MORGAN'S RE- STORATIVE TONIC Hot weather being very depressing, it is up to us to get a good tonic,--one that will build us up and help us bear the heat. Morgan's Re- storative is an ideal tonic, having all the ingredients .A3-a perfect blood builder. It has been in use for over 30 years and has helped others.--it will help you. $1.00 a large bottle CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS To-night, if you feel dull and stupid, or bilious and Kodaké -- $9.00-to $60.00 constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets, and We develop and print you will feel all right to- ff your films at small cost: morrow, also make enlargements 260 for 60 tablets from smali negatives. WM. CROSSLAND One oasme BARRIE FORMER DAYS IN BARRIE KODAKS AND BROWNIES . Keep a record of the events in a child's life from infaney up to 'manhood or womanhood with an Auto- graphic Kodak, Reward the child who was successful in examinations with a Brownie. These little cameras are easily operated and cost only a trifle. They please grown-ups as well as children. (By Our Western Correspondents been lost trac! fia the tssue of The Examiner; ¢f the stud Of July 17th appears an interest.) Mr ing letter trem BL WL Grant, of | 83 Virtorna, a eapable coast journal. | Mllewing ist-printer whe graduated from) Herbert s of. The majority referred to by jed those of the nm that clase the omitted, viz: Dr. Ta. Rev. Alex, Craw The Exaini dn which he Wiel Pete Tartley, Hugh §| ANON He nates of several old itd Robert Strong, druggists: the > peonnitent in athleties and; Haller now of 'trail, B.C. whom Po tuel iunfert ly fore! OMe. Grant's acquaintance with gallen, | Net having any record. all timers and happenings of the for ayidanes. | depended entirely jab dave antedates. thal of mine ren' Inemery fer names and and possitly he would be willing dates amd now that te has mene/n weite additional. stor of Hiened other names Lean distinct early evonts whith your readers ly reeall them [ould enioy. Though of a retire the Cole| (ME disposition he has a perceps the Y* tind and most. retentive ry and ean faithfully treat sired subject, In comneetion with Jegiate lastitute article, names cited were those of pupils, Melt Of LRBT who entered the various! 4nd « professions. 'The class of that] toe yoar was quite large and many) 'Thirty years agn a society was of the students had removed far! formed in Barrie known ee the from the county town and have "wood-cullers." It was partly a === "His Master's Voice" RECORDS "THERE are always "His Master's Voice" . _ Records of the latest dance numbers, Jazz music and popular songs--and, of Course, there are the reproductions of the preatest voices of the world, that offer resh inspiration at each hearing, and all the old favorites of which one never tires. = 90c FOR 10-IN. DOUBLE-SIDED 90c FOR 10-IN., DOUBLE-SIDED Tell Me--and--The Vamp--Fe You're Still an Ola Sweetheart 'rots Smith's Orch 18594 of Mine---Spencer- Bar and Fidgety Feet --One-Step-and-- --The Gates of Gladness Lazy Daddy--Fox Trot James-Shannon Four 18590 Dixieland Jazz Band 18564 12-INCH RED SEAL, $2.00 Anything is Nice if It Comes from Dixieland--American __'-# Traviate--Ab, fors'& tui Quarlet--and--Byes That Say 'Soprane) Galli-Curei 74594 "TLove You" 10-INCH RED SEAL, $1.25 sang and ack Kaulman 18589 For You a Rote uspana lep--anc + Sade--Hedley Fos Trot itd sek ietro 18563 Peter Gink--One.Step--and--- land--Fe 'ox Trot Six Brown Brothers 18562 TAln't "en Got 'en No Time to Have the Blues--Murray-Smalle --and--Take Me to the Land L of Jess Marion Harris 18593 Turkish March (Violin) Jascha Helfets 64770 Victrolas from $40 to $680 (sold on easy pay- Goons if desired). Ask for free copy of our )-page sic im, list 9000 "Fis Master's Voice" Recordae = Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealers Manufactured Berliner Gram-o-phone Ce, Limited Mottreal GEO. VICKERS social organization with a limited Every town has its eccentric membership. The id characters and Barrie had its ed in the fertile brain of Deputy flota. In addition to the resi i Ment ones there were a few peri- pleted the organization, and al_ patetics. Of the latter class was though its slogan was "Work and| (Goose Quill Jack, who was known more of it," it was not affiliated | in every Ontario town, No one with the Knights of Labor which seemed to know his home. He Terence Y. Powderley had organ-| would never tell it himself and ized a few years previously, andi the sobriquet was tacked onto although now defunct, was'then|him years ago. for the reason running strong. Alex. Brown/that he always carried a buneh held a 3-in-1 office--president] of goose quills with which he gccretary and treasurer, Fred| gave a great variety of imitations Stevenson was first comedian,/of animals and birds. He also Frank Bemrose, second and Benj carried an old violin, but could Smith third. Willie John Suth-/ seldom be induced to play it, erland was the general utility; What littie money he beggesl man, and Smith's donkey the|weni for boos» and during the (Jack." The remaining few wore time that James Marrin was on Just ordinary working members, | {he night watch, Jack would al. who had no voice in the manage- | wavs, when passing through, look ment, but were supposed to do/him up about midnight and ask as they were told. The work of/ for a flop in the lockup, the lodge was exemplified in the} Jaines Beck was a harmless old yard of a widow who had a wood-|yearx on Bradford street. He Pile but not the means of cutting died in 1899 and left a@ farm and it. The initiatory degree was al-| other property: to friends that So put on in this or some other|were kind to him in his later al night and the season, winter: | believing him to be possessed uf "Jack" hauled the "horses" and)a charm, would take lacrosse Saws to the meeting place and and shinny sticks to him to if the yard were barren of beech charm, thinking that the process and maple, he made a second|would render them unbreakable, jirip for the fuel. This, if not Jimmy would always ask if you donated in a worthy case by some/had {mith in charis and if an generous-hearted citizen, was /a'lumalive reply way given the 'paid for out of the treasury, The, miracle was performed, other. "sheriff" levied the assessments Wise he would order the eallee jand there was always a surplus, (= ond throw the stick after peven after the ew bil hom | oyster) at the closing of the 'lodge had been liquidated. (Continued on page if.) | Thus did a worthy work pro- Birds and the War {ceed uninterruptediy and) the Bird lovers whe had no person- [hearts in many a poor home were l acquaintance wilh the terrific Juladdened, The lodge was ine XDetiences of the. western front aetive in the wood-cutting line Were continually surprised at the in the summer tonths, the alten- Putts of observers of the sinall tion of the members being turn #ect yf the gunfire on foathored Jed to the wearing of silk bats Hi At great pains Mr. Hugh fasid inhi, (iladstone bas collated the evie Harry White, before leaving "e8ee of numerous eyewitnesses 3 m this and other points. con. Rarrie for Toronto, lef! a wood- cutting record behind him which hup to' the present has not been broken. Charhe Joues, son of Jos, Jones, the veteran colored Wood sawyer, was a close seeond Gul Charhe has 1 * whind his heme for years past amd still maintitins thal he can beat any ef the Harrie bunch at shoveling voal ina handicap contest. Harry While cul wood for pastime plus Me prevailing price al that time of fifty cents a cord. two cuts. Wood was then about two-fifly a cord green, for scleet maple, and three dollars for) seasoned ry. At present. prices twelve fo fifteen dollars a cord, he Would probably want tore Harry's real oecupation was Dogler of the 35th Battalion une der C@ls, MeKenzie and O'Brien, (and some bugler heavas cerning tirds and) the War," mate makes an illuminating And delightful book just publish. ed by SkeMington. 1 would seen devastation of battle as the jaek- Haw oon the villag mareh Of faman tt Blackbirds built thaie ny Furtously boubarded that ever thing areund vt. Nightingales pauses of naghtetim ments, and the brood of one pair Was hatched on the lip of the first-line trench during Uin day of the heaviest gunfire before blackeaps, sparrows, swallows, mar- ein the None of the men | Wood Cutters Club" could ever varried on their domestic duties kel near Harry White's record, amid the roar of heavy artiller |althouxt an At bucksuw with a Great-tits investigated the shal. red frame Was hung up ax a tered trees of Thiepval, with huge jbrize Cor the member who could shells bursting close' by, while joome willin an hour and a half owl. and kestrely hawked just as Jor it, in peace, Beyond all question the tos evidence in this hook shows that Bul heve is a real record pull- the birds really were indifferent joo in the town of Elko, B.C, to the noise of the guns. 'Ther Jon Sunday evening, August {7th. is an interesting chapter on |Two strange young men drifled changes in bird habits due to the into Elko and after 'getting ac- war, though incidents narrated duainted -- commenced -- talking ought to be regarded as evidence about wond cutting and how fast of adaptability rather than detin. # rick could be sawed, split and! ite change of habjl, Of such is the ers of the urement as a cord--ejght feet ings caused swallows to make long and four feet high, but of stove length, which, in 'this in- stance, was fourteen inches. Be-/of habitat, resulting in the ap. ing asked in what time they could pearance of predatory. hinds ya do it they offered to place a small unusual places, wore recorded bet that they could perform the occasionally, the moat notable huiracle in' thirty-five minutes.| instances heing the breeding of The questioner saw what he the biltern in ancient haunts on thought a chance to make a little the rast coast of Fngland, easy money; so advised a friend; or twa and returned with fift dollars in currency. The mone lor aeloe ent ® hull Dine | wich' God niade Ie. more been He ext ected and measured. | fay thoes yee city which man Eleven outs of the log measured sage: that tire out-of-doors and pods the ee, ceeretbing: was] in touch willy the core e oee ready the announcement WS! natural life of man. I believe made to the villagers by aound~| teat wont ig yo whore ; 2g the fire "alarm, whist cont roe it bat thet cane with Na- sists of a triangle, shaped from a| jing je! eve inspiring than work Frog Bound iron rail, suspended (ith, the moat area nce from @ scaffold and struck with| Nu" 'Ré most intricate | dignity a hammer. 'The villagers hastily !oP7 qt Pelleve that the ony. responded to the call with the| voy "to naten non ace ae it exception of the ice cream man| {nu Go) pul on how you di wa Rue Pras on the lookout for pasa | or he norm eh ey oe boy are eraerss one ue viize|i® the city; that life is larger Thal had dee eTine 8 lissi8 | ona freer snd happier of ine that had increased six cents in i * value sinco the libel suit, Even|f@'m than in the town; that my the hotel men locked their bars | suncess depends not spon max lon and joined the spectators, Seats |{an0"., | dreams put Upon What were provided for the ladies on T actually do: not luck, but the shady side of a large barn|{ notually do: ine om i while the male population crowd-| 29% Pluck. id ate a ing when you work and playing ed around the log. A referee and|!" y in givi time keepers were selected and|*P¢" you Play and in giving and ere demanding a-square deal in every at the word "go" the sasyers| 4° a Went. They went through that | Ar Of life." Edwin Osgood log with a crosscut saw eleven |" . times, rolled the blocks over and ra while one man split the other| To-Improve Collingwood Line piled. In_ twenty-five minutes! Collingwood News--The Trans- flat they completed the job, di-|portation Committee of the vided the money, said "thank|Chamber of Commerce is in re. you" and walked over for an icalceipt of definite information eream cone. Later it leaked out|from the Grand Trunk author- thal they were old-time lumber ities that they intend to proceed Jacks, had worked the game be-|with the laying of 80-pound heavy freely than ever before, Changes The Country Boy's Creed 'believe that the country DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE DISTRICT fore, knowing the exact time they|steel rails from Colwell Junction s and other small birds also! piled. .A rick is the same meas- | fact Mhat the demolition of huild_{ their nests in trees perhaps more open air, usually in the back bachelor who lived alone for back yard. The time was always days. 'The boys of the west end! Under whieh title the mass af) thal on the whole the birds wore | as imdilterent to the thander and | below, | sts on] {he guns and were found sitting | In villages whieh had been se, as smashed fo{ Mens. Robins nested in duge! bombard | | { i 1 In France - InItaly- - The Ford power plant that in every theatre o: the Ford you buy. 118 St. Paui St. West, Possible that they may not be able to complete it as fat as Col- lingwood this season, as it is a hig undertaking, but' it will be Pushed with all possible speed. 'The citizens of Collingwood may not realize the full signifi- 'cance of this mov It neces- means increased terminal facilities at Gollingwood for the handling of heavier engines and equipment, which the heavier steel will admit of coming here, and it will also permit the Grand Trunk to place the service on ae main line hasis, "A Joan of Arc Machine" " HE withstood ev: S Shore ai wee, sme until the cessation of "Extract from Ford Mator Company from a British Soldier, in Africa, 'out of 1,000 were Fords 33) cas out of 1,000 were Fords InEgypt - 996 cars out of 1,000 were Fords In Mesopotamia '999 cars out of 1,000 were Fords the war remains the same, It will be in ode! prow Include Klsctie Huarsing and Likhting re carrier and Sonakid Ures on rear as optciel tre. These piricen are f.0.b. Ford, O only Genuine Ford Parte, 700 Canadian Dealers 126 Bev Sal coor tied Saroios Garanes pou oo T. R. HUXTABLE--DEALER--BARRIE, Ohildren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S UQUIDS ong could make, to Collingwood this fall. It is PASTES and Ox-Blood (dark brown) Shoes= in the field and still is, the last. and letter received by tablished this world-wide record the Klectric Harting ang vad Car load of "Cane Mola" is now en route. Place your orders with our distributo: Local Distributor ALEX. McKEE, BARRIE Cane Mola Co. of Canada, Limited - Montreal, Qui NOTICE OF REGISTRA- TION OF BY-LAW Notice is hereby given that a by-law Was passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Barrie on the 2nd day of Septem. bebr, A.D., 1919, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $77,000.00 for the purpose of alterations and additions to the West Ward School; also improve. ments to the South Ward School, all be. ing permanent improvements, and that such by-law was registered in 'the registry office for the Registry Division of tho County 'of Simeoe on the fifteenth day of September, A.D. 1919. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice. and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 17th day of September, 1919. A. W. SMITH, CASTORIA. 3540 Clerk. PRESERVE "re LEATHER + For Black,White,Tan