THE BARRIE EXAMINER. f : ~ 4 I . Miss Louie Banting of Toronto is spend-/ Miss Alice Nevils of Barrie is visiting ing her vacation with her parents, Mr. and|at her home this week $3 000. 00 4 DONT MISS THE PEACE Mrs. B, WN. Banting. Mr. and [DiRe%; fF: More, attended the Atiston 3 bl Mr. and Mrs, Rusell Ross and Mr. and/District Meeting of the Methodist Chae T] ze Mrs. Mome of Dertoit, Mich... speat u few [Alliton on Twecdas sen in IN PRIZES e YEAR SHOW {pve last week, with the former's sisters,' 'The many friends of Geo. Morrison will Bering: O Mucky. and Mra. T. A. C.|regret to hear that he is coufmey co it -* Basting bed again : Mp Aeuph of Stayner visited Mre. Frank! "Mr. 'Smith of the 4th line of Innisfil Leeson last week. Geo. Mor. | eat hit farm to Levi Mayes. ° ° Te Jas. Hughes 'bas purchased Geo, Mor-| Mrs. D. KC Ross of Toconto spent a La Ih P G | Sh P | sis Lae few dajiriovrown Tea wes Tge Increase in Prizes, reater Exhibit of Horses, Catt e, Heep, Fou The anruverary services of the Hebert] Mr. MoMilltn of Erin. visited With hia "e Methodist Church will be held on Sunday, | brother, McMillin, manager of >the aw Sept. 14 . Union Bank, last week Sh, wht Bae van |e ae mae THE RING--LARGE PRIZES---EXCITING -CONTEST Jos. Coulter's last. week, Mrs. Harry Howe, & daughter. Come to Fisher's and hear « demon-| H. L, Dunning bas secured Mir, Rumble firation of the Columbia and Phonols talk: lof Hilladale as salesman ia the dap: ing mechines. All the latest records to be business, ------------ SH ----------------------~ had _ pots Henry, of Ingersoll is teacher at if Dr. Scott of Claremont, who has spent | Ross school this, tere" " {30 yeate overeens, ie now practining nih] Coukstoon tt Tee aton baehall tame BETTER BABY GRAND NEARLY HALF DON'T FAIL TO Dr. Shier 1 to hee [tl Play 88 fzhibition kame on the Fair ENTERT N SEE THE Miss Margaret Thompson returned to her |Grounda on. Friday' often is Position gr tmilliner in Bradford this week.| " W. W. Coates 'and Me Walter Coates COMPET ITION Al A MILE OF Herb. Grahum has purchased W. Pat-Jof Carman, Man. are visiting at J. J. MENT MIDWAY | terson's farm on the Sth line of Inxiefil. | Neville CLARK | Miss Clara Kell iv teaching at Braden's} Mr, and Mr. F. M Kemp and daugh- Six Classes for . 5 ore { school this term friends {ty Mintle and E.R. Hill are at Lake of in the Main Building Monkey Driving RAZILLIAN i Clifford Fisher and a party. of friends | Baye 5 u from Toronto were in town on Sunday 4 tS Boys and Girls and at the Fair Grounds, Auto. . { The Cookstown baseball boys were de - feated by the Thornton team in an ex. What's the Answor? Two Sweepstakes Tues., Sept. 23rd at Pony and Dog Show TRIPLE ; , hibition 'game at Thornton on Monday, | The women's vote is the riddle of the 8 pm. RAPEZE Mihi ane toe ding busi-|in full oct of riddeg ue rae for Best Boy and ; La Blanche's Phys- T Miss Margaret Robinson is attending busi-| is of riddles, wom : id Ga : sae college i a turn out to vote? If they do will they i . MYSTO," World's é she mer R Behe pan the furm owned | Vote with or against their husbands? Will Girl competing. Great Hus} ical Culture Exhibi- TROUPE by the estate, of the late W. R. Coleman, fer vote solidly for temperance oe will eS usion- tion and Museum of : y ibe ad. lag of face ey exercise women's ancient and in- i : ion an : Oise Gladys Coulter of Toronto ix visit-| tliensble right to change her mind early Toronto Doctor to ist Acrobatic Acts Wond andthe ; 'ing her aunt, Mrs, Thos, Parks. {and often. x ti by New York Co. onders. ac Fred Sutherland of the Military Hospi-| There is evidence that the women's vote judge. Roman Ladder tal, Toronto, is now bome on pass if it turns out in full force will give us a Guelph Jazz Band. Merry-Go-Round . Wardie Broome left on Tuesday for Tor. arr, variety of Ealority rie he on Equilibristic Act ' when be will take up Goa - 'of Fergus is an example quoted, Out 9 r . caring work, O Wil take up civil' engin [1,228 'names on the voter's list, 608. are Talks by Child Wel- Jewish Monologues. and Pony Ride and a ¥ . qi ' women ant are men, 1 pe Does this indicate that Canada ia to be fare Nurse. Ete., Etc., Etc. !!! score more--Largest from New York City ! Fi under petticoat government--that she is 5 ; {0 play the part of a "henpecked" coun. | 'Knol t All for cents.-- Midway outside the =] ry mple cco. ate ' 'a cha * What's the answer to it all? ple accommoda NO} extra oe for City. } € vanes ad tion in res ' eserved Seats | New Veterinary Firm nin rest room for Wile eu -- Heaps of Fun for Before Grand Stand | p Capt. J. Dunn, of Creemore, who went | babies a embers. Tickets aot goo | overeat in the inpeier mae, yee, went abies and mothers, foF this Concert. Old and Young. Each Day. | . Corps. has entered into partnership. with | e [Dr A. H. Brother, and the new veterinney ee jfirm will be known as Dunn and Brother. ; a Capt. Dunn ie well known in all the die: fs jtrict from Angus to Creemore, where he 4 prostna! peeehats "ny Crgmne: whare be THIS IS EVERYBODY'S FAIR | SEE THE BIG NEW POULTRY QUARTERS ' ructined! with Dr. Brother in' Barrie in 191914, During 'hin nerve owe ie DON'T FAIL TO COME FLOWER SHOW BIG SHOWING OF BIRDS \ : had a valuable experience, having charge y of the aurgical depurtinent of a base ver trinary hompital in Frame, Og base vet: a MAKING AND MENDING tioned in, despatches for meritorious work verything in tin ix our specialty, | while with the tropa in the ling gras ' s ' ' Fi s . Tin' pall Those nite pane, pei colle ADMISSION--Everything has gone up but the price to see Barrie's Big Fair and it's the same old Price: cornices, oroofs, ceilings, drip AUCTION SALE Adults, 25c, "Children, 15c; and Autos and Other Vehicles, 25c. floors, skylights, ete, made to of Household Furniture erder and repaired. Workman} On Tuesday, Sept. 16. there will be an a . F $a tat . . . ship and materials fully guaran. {auetion sale of beusebold fersitmie ge gt This is Everybody's Fair, Don't Fail to Come. Prize lists from Secretary, or Rural Mail Carriers. teen. Tf you want a fin' expert, | Fesidence of Mrs. Lee, 52 Clapperton street, ) "| Barrie, Also. the . speetOT oUF man. "Ask for our [gmt AbE the Baye will be: offend DANIEL QUINLAN, Pres. R. J. FLETCHER, Sec'y. Prices W. A. McConkey. auctioneer TT pianist hi ee eer Plumbers, Phone 531, Barrie FOR FLETCHER'S CUNDLES Mr. Martin und family, of To- ronto, returned home after visit. ing for some time with Mr, and Mrs. Shaw here. Mrs. Calhoun, 'of London, who has heen staying with her! mother, Mrs, Irvine, for the summer, has returned home. Miss Dorothy Black is %pend- ing a few weeks with friends in 'Toronto. | Mrs. Parr has gone to Lindsa fo visit her daughter, Richards, Mrs. Bell, of Angus, is at Sole' Agents for "Hecia" Furnaces CASTORIA rey vg ae sent visiting her sister, Goodfellow. Miss Reta Malkin, with a lady a friend from Toronto, has been home for'a few days. 'The scholars of Cundles Ei BS sn Shi ae The Best Machinery Investment. I] pool with their sew easier You Can' Make Miss F, Hubbert, of Barrie, attended the school fair at Min-- esing and won first prize for Ask any user of theJohn --_under-fertilized or over-fer= marching. * Deere Spreader, and he will tilized spots, Former 8.0.1. Teacher Honored 'diioey bee ae Come in and see this Dr, 'Thos. O'Hagan, the dis- bs Spreader, We want linguished Canadian poet and made--not only because it 2 il who was some years ago a mem- saves hard work afid value © S8°W You why it will do ber of the BC... staff, has beon able time, but because it Petter Work, why it will last recently made a member of the 5 Tobe longer than cthers, why it Authors' League of New York. makes 'every forkful of Jit cost less for repairs, Commenting on this, the Buffalo eam forevbigge ss why it is easte Catholic Union and 'Times says: y easier to load saps 7 crop yield. 4 The Authors' League of New ° and operate, York has honored itself by elect- Manure goes farther and Mounting the beater on ing Dr. Thomas O'Hagan, of To- Tonto, a member of that body. No does more good when you the axle of the John Deere one is more deserving of mem. use a John Deere Spreader, gives you a combination of bership in the wrganization. Dr. You can spread Manure advantages you can't get Pigg hers ip @ poet. or hee oe well evenly, heay . as a widely-read author of mos' Ye Reavy or light--no in any other spreader important papers, a lecturer and ' a general all-round good fellow ' Come'in and know the reasons why there areso who in spite of the glory that is many satisfied users of John Deere Spreaders, his, never has been obliged to . increase the size of iy hat be- Prince of Wales laying the ' cause of what is commonly vall- We Have a Machine Set Up for Your lion ed swelled head." And the Win. nipeg Northwest Review adds: -- D Cc H r The Authors' League of America| © MINESING STATION ach wi ngrat L- has just elected Dr. Thomas i i CA e ° D PHagan to membership. 'This |yiit ta 'iding, * Sliott has gone tol ently. oS OR 1A , 4 honor came entirely unexpected. | - School opened a week with Miss Ben- 1. Tafants Children. Agent - - 34 Bayfield St ' It is, however, a recognition en-|nett of Midland ss tecckt" * | Collier St. Methodist Church The Kind Y, oy / + = Barrie lirely deserved by Dr. O'Hagan,| Mewrs. Fred and Harry Healey, who have Rev. R. J. Fallis, Pastor, ou Have Always Bought . hai io |pent_ the summer months in this vicin. ane . Also the Celebrated Hoover Potato Digger Metis OS ee ee aa poet have returned' to their home in Ei andes, Bas 16 ae Ql of much charm and a writer of The stork visited in this vicinity once|11 aam.--Mr, J. W. Bengough of Toronto, great vigour. "more, presenting Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Ka-| 7: p.m--Capt, FG Harper,