Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1919, p. 12

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Page Twelve THE ADLET COLUMN} IR SALE--A High street, Apply 10 44-44p FOR SALE--Cow and calf, quiet and eas- ily milked. Apply 87 Ross street. 43-45p FOR SALE--Five weli-bred* Leicester ram. lambs. D. H. Minty, Craighurst. 43-45¢ Suns REMODELLED and Repaired. Miss M. McArthur, King Block, Barrie. 48p FOR SALE--40 ft windmill in first-class condition. Apply to Examiner office. 40-459 WANTED-Maid for light duty, Other help kept. Mrs, Cecil, 55 Peel street a3-tfe FOR SALE. thoroughbred Shropshire ram ; aio four grade ewes, Apply C, Raikes, Bartir 489 | LET. Furnished! house. centrally cd. Modern conveniences. Apply 87 McDonald atreet 43-43p-tfe AUTO LIVERY---I Town or country Collier St. Phone 38 F night service R. Finlay, N. COTTER ing. 7H Worsley street, Boot and Shoe Repair- Barrie 39-44p FOR SALE 5. in lot Hi, con, UL, Innisfil argaret Quantz, Craigvale N half of N half lots 2, 3, 4, Apply 3 ONTARIO WINTER WHEAT. BRAN, and SHORTS FOR SALE ernment pri crs, Fisher Flour Mills, Ltd, 42-460 Six pure bred Shrop: Bred to first-cluss Minesing. 42-45». FoR Bred to lay Rhode Island Ree fow n. Also one black cobe Appl ence. Muleaster street 4247p HOUSE FOR SALE---Valuable property: corner of MeDonuld and Muleuster street For tera apply JO. Powell, care Powell & CG 42-459, FURNISHED ROOMS and Apartmenta to rent, also unfuruished flats of two, four or five rooms. Apply No, 1, Maple avenue. Altfe CLEANING AND PRESSING--Your old suit nnd avercoat can be made to look like new by Harry Twiss, Rose Block, Punlon St FARM FOR SALE---North holf of lot 17 con. 3, Fh onsisting of 100 acres. For further particulars apply to G han, Phelpston, Ont FURS WANTED Highest prices paid, sat iefvetion guaranteed Will call any place within lriving distance, H. Lev: | it, Barrie, Phone 384 43-4) STRAYED onto lot con. 7. Vespra, ut Oct white heifer. Ow may have ame by proving proper ty and paying expenses 42-45 FOR RENT. comfortable, xeven Very central, $9.00 per month, immediate poeeession, Apply Mrs, D. H MacLaren, 1 Berezy treet tte WI) MAXWELL ouring Car for sale Gone les than thousand miles conilition. Spare tire . you $400, Box ; FOR SALE 400 seres, 150 under cultiva tion, clay loam: 100° pasture. balance good bush Will sell in block or split Apply 'T. D. Soules, Allandale P.O, 4247p RAY! r ED from lot 12. con, 9, Essa, 1 Mooley yearling heifer, with white Good rewar offered for her sv i reeoyery, Wi, MacDonald. Thornton. \ detip LAMB ESTRAY---Came onto our premises ubour middle of July, R. F, Carsoad- den, lor 9, con 4. Oro. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses, 44-45 ra FOR SALE Mayon & Risch piano, direct from ory. saving agents' com mission. Write to A. McTaggart, Box 496, Collingwood. On'. who is the Com pany's wholesale representative, 43-44p 25 BRED-TO-LAY Barred Rock Cockerele, bought from Guild when baby chicks, from his best pens. $2.00 each, 10 classy Buff Orpington Cockerels. $2.50 each. S. L. Anderson, Crossland, 44-48 BULBS FOR SALE--The Barrie Parks Commission has some of last season's tu- lip bulbs for sale. Price: $1.25 per 100; 65 cents for 50. Apply to J. E Emms, foreman, 60 Worsley street, 44-440 BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE--9 rooms, all conveniences, central location, furnsce as well as range heats bath; Jarge lot, good stable room for two cars; terms reasonable, Apply Box "B", Examiner office. 42-42ptfe WANTED -- Experienced Cook General with references for private family. Cai of kitehen' and dining room only where other maids kept. No washing. Dresses and sprons supplied. Wages $40. Please reply Campbell Humphrey, 21 Poplar Plains Rd., Toronto. 44-45¢ WANTED--Canable man with $1000.00 'ailsble cash capita to open new branch in Barrie. Well established line, good for $300.00 month and upwards. Per- manent. Banking references required. Address W. Tollington, Room 208, 17 King street east. Hamilton, Ontario. 44-44p eS ee 'TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN--Take no- 'tice that in default of payment of prin- cipal and--interest on lien note, also bill for repaim and storage, on cerisin chop- ping mill machinery now on the pro SW. H. Martin, Ghurebill, Ont. the machinery will be sold to cover the debt Martin. 44. 'WANTED--Young men young who are anxious to make a success in life to earn accountancy at home during their spare time. It does not interfere with their ° present occupation. Your study at home under the supervision of public accountants. Book deteribing course rent free. International Accountants Society, Dept. 8, Box 362, Toronto, Ont. 44 first-class work done at his. home, | FOR SALE--Gopd reliable horse, berness 'and buggy. Apply at this office, 44-44p FOR SALE--Good hester, Art Garland, base burner, eight dollars, 73 Penetang street. 4444p MAN WANTED at once to drive team and help in flour and chopping mill. J. A. Shaw, Hawkestone. 44-450 FOR SALE--Heifer calf four months old. Apply R. F. Smith, "162 Duckworth street, Phone 28W. 44-447 YOUNG MAN attending Business College would like work after 4 and on Saturdays. Apply Examiner office. 44-440 [TO LET--5-roomed house, situated oppos- ite Cundles School. Apply 94 Clap- perton street. Phone 778, 44-49p HOUSE TO RENT In Barrie, 10 rooms. modern conveniences, Immediate _pos- Apply P.O, Box 63. 44-44¢ YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER desires po- sition, Experienced in clefieal and post office work, Box 849, Barrie. 44-44p FoR ---Radiant Home Parlor Range good 'vomtlation, will sell cheap. Apply to Mrs. HarryiSmith. 13 Perry street 44-44p ALWANTED--Reference required maid kept. Railway fare paid G nurse Write to Mrs, Mann, 56 Warren Road. Toronto, 4444p | WANTED by returned soldier (middle age! ly light job, would not objet to night duty. Good references. Apply 4444p at IPOR SALE~Solid Ouk Rocker, 4 ft Ox | cemoer mattress neurly new. sewing ma. Brussels carpet, heating pipes, Ap. 5 Toronto street 4444p |WILL PARTY IN AUTO who picked up | dark plaid shawl on Blake street on Ort. 11, please leave same at Keenan's Music Store for owner. 44-44c SEVERAL SEGOND-HAND ORGANS--~ For aale at your own terms to make room for Christmas stock Keenan's Music Store, Opp. P.O, Square 44-45 HORSE FOR SALE--Very handsome chunk. eleven years old, weighs thirteen hundred, splendid worker, will be sold very cheap Sam Switzer, lot 9. ron 1.) tonisfil 44-44p Iw D--A light team and driver for mill delivery, during fall and winter. If necessary good xtabling, wagon, sleigh |+ and barnes furnished. Apply Fisher Flour Milly. Burnie 43-43¢ STEER ESTRAY~ Came to my premises, lot 12, con. 10, Innisfil. about July Let, cone yearling steer. Owner may have same on ofoving property and paying ex | pe Walter Forbes. Craigvale, 43-48p NTED--Young man of gond appear ance. over 21 years. for resnonsible af fice position, Knowledge of shorthand and typewriting desirable but not apso lutely necessury. Permanent position, and gond chance of advancement for the right man, Reply in own handwriting stating qualifications, and salary exnect el Box "B", Examiner. 44 the BORN BURTON --On Saturday, Oct. 25. 1919, to Mr. and Mrs, Chus. Burton, Barrie, son, |DU1TON At the R.V, Hospital, Barrie, | on Oct, 26, 1919, a son to Mr. and Mrs. "OE 1 W Dutton On Suturday, Oct. i Mre, Frank Exell. THE BARRIE EXAMINER There is every possibility of a scarcity in Tea about the be- ginning of 1920. Keep a good supply on hand. We will be glad to fill your five-pound orders at five cents a pound reduction, . T. N. HOBLEY "THE HUB" Tea and Coffee House [toca news | Harvesters' Home Dance, New Lowell Town Hall, Friday night, Nov, 7 Watch the hands of the Victory Loan Clock--wes! side of the Post Office. --Don't forget the Old Time Tea Meeting, Central Methodist Chureh, Nov, 10 Anniversary Services in Cone tral Methos Church, Sunday, 9. Preacher. Rev, GQ. RB Turk, of Toronto Roots are a heavy crop this | year and with abundance of corn in the silos make the prospects geod for the cattle this winter The Nevember meeting of the | WAGED. will be held at the home ef Mrs. Py. Rod Owen St, oo Monday the at A Hallowe' masque danee is to be given ain the Town Hall, Friday night, under the) auspices of Ba Business Cole ze students This week Athol Marshall slipped some of his White Rocks | aml White Leghorns to Brit tlimlia and Queher as well to points in Ontario. The Manuf urer's wired FLT trict Manager, of their subserip- Gion of Five Million Dollars to the Life has new Victor Loan The highest peak load ever registered at the local Eleetrie Light plant was on Tuesday even- ing when 969 herse power was registered through the meters M. DP. Cubitt-Nichols the following real estate Mrs. Win, MeLean's house Charlotte St te Mr. Tee: Morton's hose. £36 Burton Ave, sold te Mr Gibson The pair of brick houses hes longing to the estate of the late Dr. BL Patterson, on Dunlop St have been R. Finlay chasing the half and Thompson the ether The Rarrie friends Selon 1, Doolittle, of St farmerly Mrs of Barrie wer sales: pur. a to learn ofthe death of hee hushand from sorry pleure-pneamonia ently 'The Annual Merting of Barr! Branch Canadian Red Gross & city wall be held in the Court Chambers, Saturday. oy at i pam. AIL mombers and those interested are requested to atlend The heavy gales of wind on DN---On_ Monday, Oct and MYR A. CL Johnston, Fern: a daughter. PLAXTON--In Angus. on Oct to Mr. and Mre, "Garnet r {stitborn), --In Minesing, on Saturday, Oct. 1019, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tracey, a daughter. WEBB--On Monday. Oct. 27, 1919, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webb, Allandale R.R., a son. 20, 1919, Plaxton, DIED |ARMSTRONG--In Allandale, on Friday, Oct. 17, 1919, Elizabeth Ann Armstro: | wife of James Armstrong, sged 62 years, |CATHCART--Suddenly, in Barrie, on Sat- urday, Oct. 18, 1919, John Cathcart, of | Innisfil Tp., aged 39 years. DOWSON--In England, on Oct. 4, 1919, | Mrs; Dowson, mother of Mrs. Jas, Case, 50 Henry street. : ROSS--At Ladysmith. Wis., on Saturday, October 25th, 1919, Ruth Miller -(for- ond of Edgar), wife of Dr. H. R. T. 088. | WALTON--In the R. V. Hospital, on Tues- | day, Oct. 21, 1919, Thomas James Wal- ton, of 114 Essa street,/ aged 68 years, | 1 month, 8 day : DALSTON The Women's Institute will hold their |meeting on Thursday, Nov. 6, at 2 pan. at the bome of Mrs. W. Watson, Rev. W. 8, Irwin will give an address on 'Living a Life is more than making = Living." Delegates will be appointed to attend the Provincial Convention. Fraternal Societies protect their n-mbers jby putting their surplus funds into Vic- tory Bonds. \ \ B.C.1. Old Boys Coming to Play To Editor of Examiner-- We, some of the old boys of Barrie' Coll, 'Inst., are trying to get a Rugby metch with the present Barrie C.I. team, The riety want you to give it a boost, We intend to come up and play Saturday, November 8: Those who have promised to come. are: Stephenson. Faculty of Edi strong, Coutts, MacLaren, ulty of Arta, ten, Boys, Longman, Osgoode Hall; Gallagher, Faculty of Arts and Theo- logy; Scott, Hall, Hayes, Dyer, Faculty jof Medicine. We are trying to get in touch with others. Dyment, who is in Barrie, has aig- nified his intention of turning out, J. A. tion; Arm: The World's Best Investment --Victory Bonds. - ABS "| Tuesday gave considerable trauble, to the | ro electric plant staff. The men were engaged all day replacing broken wires caus od by falling branches of treos --Old-Time Tea Meeting, Gen- tral Methodist Chureh, Nev, 10, 1919. Splendid programe Come and assist the ladies to wipe off the whole indebtedness on the church, Supper served al 6 p.m, Tivkets 50 cents During the past week the Hor- licultural Society has been dis- tributing bulbs to those who have paid their fee of one dollar for 1920, 'Those who want the fall premium should send in their fees without delay. Seldom has fall wheat looked so vigorous al this time of year.| 'There is a large acreage and the beautiful fields of vivid green are a delight to the eye, standing in sharp contrast ta the brown of the fall-plowed fields. The official figures show the vote in Edenvale as 41 for Simp- gon and 6 for Murdoch, Accord- ing to our Edenvale correspon- dent these figures should be re- versed. If this is correct it would make the majority about the same as given lasi week. Mrs. Alex, Brownlee returned last Saturday from Detroit where she was called by the sudden death 'of her brother, Cliffard Wilmott, from apoplexy. Deceas- ed was 59 years of age and lived at Craigvale a number of years ago. He leaves a widow and two daughters. Aubrey Urry met with a pain- ful accident. on. Monday while wheeling homeward at six o'clock. Going up the Mulcatser St. hill, he was not noticed by Leighton Emms coasting down at rapid speed. A collision resulted in which Aubrey had a collar bone broken and his wheel smashed. Several curs of Barrie Masons motored to Orillia last Friday to attend a Past Masters' Night, with which was combined a visit from the Grand Master, M.W. Bro. F. W. Harcourt, and a welcome home to those members of the Orillia lodge who had served 'overseas. 48 of these were pre- :sented with gold lockets. rafton, their Dis- | reports | 1. | Paticn | Get away from your old work a few days. comes along. $29.00, $32.00, $35.00 $42.50. Little Boys' Overcoats, fi Navy Blue. \-- $7.00, $8. | special value Men's Heavy Cottona to 174 work shirt, special de shi 10O¥3, 11, special | a) | WH. | COOKSTOWN Mrs. Harry Munn of Wainwright, Altu., formerly Miss Jean Henry of Thornton |. called on several old friends in town last week, | Miss Ina Watt of Toronto [Jas. Jebb'a this week, Chas, Henton of Toronto and Thos Henson of Barrie spent Sunday with weir jparents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Henson Mins Agnes McMaster of Torouto spent jthe week-end at ber home here, visited at Mra, Richard Bell of Newton Robinson | visited her sister, Mrs, Wm, Hudson, last week, i | Mins Robinson. who is in charge of Fish- er's millinery department, will leave for 'her home on Nov. lat, Big reductions of- fered in all hate and trimmings. Mrs. W. J. Lennox of Toronto spent Friday of lest week with friends in town. Miss Wilson of Tottenham visited this week with ber parents, Mr. and Mra, Dan- iel Wilson, Mr, and Mrs. T. R. J. Wray of Toronto spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. D. Thompson. Rev. W. Creawick attended the Archdene- onery Conference at Orillia this week. | Mrs. 0. D. Boles of Toronto was guest at W. E. Morton's over the week-end. | Fropk Agnew (mail clerk on the Hamil- ton-Niagara division' spent over Sunday with his parents, The Harvest Home services of the Meth- odist Church held last Sunday were very 'successful, there being « full church both Morning and evening. Rev. J. J, Coul of Toronto (a former pastor) took the ser- vices and was heartily received. The fowl 'supper given on Monday was well attended and the programme which was furnished by home talent with the belp.of Miss Bus jof Toronto was very entertaining. The jeash offering gmounted to $3750.00. The congregation is very much encouraged with the success. | For now or second-hand pianos consult H. , qT, Bankin, 'o. Finlay of Winnipeg visited this week with his uncle, W. J. Finlay, i | Mr. and Mrs, I. N, Morton of Lefroy and Mrs, Wilson of Stayner apent Sunday with former's brother, W. E. Morton, = | jctory Loan Campaign opened on Mon- | Cookstown will no doubt do its bit. j 'Miss Myrtle Alderson of Alton, visited | last week st Thos. McKnight's, |The anniversary services 'of St. John's Churefi held on Sunday Inst were well at- tended. Archdeacon Warren of Peterboro, ,who is a very fluent speaker, was much 'enjoyed by the congregations both morning 'and evening and the offerings were very generous. T. M. Fletcher of Thornton, tax collect- 'or for Essa, and W. B. Sloan of Churchill, Men's and Young Men's Apparel You will find it of advantage to choose your new suit or overcoat here this week. There's nothing like these new suits and a stylish "Mixture" overcoat to make you feel ready for any good time that Suits in Tweeds, Worsted and Navy Blue Serges, easy priced, $15.00, $16.50, $18.00, $19.00, $20.00, $22.00, $26:00, , $38.50, $39.00, Overcoats $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00, $27.00, $30.00, $35.00. 6, 7, in Tweed, with Velvet collars and Men's Fine Quality Grey Flannel Shirts with collar attached, sizes This makes a fine heavy Men's Fine Heather wool Sox, sizes 10, WE SAVE YOU MONEY With every dollar purchase we give you a 5c Coupon. See the nice goods at little prices, ERE MOST self and your tages 3, 4, 5, Boys' Black Di 15 to 17, $3.00 ris, sizes 144 -» $2.00 each seeeee $1.00 and Grey, a i' Jj Pp made their rounds collector for Innisfil, in town on Tuesday. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed st the Cookstown and Bethesda Methodiat Churches on Sunday. Jerry Cunningham attended the funeral of his brother, William Cunningham, at Shelburne, on Wednesday, The late Wil- liam Cunningham was well known to the people of this vicinity, being born in Fass. BIG BAY POINT Wedding bells are ringing loudly in 'this neighborhood. Miss Dora Guest from Hawkestone epent last week-end at her home bere. Miss Marjorie Mayor is visiting with friends in Penetang and Midland. Mins Camilla Webb is visiting friends in Hawkestone. ~ Gueplh Mayer of Toronto spent the week-end at his home in this vicinity. Many friends met st the home of Mr. Mrs, H. B. Armstrong on Friday ing, Oct. 17. to welcome back the our returned heroes in the person of Lieut. George W. Armstrong, who, - with his bride, is once more among friends here. : During the evening the happy couple were presented with two handsome cane chairs and a dinner and tea set. After games end | music supper was aerved and the friends departed to their various homes after a very enjoyable evening. The addreas, which was read by Edmund Irwin, was us follows:-- Dear George:--It is with sincere and heartfelt gratitude to God, that we, your friends of Big Bay Point, weleome you to our midst once more, During the four years you have been away fighting our battles we have been praying for your safe | 'We rejoice that you have been jared and come back to us in such « did health. You have endured hardships and faced dangers like a good soldier and | we thank you for all you have done. We! hope that you and your wife may enjoy many years of happiness, To you, Mrs. Armstrong, we extend » most hearty wel- come and may you ever find this, your adopted home, a place of joy and gladness and opportunity. We ask you to accept these chairs and this set of dishes um a slight token of our esteem and love. This gift is joined with the good wishes of the entire community. . Signed on bebalf of your many friends, Camilla A. Webb, Viola M. Elliott, Cecil T. Irwin, Grant K. Mayo THORNTON . A. Saulter has returned home after visiting her brother Louis Wice, in Thorn- ton, and attending the christening of t! 'two little children. Mrs, Wice and chil- dren accompanied her to ber home in South Magnetawan. Men's Black Denim lined Smocks, with corduroy collar, sizes 38 to 50, very scarce goods, special price..... 35, very scarce goods, special price Boys' Black Denim and Blue and White stripe overalls, with bib, sizes 28 to 32, these are very scarce, price Men's heavy Grey and Grey and White wool Sox; these are big value Men's fine Wool Hand Knitted Mitts, Red EOPLE TRADE enim Smocks, sizes 30 to see. SLES -.. $1.50 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.50 m a mitt, price $1.00 itt that is IN MEMORIAM In-sad but loving memory of my chum, Pte. W. N. Paddison, 75th Canadians, kill- ed in action Oct. 31, 1917, at the le of Passchendaele. --MAC. _ IN MEMORIAM Tn loving memory of our dear ones, Mary and Charles Appleton, who departed this life, Oct. 28 and 29, 1918, We loved them. Yes, no tongue can tell How much we loved them and how well. God loved them too and He thought best To take them home with Him to rest, 'Mr, and Mrs. H, Robinson and famil; IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Hilda Jefferies, who died Nov. 4, 1918. Ever her memory shall be cherished, In my heart For her loving acts of kindness, Can they ever be forgot. D. Y. B. Club, Allandale, IN MEMORIAM In sad but loving memory of my daugh- ter, Sarah J. 8: who died Oct. 3ist, smith, 1918, from pneumonia, also her husband, William Smith, who died Oct. 23, 1918. Short and sudden was the call Of our dear friends. loved by all. 'The blow was grest. the shock severe, We little thought their death so near, But only those who have lost can tell The pain of not saying a last farewell. Sadly missed by --FATHER AND BROTHERS. IN MEMORIAM PADDISON--In loving memory of William Nelson Paddison, killed in action, Oct. 31, 1918, at Passchendaele. He sleeps beside his comrades In 6 soldier's grave unknown, But his name is written in signs of love In the hearts he left at home. 'Two year have passed, our hearts are sore As time flies by we miss him more, His tender smile, his loving face No one can fill bis vacant place. --Family Collier St. Methodist Church Bunday, Nov. 2, 1919 10 a.m--Quarterly Love Feast. 11 am.--Communion Service, the Sermon, 8 p.m.--Sunday School Session. 7 pam--The Pastor. following

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