ED shere is no or Dry Gooda, n out-of-town our prices first Il kinds of Ls" ARMSTRONG sailed \UMBING, we ing work' and 'only the most erial for our nyway W. RAYMES. TOCKED with jing amd nifty Get our prices on Busing at \. STEPHENS > OR GROCER- the phone und and seH el id whalesone, 'tenice, (INDS BROS. Y GOODS we ther in or out Get our prices ds of Ladies" MURCHISON , RST to display es) Hata and ith the latest ock of ready: BROWNLEE at any price, chanics. If we iting you com Get our estic ATT & PARR "COUNT for will convince nd our prices ) every close ING, Limited Sa Y be sure you wn. for reliubi- jewelry whea "of all_kinds v. L. REEVE R HOME for ing T can do ries and tires, your car ip y N'S GARAGE THE DRUG store, all 100 prietary med~ pom supplies, to trade here. ore, Allandale nds of, erocer- &. We have and propose and Buy at 0, Allandale, E do not need! s or clothing. want at our hat are much y us out OHN WEBB when . We carry you - ARE STORE . BRUNTON in the Jewel- Fall kinds off short notice, stor for G.T. age Licenses, B, Allandale. . es (OUR AUTO: kus for any- URRY, 36, JILDING or of lumber or to order on ~ b, Lumber, L CO. LTD. 4 Tailoring us. A fine THE BARRJE EXAMINER COWIE Beads and all lines The New Fancy Goods Store Wools, Stamped Goods, Children's Wear, Pullovers and Sweater Coats, & CO. of Fancy Goods ke MIDHURST _ CANADIAN NATIONAL igi cies | RAILWAYS | The CP.R. steam shovel is operating Transcontinental Train at the gravel pit near Midhurst station, Threshing and ilo filling is the order of Every Day in the Week Toronto - Winnipeg - Vancouver - Victoria the day. Mr, and Mrs, Walter Cline of Ingersoll have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos- In effett October Sth A daily Transcon'inental service between Toronto - Winnipeg - Vancouver - Victoria, eph Lowery. 8. G. Story of Pitteburg, Penn, who bas been a visitor at J. M. Story's, has returned is the principal feature announced in the Canadian National Railways Fall and Win- ter time table. home. Miss Esther Cole of Toronto is the guest This train will leave Toronto 0.15 PM. daily and will be equipped wi: up-to-date of Mra, James Pearce, Jr. W. Cameron of Alliston spent the week- sleeping. dining, first-class day coach. touriet and colonist cara, Between Toronto end with friends here. A. Lucock of Barrie spent Sunday in the and Winnipeg there will also be a compart- ment-observation library car. village. Miss Mary Boyce of Elmvale has returned A parlor car will be attached, for the convenience of passengers, while travelling after epending two weeks with Mrs, W. through the Rockies, so they may enjoy, from overseas bringing with him an Eng- lish bride. Congratulations. Mrs. John Cameron of Orangeville has First inere JF YOU WANT to be sure that Lightning will not yo sirike your house uaa or other property--if uu want to feel perfec Hashes remember that Sirians, RnR Ainen-Fii Lightning Rods are Bonded to absolutely protect your propert: from damage by Lightning. A large Bonding Company issues a Surety Bond to the owner of every building we protect, guaranteeing that Light- 'Clapperton Street----East Side COWIE & CO. SUCCESSORS TO MISS" 'ARMITAGE AOROTOR OFF} 2 20202 2012020201 32 202 20K 10K 0K ™ % NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS * CRAIGHURST 1 LEFROY Sept. 29.--The Presbyterians made $84.00 Robert Bateman has nearly completed clear at their Garden Par: his garuge. Mr. Day. LPS. paid un officwl visit to Mrs, Oliver Wreggett of Toronto iw visit. the school on Wednesday ing with Mins Kirkpatrick, and Mrs = have moved to New-> Jobn Boyes ant the U.F.O. both loaded 0 a cur of stock this week Kiel left on Wedneslay to rejoin! Two cars of 119 wheat crop have been her son. C, Kiel. who has accepted the shipped from the elevator. Both curs, your prineipalship of » four-ronmed school, Pow- correspondent understands. ran over 0.- dasan town, 000 Ibs. equal in weight to six care a few yeurs agi Mre ( this week Miss Rose Barty is visiting friends in Tor. Mrs. Arthur Innis hax returned 10 b Doine in Toronto after spending the sii nthe here. Juha Nelson Allan made a trip to the city who has been visiting | BELLE EWART | [lax on Saturday night and all thoroughly with friends here. Mr. 1. Hoover of Toronto ia the gucst 'of ber daughter, Mrs. W. P. Gill Mr. and Mrs, Boyce spent Sunda friends in Elmvale \s Sept. 30.--Quite a number attended the party given by E. Reddick and W. Doug: | enjoyed themselves Mr. Wisker hae bought Mr, Pim's place. and hus moved" the house fronting the |e lake und is having it remodelled The Lake Simncor Ice Co. ate busy build- |tl ing to the Knickerbocker ice house in or der to be ready for the coming winter ter u fine piano J. Carson of Tornnto is visiting his sis: | ter, Mrs, Elias Ferrier } Miss Appleby is spending her holidays a: | "Bisirgownie Cottage." Mrs Sullivwn and infant daughter sre viriting her parents, Mr and Mrs, Ay Trombley \a Miss Hilda Colgan is visting friends at Niugara Pulls Mrs H Toronto. Mise Erie Whan is attending Normal at North Bay Mise Blunche Trombley is taking © course at St, dnmeph's College Dot Trombley is attending Barrie Colleg Jinte | Sheppard is visiting friends in |; tits. Mr. and Mrs, Gro, Ostrunder, onto te Toronto to-day Frank Tebo of Victoria, B.C.. called on Miss J Ingram of Toronto is spending his brother, Fred Tebo. G.T.R. agent here. a few days with her sister, Mrs Geo. A. Kirkyatrick spent over Sunday with A ' Toronto friends ai Me F Oner are spending a Mie Sloan ef Toronto wus the guest of with friends in Vespra + Mm BT. Bateman over Sunday. no A. Hart returned to Toronto on Rew. &) Shepherd of Angus preached in Monilay to resume duties on the Post Of the Preshytewsn Church on Sunduy even: fice stuff ng. Rally Day for the Union Sunday - ag Schunl war held in the Methorist Church Mr uml Mrs. S. Marshall made a trip 'to Arthur to see their cousin Fo Wilson McCullough hus sold his farm Now is the time (0's, foie. sa in To Purchase a Home inthis village in Barrie. With high rents and | | | prices of real estate likely to ad- vance it is wise to buy your own cellanegus shower wax given to the bride. Mrs. J. King. at the home home. Look over this attractive f/f Mfr. Noah Grose on Thursday after list and let us show you the prop- hoon. Mr, and Mrs. King are now living Srilee in one of the G. TR. houses Large Double House--Dunlop St. near| Shortly after the arrival from Englind Shoe Fuctury Price $4,500 jof Jack King und his bride a reception Fine Home-- Toronto St. -- Heantiful for then was held in the Methodiat Church grounds, gorage, a fine home, well st. | which was crowded to the doors An en uated. .Price $6,000 | joyuble program was furnished. There were Brick House--Pee! St.--S rooms. "4 were} ardresses by Rev. Mr. Shupter and Rev Frnd, a xno at $1,700 'W Johnston ; solos from Mre G. C. Allan New, Home--Blake St--Morern conveni-' and J, Blackmore; readings by Mre J. ences, near St. Vincent's Park? . Price, Boyes and Miss Occomore, The young $2350 couple were asked to come to the platform und while A, Adams read the address, N Grose presented Jack with a signet ring Brick House--Penetang St--A well kept newly decorated home. Price... $3,300 Solid Brick House--Charlotte St--All con- und Alice Rogerson hanced Mrs. King veniences. 4 g TonM. bouquet of Qgwers. His mother and grund- sewing room. ny big her. MrvsMulroy. were also given flow. bargain at $2,500 Following the program vn excellent tea Eight Acres--East End--Blake St. property for chicken farm or -- marl garden, + , $1,700 100-acre Farm in Vespra--Near Midhurst acres fine timber. frame house and frame barn. ell at $5,000 $2.500 Down will obtain possession of fine | served in the basement. EDGAR Sept. 30.--Mrm, Barnbardt is visiting her duughter, Mrx. Irwin of Thompsonville Mrs. Nixon of Burrie is spending u few 100-nere farm in Tonisfil; good loam|weeke with Mra, Geo. Patterson, Jand. eight-room house and good stable ; . lands eghtrvom ee ai od stable: | Se" Sunday evening service inthe garrettes : : Me houlist' Church will be withdrawn, but ing. 38.700 for farm and buildings a ee ene at being made to. the Con ineluring stock anid implements $8,000 oe oe thet serviee. willbe Wanted to Rent, with option to buy held in the Methodist Church at 3 p.m. A good farm. {good attendance is looked for. {f you want to buy or sell property, se@ |" Anniversary services in the Methodist me. | have always a list of purchasers/Church on Sunday, Oct. 12, morning und for desirable properties, Jevening. Rev. R. evenson of Cold. within calling | water, a former pastor. will be in. charge nd the Hawkestone Choir will furnish mu- sie The W. I, will meet in the Hall on Wed. afternoon, Oct. 8, Refreshments will be Phone 62 served, Wanted--Good properties distance of G.T.R. | M.D.CUBITT-NICHOLS| Clarkson Hoyse, Barrie. Parker's Will Dol By cleaning or dyeing--restore any ar- - ticles to their former appearance and re- turn them to you, good as new. Send anything from household draperies down to the finest of delicate fabrics. We pay postage or express charges one way. When you think of : Ps ° ° Cleaning or Dyeing Think of Parker's * Parcels may be sent Post or Express. We pay Carriage one way on all orders. Advice upon Cleaning or Dyeing any article will be promptly given upon re- quest. -- Parker's Dye Works, Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. . Toronto fis IVY | Sept 20.--Mr_and Mrs, Jno, Draper and |Mie Fawkes of Pickering have returned to their homes, having spent a week at th Reeury with the Rev. T. J) Dew The Ivy Bam have been enguged by the Fimvale Agriculturul Society to. play at |the Fair which is one of the best in its |district, There is always a great demand Hor 4 good thing and judging from the num. her of engagen the Ivy Band have had this season, both near and far. the} people of Ontario know goo music when he Joecupied Inst Sun in the person of the Rev | Mr Dr his s| mutnher af years ago and it was a pleasure jto see and hear him aguin \ Dr. anil Mrs, Davia are spending 4 short time here before taking up their new home in Toronte Harvest Thanksgiving services will be | Jheld in the Angheun Church on Sunday next, Oet. 3. at Mam. and 7 jum. The IRev. Perey Ro Sounes of Auroru will be the her DALSTON 1 Silo filling is the order of the this loculity at present nnivereary services held Methodist Church Inst Sunday w cxded success Mr, and Mrs. Bell and Mise Hume of Oro Station spent Sunday here. Mry. Leutherluud hae returned to Toronto nding some time with her sister. Mrs. Irwin, Mr, and Mra. A. Osborne spent Sunday in nwale Tam glad to report Miss Florence Quin lan improving after her operation for ap- 1 the ede pendicitis The Dalston Methodist Church intend singing at the anniversary services at Mid- hurst next Sunday night Miss Hazel Key has gone to Toronto to train for a nurse A meeting of the W.1, will be held ot the home of Mrs. Osborne on Thursday Oct. 9, at 2 p.m. Mis. Rankin of W bridge. the District president. is expe to be present to address the meetin Baldwin will recite and there will be music 8TH LINE, INNISFIL Sept. 28.--The Indies of the Seventh and hth line gathered at the home of Mrs. A. Martin and presented Miss Agnes Mc- Conkey with a fruit shower, some thirty jars of mixed fruit that were lubeled with poems and toasts. Mrs, Chas, Ness read an address which was responded to by. the bride-to-be. Tea was served by her girl friends. 'A corn roast was given by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Guest on Thursday evening, After tes had been served. euchre and dancing was the feature of the evening. On Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson entertained at » supper which was given after a barn raising. Cards and dancing were indulged in. Several solos were rendered by Mrs, Chas, Ness and D. Rarclay, which were much enjoyed. MINESING Sept. 20.--Mr. and Mrs, Eldon T, Adams have returned from their honeymoon to re- side here. AH wish them happiness and prosperity. Roy Kerfoot of Toronto is spending a short vacation with bis parents here. Quite a number from atten: anniversary services at Edenvale yes!rday. Mr, and/Mrs, Teasdale and sons, Fred and Graham, and daughter Ruth spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, J. Young. who has had charge of the intment here this summer, is returning this week to McMaster University to resume his studies. He has made many friends here, who join in wishing him euc- cons in his studies. Mra. Some Job for a Girl A millinery: store / window sign says: "Wanted girls to trim rongh sailors." Minard's Liniment Cures Oandruft returned home after spending two weeks |in the scenery route ix famous. with | Passenger Officers of He takes off his sho house. but keeps on writes from the right. anything for breakfast or dinner. but in the ming in oil males have finished 'key when travelling, his wife walking be- Wm. Ruffett has presented to his daugh-!hind, and he laughs at the ides of giving 'up his seat to a woman, French ing. | When the paste hus been reduced to a mase and nioldingy are made, be sawed like natural wood, good fuel W. Boyce. Pte, Wm, Frankcom has returned home utmost comfort, the magnificent for which the Canadian Nutional Further particulars can be obtained from Cynada's National wystem of Railways Arabs Not Like Us The ways of the Arub wouldn't suit us! when he enters a hat. He reads and He eats scurcel, wvening he sits down to « hot meal swim- His sons eat with him, but he women of the household wait till the The Arab rides a don An Artificial Wood An artificial wood ix being muile by the The process consists of transforin, « into solid material having the existunce of oak, The atraw ix cut into mall pieces ani reduced to a paste by boil Certain chemiculs are then added tis put into presses, and planks, beams The material cun It makes 5 emitting httle smoke. ning will not damage. 36 per cent. Greater Capacity ShinnFlat has 86% more conducting surface for electricity than any round cable containing the same amount of material. ¥ W. H, Day, Professor of Physi tural College for twelve years, ors, thus insuring correct installati get protection, at the Ontario Agricul- sta in training Shinn Deal- It costs very little to THE SARJEANT CO., LTD., AGENTS GOITRE Send for free booklet about Gu-Solvo for the successful treatment of goitre in your This medicine is taken inter- nally; softens the goitre; gradually diseol- own home. ves it and casts it entirely out of the sy tem. A post card will bring the booklet to you. THE MONK CHEMICAL CO., LTD. 43 Scott St. Toronto, Ontario. or ask your druggist. You owe it to yourself and your friends to get rid of this unsightly disease, Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that William George McBride sf the City of Toronto in the Province of Ontario, a returped soldier, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof for a Bill of Di- vorce from his wife Mary Elizabeth Me- Bride (formerly Robertson! of the Town of Barrie in the County of Simcoe, on the ground of adultery: gDATED at Barrie this 11th day of July, William George McBride by his Solicitor 29-416 D. C. Murchison, QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY, KINGSTON The installation of a new Chan- cellor and a new Princtpal on the same date will bring a great many distinguished Canadians and Ameri- cans to Queen's University, Kingsto! om October Sixteenth. For although & comparatively small University, Queen's bas sent so many distin- guished graduates into the world and has .gained such a character for sound learning and enterprise in re- search and education, that {t stands high among the institutions of its kind on this Continent. Queen's' came to the front under Principal Grant, who was a born leader of men and gathered round him & brillant staff of lecturers and professors. Under Princ'pal Gordon, whe succeeded Grant, the University continued to prosper and the num- ber of students doubled while the number of buildings was trebled. 'The new Principal, Dr. Bruce Tay- lor, nas already shown bis mettle by raising the half million. dollars re- quired to fulfil the terms of an en- > dowment of a further balf million dollars promised by the late Dr. Doygias. With a young and active newW Chancellor such as Mr. ©. W. Beatty, President of the Cacadias Scene in Industrial Chemical Laboratory. Prof. G. F. Goodwin. \ Pacific Railway, to lend his support, Queen's bas every reason to expect to centinue to go ahead. Recognizing the importance of In- dustry to Canadian development, Queen's has carried on important in- dustrial research work, and Mr. G. Y. Chown, the popular Registrar, bas contributed $50,000 to the endow- ment of a Research Chair, Professor Clark, who holds the Chair of Physics, has established a laboratory for the investigation of substances under extremely iow tem- peratures, with the «use of liquid air and liquid hydrogen, the only labora- tory of its kind In North America, Dr. Reid has been Investigating the causes and suggested cures for in- fluenza, and kas made valuable S's- coveries tending to combat the re- currence of future epidemics. Pro- fessor MacClement {s an expert on the noxious fungi which would de- stroy our great Canadian forests if left to themselves. Dr. Lathrop has been carrying on valuable research work on trench nenkritis. with the object of discovering the true nature of thin curions disease of the Buro- pern battlefields. The Arts Faculty of the Queen's i} BY COURTESY OF C.PR tinal 1s conducted by Professors, who In their own fields of work, are just us enterprising and the man or woman with a Queen's degree has an excel- lont chance of succeeding in what- ever learned profession he or she may adopt. During the year 1918- 19 there were 861 students registered in the Arts Faculty, Special efforts were made by all faculties to meet the requirements of returned soldiers whose scholastic career had been in- terrupted by the war. A summer Schoo! 'n Engineering restricted to men who had been overseas, saved an academic year to a large number of such returned men, and was con- ducted without Government assist- ance at the expense of the University itself. For the last three years the new Arts building and the Grant Hall have been used as a hospital by the military authorities, and there hes been abundant testimony to th satisfaction that the patients have felt in being housed so, well amid such beautiful surroundings. soldier patients are now transferred elsewhere, releasing the claso room space for the crowing requireme ot the Untrasal Se nt