SUGAR WE CAN SELL YOU ANY QUANTITY YOU WANT THIS WEEK. ST. LAWRENCE GRANULATED $12.25 PER BAG [COMMENT OF re WEEK | Barrie Fair directors are al-) for ready considering plans ily and the \bachelor may Srurs further improving the exhibition.| in the Soyth Simeoe campai ---- The genial Conservative candi- The prediction of D. W. nox that there will he an aval. around it by anche of No's on the Referendum are so many vote seems to fit in with the drift ing girls in the riding that he Recent reductions in the price of public opinion, has not yet been able to make a of hogs are reported to have -- choice. the effect of causing some pro- Bein deputy-returning officer ae ducers to cut down their herds for the Referendum voting will [is a wise step to have the! heavi » &. Arkell, Dominion Ft he any. sinecure. Special eral elections on the same | Live § umissioner, advises care should be taken to appoint day as the Referendum. Had it rongly against such a step. Competent affierals [awe decided Lo hold th tions | 'Since Denmark, he says, 'within ss: ' Ww weeks or months later it}a year, will in be a factor on (Sits fe the very inadequate would have put unnecessary ox-|the bacon market our enly secur. and unlitere is eiving 1 1 service the G.NAW. a movement is have an foul to ask the CPR. to open spublie hy disturbance af busic port supply as must command an office herve: With a proper ness and would probably have rec recognition by its yolume and Siege MOUlt net have much sutted ina comparatively small 'quality, Short hog production is Miewlty in capturing most of bereentage of the vote being poll-|tinquestionably the most danger- the business 'I for the parliamentary eandi-[ous policy Canada ean adopt. -- es With both on Oct. 20, the This is true of eggs as well ae Mrs. Itrodie's argument as to maxinmm vate is sure to be re bacon. the comparative value te the corded and the returns should be . -- mene = Osha is to have a semi. ' weekly newspaper, the Reformer --= SS inaking the chae next. week \s a weekly, the Reformer has Devlin & Murchison SPECIAL VALUES IN FLANNELETTES 1000 Yds. White English Flannelette, beautiful fine Auality flere, soft ant pure, evenly woven, adapt ed for ladies' and children's wear, 27 to 28 inches wide, Special Value at 260 yd. 1000 Yds. of White English Fiannelette in a nice, fine aualily, but heavier than the above, 34 lo 35 inches wide a ea Speolal Value at 260 yd, 1500 Yds. Striped Flannelette, Ryland' best English make, niee and soft but strong and durable: makes an excellent cloth for pyjamas and night This cloth is worth today 60 and Te yd. 32 a Speolal Value 400 yd. . Speolal Value 500 yd. 1000 Yds. Striped English Flannelette in a lighter weight cloth than the abeve, 35 to 26 inches wide. Serre Ty Speolal, 350 yd. SS SWEATERS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN We have them in all sivtes and sizes for the big or small FOR THE MEN we have Voneek, and Sweater in almost any vol you might ask for, robes thehes wade 35 inches wide , Pullovers with high neck or oats with ar without collar er combination of colors that Prices +++ $4.50 to $10.00 FOR THE LADIES we have Pulloverstand Sweater Couts ina number of different styles and in all the shades 7 a $3.50 to $10.00 FOR THE BOYS we have Pullover Sweaters that button on the shoulder and Coat Sweaters with high collars, $1.75 to Prives BOYS' OVERCOATS Yor the little fellows 4 to 9 years of age, double-breasted and but- toned up close to the neck; some have a belt all round and some With belt on back only; in Grey or Brown Chinchilla cloths. Prices .... $4.75 and $6.00 each BOY'S ULSTER OVERCOATS for boys from 10 yrs, to 16 yrs. with storm collar and belt on back. Prices $8, $10, $13.50 BOYS' OVERCOATS made in the waistline styles, for boys from 12 to-46 yrs. 'Very stylish, Price ..... . $ Merrick & Litster community.of a man with a fam- ure ign, Len. | date will probably be able to get saying that there pretty and charm- pense upen the provinee, would fused further loss to the the mind of the electorate. Permanent paving for our main business streets cannot be delay. ed much longer. Would it not be wise for the Council to have the Town Engineer, who is thor- oughly conversant with local @ report as to methods and prob- able cost? Getting this would not with the work next year, yel it would he something définite to work upon in preparation for the time when the improvement could be undertaken to best ad- vantage, Many Barrie merchants are firm belieyers in the well-lighted show window, and find this an effective method of advertising. Undoubtedly they are wise in this --for nothing sells goods like well-lighted show windows. Co- ordination between a merchant's window display and his news- Paper advertising is the most efficient way of advertising. A merchant who keeps his show- windows "live and then uses Newspaper space to back up his displays is making his advertis- ing as nearly 100% officient as possible ity for the future is full produce tion and such a substantial ex. served ifs constituency well and Issued Iwire ae week i will be in 4 Detter position ta push the ine terests of the coming city of Oshawa, A. R. Alloway, who has Joined the paper as vditor, is a Mest efficient all-round news. wayer man who has the happy faculty of making and keeping friends. He and My Mundy, the able and progressive manager, make a strong team and under their direction the continued success of ghe Reformer is assured For some time past Chief King has been receiving anonymous communications telling him af infractions of various Jaws and hy-laws, and asking him to "do| somethin Some of these ¢om. munications hint at infractions of the OTA. some tell of erring husbands and sous who lose their money al the gaming table--but as no particulars are fortheom- ing and no signatures are attach- ed to these letters. it leaves little for the pulice to work upon. The Chief says that if anyone has any information to give him in re gard to these matters he will b. glad to investigate any case laid before him, assuring the inform. ant that it will not be necessary to divulge the name of the party who gives such information, nation, Thursday, re Prevention Day" for all citizens of Ontario. It is recommended that on thig date all dwellings and thet surround ings be carefully inspected by their occupants and all eondi~ tions likely to cause or Promote the spread of fire removed; all Public buildings, stores and fac- tories be inspected and cleared of rubbish; fire drills be held for the children in all schools and for employees in all large stores and factories, and that special instructions on the subject be given by the teagher and by mun. icipal officials in the schools and that such appropriate literature a fairly complete indication of! 4 conditions, preparedata andmake necessarily mean going ahead is true. And becau AT TAYLOR y Style is Inspection:-- Growing Girls iT + S@WH Soles, s: sizes 23 ta 7, and ina fine Shown alsa in a fine q narrow Toes and Milita Men's, Boys', €s may he made available be dis- tributed to the pupils. We hope that Barrie will make most prac_ tical use of "Fire Prevention Day." Referring to the County of Simcoe's main highways, Thos. McCabe, a commercial traveller who uses a motor in his businegs, says this county's main roads are much superior to those of ad- joining counties. Mr, McCabe has been travelling Simcoe, as ; well as the Counties of Grey, Peel and York, and he has heen a good roads "agitator" for some years, His praise of Simcoe's roads, therefore, is worth more than Passing consideration. Undoubt-| | t edly good work has been done} minion would have followed the on our roads, but much improve-| armistice but this was averled by ment is yet needed, and the day|t Plan of permanent roadways is|c Necessary--both in regard to construction The prediction is that in ten} years the main highways of Sim-| and strictly good business. They FURS AND HATS coe County will be alf well-built' must be continued. They are -------------- has come when a comprehensive | portion of the last V: and. maintenance'/fish, lumber and ships. redits were absolutely necessary Ever, away below what you would e Fine Gun Metal Lace Hi Ladies' Glazed Horse, 8-inch top, las grade of mahog eT ios WITH EVERYONE'S MIND ON the need of New Shoes, we want to remind you your money goes further at TAYLOR'S WHERE YOU GET THE BEST THERE IS Best is a big word to use in describin: se TAYLOR'S Shoes are the best economical Shoes to buy. 1 'S you will find the *of styles from which to choose, new and right up to the minute, and prices are xpect, considering the value received. The fallowing are a few models of the in any low priced sh izes 24 to lace style, with Can be had alse with y Lin, size 'ality Dongola Kid High Top Lace ty Heels, sewn solos, sizes 24 10 7. F nicely Neolin Sol Girls' and Children's Footwear in a large selection ig Footwear, nevertheless it most comprehensive selection sh Cut Boots, medium round toe, low Taylor's Gut Price $5.00 pr. 4 to 7, Taylor's Cut Price $5.95 they are the most \. ors We have for your Cut Price $4.45 pr. low heels, sewn soles, rounded toes, military les and Rubber Heels Boot, with medium 'aylor's Cut Price $5.45 Aa of styles at Lowest Cut Prices at [AYLOR'S Sho Cul. Price Shoe Hor | ° ; 1 wilh a lastin onal reinvestments, 'The Minder, and that a cumplets| debts wall be paid eventually and A LITTLE TIME on tee el Milt be in opera. fin te meantime industrial and; A LITTLE MONEY Won | to lowk after then. 'The lageiculiural workers will he kept | INVESTED rie tae Wiha pret |anegt AME RFE emp ct highways | ------ Barrie Business College ss Thanksgiving Day, Oot. 13 Invariably means w better position with AL the Uo. nvenUen in) "Thankseiving Day will be one |More money. j(wokstown on Saturday, Mr.! week f { Moniay, October | rs apreiated ad in| money sa it Burnahs reauaae senegee gate aL a arliament wished 'to select [ond evening taakna: AY time: Day : cnt allot is ked" November as a permanent (ona ; with a cross instead of an X Hyannual date for it, but on finding | M4"Uel instruction, Careful eupervision. Null be spaited. "& sinilar state-|ihat November Ii coun not be H. A. HENRY, Prin, ment was made by Mrs Brodie | made always fo fall on a Mon. | Serttttneesstieteessteacestess [when she spoke in Bareie. Allow. |day, the plan of holding Thanks. ) @----------___ ME expecta, Made for her lack! giving in the fine days of mine : Of experwence in-voting matters, Oelaber was again adopted for WALTER BATES but the same vannot he said for) the present year al least, a mast in Me. Burnaby's position. | ane SINGING MASTER Hine "and again the election! Avoid! Waste on Your Farm 7 courts have held that a ballot is Mix Cane Mola with your feea/] Pupils prepared for profes- good where the intention of theland give a reduced ration. Cane sional work. volver is plain, provided that| Mola is soe: Pure Sugar Cane there is not some distinet- Treacle and makes the roughest|| For terms apply to phone 820 or Mr, ive marking whoreby the ballot | fom) patatable and nourishing. Ralph Jobnston. might be identified, In the) Ate MeKee, local agent, has Flor hoe with "tego Se Teeived ashipment i ose w sor") 'ace your order today. is Vi i Written on the ballot, and it will! And this Victory Loan this Fall. be a wonder if there are not thousands of ballots spoiled by inexperienced votars who will follow literally instructions uf - the Referendum Committee's ad- Yertising, to vote "No" on all four questions, by marking their ballot with "No" instead of the Proper mark. In addition to! We invite inspection and comparison i cia phe, ull Me numerous ill vanuew aad quatioe at TarenCgmparion in regard to ihe p lots thrown o y | sc ; deputy-returning officers gant | We list below a few only, of the genuine good values we ta their heal Mr Burnaby's abs aa y fore. And we guarantee satisfaction with any Mr. 9 | irs sold by us, surd notion that only those ' marked with an X are valid, . Hudson Seal Coat, solected Manchurian Wolf sete--. To Prevent Unemployment skins, Alaska Sable collar Taupe, brown or black, Next yeur will be well advanced and cuffs, 45 length "ye large scarf and muff .... before Canada's main expendi-||] «++ +++ nesses MOO: wees: $15.00 tures for war can be completed.||| 'Finest Qrade Oanadian Few Specials in Fine Wa- Every dollar that can be raised Muskrat Coat, 45 length. . tural Wolf gets. These for the Violory loan 1919 will bo oe +++ $150.00 are extra value in wolf, required, an Pony Coste, Aus. medium size set. ..$18.00 Although hostilities ceased in ralian Opp. Collar and Large size .,. $21.50 {918 the' war expenses went on. Cults $110.00 Finest in quality, 'his is just as much a wari! ming manger cost No. 1 | Children's White Thibet sete year as last year was, as far as qualit " speciat finest sets sold... the money is concerned. Press- a '$78.00 +: $8.50 to $12.00 per set ing liabilities incurred by the " " Be sure and see these beau- war and involving vast sums of ||| Other styles and furs at liful sets for Misses and : money have to be cared for. The lower prices. Children. simplest and most profitable manner in which this can be dono Toney Re People to provide tho ll] arin nate finet grade furs such ax Beaver, Seal, Sable, money themselves. ; large stock, in' the mes peossum, Fitch, ete. we hows oaole: The Vietory loan 1919 is en-|ff ieee" Orkin taken into comeiieeg,@%t YOu will tind 'our titled to just as much considera- fur house in Ganade ; ation, are as low as any tion ax was given to ils prade- cessors, I! ix up to every luyal Canadian to do his utmost to nlake the way loan an over FUR REMODELLING AND REPAIRING whelming success. The continu. CORRECTLY DONE ance of the prosperity of the na- ion is wholly dependent upon it. It was naturally to be expected Temporary trade is not our Wwish--we seek a lastin, hat trade depression in the Do- success. The safest and surest Way Of achieving this is, pad believe, by giving you absolute satisfaction. If, in any trans- action with us. you fail to obtain this, ploass do not look it he application of a Inrge pro. over, but kindly bring it to our notice, Wo ask this as a favor. tory loan as redils to Great Britain and our Allies for grain, dairy produce, Theso 2 ¥ Selby E. Bull, t H. Cecil. Cow g Cecil. Helfer Graham, Cow git