tee and presented with an illum-| montha carried passengers to J ' \ a inated address by the Mayor. | Orillia and other leke port points. ne Kempenfelt_ was intended as| With the advent of the railway, P MORGAN'S RE KODAKSAND 1, Frvenct.,wag tnnded | With a front was mads STORATIVE TONIC] -- BROWNIES and aig of stound was lid out |i0 One day tn cumparalne Sv there, but' the law whieh| fort, provided you were fortified veather being ver: Keep a record of the governs the location of commer-|With a lunch sufficient to last Hot weather being very P cial centres, even though un-|the Journey. The early closing depressing, it is up to us to nts § child's life from ii i get a good tonic,--one that # CVoNts in a assisted by a railway corporation, | bylaws were nol then in force in VAT . will build us up aid help us ff infancy up to manhood or as In this case, defies even Gov-|Toronto and if one's business was (O} 1} q hear the heal. Morgan's Re- f womanhood with an Auto erident that ad, it, S0OR became |not too gigantic it could be dues HIS ? storative is an ideal tonic, f C2004 with an - evident that the prosent position| at night, and the weary merchant, : having all the ingredients | graphic Kodak. would be that of the future town,| after settling his hotel bill in Octobe & a . ; and the anthoritics ullimately|the morning with a shilling for ie i Teal eee he et or ith, Reward the child who was reer ee civeumstances uncon-/a hed and breakfast, could conch or Uctober i SO years ant tee ret df fuccessful in examinations |trotiable and made what is knowa| Ginn home 63 miles away the i years. nd? te Pe A | as "The Old Survey," same night. 'The Ontario, Sim. 3 others, --it will help you. with a Brownie, These little leila con and. Huon. Ilan nee OW on a e $1.00 a large bottle, cameras are easily operated At an carly date the Govern-/k00wn as the Northern Railwac, f and cost only a trifle. They ment built a log hut on the site] In the early davs of the North reer tuiacent to the present}ern Railway beech ant maple iki r CHAMBERLAIN'S | ®!2s* erown-ups as well as picturesque (2) ruins of thefuuly were oved ae fen iaele FOR those rho have a lking for . children. Queen's Hotel, as a place of suel- | plentiful then and of raper than 800d popular s My cholee sales: . TABLETS ler for incoming settlers, known | coal. Compared wilt ie present offering comprise a cho ' Brownles -- $2.15, $3.00, jin Present day parlance as hume-|locomutives, the wood burners af tion, also new numbers by ore To-night, if you feel dull | $3.76 and $4.80. steaders. In this building (he {thus lays were interesting, They sive 'dis Master's Voice' ee and stupid, or bilious and | moan: } $9.00 to $60.00 first of Barrie's mo. chants open} were equipped with a wide top} Make it a point to hear them early. * stipated, take a dose of | jodaks -- $9. io ed a general store in 1833. Hel like 4 bation the funnel which DED constipated, . rint }was S. M. Sanford, whe later bo | emitted enough sparks to light 90¢ FOR 10-IN., DOUBLE SIDED --90c FOR 10-IN., DOUBLE-SID! Chamberlain's Tablets, and We develop and prin' came treasurer of the County of up a suit fi damages for every Eyes That Say "I Love You" Uncle Josh and Aunt Nancy you will feel all right to- | your films at small cost: Simcoe Then followed another | mile, The coaches, tou, were in| One-Step--and--Mandy Put Up the Kitchen Stove q ® fea Fox Trot Wm. Eckstein' Ada J morrow. also make enlargements [ator operated by Messrs. Cald- [keeping with the focomotive and a og ol Sila Ade ee tives. well & Ross on the premises im_ connected by link and pin. a one 250 for 5O tablets fromsemallinenatly Teattely east of the artiel (Continued on page vt.) The Pasisics Bolkir--ond--- rae OO sl 18588 Hotel, On Christmas Day of the Victor Military Band 18600 4 year Mr. Sanford raised the . General Pershing March-- RED SEAL RECORDS 4 me of a new store at the core Victor Band--and--Re- 64779 Laddie o' Mine . WM ( ROS ver ef Owen and Dunlop streets pasz Band--March (Soprano) fi e where the Bank of Toronto now Conway's Band 18607 -- esnees Ate $1.25 stands. 'The cellar of this build. Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight 64821 Tango (Violin ' DRUGGIST fin tae eae Ie hie Holl-Resedale--and---~ Mischa Elman 1.25 i ' Hawaiian Lullaby 64820 La Traviata--Seinpre <S! +e BARRIE darters, used for social gather Mebhaw: 16 are = pings. which we I've Goe My Captain Work- Galli-Gurel 1.25 Munsters uf the ing for Me Now--Billy 87566 Swedish Cradic brations Murray--and--And That Song (Soprano Barrie experienved a dittle Aln't All Arthur Fields 18604 with Violin [boom about this tin Mandy--Shannon Four-- Gluck-Zimbalist 2.00 slores were upened un) whi fey Bre ee BLUE LABE: KECORDS j ere conducted by da Q FORMER DAYS IN BARRIE Thine Th, Mecaonbee aaet Amerean Qurtet 18605 Genie Annie--and--Tu ' us, eConkey afte fart hat 1 Can Say ! sheril Freteriek O'Brien, Jutin Dreamy, Alaems-- Hert. A Tat ee alcock 45169 ! Rirme aml HOR, AL Boys. an| of Wedding Chimes Our Yesterdayt--Baker--and unele of Wo AL Boys, KG, MP Charles Hart-Shannon --Ma' Little Sunflow'r, (By Our Western 6 for pups POUNPCEE Thsen hitele tliowede" ae | nee Four 18596 Good Night! Kline 45168 ---- {he transport of the ude: pingham's aflerwards known as | One Mindred years tua eee ds ws tititary: shares wy the Queen's: Mark's Hotel, an the} Red Seal Record--10-inch, $1.25 { ME det al that times the tations on Lake Haren and site Of the present Rank of Canc | . Bizet 64822 | uishene Howl was! the Geergiin Bay, The site at lueree, and Thrift Meldrune af Carmen--Prelude to Act 1 See f OO Storehovis. ' " prese Ve i | ' . q Ireree ny party te eeats ey Ratner, The nt Dunlop: streets first part is the "March of the Toreadars" ; the second intro- iP P. BRRWTAMEOE eee te, MN RGL_ were toe | duces the chorus of the familiar "Toreador Song." Penetaniur (bronchi w fren Hotvnat | ofutice | beaming a Vereen AN tip "to the fronts whieh} Hest Hat sevene even the ef the Neal a trip ta Maddy York 1 =| Victrolas from $40 up to $680 (sold on easy pay- deek wank Newmarket Canal at that cine, Cette oun those days. tok trem ments, if desired). Auk for free copy of our 620. Marrie wate named ater Gam. 180 Lo thre days "Phe athtetes| page Musical Encyclopedia listing over 90C0 "Hi i ' TWINS WHE Ne near: WH thie. lluge inuustvat Gt through Une | Master's Voice" Records. ON Wei eiteeht ctoenae ti pla Metet barns, seg Tie Hughey MUECOW winds pate to Tetlnea : =" | wast ond of Bar odes the Buglist I 1 sik. Bi {eis F { Kingatee ing toed then down a sei Chas, Bennett and Winnifred Crisp in | . oes How ts naan frie He ill 8 Rongates _ Planes ef a road to Yorks Others "He Bridal Night" at. the Grand Opera Hear them 'at any "His Fated a ae wi Ua ESR i" va Fook the water route down Kem House, Barrie, Tuesday, October 7, 1919. | ' . " } boar te Te et Pale peutelt Bas. turned tan the salt ser Master's Voice" dealers | Anenth ha rihew Metta tl Wig Day Port, inte Lake Sime - rare i" i i : ] -0- Limited | hiewa as 4 famtins FRE with aoe aint Coke's Huss tad Coliece , | Manufactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., : Bonds cunt mudtars ster vn he Stet Me aa Tie Wet ead the Hotta reverb the: Latte 4 ORILLIA'S ; Montreal iGidcis « =f wav miner Takes. Davel where the Si eet MUL turtle E8I2 ane: section | Vale md Mextoder Walker! tlie water yas rable Wish ict afi small iaite vow beled BIG RACE MEET | = > E d | Setteed ea the preseiit sates ofper at tat (id, Bat Sie deen Hee Shuppsns, tl in that year th re | ; Taree in 828 where a steres{ ty fw: Youre: tow arly, Wu8 | neewacthe ge it biter tee ne Thanksgiving Day, | ~ ¢ halt Ws ofTiecrs whe were settled e i Woronsiderable munbers along the share te organize a loimt Stock Company and build a wer Phis was dene and the ried oSie atin Col ler the then 4 She wus neise than The first trap fr Hol- ming te Barris oecupied fo the fact made ape land 1 a week, partly awitr that a call was made upon all) the cenvivial stockholders en- route to give thent a chance celebrate the event Other steaniors Fallowed whieb | C a package were named the Sumeor, Beaver, Morning Glory and Emily May before the war jalterenntdl within the meme T the writer The steamer J, 6. Morrison was (launched and shortly after bein finished took fire at Barrie wharf and was cut adrift and ter burning and drifting fer some time finally sank near Allandale K Morvison was the most auliful ahd costly of the Lake | | Simeoe fleet C a package patra ae Teen aR? 4 Now municipality from the THE FLAVOUR LASTS SO DOES THE PRICE! C a package during the war jtants. Ils growth thereafter was continuous though slow, owing in @ greal measure to the Ontario, |Simcoe & Huron Railway, which , had completed laying of the steal |to Allandale and operated the first jtrain from Toronto on October jth, 1853. Tt was not until June 2tst, 1865. that trains were ope! ated to Barrie, For near! twelve years sengers had their choice of riding, walking or swimming from Allandale to the |metropolis. In November, 1871, {the road was extended to Orillia, and on December 31st, 1877, direct communication was open- ed with Hamillon over the Ham-- | ilton and North Western Railway, jOn the 10th of February, 18 0, |the North Simeoe was completed i! Penetang and opened for |traffie. Barrie was connected with a transcontinental line on dune 25th, 1886, when the first j{trough train for Vancouver passed over the Grand Trunk tracks. For the fow years that Allan- dale was the end of steel the Emily May, during the summer THE BARRIE EXAMINER | Three Big Races-- Tlass, | - = 2.20 Cis, Free - For - Ah, |/DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE DISTRICT tind Bent Fee ee es - Admission, 50 cents, Children 25¢, Number of Humi The population of the earth, from th ions is 2,400,000,000 human i { ncing SUNDAY, OCTOBER Sth, leaving , i TORONTO } 9.15 pm. | DAILY Vy MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT =a i Toronto - Winnipeg Standard Sleeping, Dining, Tourist and Compartment--Obsarvation Library Cars Colo: it Cars. First-class Day Coaches. Parlor Car through the Rookies, Sunday, Monday, Wedne: Canadian Natio: iy, Thursday, y, Cochrane day id Canedian National, Further Information from Canadian National Ticket Agents, or GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, TORONTO 141 aC