,) Your Last Chance to OMENS Get~29¢ Stockings. OSTERY Stockings that could j not be made at our selling price are of- fered this week. Lisle thread full fashioned and regularly worth 50c. Black and White only, Sizes 8'2 to 10, Get your supply for next Sum- mer. i WO TAGs age eoamaenedee 6 29c pair "Page Eight THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, Sept, 25; 1919: SHIPMENTS OF NEW DRESSES ' DON'T WAIT FoR Lower THIS WEEK e t | 3 PRICED LINES. = To see them is enough, You arrie Ss ty e tore No prospect of any lower pric are so pretty and reasonably / dicted. We have a good supple priced. ......., $21.00 to $35.00 tor hiumetlals ale: i Buy Woe All Agl ith the B y of theN Agilow wi e Deauty of the NewAutumn | Fabri Ready-t G Milli y = = aDrics...Nnea O-wear Garments...IVii Iner The H. & W. Brassieres SERVICE and Bandeaus are Here ~The strike among the garment workers in Canadian factories has The illustration shown made it impossible for manufacturers to fill all orders and a shortage does not bring out the in stocks is the result. Fortunately we were favored with a set of lar model. - Unlike the as makers of High Class Garments. These Coats are absolutely Camisole they are mould- correct in every way and we assure you the Prices are reasonable. ed to the figure and serve Various styles among them.--Some made with the rjpple back, deep a two-fold purpose. Buy armholes and kimona sleeves, giving them the deSirable touch of ; \ fi : \ ' ; ! will buy if you need one. They indeed, another advance is pr FALL AND WINTER COATS FULL OF STYLE AND usefulness of this particu- 1919 samples made by Winters & Co. who are known in the trade the H & W and you get . ig stock of Union and All Wool Cashmere | distinction, Salt's Esquimette Plushes, All Wool Velours, Silvertones, the best. 85e to $2.50 Stockings in ladies' sizes. Pom Pom Cloth, etc. Over a hundred Coats now ready for sale. Remarkable values in 50c, 75¢c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 pr. Buy at once. $15.00 to $75.00 each all lines of Lingerie and 4 waite Hats) for gee Sa po all wool Garments of every kind in the Ready-to-Wear Department. wie eo RASSHERE e + Sizes 4 84. § K y enane a . avegie 5 . £ sets a vid- " white end BEE, + » BANK, "ae tee Our special staff devoting their time entirely to this work will be glad ual garments, . 2 . ' es to show you the season's best. toe } A GRAND SHOWING OF FALL MILLINERY ) CONGO TAL- i 4, A LAD) (GOLEUM RUGS SPEC The broad brimmed Picturesque model, the small Turban with its upturned brim, or the IES' TAN CAPE GLOVES LY PRICED AT $2.75 EACH soft draping models 'all lend their presence in making up our large showing. Trimmings Cape Gloves Fill the demand for We 'kiiiw tho: wonring: quantities of Ostrich, and ornaments that glitter, combined with touches of bright color, introduce hoth dress and driving, Splendid tine "of these Rugs and can recommend the new influence brought forward by the world's hest Milliners. The New Styles are Smart. pn sale now at this Stare in sizes 6 ' then to ane customers, Special line Expert Milliners with quick hands are in our Department to carry out your own plans or ts neh zeae stats well Ay onsale i)ox id tt, knod patterns and to offer style suggestions to you. We invite you. ™ om $5-20 par voloring Regular 75 due for... i =: ~ Perrin's Dress Kid) Gloves at _. penaeriepaaey. 'STG All Wool and Union Blankets | _ 9 wan prices loss than we can purchase them . All Wool and Union Blankets Warm Cashmere Gloves at from the makers . $1.25 to $2.75 Large Tapestry Curtains heavily | WE | . Py a fringed, in colors Red, Brawn or Green Are Scarce SELL ELAS Corsets Half Price--38c Pair Silk ue e may cate, saat Aca for : : 'loves, "We sell Niagara Maiv Lietetervesess $4.50 to $8.50 pair , ~ a a The price ix not a eriterion of | fy (eed lifies |. 00 to $1.76 isin danviviie, 2d om They are not only searee but y waive are wither ced the quality, indeed these gloves varanieed a 99:00 $090.78 Pipes annelette, 35 I a oh ii aiine wae ally for stout women and | are worth 75¢ a pair if bo cht ser Chamoisette Gloves are ! wide, Pinks, Blues and Greys, wes than J alse high in price this season, et that they give the | in the urinary eae Th oot made from the hest quality fabrie and i teens tee however, we will sell our 1918 Wry <upport to the wearer, | in sizes 6 to B and colare the erat ty hem: We do nat sell Wie fumetitte in good quat~ | arpius supply at old opiwes | Brown and Black, Perfect eheaper makes, ities, not the inferior American make Bie F . Models from $3.00 to $6.50 | iii and have two domes, Kayser Chamoisette, sizes 1 to 6, .89¢ ¢ - 26c, 30c, 350, 380 and 400 yd. J} $650, $8.00, $11.98 and grace every Figure ix here Only 380 pair Kayser Chamoisette, sizes 6 10 81 $1.25 ' --_________. . i v > \ ee mei ep ' \ 4 " . Barrie ° The Silk Store Armstron Butterick Patterns Guelph 7 Lane . ST the Methodist Church this week Anneancement: has been made | etn 5th, and will give a daily | DUNN & BROTHER ; [Mis 2. Coleman and Mes, D.Phy the Canadian National fale! vier between Winnipeg and Veterinary Surgeons Thompson spent Friday last with} ways of the inauguration of Sun-! 'Toronto. Cattle Di d Si Spseisliy. 1 friends at Thornton, day trams trem Winnipeg to Tos] ee phous Dan iacuke ee -- ies = _ Henry ase has purchase! aj ronte and fren Toronta to Wine --RURAL CANADA, "'Close to the hearts Capt. J. Dunn, VS.. late of RAVC. eee linw Dodge ear, Mpes. This becomes effecti © jof the Rural Canadian people!" . A. H. Brother, V.S, The representative of the Barrie Examiner ip Cookstown is George F. Thompson, . a News items for Cookstown and adjacent country may be handed or phoned te Mr, Using Plane to Protect Plants Thompson and will be forwarded to this oaper. Phone No. 39 finds hiv, 'Set' An aerial patrol of the Youngs- scriptions, either new or renewals may be forwarded through hin" figs, (OIG! athike odistrien tes wstablished this week by the Mrs. Lovell. of North Bay, is Roger and Hartford Fisher | UNEStown police department, Visiting her sister, Mrs, W. J. spent the week-end al Rev St] Cal. Deeds, of the Royal Flying « Wileat «John's, 'Thorbur Corps 'Canadian: is piloting the r 'par: and Mrs. Geo, Ball spent] Frank Wray, of Toronto} ™achine. Aerial photographs the 'Past week with friends at| (formerly of Cookstown) was| Will be taken from above the big Owen Sound, ~ [fivst prize winner for pumpkins] Hants: and turned over to the Mrs. Ellis, of Toronto, is visit-[al the Earlscourt Fair, Toronto, | Police department. 'ing her daughter, Mrs. Win. Hen-| Come to Fisher's for your Fal}| Barrie people will remember Son, 7s tman and Winter Underwear, Good] {his aviator who as a cadet at Mrs, il spent' over! stock un hand, including the}Camp Borden tumbled into the Is in Rarrie. | famous 'Turnbull make. : hay one day while doing some John Kidd and family moved! Miss Edith Collins, of Toronto, | $unts close to the water, 4 The Store to Buy Good Shoes fo town this week, fis spending g fortnight's vacation senate, We Eo Heanai re a 7 An airplane flew over town on | 8468. Carr's, Septet Senator W. H. Bennett, of Mid. ou will not only find style at Taylor's, but style lus quality, ' | paturdags Crore ten on Te aE caries fia ngnator W. H, Bennrtt appeal : 3 y Jeopius quality plus value, which equals to correct footwear at economy prices. This will be the policy of this store from the first and we but invite you to see for yoursélf what a pleasure it will be to select your be new Footwear from Taylor's, your favorite Store to be. New Goods New Styles Lowest Prices The following are but a few items taken from our vast selection of New and Up-to-date Footwear: : Church in. conneétion | before Judge Vance, in having the Lorne Chapman underwent an| Methodist Church in. connection A f eione : operation in Barrie. Hospital: rec { Sith paying off the seen eon asacasment on a business block seo tee Sana will be held on Oct, 26 and 97. [in Midland reduced from 86000 H. T. Rankin fishes to make| Mrs. Gallagher, of Barrie, and Boon ae es jaence, In give known that he has severed. all Sauentet, FR dt a uaee Linge fudgitent Hie Honor co: canneetions in the pang business visted last week at F. H, Robin-| ne iemant apparent fact that H | . with J. Gilheoney, H.T, Rankin | 800' mi eobiett : solieis Sour palronage and will| Wil. Arnold has purchased Whol ina wan abomuned cr foe tea Bive you a fair deal in new and}Pesidence of Jas. Tait and will valuation. Second-hand pianos and organs |™ove h oe sae Fee ea "Ma Pac aah [89a oon SO.) ont atrrae nd Frank and George Ross| The many friends of Nurse owing 1o ike increased cost af < wee Kathleen Readman, who has been ', ss 7 operation and a decrease of rev- viously ill in Toronto since the! } 4 ---- 4 enue of about a thousand dollars spring, Will be glad to hear that| trom the factories eines the chee jshe was able to return to her Ladies' and wing Girls' Black Kid Men's Fine Black Boots, Blucher cul, | ing 'of the war contracts. Lave High Cut Boots, with medium round toe, medium: weight, sewn soles. | GURNEY-OXFORD {home in Barrie last week. heclaianl uewn aolec: earn N ioe eee a STOVES AND Mrs, (Rev.) St. John of Thorn. Taylor's Cut Price ..... L.. $B.45 pair Taylor's Cut Price «....... $695 pair RANGES Call and get our prices before buying your new range, We do all kinds of Plumb- ing, Heating and Tinsmith- ing work. Sole agents for Pease Ec- onomy Furnaces. . . Repair work promptly attended to. J. J. NEELANDS Dunlop St. bury spent Tuesday in town; the guest of Miss Spence. 1 Miss Lorene 'Lowery is 'train> ling for a nurse at the Genral Hospital, Toronto. The Methodist Annual inday jvice in the evening will be with-|t jan Anniversary, City this week. 1, "Morton, al W. E. Morton's, derwent an operation im Barrie Hospital. -NOTICE RE REST 'ROOMS IN BARRIE Special arrangements have |School Rally Day will be id on} been made by the Council of the |Sunday morning next. The ser-|Town of Barrie with the Welling- on Hotel, the Barrie Inn, the drawn in favor of the Presbyter-|Clarkson House and the Ameri- F can Hotel by which the Douglas Hopper visited 'in'the}named hotels have agreed to provide Rest Room and lavatory of 'Lefroy, and}accommodation for those who daughter, Hazel, spent Friday last|may require to make use of same * and who are not guests at the Leston Rutledge recently un-| hotels. above A. W. SMITH, Town Clerk H. T. Rankin delivered a new! Dated at Barrie, 'piano to the Epworth League of|Sept. 25th, 1919, 89-410 Ladies' Tan Lace Boots, high cut tops, low heels, sewn soles, medium round foe. . Taylor's Cut Price ........ $5.85 palr Also in Black Calf with Neolin Soles and Rubber Heels, Misses' Black Kid Lace Boots, high tops, nicely shaped heels, sewn soles, right up-to-date, Taylor's Cut Price ........ $2.85 pair She Gul ies Shoe Hore dirs Boys' Boots, Blucher cut, heavy soles, full round toes. A Boot strong and solid. Sizes { to 6. 'Taylor's Cut Price ...... $2.50 pair Our Stocks are also complete with full range of fine footwear for Children at Lowest Prices,