PHONE C. BROWN 250 FOR THE BEST IN BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD GROWN BREAD SANDWIOM BREAD 'AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES and PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop: * Cor. Elizabeth and Small Streets ere | Y. ur Reading Needs Are Well Supplied --at-- Scott's . Bookstore Jas. Arnold Fire & Life Insurance Agent Meal Estate and Money to Loan A number of Valuable Farms and Town Properties for Sale on the most reasonable terms, MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING 6.6. Smith & Co, Established 1809 UNDERTAKERS Open Day and Night Morgue and-Chapel in connection BARRIE, UNT Phone 82 INSURANCE All Kinds Placed in RELIABLE COMPANIES WE WRITE Farm Risks at the Old Rates YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED To Cover Everywhere A. F. A. MALCOMSON 0: The Insurance Man, Barrie. -------- DYEING AND CLEANING Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at W: Firth's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? All kinds of Repairing done. We know how. W. FIRTH Phone 229 HARVEST ~ EXPENSES Harvest time brings expenses which must be met with ready money. Should you need an advance to help you over this busy season, interview this Bank. We are pre- pared to help all responsible farmers, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, | - Barrie Branch - H.M. Lay, Manager SS Che Kingdom of the Blind J By E. Phillips Oppenheim Copyright, 1916, by Little, Brown & Co. Serial Publication rights secured by The Examiner, through special arrangement with owners of copyright. = (Continued from last week) ing s few lines of the missive had finished, he covered the paper wit Pa eee ae ple enough." Granet pointed out ch Phave come to receive is known to you! Granet tov nd_aceeyted the chair which his host had offered, "Ido not think that you should be so surprised," he said simply. "If the war is grievous for your country, itis ruin to mine." We do not, perhaps, advertise our apprehensions in the papers, We prefer to keep them Jocked up on our own brain, | [Will muke Germany rich beyond the dreanv Thetis one reat fart abways before an | To svateg eee, Cen party, Monsieu such an offer. What good is territory. ti rule by force. struggling slways against the secumulated hutred of years? Alsac and Lorraine have taught her her lesson It is not French territory she wants. Russi vhas far more to give. Russa und Englan between them can pay an indemnity whicl When be 'est sense, great politician like you should easily | W#3 realixe the setuul conditions which pronipt Germany. territory over which whe must {cided upon th tell the world so, I shall yet feel, os) we together saved France. Adieu!" Granet made his way along the empty corridor, rang for the left and descended into the hall. A smile was upon his lips, luncheon room, "I must not stay for a second." she con: tinued, dropping her voice, "but I wanted to tell_you---I am no longer engaged to Major Thomson. Good-bye! A rush of words trembled upon his lips but she was gone, He watched her slim, even heard her little laugh as she greeted 'one of the men who had waited for her, "Decidedly, |umphantly as he turned towards the door, {this is my day. CHAPTER XIV Monsieur Guillot war a man of emotion- al temperament high windows which overlooked the Tham. je% raised his hands above his head and gazed with flushing eyes into the future such a future! All his life be had been a fechemer. hie eyes turned towards the big things, yet with himself always occupying |the one glorified place in the centre ef the jarena, He was, in one sense of the word. 4 titriot, but it was the meanest and amall There was no great France for h him in which hie wax not the commanding | F _ minutes pasted unnoticed ax he built his up into the future He was shrewd nd calculating. he tank note of the pit 'oil, One by one he de. men whom gradually atid t cautiously he would draw into his confi e {dence Finally he saw the whole xcheme p.leomplete, the bomb-shell thrown, France ja hysterically eusting laurels upon the man had brought her unexpected peace The door-bell rang He answered it a < little impatiently, A slim, fashionably {dressed young Frenchman stood {falls he must Geriany is wnconquerable, One must find, Cities ee ceyd enue tidings in any way {Whose face wus vaguely familine to. hi jpeace or perish that seen fit to you. only untd the | '"Mowieur Guillet' the: newesnte in Monsieur Guillot intraed with curious jiu, Reema fil te. you Moe ect enigee quired politely look upon his fuer. His forefinger tapped 0 4 your soul Te possession would |, Guilot bowed. The young man handed [the copy af the Tine shich, wae Tying 'WowMl our soul. Tee 4 inn nh Ue able, "The auber aedled, S267." Meeur Guullpttosksthe Bocasiéar'aial "Lame the Huron 'DiBewwa! Wea he contingmh "I know thut our 'buttened it unin he inete ees nounced, "second secretary at the Eiubarss [Pree ts carrying on iiugnificent eam. msened cose be tly, here wtign of bluff 1 know that many of the Gee ee euneee tee ety Meanieur Guillot held the ewrd und lok gnorun' people of the country believe that Po ceux . ed ut hin visitor, He wie very puzzled 'hie war'ecaill Geloe, preeeuted with evry "ly a a be ee nase: arene Some dim sense of forchading war begin {hope of success. We who have been to the him but athing ies than Meseree, 26 to steal in upon hin [Front especially those who have any suurce b fe "Bo so kind ws to come in, Monsieur le For generations thie war has been the per any. know differ. fectly obvious and apparent sequence 0 European events, srmution an ( The longer the war, the more ruin. | us the burden which your country and iw will have to bear." ty opinion alse," Monsieur Guill tured, "and furthermore, ix not our wor at all, t the other way or walked blindfolded Nov only our statesmen, mind, but our penne, (our English people, Our young men shirk ied their duty. our philosophers and eay ists shirked theirs, We prated iL part of it, It is Russia's war and yours. Yer it we who suffer most. we. the nchest | tof whose country is in the hynds of | she foe. we whose industries are paralysed, | my country from whom the life-hlood is |We er living int nie war which hax turned the better half (S27 Watch. the punishment of his. chil nu r! beloved country into a lurid corze onsieur Guillot J "Our time has not yet come. nel admitted. "but before lo, unles« dinlom. jaey can avert it. fate will be knocking at jour doors, too. List You have friends sill inp Monsieur Guillot ?--frien te in the Cabine so?" "Tr is indeed true." jussented, "You have. ton." Granet continued, "a great following throughout France, Yo chastisement of their countey Jare more English. even. than 1." Monsieur Guillot pased away from the personal side of the matter. Already mind war "i [avenues of his own future greatness, Monsieur) Guillat/" contests eiac'ehinee which enmiea tothe mien." he muttered. "There in. Dejape. \Gardine, Debonnot, Senn, besides my own followers. My own journal, too! It ie a Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. Nee The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophia and Mary Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Flooring, Ceiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, Tanks, ete. We carry in stock a Inrge assortment of | Rough snd Dressed Lumber, B.C. Shingles and Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning abd Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing done promptly. ; =} Consult us with your building. THOS. ROGERS Office 163, Residence 353 TO DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Our success as funeral directors has been developed by our pat- rons, and our best advertisement is word-of-mouth recommenda- tion . Some of our customers have been with us for years. We aim to serve one and all, rich and + Poor, alike--to render the very best we know how. W. D. MINNIKIN sre the man for the task T bring to you. | You. if you choose, shall save your count jand earn the reward she will surely beatow upon y : Monsiour Guillot's cheeks were flushed little. With long. nervous fingers he rolled | cigarette and lit it, | reat campaign. this, which I shall start." Granet rose to his feet "After to-day T breathe more freely." hhe confessed. "There have been enem pressing closcly around me. I have walked in fear. To-day I am a free man, Take care, monsieur. Take care especially whilat you are in England." Monsieur Guillot extended his hind "My young friend." he said. "in the ou, ""Monsieur,"" he anid, "I listen to you rag: erly, and yet, T am puzzled. You wear the luniform of 'sn English offieer. but you come to me, is it not so. a8 an emissary of shi a years to come you and I shall nerhaps meet miner words that may be true." Gran. {i OUF wonderful Paris, and if T may. mot et confessed. "yet T would remind you of | === two things. First. that the more dominant part of the peronality which T inherited AN ENEMY comes to me from Alsatian ancestors; and ' secondly, that this peace for which T am . [atriving may in the end mean selvation OF MANKIND for England, too." { "T hear you with relief," Monsieur Guill ot admitted, "In this transaction it is my jereat desire to deal witha man of honour,| Subtle Foe to Deal With As such T now perceive that I can-recog-| The subtle, unsuspected enemy, a a a acca, which, taking hold on the kidneys, Siaert Comes Reaver. sad without any | soos' thens of thelr strength and citar Thal suradige tee Guitlot," he | #¥: Fendering them inactive and unable ssid Mahal Trost Suillot." he! to remove the polsone and waste aub- By all meang stances from the blood, should immedi- Granet drew a thin packet from the} ately be dealt with. "All who suffer breast pocket of his coat, He laid it un| from backache, pains in the sides, the table between them. sciatica, rhoumatism, neuralgia, con- "T received this,"" he announced, 'less| stant headaches, constipation," that than three weeks ago from the hands of the| helpless fecling' of lnasitude;, tit, Kaizer himself." swollen joints, hands and ankles, sore Monsieur Guillot gazed at his companion | muscles, sleeplessness, floating epecks incredulously. before the eyes, irritability, should at "It was very simple," Granet contin-| once begin treating the kidneys with ued. "I was taken prisoner near the vil-| Gin Pills, which are by far the most tage of Ossray. I was conducted at once|'effective remedy for diseases af this to headquarters and taken by motor-car| vital organ. ° to a certain fortified place which T will! 'The first sign of pain in the back not specify. but which was st that. time| or side is warning 'enough. Do not the headquarters of the German Staff. I] Seley, Once the Kidueys and blader received this document there in, the get out of order, most serious, and have told you. I was then assisted, often fatal consequences are likely to some very remarkable adventures. to follow in quick sequence. Get a box join my regiment. You can open t! of Gin Pills today,' and correct tho document, Monsieur Guillot. It is uddress- derangement before it is too late. At ato you., Guard it carefully, though. for] ait druggists or dealers, S0e. Soney it is signed by the Kaiser himself. I bave| refunded if not satistied, Pree sample vied it with me now for more than ©! on request. fortnight in the inner sole of my shoe. . imagine, ite di The National Drug & Chemical Co. me kn inaaioe, tts abcovery open Tae National Dig, & Obstaleal Oo Phone 431 34 Mary St. 2 doors south of our former location. | 'my peyton woukl have meant instant of Canada eos eee gerontn United Monsieur Guillot was engrossed in read. Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. ago Tt threw its warning shadow eros: our path for years, and our statesmen deliberutely turned. their heads p us, and we knew very well that es when human nature still the controlling Believe me. there ure, many other nglishmen besides ma who will feel a melancholy satisfaction inthe y, q au: .many who his mbasiador ism travelling swiftly along the | Amupasautor is Baron." he invited, "Will you not be seeted and explain to me to what Tam in debted for this honour' You donot, by tistnke me for wnother? Tam f ) lot. lately. alas! of Lille The Baron amiled ever x slightly as he waved away the chuir "There ix no mistake. Monsieur Guill ot. he aaid, "T come to you with a mey He would be greatly yecompuny me to koge from my Chief honoured of vou woul the Embassy 'dow deni " n with yor ing slowly dryined. Yo leh watehed Germany arm. and Stonsicur 'Guillint- echoed ie sou Room of theres! No, ene shmun Prepare. We turned for comfort towarde incertiusiy "Rg tee at mis 2, Ret tows Yous weil, a0 Eaglihman et tow sinners, Americn, and we peated (uetsMlousl 0 wornunkind dishono voy [Bhaut convenfions and arbitration. and a. EN, astake, 1 waurn you," the youn iBone erumble oto oxbee." 'The war to yuu [nat Goneratins and arbiration, ati mistake, 1 assure you,"" the young is a thing of paper. an ubgfraction--that | yan) insisted rom | "But what heve T to do with the Am sudor, r with diplomatic matters of sort?" he protested. "Tam here on | business, to see what can be saved from the wreck of my affairs. Monsieur the taking me for snother." Baron shook his head. "There is no mistake, my dear sir." be | insister, "We all recognise." he addled, with a bow. "the necessities which force the most famous of us to live sometin in the shadow of anonymity could find little to say to Monsieur Gi of Lille, he will, I am sure, be very i terested in s short conversation with Mon sieur Henri Pailleton."" | There was a brief, tense silence. The man who had called himself Guillot- was transformed. The dreams which had up. | jlifted him a few minutes ago. bad passed. | /He was living very much in the present ~--an ugly and foreboding present. The 'veins stood out upon his forehead and unon the back of his hands, his teeth | |gleamed underneath his coarce, white mous tache. Then ke recovered himself "There is xome mistake." he said, "but T will come." In silence they" left the hotel and drove to the Embasty. in silence the young man apartment on the ground-floor of the Em- bassy, where the ambassador was giving two of his secretaries. He dismissed them with a little wave of his hand and bowed politely to his visitor. There was no longer any pretext on the part of Monsieur Guillot. He recognised its complete futility. "Monsieur Pailleton,'" the ambassador be- gan, "will you take a seat? It is very kind of you to obey so quickly my aum- ins jad no idea," the latter remarked. "that my presence in England was known, Tam here on private business,"* (To be continued) VESPRA COUNCIL The Council met on the 15th inst. pur- suant to adjournment with all its mem- Communications were read from Sec, of the Ontario Municipal Association, Hy- dro Electric Railway Association, The {Municipal World. A petition was filed asking that the Council take steps to have Swaley Creek Municipal Drain put in proper working order. The following accounts were passed: Ethel Kelvington, re J. Kelvington, Tru- ancy officer, $12.00; J. Priest. work on grader, $2.50; Geo. Plowright, work st Minesing gravel pit, $37.50; R. A. Mui 'rep. culvert opp. lot 19, con, 12, $3. Hy. Tracey, rep. culvert, opp. lot 2, con. 4, $6.00; J. P. Daly, gravel for Sunnidale look ypon her greatness, that you and I She glanced towards where the little| you wil' te Cetineat Be! group of people were already on their! of write us for our new booklet; [graceful figure ax she passed swiftly slong the stihl 'abd Goined her 'ends Helge THE MARKETS | Granet sid to himself ti. | MSMR AG MUR Ur er For more than an hour |busket' were plentiful. A few crab apples after Granet had left him, he paced up anc |at 50c a basket. were not te very great 'down bis little room. stood before the {demand jes a few minutes' | | aan ushered his charge into the large. pleasant J. thealth and efficiency standard of the nation bers present and the Reeve in the chair. Wm, Crossland's Drug Stor TEMPLETON'S RHEUMATIC CAPSULES Humanity hes tacked a practical rheumatic remedy since time begna, 'Fortunes are speat arly at hot springs, clectric bathe aud hospi Ing Klog Wa. Tordatey Weenie recelpt' et Sole Agent for Barrie, William Crossland, Druggist and Kodats. | SATURDAY MARKET Potatoes registered a drop in price at the market on Saturday, 40 cents a peck or $2.25 | js bag being quoted. Pumpkins were very | plentiful at about 15¢ each. Apples by the Eggs ut 49 and butter at 57 to 80c were fairly plentiful. Dried and green [thyme und green parsley were among the cen varied from 10 to 20c bunch. Spring | 4 lb. There was some hay this week, Town [buyers were more plentiful than. usual, Fuir week always bringing many. visitors | to town "My friend confessed "far é kes. per dozen 'ai Mycteh ea ne Hf ees the palm of his bund and leaned forward. figure. In every dreutn of thap wonderful Butter! = gee yen in thin puiee There wan 4 queer light in his eyes 'future. of @ more splendid and triumphant |Chicken, dressed ib, H rei stile | pag CeTmuDY will give up Alance and Lor. |France, he saw himself on the pinnatle of Deak ib. 7 "LT have been out at the Front,'" he ex.!raine."" he suid hoarsely, "and will re. /fame. himself acclaimed by millions the Li Ib {plained. "und ut home wounded." [tise within. her' own fronton, She il cians trvat man, the liberator. prance Potatoes, bag a 7 mi duit | MS For no indemnity. What is the meun- 'outside himself lived only uss phuntasy. Poratoes peek : ir Bat neh ter Mase GUL is now fn eho Reta Totatom, yeh. ving te Beets, bunch JAnples, per basket Tomatoes, per basket Onions. basket \Cucumbers. basket Mint, bunch 'Bnge, bunch |Horse Radish roo |Horse Radish, balf pint bottle . 50e 10¢ Hay. ton sees $20-822 Hogs - $16.50 NEAR-BY MARKETS (Sept. 18, 1919) |. Beeton--Butrer $18.00. Iumbs $19 Orilha Butte 48-52c, eggs 48-50c, new | potatos bag $1.75-$2.00, apples $2.50-83.00, | '27-$30, hogs $17,00-817 50. Alliston ~Butter 48-50¢. eggs 48-50c. hay | gs 00. chicken 25-27¢. potatoes bug $1.7: 2.25. eee Sunnidale road, $2.50; W. H. Partridge, | /C. W. Plaxton, | Phone 61. Thursday, Sept. 25, 1919 music MAUDE E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M. PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS, In vocal work special attention is given to Voice Production. Pupils prepared for ALT.CM. degree in buth piano and vocal; also elementary exams. of Toronto Conser: vatory of music or University exams, Studio: King Block, Phone 424, ; W. H. THRESHER Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, Organ and Theory. --Papils prepared for any examination, practical and theoretical Voices tested free. Residence and Studio, 88 Worsley St. Phone 510. 34-yrly LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Successor to Lennox, Cowan & Bi Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of Goncrd Bolten Notary, Ganveras t+ a , Cony a Offices: Hinds' Block, No. 8 Dray ap hoy Money to Ioan, BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Con- 7 oust Zinn, Bie loney to loan at lowest rates of ini Offices: 18 Owen St. (in the premisee Ire, merly occupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, K.C,, MP. D.C. Murchison PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building. Toronto, Out. G. Gordon Plaxton DONALD ROSS, L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Judi- cature of Ontario, Proctore, Notaries, Con-- veyancers, etc, Money to loan Offices: in Rows Block, Barrie. W. A. J. Bell, KC. MEDICAL OR. H. T. ARNALL Office and Residence Corner of Toronte and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Eli St. Methodist Church." Telephone 167. DR. €. G. TURNBULL _ Graduate of McGill University Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and ee 50. hom Bradford Sta, Barrie, Office hous One 10am, 1 to3 p.m, 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 105, OO leo W. A. LEWIS, M.D., C.M. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY especially. 56 Collier St., Barrie, DR. VICTOR A. HART gravel for sr. 20 and 21, con. 1, 84.50;| Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, Chas. MeBride. gravel for con, 13, $1.20! W. J. Holmes, gravel for con. 1 |M. Bell, gravel for Ferris' rom Geo, Snider. lumber for Bridge, $18.36 A By-Lew appointing Thos, Spence col. | lector of rates at u salary of $200.00 was Riven its three rexdings and parsed. | The clerk wax instructed to write to Tae spector Gurvin re school fair. The Reeve und Clerk were instructed to execute ugreement with CPR. re Tele. phone in Essa station. C.PR, | Office and residenc Clapperton St., Barri also Edinburgh and Glasgow. Specialty--Disewses of Stomach, 535; R. $1.80; | Office: Corner Bayfield and Worsley Sta, Office open until 8 p.m. daily. L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Collier St., corner of Phone 275. DR, MORTIMER LYON {,,The couneil adjourned to meet on Oct, |122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at. 91 27. at 10 am. i A.B. COUTTS. Clerk. Monsieur Guillot drew a little back into | "Jack Canuck in Berlin" or the. first time since the shutters Owen St., Barrie, every Saturds Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and TI Consultation hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and by appointment. Toronto Phone North 3326, Barrie Phone No. 2. of a motion picture camera blinked at a. oo ----------------_. miracle of movement on motion picture {sereen a conjunction hax been formed be- tween eloquent silence of a film drama and jthe living appeal of human participants, The result, a dazzling combination of feminine loveliness and u filmed jected on the screen and Mack | Ser natt's Bathing Beauties from California anpear for the first time professionally outside of the Sennett Studios, A Montreal Woman's Ex- perience -- Says Internal Bathing Saved Her Life. If the thousands of men and women with constipation and the many ills which fol- low would bathe internully instead of con- tinually dosing themselves with drugs, they would soon realize why every user of the B. L. Cascade is so enthusiastic in its There should be one in every praise. home. Keep the colon clean and free from Mre. Robert Gordon, 422 Cudillae St., Motreal, Que., writes: "I cannot speak too highly of the J.B.L. Cascade, It has saved life. I have been troubled wth con- stipation, piles and ulceration of the bowels for years, have only been using the Cns- cade for three months, and am happy to be doing my own work again after having! been laid up for many months. I would not take one hundred dollars for my Cus cade if 1 could not procure another." The JB.L. Osseade is the only perfect appliance for Internal Bathing, the inven. tion of Dr. Chas. A. Tyrrell, of New York, and 'is doing more towards improving the than all other means combined, This sppliance is shown and explained at Fe, Phone or ask them for ; . 2 Is ISL LC SAME GLY road, $10.35; Richard Highlands, work on : re of | Phone Main 5874, seacie'e: Yet beroically patriotic plot. ix 5. p Lawson, F.CA. (Phone 171, Berrie)? revealed 10 amusement seekers off Sept. 20 jat the Grand Opera House, where Mack |: 3: Welch C-A. |G. D. Campbell, C.A. TE the Chiet {Sennett's "Jack Canuck in Berlin" is pro: | wg, Hulbig, Production Engineer Manager Cost & Efficiency Department. If Service, ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants 59 Yonge St., Toronte _ T. E. Lawless, C.A. POOLE & PEARCE THE BARRIE DAIRY The Home of Pure Milk Cleanliness and Quality Count Phone 772 FURS! CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED Poisonous waste and you will not need s the Doctor. ----------L-- PROTECT Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi-, dend Policy in the y Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. . D.J. REBURN, Phone 142. Dis. Mgr. 131