Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Sep 1919, p. 14

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Page Fourteen AT AGE OF SEVENTY SHE GAINS 25 POUNDS Since Taking Tanlac Mrs. Rollins Feels Better Than In Twenty Years. "Iam seventy years old and have been in poor health for a good many yeurs, but since tak- anlar 1 feel belter in every than 1 have in twenty year: said Mrs, M. B West 29th street, Seattle, Wash,, Simcoe Conservatives nily, * For! twelye years," tinued, "I suffered re she con- Tate caused me so much misery W. T. ALLAN AGAIN IN.WEST Unanimously Re - by Large Convention of THE BARRIE EXAMINER Sept. 25, 1919 IS ICE-COLD SIMCOE nominated WATER BAD FOR RHEUMATISM? A BRITISH SEAMAN's XPERIENCE Conservatives. ' This story of Wm. Rogers, » seaman tyes | in the Mine Sweeping Branch of the (Alliston Herald) | Royal Navy, is absolutely, true and can They were all there, This is a simple | be readily veri one 1014, Rogers con. {wentence but it contains Rollins, of 110 lengthy story of the convention of West held in Creemore The convention was the [quadrennial party gathering to nominate | candidate for the riding's seat in the constantly |Onturio legislature at present occupied by from stomach trouble and what|W. T. Ailun of Collingwood, wlio succeed- | jon Friday last ed to the position after the J. S Duff in January, 1917, a bright and | | ted discharged as incurable. death of Hon. . after winning eumatism. He was sent to the TorontoGeneral Hospital,where for over 19 months he was a patient, finally being Yo despair he took a friend's advice and tried ton's Rheumatic Capsules. The resulta | Were astounding--in a short time he wus able to pass the stiff examination ect by the Navy, and became an A.B. in the 'emple- THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON SEPTEMBER 28: REVIEW: JESUS OUR SAVIOUR AND KING. [ GoupeN TEXT---Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highes ." Mat. 21:9. Lesson I. Central Truth: Truly convert ed persons will continue steadfastly in Ap. ostolie doctrine, fellowship, observence of the Lord's Supper and prayer. Lesson Hl. Central Truth: The Lord Jesus has been given all authority in beav: en and on earth Lesson III. Central Truth: We should observe the Lord's Supper as a memorial of the Lord Himself and of His atoning decth until He come again. Lesson IV. Central Truth: If we supply Barrie Branch and Safety Deposit Boxes» =} Cookstown Branch Cr es ne ee TTY Clip Your Victory Bond Coupons on October Ist. 'The Dominion Government will distribute €2,500,000'1n interest upon Canada's $100,000,000 Second War Loan, on Wetinesday October 1. What will be your share of this great interest pay- ment? As holder of some of thése bonds it is advisable that you cash in your interest coupons Promptly. Any of our 870 Branches will cash these coupons, 'You should use the proceeds from "your clippings" to start = savings account with us, or add to the account already started "Produce and Save." RESOURCES, OF $53,000,000 A. Leslie, Manager that 1 dreaded to see meal time A y Mine Sweeping Branch. the need of olhers according toour annie + _T. McMillan, Manager come, T suflered: terribly. from out in the famous by rlection during te) For 17% months he did service in the [Goi will Til) full encre med of ues | Thornton Branch» =. 2] H. T. Thompson, Manager rheumatism and sometimes my eee oan of both parties were in the | NotH Sea. On three octasions he was |eoniing to Hix riches in glory. in Cheat feet and lees were so badly ,foureauys men of both parties were in the blows into the sca and remained ia the |us, ? swollen that | couldn't walk and point of Attendance the convention, of Fri piesa siees ag dy clove hhauy at Lesion V. Central Truth The Lon Je a my arms wouhl get so still "and day: pbubly holds the record for gather: | Gs had no returns at hee they eots aa Rives the Hein: gepter. atte or it sore thal 1 coulda'tyuse them al ing of the kind in thie riding Teer | touble, Think about it. It PRO'S (°° im and ask Him for all. My nerves were in such an, *# s full delegation of women from Col-| did go much for Rogers--will they not. |", Vi. Cental Truth= Th newoud. but anly on occasional female ° aston VI. Central Trut most I fw ful condition that the slight [mewn bu unly on occaional. female! do the same for you Imase privilege and. solemn obligutin ot] he olon s the ome of €st noise would upset me and I al onard's | Ask your Druggist or write as for our new {life ix to tell others of the Lord Jeaus und couldn geod night's nto aw Bele in Locyeres Gookdsiicielaterestiog aud conta you 1000 hue tq tuen them from the error of thee H K I ' Pris BAe artr| Te etre cme atee ths | San arwan ta Rue Meh, Temeee ae Nay aml save shise soil from seth ealth--Keep It Clean! undown (hat + up and went 'front seuts, the men exhibiting a reluctance | Sole Agent for Barrie, Wm. Crossland,| Lesson VII, Central Truth: We should | : ; 7 Pie ORO ein og 0 AE aM mle cance img goed ENR go everywhere witnessing for the Lord ALL HOUSE CLEANING jis at hand. It's a hard to bed where 1 lay for five long) to bemg seated tll all the ladies had been |Druggis t / D ; ' werks . |made comfortable. When the old guard | giggeiamemmneecennccsrsmmesames |JCSUS In he, pom of the Holy Spirit, be: | job, at best. But consider what an impossible task it : began to pour in every available seat wus ginning' at home ' would be if the house hadn't been getting its regular I heard sa mach about, Tan- ' ee UE. hud handed him ; | : e tae thal Laan! ne anouy © wey (S008 eecupied and standing room vas thi eine The zo Den sna yal ton Vit Central Truth (Dae neigh daily cleaning all these months! a i asker <0 i po m 2 " ibor. whom we should love «i whom we A _ ' meq bottle and after taking a quantity it was supposed to be, but he /ghoubl help ta the limit of our power i Long before this noonecould have lived in it. Theaccumulated purse of the medicine Fam per- felt eure that the Conservative interests Anyone who needs our. hel ' dust and dirt, which is fairly easy to down day by day, would fertiv well again, 1 feel twenty see a te hited tate these cate | Lesion IX. Central Truth To the nian have so clogged the quarters that they would be uninhabitable. bs and am streng aviaiee' seeing whert the electiia 5 HH NE fo Heese oni shail fies man Your Colon is the house where your health lives. It has enough to do all my housework paign was fought . 'esa in , "Cent aera ee aie 1 different' 'rooms" in which your daily physical welfare "'lives". without any trenh Adkdneonrs livegel byiW) A Bie: Kenan Xe Central Truths fo the. pa These "'rooms'? are long and narrow. So they are easily Atl een gee eine Twane Me Nes Feros Mlb -wbd LOCO) Ee ee Gabel fee aca clogged. And when constipation clogs them, your health has an fy j ~ eanteiv eae ty ki pe pe Hs SR 8 [rughteous nd shall ewst them into the fur to get along the best it can in a home that isn't fit to live in, any ards. 1 sunatism has en- _ }nace of fire where there shall be weeping more than a house clogged yp with dust and dirt is fit for you {irely inti tas, nerves jate all \ West since une: canals al Posh of ae ; j and your family to live in. shit and [sleep like ry eve A correspondent of the Allison Herald! Lesson XI. Central 'Truth: At Nujol is the hat will keep this "home of health' in might, 'The way Tanlae has over- had tive following article in reference to the |jwigment of the living natiane when oe | Rgiol jt the broom that will keep this "'home of health" in perfect euine my troubles and built me up is dike a wuirarle, and. any medicine that wall de that much moof my age is worth it~ woght in gold." Tanlac is sold In Barrie by Geo. Monkman, in Orillia by M. H. Cooke & Co. in Elmvale by W J. MeGuire, in Lefroy by GR Ardill, in Stayner hy N. B, West, in Cookstown by W. G. Mackay, in Waubaushene by Georgian Ba Lumber Co., Ltd. in Port Me- Nicoll by P.H. Beattie. in Allis- ton by E. B, Schell, in Lisle by Robt Liff_le, in Gilford by! James A. Blain, in Tottenham by Chas. A, Weaver, in Penetang- uishene hy Chas. A. Nettleton, while a hu about the entrunce to enjoy the hospitality of Mr. Tic us the ULF.O. candidate for cor twill he of general interest jfew desails of how he manag farm. two tui order that we may be the bett Mr Boker bought his farm ago and since then he hus been west of Collingwood, in UF.O. Candidate in West Simeoe "It was our much appreciated privilege and Mrs, Richard Baker, Collingwood, quite recent- | ly As Mr. Baker is now before the pub- West Sim to heur a his dairy er able to judge whether he will make an up-to-date | legislator or an advocate for the old rurs. un years | dred or more |aypyly of water before them, and every to the stuirs/thing, electric lights included, 10 make a |. away inte eternal Tighieous into eternal: life Lesson XII. "Every spired of God and is profit for reproof, for correction, fur instruc': which is in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely junto every good work." California Merm: Mack Sennett's dszzhng young Culifornia ix, hitherto. known only to the through the eye of the of Sennett into the waters of fullblown. raduetons Lord comes again the wicked shall "oy punishment; but th eripture is in: | placing the old buildings with new ones {eumera, have emerged from their squatie LN GF 2 beter wearing' the" Nojol Tak naw thre. semaine Solyr the-all houre (Cee Ges tee aah Warning: Trace Mak All druguina. W. T. Allan ly retreat in the Land of Sunshine to. give Insist oo Notol. You Pay xg Mth All sehich oc ts be replied shortly He keeps |vital enbellishtient tou novel entertain oe" in all thirty-three cows. which find com-/yent at the Grand Operu House this week wiunt, A crowd stond in /foftuble quacers in well-lighted cement The showing on the screen there of "Jack Nujol ssather on the stuirs and in [tables with swinging stations, constant (Canuck. in Berlin' marks the high wee . Nujol is the only helper that will do this without turning things sppzy- turvy and upsetting all the "rooms""--just as house-cleaning does. By daily use of Nujol you can free yourself from all the diseaye-risk, discomfort snd inefficiency that come from a clogged colon Nujol is nota medicine. Not the least particle of it is absorbed into the system, It iva clear, tasteless, odorless, absolutely HARMLESS softener and lubricant. A baby can take it with perfect safety. It doesn't upset the stomach or anything else. It simply keeps the home of vour health CLEAN and COMFORTABLE. --¢ Get a bottle of Nujol from your druggist to-day, and send for free booklet--"*Thirty Feet of Danger." Nujol Laboratories, staxvanp ot co. (EW JERSEY), 50 toadway. New York Nujol sold only in « For Constipation in-Hawkestone by Thos. A. Stone, |for an hour or more in the bope that some in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble, [provision might be made to enable then in Goldwater by C. G. Millard, in|! a least hear the speeches Midland by. Geo. Gerrie, in Brad-16f delegaten were very much in fuvur of ford by W. 1. Campbell, in Stroud |this move burt had to be ubandoned on by Chantler Bros. in Craighurst| account of difficulty in hurriedly seating by T. Hill. in Collingwood by Jury |the rink. Secretary Mackay of Conkstuwn & Gregory, in Belle Ewart by recived the reports of selegations from ir ¥arioue secretaries and learned to his Brambles 4 (Choe tn Mb. StecLow a csevandl athe Batic t ME ee by E. J. Peters & Son, in Moone |janagers thut every polling sub-division in stone hy J. R. Sykes, and in Vie~ jthe ruline war rep hor by T, W. Brown.-- isement gine state ceased anv! when Arthur called the meet ing to order the hall was packed to eupacity Arnutrong. B.C. Jun while vn the platform besides the officers Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd., of the West Simcoe Liberal-Conservative | Yarmouth. N.S. © | Asocntion were Wo TL Allan, MPP. Dear Sire Col, J. A. Currie, MP. W, A, Boys. M.P., | start of the Baseball season We land Alox Ferguson, MPP. After the min Using the | jekuting rink wus mentioned and a number ; cow cheerful and willing to do her part in feeding the nation In che dairy we found electriety lighten labor by turning the battle wash. | te thoroughly with the least no how el | reipieity. wosh he clothes sad | saws che wood stowed the el e] fittings theough th ar und out te wh notor wh we found that of five reals runs to elownery established by custom for The coniely's footage nearly three times the enne:t'« Sickness Prevention Booze Costs Years of Life Insurance Records Prove Moderate Drinking Increases Death-rate 35% have been hindered with sore muscles. |i:tm of the last convention held in Al sprained - ankles. ete... but just as #000 fren had heen read and adopted the pres as we I using Minard's Liniment our |ident announced that the next order of bus baseball pl your Liniment troubles ender Ever keep a bottle of uly, Armstrong, Yours was accomplished briefly by President, Neil McArthur, Richard Bell, sec iness would be the election of officers. Thix of most of the retiring officers, They are: the re-election vice president, IFE Insurance figures prove that the excess of deaths among moderate drinkers over abstainers runs from 11% to 74%. It is the business of Life Insurance Companies to know the risks a man takes when he uses liquor. These Insurance men have no theories to prove and no doctrine to preach. Their figures are as cold as ice, and they make you pay for the risks you run. 1 To them it is simply business--a matter of- ry, W. G. Mackay, ceretury Armstrong High School |treasurer, Thomas Irwin. and these officer: Baseball Team |with the chairmen of the various local sAcociutions together with the presidents of all local women's associations will comprise 28-40 Granulated Eyelids, t the executive Your Eres infamed by eure=.| 'Whee Mr, MoActhur called fox nomine- sure to Sun, Dastand Wiad |W ts | uickly relieved by Mariage | tions for te there was a hum of sub. Byememedy. NoSmarting, There buf been ru. At Ey Bases Searing |! cererainn Tre ba ee 'Your Druggiste or by mail 60c per Bottle, |*peaking which was going to cause disse bat For Book ol the Eye free write tio, but again the rumor mongers were Maurin: fe Remedy Co., Chicage, jin error. Nothing happened. Mr. Allan vs ed and in addition J, E,} Singhampton and Dr, J. J.D. nting of Cookstown were alsoxnominated, The new nominees were called to the plat- | IN MISERY Peanesaeote mm ae | to address the gathering, Mr. Allan, who! has developed marked fluency since he was heard in the byr-election, made reference | strenuous. fight the party. stalwarts ed to elect him in 1917 and hoped they would stand by him during the cam- paign which he was satisfied was not very for distant, He reviewed the important | legislation enacted since he had occupied a seat in the house, explaining and com. c mending it and unequivocally declared hix Oskaloosa, lowan--"For years I was |s¥mpathy with the Ontario Temperance | simply in misery from a weakness and |Act which was one of the most beneficial awful pai government measures ever put on the pro- vineial statute books. Mr. Jamieson, who is an easy speaker using choice gancunge in well coustructed sentences, referred to the problems of reconstruction and the need of government sid to the agricultural in- dustry. He defined his attitude on the question of good roads which favored more local lines pnd less trunk lines. He hed no intention of cresting dissension nor even calling on the convention to choose be- tween him and other candidage, and with- 'drew from the field. Dr. Batting made a = characteristic rattling speech mentioning fe wil help {thé need for action and the record of the AR | covernment. The lntter should be enough to ingure its return to power by any right thinking elector, he averred. Dr. Banting had no thought of going to the convention if Mr. Allan was willing to stand sgain and meved the unanimous choice of the convention be W. T. Allan. This was sec- onded by Mr. Jamieson and-while the sud- jience prolonged a hearty outburst of ap- plause President McArthur formally tender- ed the nomination to Mr. Allan. In sck- nowledging the honor again conferred on him Mr. Allan said he appreciated it more Mrs, Courtney Tells How She | Was Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable _ Compound. | sat oe sed toe i malts ors a M Lisa Chunar, 108 Sth Ave., jon your money invested in electricity?" Richard Baker extivet species, the farmer's hired mun, firting the blower to the cutting box prep aruiory to filling the two 12 by 30 silos Water ix supplied with u wind-nill, but when the new house is built the water ser vice will be further improved by distri? uting with an air pressure tank, We pres ed for particulars concerning the elect service. "The main line of the Hydro Electric passes our farm," said Mr. Be ker, "but cannot be tupped. We have to be supplied from the sub-station in Colling wood, We pay $10 per month 10 cover building of the line and $5 per month flut rate for electricity: If we use more than the $5 worth it is charged up. 'The ser- vice is not «0 costly as she installation and equipment, For the 10 h.p. motor and a 2 h.p. motor in the dairy and wiring up to the metres I paid $659.50, "Can you figure out what per cent. you are getting "It would be very difficult, the conditions fare so complicated. but when man power became go scarce it was a choice between using labor-saving machines or quitting and I certainly get the greatest satisfaction from the electric motors, besides the great improvement of electric lights in all the buildings." Mr. Baker was born at Millbrook, Ont. His father was also Canadian born; his grandfather was an Irishman. His activity in the U.F.O. Kirkville Club has resulted in making it the largest club in the riding, having a membership of; 150. He also holds the confidence of the business men of Collingwood, being 8 popular member on the Board of Com- merce. As an Oddfellow he has been one of its most enthusiastic members and has oecupied some of the most responsible positions in the order." (because of the splendid assemblage of party 'men and women from whom it came. He failed to see how Mr. Halbert and the U.F. }O. could get any encouragement ont of Children Cry FOR PLETCHER'S CASTORIA': dollars and cents. But to you it is a matter of life and death. Actuarial Comparison of Death Records - Ages 'Total Abstainers Moderate Drinkers Excess Doaths Among 'Moderate Drinkera 20-30 4,221 4,617 1% 30-40 4,201 7,041 08S 40-50 6,246 10,861 Ms 50-60 13,056 18,524 42° 60-70 29,078 34,568 19% From tables prepared by R. H. Moore, Actuary of the United Kingdom Temperance and General Insurance Company, based on Records of over 60 years' experience. Are You Willing to Die Before Your Time for Sake of Booze? IE number of deaths among moderate drinkers averages 35°7, higher than among abstainers. If you have habitually taken two glasses of whiskey per day or the alcoholic equivalent in beer, your chances of dying before your time are double those of total abstaine It has been costing total abstainers yearly millions of dollars in pre miums to help to pay for excessive deaths among drinkers! Can we afford such waste of life and money in the face of the war losses of money and men? Vote "No" to repealing the Ontario Temperance Act, and "No" to rendering it practically worthless by the proposed amendments. Answer every question on the Referendum Ballot with an X upder the heading "No," and herein fail not, or your vote is lost to Temper- ance Progress, Ontario' Referendum Committee JOHN MACDONALD, D. A. DUNLAP, ANDREW S. GRANT, Chairman, Treasurer, Vice-Chairman and Secretary (1001 Excelsior Life Bidg., Toronto) No!--Four Times--No!" UNION BANK OF CANADA -- Y ¢

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