Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1919, p. 11

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Thursday, Sept. 18, 1919" lightning Cant St ri SHINN Gets There Fi IF YOU WANT to be sure thet'Lightning will not strike your house or barn or other property--if you want to feel perfectly safo when the Lightning flashes--remember that Lightning Rods are Bonded to absolutely protect your property from damage by Lightning. A large Bonding Company issues a Surety Bond to the owner of every building we protect, guaranteeing that Light- ning will not damage. 36 pcr cent. Greater Capacity Shinn-Flat has 36% more'condueting surface for electricity than any round cable containing the same amount of material. * WW. H. Day, Professor of Physics at the Ontario Agricul- tural College for twelve years, assists in training Shinn Deab-- ers, thus insuring correct installation. It costs very little to a THE SARJEANT CO., LTD., AGENTS Pa A National Problem Solved Pure, Wholesome Food -- Nujol = Health JURE, wholesome food is necessary, but it is not enough. The purest, most wholesome food will hinder rather than help health if allowed to clog the colon--the large intestine. And doctors agree that about 90% of our ailments are caused or intensified by constipation. Some part of even the purest and most wholesome food is waste. If this waste is not kept moving out of the body, it stagnates and breeds poisons which saturate the system and cause or nourish disease. The old, wrong way to attack such stagnation was to force a passage through the impacted mass. The new, right way to overcome it is to let Nujol induce easy self-elimination. And since health is as much a matter of how we eliminate waste as how we assimilate food-fuel, it must become evident to every thinking person that the use of a natural, drugless lubricant is as sensible and necessary as the eating of pure, wholesome food. oa 'The three vital processes upon which health is based are Mastication, Assimilation, Elimination. 'Therefore, the perfect recipe for health is thorough Mastica- tion; Pure, wholesome Food, and Nujol. Trythistrinity. Getabottle of Nujolfrom your druggist to-day. For valuable health booklee--"Thirty Feet of Danger" --free, write Nujol Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) 50 B' way, N.Y. Nojol ls sold only in sealed boutes bear- Warning: Nes gsadeats ores ir tear. "Rear Coch lita, Joist on Nojol, You aay ager trom substitutes, jol Sickness Prevention ONTARIO ELECTION ACTS, 1918 AND 1919 NOTICE OF SITTINGS OF REVISING OFFICERS ELECTORAL DISTRICTS OF Centre Simcoe, East Simcoe and South Simco To Wit: TAKE NOTICE that the lists of voters for all the polling subdivisions m the Municipalities of the 'Town of Barrie and the Townships of Vespra, Ory and Innisfil, have been prepar- ed by the enumerators and have beén delivered to the Clerk of this Board by the chief enumerators and returning officers and that His Honor Judge Vance, as to the Town of Barrie and the Township of Vespra, and George Wilson, esquirg, as to the Town- ship of Innisfil and the Township of Oro, have been appointed Revising Officers for the purpose of hearing complaints and appeals as to the said lists. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the sittings of the said Revising Officer will be held as follows:-- ON MONDAY For the Town of Barrie and |the 22nd day of September, 1918, 7 at the Court House, Barrie, at. the Township of Vespra. (10 o'clock ain. Judge Vance, Revising Officer Z * ON MONDAY For the. Township of Oro the 22nd day of September, 1919, -at 12 o'clock noon, at Hawke- {stone, in Kendall's Hall, George Wilson, Revising 'Officer ON WEDNESDAY |the 24th day of September, 1919, 'at 10 o'clock a.m., at Stroud, in {the Orange Hall, George Wilson, Revising Officer AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desires to complain that the names of ary persons entitled to be entered on the said list have been omitted from the same or that the For the Township of Innisfil - hames.of persons who are not entitled to be voters have been en- tered on the lists, may, on or before the 18th day of September, 1919, as to the Township of Innisfil, and on or before the 15th day of September .as to the other Municipalities mentioned, ap- Ply, complain, or appeal to have his own name or the name of any other person corrected in, entered on or removed from the said lists, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such appeals must be by notice in writing in the prescribed form, signed by the complain- ant, and given or left for him at his residence or place of business on, or before the said dates to the Clerk of the Revising Officers, who is Mr. E. G. Redditt, and who has his office at the Court House in the Town of Barrie. Dated at Barrie this 3rd day of September, 1919. G. M. VANCE, Chairman' of the Voters' Registration Board for. the €ounty of 36-38 Simcoe. TURES.--Pa. 19: 7-14; 2 Tim. 'unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Ps. 119: 105. EXPOSITION.--I. The perfection and power of the Word of God, Ps, 19:7-11, In the 19th Psalm we have the glory of Got reveuled in nature (v. 1-6) and the glory of God as revealed in His written Word (vs. 7-11). David uses six different {descriptive phrases in speaking of the law, jthe revealed will of God as He had it |{1) "The Isw of Jehovah." This is per. lfect, without flaw; there is no imperfee- tion in God's revealed Word. (2) "The jtestimony of Jehovah." The testimony of |Jehovah is absolutely "'sure"; one can de- |pend upon it absolutely, for God cannot jlie (Tit. 1:2). (3) "The precepts of Je- "are right." (4) "The jealled because it leads men to a reverent |regard for Jehovah, The Word of God te: | garded from this standpoint is clean and it |"endures forever" (cf, 1 Pet. 1° 24, 25) |(6)Fhe judgments of Jehovah." | The Word of God ix so spoken of becwuse it sets forth God's decisions, or God's mind, | upon the subjects of which it treate. These decisions of Gort "are true and righteous They are more desirable jultogether."* SS ee | 'than gold. yea than much fine gold." If we had our choice between having untold |wealth without the Word of God or having the Word of God without any wealth. if we were wise we would choose the latter. |God's judgments ure also the sweetest thing in the world (of. Job 23-121. Six things that -the Word of God does: (11 |("Restores the soul" (v. 7). When any soul wanders from God there ix nothing ele lthat has the power to bring it back to {God that the written Word has. (2) [Makes wise the simple" (ef. Ps. 119 130) The illiterate man who studies and under iis the Word of God will be wiser in the ings that count for time and eternity than the great philosopher or man of science jor of letters who ix ignorant of the mind of God as revealed in His Word. (3 "Renwice the heart." There is no. greater |ioy than that which comes from the study of the Word of God (ef, Jer 15:16) (41 '"Enlightens the vyes."" There is an illum jinntion that comes to the eyes of the soul from the study of the Word of God that cannot be found in any other way. (5) "Warns (vy. 11). God's Word, if reew jlarly studied, will warn us against all the sins and errors with which we are con fronted (ef, Ps. 119: 9, 11; Ac, 20: 28:30, 32; 2 Tim, 3-13-15). | (6) "Brings great |reward." There ix no form of study that 'brings such great reward in the life that jnow is, to say nothing about the life to . se Bible study + IL A prayer for cleansing, 12-14 |. David's meditation upon the Word led him to 9 realization of his own sin. By pruver we are not only cleared from hidden faults, we are also kept back 'from pre: sumptuous sins." By prayer we are saved from their "dominion It is important not only that our actions but our words be nceeptable to Gord (ef, Mut. 12:37 there is something back of our words and that is the meditation of our hearts Many 1 man cherishes thoughts in his heart that she would not even be willing to ju words, much less into acts, Jehovah w "Roek."" the stronghold to which we flen | in every time of danger, and our "Re deemer."" | II, 'The Divinet Inspiration and Won drous Power of Scripture. 2 Tim. 3: |4-17 | Paul has just warned Timothy of the coming increase of rehgious Impostors (v. 13) and here tells Timothy how he cun be | petfectly safe against the seductions of these | impostors no matter how numerous. subtle Jand evil they become. The way to be safe jagainst all the delusions of uny age 1 to jgomtinue in the study of the Seriptures. {Timothy bad been taught the Scriptures {from babyhood by his mother and grand- |mother (cf. ch, 1:51. His knowledge of ithe character of the two holy women from |whom he had learned the Scriptures wonld |give Timothy faith in the Scriptures. The Scriptures have & wonderful power, they can "make wise unto salvi |but one Book that reveals Jesus Christ and |teads to faith in Jesus Christ, That Book is the Bible (cf. Rom, 10: 17), The R.V. {changes v 16 in several respects from the translation given in the A.V. All of these changes but one are warranted and are sug! gestive and helpful. That one change is 'one of the most unfortunate in the R.V.. and has done more to discredit the R.V. and retard its acceptance than probably any other change in it. There is absolutely reek text ting the after pired of God" instead of before it. Even if we read Advises People to cure Con- stipation Without Drugs; Suffered Ten Years, Well \}in Three Weeks by In- ternal Bathing. Did you ever hear of a person being lcured of chronic constipation with druge? They relieve at the time some, but larger doses are usually necessary from time to time. Nature's own cure, just pure eter- |ilized water, administered with the J.B.L. Cascade, is the only scientific and perman- ent treatment. Don't foree Nature with drugs. Bathe internally. Mrs, A. McLeod, Middleboro', B.C., writes: 'For ten years I suffered from con- stipation, and for the last year I became a wreck, I had awful pains in my back, severe headaches, indigestion and swollen limbs. I tried .all kinds of medicine and many doctors without permanent benefit. T:_was an set of Providence that I saw the J.B.L. Cascade, advertiand. Thi first time I wgit T felt relieved, and in three weeks Tr completely cured. My habits ure now quite regular, and am_jn better health than I have been for years. I am very thankful to be doing my own work again." The J.B.L. Cascade {s the perfected in- vention of Dr, Chas, A. Tyrrell of New York for internal bathing. It is now be- ing shown and explained at. Wm. Cross- 17. (Read 19; . 165; Ac. 17: 10-12 ? Heb. 1:1, 2). GOLDEN TEXT.--"'Thy word is» lamp But, present building. suburbs of the city grow in Flanders. does not alter the real sense, be no question that by 'Scrip: 'ture inspired of God' Paul would mean all the Old Testament writings. The whole Bible is God-breathed: God breathed His Holy Spirit upon holy men and thus im. pelled or carricd along by the Holy Spirit, these men into whom God breuthed, «poke from God (2 Pet. 1:21); and it was "the Spirit of Jehovah" who 'spake by" them, and it was God's word that was upon their tongues (2 Sam, 23:2). There is over- whelming proof that the Bible "contains the Word of God, "ig the Word of God." Everything 'written in the Word is "profitable." It is profitable for five things: (1) 'Tesching."' If one wishes to be taught of God there ia one book to jwhich to go--the Bible. (2) 'Reproof"' or "conviction." Nor book in all the world hhas the" power to produce conviction of sin that the Bible possesses (cf. Acts 2:37 and note, preceding context). (3) "*Correc- tion.' That is setting w man straight when he has gone crooked, or upright when he has fallen down. (4) "Instruction which is Tighteousness."" If one desires discipline in Fighteousness there is one book to which to 'go for it, that is the Bible. (5) Equip- ment for service (v, 17). Through the study of the Word of God a man becomes "complete, furnished completely unto every good work," "The Hun Within" To be thrown from a swiftly moving automobile down a steep declivity into a river, is a dangerous experience even in motion pictures, but this is one of the gripping situations in "The Hun Within," a special Paramount-Artcraft picture, which will be shown at the Opera House, Friday and Saturday. The actor who undergoes this harrowing experience is Douglas MacLean, who, in this picture, plays the part of a United States Secret Service operative. He is lsnd's Drug Store, Phone or ask them for free booklet all about it--or write Tyrrell's Hygienic In- stitute, 163 College St., Toronto. {railing Hun spies who are -de- TAG DAY FOR THE ORPHANS TO RAISE $300,000 Let Every PersonWear an Orphan- age Tag---Sept. 23rd JHE Public are earnestly requested to give their support on Sept. 23, to the ladies who will appeal to them in aid of the Loyal True Blue and Orange Orphanage. For twenty years past, the work has been carried on in the Home at Picton, but as the result of the late war and the terrible epidemic that has recently visited our Province, the calls for assistance to care for the motherless and fatherless have outgrown the capacity of the We are now soliciting the co-operation of every person interest- ed in the welfare of children to enable us to erect a new Home on the three hundred children. This building will be known as the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home for Orphans and Neglected Children, and as a memorial to the thousands of members who sacrificed their lives in defence of King and Country. To-day sixty-eight little or- phans and homeless kiddies are being sheltered, clothed, fed and educated in the Home. Some of these are children of Orangemen who fought for King and Country, and now sleep where the poppies mother's love and father's care. We have children in the Orphanage i whose parents never contemplated their loved ones would have to find shelter in charitable institutions. To-day you are happily situ- ated with your dear ones around you, but reverse may come. Will you not do your bit to assist us to erect a new building so that no child | will be turned away for want of accommodation? This is not a Home restricted to care for only children of True Blues and Orangemen. A child in need is our first consideration, and the door is ever open to receive any child in distress, whether anything can be paid towards its maintenance or not. a | If you are in sympathy with the work we are engaged in, contri- butions will be received and gratefully acknowledged by J. E. Chown, Secretary of the Committee, 40 High street, Barrie. Committee in charge--S. N. Hurst, chairman; W. Gofton, Thos. Chown, J. E. Reid. termined to destroy Americai transports at all hazards, . that will provide accommodation for from two to Others are there because death robbed them of Armitage, J. Make Every Hour Count FPOR, the salesman, collector, + COD= tractor--the man who "must there"--the Ford 'Runabout. at Through the traffic of the city, over Tough country roads to the outl; town, the Ford Runabout trevas rapidly and economically, Ford Runabout $660, 'Touring $690. On en models the Electric Staring Beuipment ia $100 exer. eee Coupe, $976. Sedan, $1,175. (Closed model ? Prices include Elect' Starting Sg' tian eee ig praoumable eau ' Sent on closed care only st $26.00 art. 'These prices are. 0. b. Pe not include War

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