Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Sep 1919, p. 8

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Page Eight ' THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, Sept. 18, 1919 = | STRONG DEMAND conceivable finish Sheer imal draping and have found admittance into of fashion. are rials combined Pussy Willow Silk in colors: and Blossom Novelty Silks and Textiles of every Taffeta Silk the desirable shot being shown. "fects are priced at .... $2.78 yd. with soft Far harmeuse, 38 inches wide at 3.50 yd. lustrous finished goods 40-inch width, Robin Blue, Jap Blue, Peach Comes at $3.00 yard The Millinery Department on Second Floor with its The Dress Goods, Silks, Gloves; Hosiery, and Fancy here. FOR EVENING WEAR MATERIALS. Lovely Georgettes, Crepe de Chenes, Silk Crepes, Ninons and Tuelles priced from ........ $1.00 to $2.50 Particularly attractive are the new Georgettrs in floral patterns, spec- ially priced at .. $4.00 and $4.26 yd. the circle MOORE & ARMSTRONG, Great Preparation for Barrie Fair' Week AT MOORE & ARMSTRONG'S FOCUSSING YOUR ATTENTION TO BARRIE STYLE STORE BY MAKING A DISPLAY OF SUCH DESIRABLE MERCHANDISE THAT YOU WILL BE PLEASED TO INSPECT IT. VALUES THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED BY PURCHASERS FROM MAKERS WARD FOR THIS WEEK'S SELLING. The Big Ready-to-Wear Department with garments of every kind for Ladies » Misses and Children, and every style authentic and wearable. Whether in Basement, Main Floor or Second Floor you are assured of ' > VALUES THAT SAVE-QUALITIES THAT SATISFY-SERVICE THAT PLEASES. THE ANTICIPATED SOCIAL EVENT SEASON HAS CREATED A AT PRESENT PRICES,-ARE BROUGHT FOR- multitudinous array of Models from the world's fashion centres. Goods Depts. on Main Floor, all demonstrating to you the advantages gained by buying MOORE & ARMSTRONG MILLINERY MAINTAINS ITS SUPERIORITY BY STRIKING AND EX. CLUSIVELY DESIGNED STYLES. Distinction, good materials and 1 moderate prices are worthy of eniphasis. For Fair Week some very special lines will be showu that may be of interest to you, Second Floor Fashion has not allowed any one particular style to predominate this season, but the brim movement is upward Instead of down. Ostrich for trimming is lavishly used. No matter what vour particular faney may be our expert sta? of Milliners wall be able te please vou Hats from $3.00 to $15.00 each LONG SILK GLOVES AGAIN FIND BUY YOUR WINTER COAT THIS WEEK SOFT, NAPPY FLANNELETTE FAVOR. i ; ; BLANKETS AT $3.15 PR. Excellent qualities are being shown at prices Never before have we been able to show such a great variety so early in the Flannelette Blankets come in three sizes: thet emplinsize Ihe: bengtit. you derive in Season, but on account of labor conditi ons in garment factories no further supply 10-4, 11-4, and 42-4. The line on sale for buying here .... . # '7 will be received this season, thus it behooves you to select yours now. Brat ra ate snecinlle Bae oe oF PERRIN'S KID GLOVES LESS THAN | gandsome Plush and Wool Goals with the Taree shipment of Heavy Kimonas ant Bath sissies sseknaes $3.15 pair PRESENT COST. deep armhole and Raglan sleeves, as well Robes just in; good styles, colors and . ved from... valterns . sevice es $B 0. While our present supply lasts you are pri- $10.00 1 $78.00 pay $575 to 910.88 600 PAIR WOMEN'S LISLE HOSE ileged to gel your requirements much un- thee i Compare the garments offered hy us and ee eee tae orice" Blacks Tans and White | New Fall Dresses in Silks, Satins, J you Will be convinced thal our prices are very AT 29c PR. ae $1.50 to $2.76 pair Cloths, Poplins and Serges, all very reason- Feasonable and less Ihan city. prices These have slight defects, but not noticeable SERRE ORS? wae pula? : $13.50 to nad Our stock represents every line of apparel in a great many of them. White or Black i, les' Blouses for every occasion are here {hat is in demand for Women, Misses and . 50e y : SALE OF CHILDREN'S GINGHAM Ma praiuelans fomine in commie are: hers Chat Ie sine 84 a 80e cua ae DRESSES FOR FAIR WEEK. oon : nae earns With low bust Corsets in vogue it is impera- : i f about 200 Ladie tloth Skirts in five that dainty Brassiers be worn, We es Fan ere ee ea eee oe one piles Dest SIYIOS ee cece eee: $HBB tO $16.00 stow the HS A. which i recounised as the Look through the 'ou get' them less than i Plain and Fancy Underskirts in Silks, Satins lest, Some beautiful silk lines on display ' TO BS z Sale 980 and Colton materials ...... $1.19 to $9.00 Hp Essa . 850 to $2.76 each Bargain Basement Faney Dishes, Wools of all kinds, Soaps and Small- wares., Get Palmolive Soap at two cakes for + -250 Barrie and Guelph The vemnant table is a veritable rendez. yous for bargains. i i i i de here on Friday of last week Cookstovin team won by w score 6:2 Consult H. T, Rankin before placing your onler for a piano, Ppjces mght Mra. Richard Coleman, Mrs, Harry Cole- | scriptions, either new or renewals may Ralph Davidson of Haileybury spent few days lust week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J, Davidsop Gordon Apperley of Toronto spent the past week with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ap; Gordon returned to Tor: onto this week and will attend Normal School. Dr. R. H. Leadlay's colt "The Limit® took second money in the Green Race at Alliston on Thursday of lust week. H. T. Rankin wishes to make known that he hus severed all connections in the piano business with J, Gilheeney, H. T. Rankin solicits your patronage and will give you a fair deal in new or second band pivnos and organs, and other musical instruments Nelson of Burk's Falls spent s few Jast week with his.cousin, R, W. Glass, Geo. Reid and Mr. White of Toronto JOPERA HOUSE Friday and Saturday _SEPT. 19-20 The Big Paramount-Artoraft Special Ploture "THE HUN WITHIN" WITH DOROTHY Gish The story of this absorbing picture is one of unusual in- terest. It is filled with thrill- ing situations and its heart appeal is irresistible. Remem- ber, this-is a special picture and the prices remain the same as usual. « 4 SUNSHINE COMEDY ALSO First show 7.30, second 9 p.m. Prices--16-11ots. ------------ NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: Ernie Marks Stock. Co--Mon., Tues. and Wed. Blackstone, Magician--Thurs, Wm. S. Hart. in "Branding Broadway"--Fri. and Sat. ComINa Mon, Sept. 29--Mack Sennett's Bathing Girls in Person, with the - picture, 'Jack Canuck in Berlin" NEWS OF COOKSTOWN. tatiye of the Barrie Examiner in Cookstown ix George F. Thompson, Neva bene lor Cookstown ahd adjacent country may be handed or phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No. 39 finds man and Mrs. John Graham visited in| Toronto thik week Rev, J. D. Byrnes of North Bay will preach in the Presbyterian Church on Sun day. Miss Addie McGowan of Torontu ie vixit ing this week at Dr, Leadlay's Dr. Jamieson Duff returned home from | overseas this week. The following pupily from Cookstown took prizes at Ivy School Fair --Clifford hospital at Burlington, spent a few days |Spindloe, Ist for beets; Edna More, 3rd ithia week with her aunt, Mrs Alex Ar-|for carrots; Merland MacLean, let for | nold russet apples; Jack Dinwoody. 3rd cock Miss McQueen will be in charge of Fish-|erel, 3rd pen; George Baker, George Dob- er's Millinery Parlors this season on and after Tuesday, Sept. 23. and will be! Ipleased to have the Indies of this vicinity call, John Monkman of Toronto soeat over Sunday with his sister, Mre, J. R. Couse Stanley Ray, mechanic st H. L. Dun- sing' Garage, bus returred after a few week's vacation, Miss McCraw of Toronto was the pueat of Mise Helen Sutherland last week. | Mise Gardner of Mount Albert (formerly | jof the High School staff here) spent the week-end in town, Bethesda anniversary services will be held on Sunday, Oct, 6. Churchill choir will supply the music and Rev, Dudgeon of Tottenham' will proach, Mr. and Mrs, Riches, Mrs. Spheres and jMrs. Fisher and eon of Toronto and Mrs, Taylor of Hamilton were visitors at D. F. Kidd's over Sunday. Mise Alma Neilly and Miss Edith Rob- inson left on Monday for Peterborough, where they will attend Normal School, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Broley spent Sun- day with the latter's sister, Mrs, (Dr) Wil- kinson, Newmarket. him, Sub- 'be forwarded through him, spent Sunday with the former's sister Mre, 1D, H. Ross. Nursing Sister McMahon of the military AMERICAN ACE OF AMAZING _ ASTOUNDING ACHIEVEMENTS "Ted" Srewvick, sod. Mr. Robertson of ssitediial Toronto visited with the former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. Creswick, this week. BLACKSTONE H, T. Rankin sold three pianos last IS MORE THAN week, one being delivered to Mre. D. Ram- sey; Toronto, at $550.00, A MAGICIAN Bert Marwood of Barrie spent Sunday +e with bis parents here, ! Fred Becket has nid his house and. bot SEE HIM IN THE to Miss Gilkinson. Tt will be occupied by Mime Gitkinaon's ise, Mr, McMinn, "Mr. . CLEANEST Becket has pur James Moir's house Freeman Kidd of Fort William is vist- CLASSIEST ing, wth is parents, Mr. and Mrs Daniel CONGRESS OF jad. The anniversary services of St. Luke's SENSATIONAL Church, Pinkerton, will be held on Sun- |) day, Sept. 28. Rev. W. E. Macksy of Coldwater will take vervice. Mrs, John Kell has purchased = player- piano. Preparations are being inade to lay a cement sidewalk from W. E, Stoddart's corner to Dr. Leadlay's, About .75 couple were present at the dance held by 'the Social Club in the Town Hall on Friday night of Inst week. W. P. Jeb left this week for Toronto, where he will attend Dental College. Mrs. Harry Davis of Ivy spent a fow days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Flynn. ! PHYSCHIC MARVELS 'At the, benefit game played bétween the Cookstown and. Thornton baseball teams! Grand Opera House THURSDAY, SEPT. 25th POSITIVELY ONE OF THE CLEVEREST AND MOST SENSATIONAL PRODUCTIONS OF Prices: 25c, 50c, 75¢, $1.00. War Tax Extra, d son and Ralph Robinson. 1st stock judging Ti GISTRA- | and cannot be made thereafter. |tesm; George Baker, 4th corn; Harvey NOTICE OF RE T Dated the 17th day of September, 1919. Spundloe. | Margaret Creswi TION OF BY-LAW A.W. SMITH, Ist table bouquet; Margaret Creswick oa | 38-40 Clerk. n of weeds; George Dohwon es; Room TIL, Ist collection Notice is hereby given that s by-law twas passed by the Municipal Council of the ee Town of Barrie on the 2nd day of Septem S. A, Thanksgiving Festival bebr, A.D., 1919, providing for the issue The Salvation Army will celebrate their |of debentures to the amount of $77,000.00 annual Harves: Festival Thanksgiving on |for the purpose of alterations and additions Sunday, Sept. 21 to the West Ward School; also improve- The meetings will be conducted by Major {tents to the South Ward School, all be- Burrows from Hamilton, awisted by Adjt,| ing permanent improvements, and that J Wiseman and the comrades of the local |such by-law was registered in the registry corps. A special service will be beld on|office for the Registry Division of the Monday evening, Sept. 22nd. County of Simeoe on the fifteenth day of --_ September, A.D. 1919. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any pyrt thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice, TAXES AND STREET OIL- ING FOR TOWN OF BARRIE. The First Instalment of taxes together with the Street Oiling Rates sre payable at the Bank of Toronto either in Barrie or Allandale, on or before Thurday, Sep- tember 25th. A Discount of ONE PER CENT of the amount of the Second Instanlment will be allowed if taxes are paid in full on or be- fore the above date, 38-38¢ Wedding cake buxes for sale at The Examiner office. A. T. DEMPSEY PRESENTS HE'S BAFFLED THE WORLD One Man on Earth Who Can Do Most Everything. ee OK MAGIC HYPNOTISM SPIRITUALISM ILLUSION MIND READING CARD TRICKERY AND MANY OTHER MARVELOUS TRICKS te. THE DAY Plan opens Thursday, Sept. 25, 10 a.m.

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