i J. AL S6th Year we. MacLAREW, Editor WALLS, Manager SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 8 16 PAGES - BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1919 Single Copies 4 cents $1.50 Per Year (in advance) No, 39 . MURDOCH OF TINY - ISU. F. 0. CHOICE Former Nominee Beaten -- Labor Men Present--Farm- ers Against 8-Hour Day. Having Ye call a second cone vento i nol dampen the ardor Of the Gertre Simeone UFO. The atiemdanor at Elmvale on Sat- Hedy afernionn compietely fille fut the bait and there were cand dates aplavty, "eleven names. be Hie subntted and five gos te aovehe HG. Murdoch, of Wy. ne wen con the 'Uhird ballot. mes Martin, maainated at the | fost vonvention, was again @ candidate bat weal out on. the sreond ballot, OP Wa representatives acere pre sent from the 'Penetang law eons and after a comparison of Platforms A was Geeided Mat roamed te ures ronol om taver of the cigthttranur day al Pactator In the nieeteug, H Rertrain, the abarnman, said he Wished fer standing why lee thal Lad tried ty pick a candi- Thas Was absolt fely founded. Snes written the speak he heard Mr. 'Hertram was to a candidate which faet ple: Hine Mesrrisan replying Bites Mr. Bertram meeiv- ed anethes ther from Mr. Mor whien several be fe wightmour way. tically leaves the blame on my shoulders where it does not he-. lung." he saiu. "Mr. Martin did know of my remarks befare he! Jefl the meeting. "EP want it em-. Phatically stated tat 7 did nul Say be was riding two har 2 A trade The remark to give 'him & chanee (a make an explanation and start with a clear sheet. I have nothing against Mr. Martin al all. 1 did wot want the nomin- alien," abor Heard From Dmpurs said tke Popresent- Mane Lahor which #8 sixty nl. organized. 'He wished 'bo sen if fhe 41.0. would support the Laber pkatforim: (f so. support would be given mvotes and mon_ Procecding tu read the aber pinttorm, We four! support, for mostef the planks. The first: objected to by the farmers was "Equal pay for equal werk Next as Abe Winn of property vitice Nr peinted oui that this nef be fatr an sundcupal where if is largely a mate Zat-Howr Day quahtiention for Deny wine Lator 4 is Morking far in Mr. Darpnir Wi not <ee why this <hanlt affect the farmers, as # man Wt hate Co adapt hitnsett 'uy fie hours as he found then om how or-@ountry. Mr. Deury--Personaily fl 'thimk the 8-hour day a mistake. 'Liter pts Wrome trying to Seca oan Poarbilrars Beker day. 'Tewn Working conditions teday are Urawing the omen off the Farms Mr. Qrpyts--1 dey 'te ink any [farmer shonki work mene tian Px bane Were eapdained and xfler read Ie Wis "be felt that would n be far sa (he TPO. B te did pen TWh dis nme ceo before the ena Yenhen Anarene fo pot rah eardiug Mr He dul nen The inpressior which Tbe Whadae Ie wa siren mark me Yo repart sehen he Mniferte' Mhat the S neirks mbna tin' fe Mr. Martin, these hi satisfied the perter ae feepreted tos wemark ed and dit net mitentimally: mir represett Wis meannig. | "The meaning Tomended to conwey War thar if there was not a thee nered public would undes the wpressiaa thal one of the cand riding two hovses, 1 Is repent. because Wr. Martin was known to have been heaé of the Liberal ulive. 1owieh to say that 7 den) think Mr, Martin acted as wv Tiberal sat the last conven tie Te is a TPO, mein and nothing, else, So am TL When 1 accep ed the view-presiteney tor Cer-4 fre Simeae 1 threw away any parts lernings I might have had.' y He Resigned James Maclin was next hea in connection with 'his reeigna- tien. Before the last conyantion he hod no invention of bemg a candidate, having spent ovev Years in public life, dat the ven- thusiastic meesing deal carried him off his fet, Ag the tne of his nemination he was pregi- dent of the Contre Simeys Liberal Association and ac tmz lo the ruling oof the @.F.0. Central 4ifiee this disquatified him from being their didate. Mr. Ber- tram t yavall attentwm to this fact afler the first batot, it Appears. but as' he (Martin; was engaged in the back of the hall he did not tear the remarks and 'vent 'home not knowing what Mr. Bertram had said "Wher | yead in the paper that Mr. Ber- 'tram, head of the U.F.O..for- the riding, had distinetly said that £ wouBd be riding two horses un- Jess there were three candidates who can blame me for retiring? 1 felt that as a candidate I could not work congenially with an ex- ecutive head who had given me sucha slap as that." Continuing, 'he said another reason for resigning was that fhe convention had been confined too much to farmers, the Labor party not even being approach- ed. He had laid the situation be- fore his club at Sunnidale Corners and they agreed with his resolution to resign. Further, his candidature was not in accord with the wishes of his family. He believed his resigna- nd ora \ lady Deesale The weld shire {Mr Sorurv-- at we can get iil jel the peapte wha eat thal work j Tel aw wend Soom gh eared Hon iat weabd make omepss ws: hears . Mr Warkme ven Hevtes ab chay porenterees be mech Waves nen ot at wark s ithe as AIWets semebitty Wi fw veur 7 Shorter hones freuen. anerrpdovare nt Mr Deny ---8f men con't fat Work qa the ety, he then cone fe fhe comntey and they will he weloena: There are tomitnes in He vant of a Yermer's zen Jeet whim working as Veg ae he Vite. AS far ax Dean wr you P oproposing to pestrite 'the hours sof Raber simpy to make the work go roand, thus keeping men im towns that are neetled on! the farnis Reptying fo a stiggestion the ay HW l:abor welt suiport abl Hien ot the tari, Th. Hefley said, "M1 we cant compete with the ontside world we're-no gded." Atandale Union Men Geo. Gulham reporteé inter- ciewing one uf the heat Union > said be would lay the matter before the eeganizations and assured 'the deputation "(hat the Atkandale Labor men were with the .F.0, Asked by a reporter as mo the name of the Allandaie man who had given S axsurance, Mr, Cutuam said "he did not know his nan lbs = Report 15 To G.AW.W.A. G. W. Heney, of Stayner, told of having interviewed President Morren of the "Barrie GANA, He reported Mv. Morren to have ed that the ed to (aking ac! 1einies and werld pant fren that role, but the UWP, could bank on their support. The Government had turned down their request for gratuily and he helieved the farmers favored giving them fair deal Mr. Morven, said the speaker, had de- clared in faver of additional aid by a per diem allowance for the time the men were actually en- gaged on thé fighting front. Mr. Henry replied that the farmers were in favor of this. ' The Nominations Howard Bertram, of Midhurst, hy Geo. MeDonald, Vespra. Fred McClung, of Flos. "#H. G. Murdoch, of Wyebridge; by Mr. Linton. Wm. Lynn, of Tiny, Dupuis, of Penetang. C. M. Hickling, of Vespra, by R. D. Coutts, of Midhurst, Deputy-Reeve P. A. Coughlin, y J. F. tion was in the best interests of the U.F.0, Disclaims Responsibility On Mr. Martin taking his seat, Mr.~ Bertram rose im- mediately. "Mr. Martin prac- 7 : 4 of Flos, by A. J. Harley, of Pen- elang. Deputy-Reeve Alex, H. Wilson, of Vespra,- by M. Coughlin, of Anten Mills. . James Martin, of Sunnidale, by Clarence Sage, of New Flos, € the mein thines the! ine h Titers comedy 'Be Saige | estin avarly 10,000, while Weitnesday 7 RECORDS BEATEN _|SIMCOE NEEDS THO' WEATHER BAD BETTER ROADS This Year's Barrie Fair Drew Cevunty Engineer Doing Good Big Crowds--A Fine Show,| 'Work -- 500 Miles Under Is General Verdict. His Supervision, With ower sixty sears of steady) county progress behind them, #nd def spite the most inelementiand di heartening wealker, the directnre of the Barrie Agricultured Societs owldistatren| a¥l former recondy amd achieved 'the greatest swe cess ora their Mistory an the SWI Fair Weld on Monday, Tuesay | work tn and Wednesday, "The agricul | masinose ike cre tural end of the show, the yrim= | "Sino, ian ars wibject nt the exhibition, 'was | yp, the Best evry held, and the many and varied niher attractions were ona seale to interest and 'umuse tir "wast "hirengs who patroni¢e [yarn this big annual 'tafy, loro ioun Engineer amphell Was bee the busiest officials in Int during the past spring and sume mer, and Vhe almost herculean task of decking safter 500 mikes of County Roads, besides path. Freeman ing brates and viher aecessary atlarked im a born romipare yfaverabty with "Os any other Geunty in Cm F ently igiTnAers Toeminties to get Despite the Uneatening weath-j pointers here and ihe, caverns fie on Paesitay, the crowds pournd) muir supecvisurs. uniter con ite Caan all morning, and be} mento the ATIRENL, CMs ped moon (ere were steaty streams et meter and horsecdrawn ve voming Mon a leads | Kuve abot 4 ads. A heavy dewnpour @t tte: Genenty fens Woatbeut ame eb Gust as [the Ue lario Gone the crowds were streaming Wel scihsidy of ah per went al the He eryeunds. someghal pot afeoustraction umd iidinieniera, a 50 miles under deem to whieh Hinent pays a "| lage of Tottenham, Thy Une condition wf (he gr avetlod | ----------, concrete with reinforced slab floor, al an approximate cost of HARTT RE-NAMED $1900. Townline Matchedash and Tay IN EAST SIMCOE bridge, known as Durnford Bridge, 28-foot clear span, con- . A crete, with concrete slab and Unanimous Choice of Large concrele guard rail, about 3 miles} Convention -- Still After Halbert. from Coldwater, over Bear Creek, East Simcoe Conservatives re- Approximate cost &3000. nominated Major J. [. Hartt, M. > 'Townline Flos and Vespra, re- paired the Edenvale Bridge by re- moving the ol! wooden floor and I aneee o arity: & filling the present archos with | Qi itfiq in Honlage evar mrevel. "Avproximate cost aoieen | tion was a representative one and line Tosporoniin ind Adjala, 3/¢@@fidence in returning -- their iitles wont of Alliston." iy rox. |f#ndidate was the dominant note. ny w 0. APPFOX-I-Phore was no other nomination, Major Hartt receiving the unan, imous and enthusiastic ondorsa- imate cost of £2000. toculvert, 50 feet in Jength, with heavy fill, on town |} : : is Possoruntion | sea {tion of the convention on motion tine Essa and Tessorimtio. | mile of George Dudley, uf Midian Snproximats Simpson, of Port Mc- Sfont cloar concrete arch, 58 }feet dong, on 5 side road, Teeum <efh, Two miles east of Alliston. Approximate cost $3000, Two concrete culverts in vil- The Hon. George Henry, Min- ister of Agriculture, addressed the convention, dealing with what the Government bad accomplish- ed for agriculiure. Incidentally Mr. Henry paid his respects to the U.F.O., which he declared to be an organization ceutred in To ronto, Mr. Henry vigorously defended his department, and declared that great advances had been made. A Weicome Home during the past few years and Approximate Cost 1100, Gunerete bridge, {4-foot clear >a, on lawn line West Gwillim- [Bary and 'fovumseth. Avpresi mete eost 21000, paneer: con the euirits: of She] cred 148 adaditmal amites gre pemie, and wtormiitent showers linia: the Pravitlal Gilinis Ante! Lend to mike conditions Pye. pele. wilt (alien tae more plrasumt--vet. despite the s wedi her, everyborly: Seemad te hr [dswermmed te indke the est of iL anil thoneukhty enjoy ave aelues Streets im ile Virtus urban mune Willout any reuszeration thee |i alin. cwhun ormmiertel fare of WAY can safely be elnssed eee Linke wit tne ASiMints) aeateie < lee bess exter' held. Tre momtaw a amborlecn in Oe mente. [hating Shaw was a surprise tol eye ite ieee mar his Elneae: tety the tnany aUSPIePS, Myseirtun Avi, Albena rin: eens eavailable amch at at duis dieen ed heing ite hest yer Seon and mam of ther were ol artistic arrangement en a par With thease of Parente Exhibition, te othe ether big priwene ral shows Director PL Siew nad! oharge of (necarrangenrent of the' Svernment substay is BO per Loon belay macutenanee and struction nen Mme aon fhe desinatett Durens the Summer a teen tea tointle past sprin deal of avo tn ties Cousin. umber the Srovinetat Nai JUHU ar ates reer eNirbils. amd the wl was laid He teen Srey ven Mt owilh a view to greing the tleieted "leadms: 'ling ; i Wood cone guts Bah tarvie Ath Weesn umebes Fpvitiine the test ' uentel saan vial ad Jotrarted vax possible. Dnrma fal o heted cane i si S2one, [the Stawers vat nesday ater. | A2ONe. Juew the halk was densehy park -- Phe Prvetum Row near drt snl the seating? & aiflthe. ties heen str fl fhe end was never ore merged | rao wel gr velled Bor JP atongh She day a steady! [We Biles Reaweer 4 Meigond) ant) Penetane . Of peuple surged thrsagh i ream of pewplet eurgen erenghd Hervael. Milks | miles, thy " sing. admired the evhibite'! # rer ae Matic En eee acetate COUUEE rund tannin eu araenne aie unease of opinion se med te from the Smotor is being use ( For tht base cand this road. will be Ural the dmplay was far-ahove the best ever seen at the 'Farr. year | The attendeoree at the Fair was A. elleeeomAte pavement om pereater than test year's immense!) AY oy Had a, Voesee's Atl engane ne been deeitied -ypon, umuer the 1B eonseevatiwely estimated a Provimcidlscounte System. This ine iS a hopetul sign of a more tirew "twice Ube Oe reer ay modern trend of opinion in re en dae ' Sie Pes abals || fard to ponmanreney in-read con- wo days sthout 815 el Struckinn. fr than last pear, and Waa tne any mile of the 500 Srp her enaiwed fine a eet lunder the Counts "Engineer has etily these figures wow e 'In gen received some attention, heen inersaned by onectha'. ral, whe suade mare id very (Continued on page 9.' Ilpoor condition 'last spring, the over-atundanee of rain being © Amos Train, of Floe-by)targely respensible. 'Durin, Thos, E. Smith, of Vigo. kos Ramkin, of \Wyebridge, 'b Wm, MeGasnell, of 'Tiny. . obsinary repairs, and W. E. Brow Dalston, kp--] wach work thas been lett an ¥ pee aC maatateny done that wonld have heen gone Whe Recall _ jon wilh if help could have been be sertaed wt stone another A motion was passed making| secured. 'The need of steam the noxnination conditional upon rolors ix also very apparent. 'the candidate placms in the] 7 hands of the 'U.F.O. Executive hie 'County Bridge and Oufvert Con- resignation which would become 5 struction effective upon a petitian of sixty During the st su er the ver vent. of those actually vot-laouune sent eet omelet ing jin the election. A wecard.of| many bridges and culverts, and {howe votiog will be kept by thelthe ouguets he hac received on srepuneer in each palling sub-lina excellent work done neon "Nieman, Derteam aise avg-|P 00 a : The Deadman bridge over 'gested that the candidate be com- Bailey's Creek, two miles north Bellod? to fyle with the secretary |o¢ iecton, ie a oo-ft span of a «lrtailed statement of 'bis ex-| a.) and 'ronerote with a con. Penses xo that they might Snow] crate guard rail 200 feet long. it be was making any unjustlit was finished in Jove at a cost [gharges. of £6000. Nominees Heard The McMaster bridge, 7th con, Alter a few remarks, Messrs./fssa, two miles south of Eeae McClung and Bertram withdrew} station, has. a concrete beam, their names. 40-foot clear span, and a H. G. Murdoch said he was!/heavy fill at south approach, The thunder i in favor of Mr.lwith concrete abutments, steel Simpson but the re-call stood in superstructure and -- concrete Mr. Murdoch/ floor, 'The approximate cost was considered the recall perfectly] x3000, fair and one of the main planks The Tracey bridge, opp. lot of the U.F.0. He thought there 28, con, 7, Adjala, three miles should be sympathetic co-opera-| north of Loretto, has a 28-foot tion between Labor and the clear span, with concrete abut- farmers. He believed the farmers ments, concrete floor on steel did not emphasize sufficiently] girders, and concrete guard rail. mut | Orillia, has! somerville who spoke of the high |; and congregation with the min.|0 Avery oordial welcome wasex-| thi! the oullook for agricultara jMnded by the congregation of] was never more promising, pSL Andrew's Churehy tase Friday, Referring to the provincial wight tu Rev A. Brows: ae highways, which was practically ples. Bras an absends Of fine nly item in the Govern. Sahroe mualhs owing Le the ser-| mena "prserainné the, Was {dyin "acenieul which Befel Me Te mde Ne Meng: eae ae Grown ia June, Hecoware ve. {the Ontario programme of road- } Donald Koss, the chairman, re- making look second place to that [ierred 40 the anxiety felt over {or none af the states in the Mr. Rrewn's condition until hei niin apevlority. jay: in Mectired sul of danger, and] ins thal i would. brits improv- Halsy to the delight of the con |) nal it we dgorway Of peace alien and olker citizens at} (\, ly every farmer in the try, whereas in the United Sta construction was confined to Words of ikfalness and kindly greeting deep appreciation, i i main highwa I was being us sient a ese ot financed Jargely hy the million H ner 8 "fand a half dollars received in Mr. Gallie for the Managers . z e {j;motor license -- fe of which oe Boskay, (ha rae rhe more than halt «ame from the [puste Homimitloe, an 'EJurban municipalities in_ whieh Ia Abe aces co (Mt a dollar of this fund was hee Usarceete tour tit Mts Brown SBOKe | jn 0 Tnent. Mrs Hemera ed that in very feeling terms of the kind- in the impending election the ona [ne nendehip tear aad £8 he ut enmaring' sae eter I ag = p: A ment f i h retary o | manifested toward Mrs. Brown t fay in the return of the Hearst "Administration with, a substantial majority, stain W. Finlayson, of Midland, was olect- ed president of the association; . Evans, Orillia, vies i A. E, Copeland, ary, and J. €. Swartman; Wauhaushene, treasurer, . Viee-Presidents fér the differ- ent municipalities: Orillia D. H. Chureh; Orillia, Henry Elliot and himself----it could not be sur- 'passed. It was a joy to be able to return to his people and his work again and he bespoke the jUevoled oe ration of everyone yin the sangregation bo the build- jing up wf God's cause in the jchurch and the community, | Greelings from Barrie Presby- lery wena brought by Rev, R. H. pluce Me. Brown occupies among his fellow-presbylers and voiced Hetentet ea watare , Borrow sbeir salisfaction and gratitude |Yenemor, CAldwater" Qe oe 2 6G. ictoria Harbor, W, J. + Port MeNicoll, J. L. Simp- son: Wauhaushene, C. Swart. man; Midland, Digby Horrell, Still After Halbert Major Hartt devoted a short time to the statement made hy Mr. Halbert, the head of the U.P. ina recent speech at Barri at his reaovery: } ie Rev. Nerman MacGillivray, of j Millard: '@rillia, also came to extend his best wishes. Beginning wilh a haracteristically humorous in- troduction, Mr. MacGillivray guve words of sound advice as to the necessity and power of full co-operation of office bearers ister. No matter how talented|when he stated thal he (Major the minister or people they can-|Hart!, had called the farmers'-a jRet do the work in their own|bunch of fat hogs feeding alan stremeth, but the Christ, the /overflowing trough," and gave the people and the minister make a/li¢ direct to Mv. Halbert. He had triple alliance for which no task |never made such a statement, great, and unless Mr. Halbert retracted 'olos Were sung by Miss Gauloy|at once he would be served with and Geo. Folster. Refreshments}a writ. In fact at the time of speaking Mr. Hartt said he had a letter in his pocket from Mr, Although Mr. Brown has not|Halbert's solicitor asking to have fully recovered, he occupied his| {he apology modified but he had pulpit on Sunday and expects to] been told that nothing short of be able to care' for most of his|!he most complete apology would work in the congregation. he acceptod. --___ War Experiences Don't fail to attend the enter. were served and a very pleasant social hour spent. Elections on October 20th The provineial elections hav- Y ing been announced to take place} !ainment in the Public Library the same date as the Referendum{Hall on Monday evening, Sept. Vote, October 20th, has caused] 29 under the auspices of the G. a flurry among party candidates{W.V.A. Sergt. Walter McRaye, and worker: returned veteran of recognized In anticipation of an extra|talent and eloquence, will give an heavy vole, many more polling} interesting and intensely humor. booths are being engaged and in[ous address on his experiences ia Barrie 16 polling places will be{the war. He comes highly recom- used as follows:--Two each in}Mended by the press of the en- Wards |, 2 and 3; four in Ward/tire country. Musical numbers 4; three each in Wards 5 and 6,| Will also be given. Tickets 500 Returning Officer Arthur Jary, of ---- Craighurst, is busy making ar- South Simooe U.F.0. rangements for the vote in Cen-/ Owing to the resignation of tre Simcoe. The returning offic-| Mr. Compton, Jeffs a convention ers for the County are the chief/of the South Simeoe UFO, will enumerators who supervised the/be held in the Town Hall, Cooks- Preparation of the voting lists,|lown, on Saturday, Sept. 27, at Roy Coleman, of Cookstown, being | 2 p.m. A full delegation is re-- for West Simcoe; D. G. MeCurdy, | quested from every polling sub- of Tottenham, being for South jdivision. R. W. Burnaby will be Simeoe, and Harold Kearns, of|present to address the conven- Orillia, for East Simcoe. tion. A special invilation is {he importance of their calling.|The approximate cost as 83000. "I'm proud of being a farmer Two bridges were built on Road {Continued on Page 4.) 18a, half a mile west of Lisle, of pan A a given to the ladies, Wedding cake buxes for JAMES SHEEHAN, The Examiner office, 39-390 - President