Page Six SIR WM. HEARST % "I want to thank ofe and all of the People who have supported me in this election, und that they have not succeeded {, is no fault of theirs, I concede a large | majority to Mr. Cunningham, and con- gratulate him on it. I believe in a Gov- ernment for the people by the people, and it is for them to say what they want. I i gave my eervice to the best of my ability. { "I do not know what the attitude of the Farmers will be. Some of them were | Liberals and some Conservatives. At pre- } sent no one can tell what the complexion | af the next Government will be. I will not make any prophecy as to what will take place. I thought the Government was going to sweep the country, and I was . not slone in that, for great many Lib- erals whp were supporting me thought #0, t00, have had s good many cracks, but I have always come up amiling, ond'I om smiling yet, and if T go down to defeat in the Province I go down with a clear conscience on the work sccomplished for the prosecution of the war, "The Temperance Act no doubt bad a great deal to do with my defeat, but I did what [felt was right, and if I had it to do over again T woold-do the aame thing. "I unticipate there will be s big dry } vote in the rural sections of the coun- try. No man has ever carried # greater strain in public life. I had to contend with many obstacles, but I can show a record of which I will not be ashamed. Evidently the people of the Sault do not want me to represent them." COOKSTOWN H. H. DEWART, K.C. "This victory for our cause is a dem- onstration of the feeling of the people of Ontario that I represent the true democrat- ie cause, __ Right-thinking Conservatives as well as Liberals helped to produce this great victory, It has alao been demonstra- ted that the day of machine nominations is over. This landslide against the Gov- ernment is a warning to those holding the reins of power that they must serve the people and not themselves." R. H. HALBERT Mr. Hulbert put the success of the farm- ers' party down to three things: The first was the unqualified stand on the temper- ance issue; the second was the general dis- satisfaction with the leading men in the Cabinet, such as Hon. I, B. Lucas, who paid no attention to the warnings given to him by the farmers in hix constituency, and went throughout the provinces "in: sulting and brow-beating the farmers, |They could not get him to stop, so they stopped him," ssid Mr. Halbert ~S'Phe third was the fact that cannot now be overlooked, that there, is s general swakeging on the part of the farmers to a atiidy of their. own conditions, the president. "They are thinking their own thoughts, And that unbiased inde- pendence of thought is not only growing in the rural sections, but the city of Toronto showed yesterday that the independence ia growing there, and the people will no longer brook dictation from the party ma- chines." | NEWS OF | -- } scriptions, either new or renewals may John Fraser of Toronto visited at Thos. MeNuught's last week. J Messrs. Alpine Couse and Ewart Kidd, who are attending University at Kingston, i spent several days last week at their homes. Married on Wed. Oct. 15, by Rev. J at her home here The remains of the late Mre, Black burn of Newton Robinson were buried at Lewis's cemetery on Thursday last. Mrs g Blackburn wax a daughter of Mr and ( Mrx, Samuel Cole of Exe Come to Fisher's for your tailor-made suit' |Hobberlin make) Satisfaction must | be yours--sutisfaction in price--in quality { 1m appearunce--in st in wear, f Miss Thelma Donnell is visiting with Mrs. Warden at Orangeville McClain of Toronto visited and Mrw . her mother, Mix Jessie Inst week with her parents, Mr. ' Wm. McClain David Coleman is able to be out again After being confined to his home during the \ past few weeks through illness t Dr. Brother of Barrie, of the Great Weat Life Assurance Co., was in town last week. ss Ohve Burling of the public school spent the week-end with her parente The to make preparations for the bush. The seuson this year will open on Nov. 5. boys intend leaving bere on the 3rd D'Arcy Guuley and family of Barrie spent Sunday at Harry Fisher's - 7 | MAIL CONTRACT Sealed Tenders, addressed to the Port- master General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 28th of Novem- ber. for the conveyance of His Majesty's | Maik. on a proposed Contract for four yeuts, six times per week on the route Barrie Rural Mail Route No. 2, from the Ist April next. Printed notices containing further i 1 form: ion ax to conditions of proposed Con- may be seen and blink forms of Ten. ay be obtained at the Post Offices of Barrie und at the office of the Post Office | . Inspector. Toronto; Post Office Inspector's Office, Toronto, October 16th, 1919, A. SUTHERLAND, Post Office Inspector, 43-45 Sealed Tenders addressed to the under- | signed, and endorsed "Tender for break-| water reconstruction st Collingwood, On! willbe received at this office until 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, November 6, 1919, for the breakwater reconstruction," being the renewal of the superstructure of part of the eastern breakwater at Collingwood, Simcoe County, Ont. Plans and forms of contract can be seen and specifications and forms of tender ob- tained at"this Department, at the office of the District Engineer, rs onto, Ont., and at the Post Office, Colling- wood, Ont, ro -¥ Tenders will not be considered unless ' made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with condi- tone itioed rein * 'ach tender,must be accompanied by au sccepted cheque on a chartered bank pay- able to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p.c. of the amount of the tender. War Loan Bonds of the Dom- inion will also be accepted as security, or 'War Bonds and cheques if required to make up an odd amount. Note--Blue prints can be obtained at this Department by depositing an accepted ' 'dank cheque for the sum of $20, payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, which will be returned if the intending bid. der submit a regular bid, 7 Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper The Cookstown Hunt Club are beginning | "|basket tomatoes; Mrs, Arnold, Painswick. Equity Building, Tor- |, 'The representative of the Barrie Examiner in Cookstown is George F, Thompson. News items for Cookstown anti adjacent country may be handed or phoned to Mr. Phone No. 30 finds bim, Sub: be forwarded through bim. farm on the 6th Line of Innisfil and. W. Walker has purchased Mrs, Gray's furm on the sume line Hy. Reid and family visited with friends at Lefroy on Sunday. Jack Kell, who is uttending school in Toronto. spent Sunday at his home here. Mise Lizzie Carr of Toronto visited at home this week. Mm. Pyne und won Juck, who have [been spanding the past few weeks with her mother. Mrs. Joshun MeMuhon, buve re. turned to their home in Toronto. Herman Lennox has sold hia farm to Mr. Wilson of Alliston Mr. and Mrx. Wm. Robinson, Mrs. Frank Robinson and son Arthur, vis ited in St. Catharines this week Thanksgiving services will be held wt St John's Church on Sunday, Oct. 26. Arch. deacon Warrey of Peterboro will preach, Art Thompson hes purchased W. C. Hen- ty's farm in Essa, which is now leased by Ruwwell Allison Sergt. Simpxon of New Brunswick was jthe guest of Ewart Kuld over the week en Consult H. T. Runkin before placing |your order for 4 piano; prices right. Also dealer in phonographs, sewing machines, ete The Methodist Harvest Home service will be held on Sunday, Oct. 26. Rev, J, J. Coulter of Toronto will preach. A fowl supper wil be held on Monday ev ening when a literary and musical pro. jxram will be given by popular talent. Mrs. Wilson and children of Alliston are visiting at @'m, Robinson's, Miss Clara Kell (teacher at Bradlen's School) was given a holiday on Monday owing to the school being used as « polling | place, Mrs. Daniel Sutherland and daughter, Bessie, left this week for Toronto. where they will reside. Mr. and | Donations to Children's Aid The Executive Bourd wish to thank most heartily those who helped so well during the past month. The interest thus shown has been very encouraging indeed, Tony Caruso. 1 basket plums; a Friend, 2 doz. corn; Baptist Church, cake and sand. wiches; Edgar Women's Institute, crab ap. ples, tomatoes, pumpkins, currots, squash; Mrs. W. G. Tooke, chicken und pie; C. T. 'Thompson, cabbage, onions and other veg. otables; Miss M. Irwin, $5.00 worth of new clothing; Mrs. Reynolds, 2 'pairs boots; Mis 'A. Scott, wall mottoes; W. J. Cowan, 1 basket apples, pumpkins, squash and veg. jetable marrow; Wm, Brooks, pig's head; Miss Spry, bottles of fruit, toys and cloth, es; Mrs. Alex. MacLaren, clothes and boots; Miss Gladys Ardagh, toys; Miss McKee, 1 basket grapes; Mrs. Steele, Edgar, 2 pks. potatoes, onions and cabbages; Miss Ken- nedy, 1 cout; Mrs. Currie, fruit and pickles ; Mr. Sibbald, apples "and --_vegetabl A Mrs. John' Sinclair, pee Mrs Albert | Wice, basket "apples; Mr. Tar. Mrs. Albert Wice. busket apples; Mr. 'Tar- bush, Angus, $2.00; Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Col- well Jet., $15.00, During the potato harvest it is hoped this good work will not be forgotten. Great Business Advance Shown Judging from the statement of: bank clear- ings for the month of September, Canada is doing an unprecedented amount of busi- ness. The clearings advanced 40 per cent. over Seqtember of last year which iteelf was a large month. All sections of the country shared in the advagee of business some cities doing double the trade of September, 1918. Many quite rem: le increases, outside of the espec- ially large advances of Winnipeg and Wind- sor, werecnoted.. Toronto gained 37 per cent. Brantford 47 per cent. Kitchener 57 per cent., London 35 cent., Ottawa 51 per cent., Edmonton 60 Sir cent., Prince Albert 94 per cent. + The present remarkable period of pros ity_in Canada will be maintained if the ictory Loan, 1919, is made an overwhelm- ing success. Business men realise this and in the interests of themselves and the Denartment of Public Works, . Ottawa, October 15, 1919, 43-44, country are being to pres the im- portance of the Joan ry Se emi apn ve " Buy advertised things, it pays. Robt. Walker has purchased M. Sharpe's | THE BARRIE EXAMINER IF YOU BUY OUT OF TOWN AND I BUY OUT OF TOWN, WHAT WILL BECOME OF OUR TOWN? THE DOLLAR YOU SPEND IN BARRIE WILL "COME HOME TO BOOST" Examiner "BUY-AT-HOME" Campaign The Exa ECONOMY IS the road to wealth. Vickers' paves the way--every quarter saved is s stepping stone to wealth--wealth means s deal of comfort ey bay shop at this store id . We ift stamps, too, eae --GEO. VICKERS. QUALITY AND SEAVICE are the founda- tions upon which our steadily growing business has been built, Our prices also are to your advantage. --THE HURLBURT SHOE CO. ----_-------------------------- IT 18 OUB AIM to carry a full line of Dry Goods and Ladies' Clothing and sell at Prices that will be convincing. You can do better with us than any out of town con- cern, --POWELL & CO. IF YOU WILL GIVE US A CHANCE first on your Furniture needs you will find we can not only beat the Mail Order House, but save you money on all kinds of House \Furnishing. Try us out, |, A, LOWE & SON FALL AND WINTER WEARABLES for men can be bought to best advantage here. need to send to Toronto for the latest styles, --ALEX, MILNE & SON. YE OLDE FIRME--HEINTZMAN & CO, has 8 one-price system all over Canada. You get just as good service at our store as in Toronto, not only in pianos but in all lines of music. --GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE, Phone 259w. P. 0. Box 178 A WORD ABOUT HARDWARE. If every- would stop and consider the advance that hes been made in all kinds of goods, they would be convinced we cannot only beat Mail Order Houses, but give you better servic.--OTTON HARDWARE CO., LT! BEWARE OF CATALOGUE FURNITURE. All Furniture looks the same in pictures, |Buy where you are sure of a square deal and lyou are taking no chances. Big line of Furniture for every room in the house. --DOUGALL BRO: ------------_------ WE DONT FEAR catulogue prices. Come. to us for your hardware needs Prompt- {ness and efficiency are combined with ality, ou --MERRILL & HUBBARD CAREFUL PURCHASING is of the ut most importance these days, We give un surpussed value in paints, oile, wall-papers, r = --JOHNSTON & WARREN EVERYTHING IN MUSIC--Come to me tor your musical needs Music. makes 3 Home out of a House. KEENAN, THE MUSIC MAN. OF COURSE YOU ALL KNOW I handle the Ford, the universul car; besides I also jm ugent for the Dodge and Eight-Cylin- |der Oldsmobile. Get in your order for your Big lines of accessories and jcars early, --T. R. HUXTABLE supplies, DONT LIVE IN DARKNESS. Have your House wired for Electricity. Get our eati- mate. Big line of Fixtures. We do every thing but furnish the Juice. Call us up-- we ure prompt. F. J. MOODIE. MAIL ORDER HOUSES do not hurt our business, but we are in line with snything thet helps our town and merchants. We do Undertaking in all up-to-date methods. Buying at home is a good iden, --E. J. BYRNE, Undertaker. SUGAR--W. QUANTITY $12.25 PER BAG FO GRANULATED. --MERRICK & LITSTER. LADIES' TAILORING, as well as Tailoring For Men, is a specialty with us. A fine range of suitings. --H. J. FWISS The Longest. Word The longest word in the English lang- unge is now said to be honorificabilitudinity meaning honorableness. But anthropomor- hpologically contains one more letter: twenty-three, BARRIE FISH SHOP Now: Open for Business Selling all kinds of WET AND DRIED FISH ALSO EVERY DAY Fried Fish and French Fried Potatoes Served at Tables or Sold Over the Counter to Take Home Opp. Bryson's Store whose ads. are here. They will treat you right. The money you spend with them stays in Thursday, October 23, 1919 care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the people irculation in Barri WE ARE FULLY CONVINCED there we of seading out-of-town for Dry Gaoas" ™ our prices are lower than out-of-town concerns, Get posted. Get our prices fire and be sure. Big Stock of all kinds of La- die' goods, _--MOORE & ARMSTRONG » OUR STORE I$ FULLY STOCKED with 8 up-to-date line of Clothing and nifty stock of Gents' furnishings. Get our prices first, it will be a big lewon on Buydoy at Home every time. --R. A. STEPHENS MAKE UP THAT ORDER FOR GROCER- . Come in or get us on the and get our prices, We buy close and sel close, Everything always fresh and wholesome, Buy at Home--see the difference. =HINDS BROS. MANY PUT TRUST IN DISTANT THINGS Never Satisfied With Those With Which They Are Most Familiar. Curious Traits in Human Nature Have Made Possible Growth and Development of the Great Mail Order Copyright) you have the guarantee that is backed not only by the rétail Merchant, but in many cases by the manufacturer, A curious trail in human na- ture makes itself apparent. very frequently. 'That is an inelina-| 'ef Gen to trust cn the unknown! | Why a person will place his|WHEN IT COMES TO DRY GOODS wc rather than in that with whieh [Confidence in a stranger rather [just will not be undersold, either eos ot mis familiar. A person ix very] !han a friend or will trust im the |9f town, Make us prove it. Get our prices apt to take a chance, even; Unkuown rather than in that ico Big. stock of (all kinds of Ladies? Wir bKh he mas know thar the | wlueh is Gingible is suiiettnins | See eertied. "DEVLIN & MURCHISON wdd= are 100 Gy one against oim,| Wat is hard to understand. Even |=----<--$----$--$--$-------- instead of beqng satisfied with! {he mail order house does ney WE Mise teas, THE FIRST to cipiey |the Iatert creations |Millinery. Keep in touch with the latest fashions 'and shapes. Big stovk of resdy- to-wear Hats in stock. --V. 8, BROWNLEE j Pretend to know why it is so but it accepts conditions as it finds [them and makes the most of the Jeppoertunities that they offer. The first cost of an article is lesser rewards abeul whieh there Is no nossihi. of doubt Coupled, in a way, with his faith in the unknown is the ten. POOR PLUMBING is dear at any price. deney on the part of so many All our help are th hi peravie! te place icinfidence' 16 i rete." Berane tei et ite eae de dust ebel plantar or bent oe cons stranger in preference (o one who ne Seti Dees F yOu {Will see | seat assured it is done right, Ger cur enti is known and has been tried and | #uvertixed in the muil order house |mates first, --MOFFATT & PARR announcements of urticles al prives that may oisiwad you in- jlo purchasing them 'inking that proven, The ian who would not ' think of trusting Bill Jones, his next-door neighbor and fellow ------_------ IF PRICES AND QUALITY COUNT for anything a visit to our store will convince iol inéaiie yy {$M ate saving mon You serv lsnyone we carry the stock and our prices Iv over his lies savas toa 22, S08 Ue" pay over sou ey Sean it wy Oa atiahger' who fold se ¢, Money and in time get the goods, | buyer. Pri Fiches to he Wee REA peace only. tw find thal in most cases | SSARJEANT_& KING, Limited might talk tis heal ot in behaif tb" local merchant could have WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY be sure you of a legitimate proposition with-,SU/Plied you with a better qual- deal with a House that ia known for relisbh ily at the same or a lower pr ity. You don't have to know jewelry when out getting a dollar where the : P de slick stranger with the worth There is anotl and be oe wah oe Big ioe kinds lows proposition ean get thous. present phase of the Buy-at- [ef Jewelry to cboote from--W. L. REEVE ands jhome policy that should always | MaKe OUR GARAGE YOUR HOME for a: reed before y ink ¢ for It as these two tendencies NM Considered before you. think your auto, If it needs repairing I can do , which, apparently, are so widely 0 sending an order to a city jit quick, Big line of accesories and tires Prevalent among all classes of MMil-order house. The "oils, grease, gasoline. Run your car in people that have made possible Merehant is a partner of and we will do the rest the sticcess of the great mail or- 11% all local civie ontery --WALTER TURTON'S GARAGE 'ler honses in the big cities, A Al Alsie tees neue ant {OF HTHERE IS NOTHING IN THE DRUG knowledge of psychology is as sat ve en LINE you cannot find at our store, all 100 important te the mail order man! Yewlences that we ull enjo: per cent. pure. Big line of Proprietary med- sa Knowle of business prac. | belps suppart our sehouls, icines, Toilet articles, Sick-room supplies, churches and our charities. 1 {It will be to your advantage to trede here, live He pl upon these ten- domes of man to tke a chance, |X Pass him by with your orders PATTERSON'S, The Rexall Store, Allandale " feo frast in the unknown rather 20d send vere money To build: up tee than thé known. to place conti. | the cily mail-order houses which 'rp 1s OUR AIM to sell all kinds of grocer fence in the stranger rather than |¢omribute oothing to our local lies and Provisions at el prices, We have the friends jeivie treasury, you are working! ess with this eystem and propose A Vitae Bees against your own interests. If it. Try us out and Buy at is |you spend vour money wilh tha|Home, --J, D. WISDOM & CO, Allandale. When vou buy from the local jocal merchant, he in turn spends | =----=--=--======---- merchant ven seo the thing that pis profi your awn commun-|RESIDENTS OF ALLANDALE do not need wou aire buying, vou inspect it ity and the money is kept in cir |t look furtber for Dry Goods ér clothing. carefally, examine the workman euiation in tis I You hep |You will find just what zoe watt at our slip amd the quality of the ma. oa ir Sossth Store in big variety, at prices that are mi Petal ot Bich ito nile aay 2 build up your town---help. totter in big varie tak ey ce cet paevae WV Rho - ace aml make a better market for the --JOHN WEBB Bina ieg ve yn hove the privi- farmers of this district and thus | = Ieee of testing al before. p everyone benefits by the inereas=|BUY IN ALLANDALE and when yoo for it. You have not only your ed trade done, want hardware don't forget us. We cerry pe tml Knowledge of values (0° Phere ig more than sentinent|a large range. fly pen. bul you. have the ad in (he slogan---"Tuy in Barrie," THE ALLANDALE HARDWARE STORE vintege ef the advice of the mer. J. 8, BRUNTON elit who has: wn expect knows | Wrote a Volume a Week -------------- ge oof the merehandise whieh The literary feat of a volume u week, kept up for one year by the elder Alex. cul of 100, can be relied upon gnder Dumas, hos ue yet never been equaled fo fell the truth about it. Then by an author of standing. a EE We Save You Money. OUR CLOTHING SATISFIES the men Buy in Your Home Town. and boys looking for style, quality and rea- sonable price, Full line of furnishings, J. SUTCLIFFE & SONS [THe wie Hunter mite CUTTING AND FITTING OF CLOTHES is IF YOU CONTEMPLATE BUILDING o an art- and merchant tailor who is |repuiring, see us for all kinds of lumber or proficient in this art ia bound to get the |building 'material. Bills cut to order on preference. Try us for your next suit. Big | short notice. Big stock Lath, Lumber, i et line f ie shoose from. i ci ies er LOWER |" THE BALL PLANING MILL CO., LTD. KEEP IN TOUCH WITH US in the Jewel- ry line, I carry a big stock of all kinds of Jewelry and do repairing on short notice, [1am the official Watch Inspector for G.T. Railrond. Also, I issue Marringe Licenses. --W. B. WEBB, Allandale. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY YOUR AUTO ACCESSORIES FROM US. Ask us for an: thing you need.--WALTER URRY, 36 Bayfield St. ------------ BUY FURS wl a You KNOW, be is selling and who, in 99 eases v We have s splendid assortment and you y buying from us --SIMMONS can save money A ci A Marvelous Workman 'The most marvelous wood workman in the world is Hananuma Masakichi, of To- kio, Jxpan, who has carved a figure in wood #0 like himself that when the two are jaced side by side it is suid to be almost impossible to tell which lives and breathes and which does not. By several connois- seurs in art this wooden figure has been pronounced the most perfect and human image of man ever made. Masakichi hax faithfully reproduced every scar, vein und iwrinkle to be seen on his own body, The "Have you got that man here too? I' fled i inute, you would reach your destination from Scotland to avoid him." i in fort: cht million years, At the cate sound travels, if a song were to be sung on Alpha Centauri, it would be three million eight hundred thousand years before we could hear it, This neighbor of ours is thirty-five trillion miles way. The Nearest Star If you could ride from the earth to Alpha Centauri, the nearest star (not planet), on a train going at the rate of a mile a Women Should Take The first piece of manuscript given him figure is composed of 2000 pieces of wood, r dovetailed and jointed with euch oil thai be detected. % a "Tiny oles were drilled for the reception special care to keep free from headache, back- of hairs, and the:-wooden figure has glaes che, constipation, weakness and depressicn. 7 4 ae} ache, ipat u eyes and eyelashes in which no. dissinilar- For these ing: ailments end, other cordis ity to Masakichi's own can be detected. recurring ailm C y, 7 . 5 [The [Detanems tit posed between tro tions peculiar, to women, Beecham's Pills are a irrors while modeling this figure, and for a " tome time after its completion 'be tested and effectual remedy. - They act gently frequently beside it, to the confusion of and promptly on the stomach, liver and bowels, mpesesincas who weer, ote, sh»: Kees ax $2 and exert a tonic, strengthening effect on the hich was ¢] artist. e figure stanc 2 A ~ with a ttle mask inone hood and 0 bodily functions, These famous pills are purely ftrament for earving in the other the ie vegetable, contain no habit-forming drag, and Tk apparently gazing at the mask, : i and the foco wears 1 look 'of intense ab: produce no disa ble after-effects. Worhen sorption. the world over, needed help and strength in | 'A Few Like Them in Barrie a e | Nathaniel Hawthorne's handwriting was 0 illegible that some of his manuscripts isemained unpublished bessute nobody cov : 'read them, This was likewise true of Car- { iple. 'The story is told of s type compos- oI Sale of Any Medicine in the World?* who was employed by a London print- : me Geren Fridge ing office because of a strong recommend. 0) a a : ation which be brought from Seotland. tthe U! y ee ee Carlyle. said' the new typesetter. to sef was by My, God!"