evidently been suf- HOW ABOUT A WIRE GATE? = " I made your life » burden. That intolerable fering from heart trouble although he was E | ; itching, baring ad ree yal ise fecing unusually well Inte Tuesday morn- Let us figure-on your requirements. i | | COWIE & CO ~ ffl [lt has cured 'many eases pronounced incur.| 'The late Mr. Speers was born at Ivy, e { R $ a able and will reach your case. We guaran-|Simcoe County, Ontario, April 2th, 1858, 24:28 a @ coe pe aocemers itso | The Sarjeant Co., Limite " ir 4 ris lumber business at Porta, ry irie for F : SUCCESSORS TO MISS ARMITAGE Bashers @.Rebertana, Divagist, Barca, |e tie, An MBL be eave te nie °9 i . Valley, and later, for about eighteen years, Phories 88 and 94. ¥ . [be farmed in the Douglas district. In 1900 'the deceased moved to Brandon with his D.D.D.

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