sngerren snap ea Page Two KODAKS AND "BROWNIES Keep a record of the events in a child's life from } infancy up to manhood or MORGAN'S RE- STORATIVE TONIC Hot weather being very depressing, it is up to us to get a good tonic,--one that will build us up and help us bear the heal. Morgan's Re- storative is an ileal tonic, having all the ingredients as a perfect blood builder, i has been in use for over } 30 years and has helped } others,--it will help you $1.00 a large bottle CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS To-night, if you feel dull and stupid, or bilious and Koduke.-- $9.00 to $60.00 constipated, take a dose of | t Chamberlain's, Tablets, and} We dpvelop and print you will feel all right to-} your films at small cost: morrow. also make enlargements 260 for 50 tablets from small negatives, WM. CROSSLAND © ose. , DRUGGIST BARRIE The Late Mrs. Biroh An old resident of the town|Her husband died 22 years ago. Passed aw on Thursday, Sept Two daughters survive her: 4, in the person of Mrs. Wm.] Mrs, John Bingham and Miss E. Birch, in her 92nd year Birch, Barrie. whose maiden name] The funeral took place on Sun- Crawford, came to) day to Rast Oro, Rev. Mr. Taylor this country from England when | conducting tbe service al the she was right years old. For) grave womanhood with an Auto- graphic Kodak Reward the child who was successful in examinations with a Brownie. These little cameras are easily operated and cost only a trifle. They please grown-ups as well as children, Brownles -- $2.15, $3.00, $3.75 and $4.80. 35 years she had resided here. The music of the Victrola makes home life a finer thing I is an entertainer for all of you, an inspiration foreach of you-- aod a 'playmate' where there are children. "His Master's Voice" RECORDS 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided 18594 Tell Me--and--The Vamp--Fox Trats Jos. C. Smith's Orch 18589 Anything is Nice if It Comes from Dixieland--American Quarte!(--and--EyesThat Say "I Love You" Irving and Jack Kaufman 246059 Burmah Moon--and--Doughboy Jack and Doughnut Jil Geoffrey O'Hara 216061 I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles--Waltz--and--Burmah Moon --Fox Trot Wm. Eckstein's Strand Trio 18563 Ruspana--One-Step--and--Have a Smile--Medley Fox ee ietru Red Seal Records : at Greatly Reduced Catalogue Prices La Campana di San Giusto (Tenor) Enrico Caruso $2.00 Turkish March (Violin) Jascha Heifetz 1,25 "Ah, fors' @ ul (Soprano) Galli-Curcl 2,00 Ohio (Violin) Kreisler 1.25 For You a Rose (Baritone) Emilio dé Gogorza 1.25 Viarolas from $34 up to $597, sold on easy payments, if desired. Ask for free copy of our 624-page Musical Ency- clopedia listing over 9000 "His Master's Voice" Records. -Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealers Manufactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Limited spaztea Montreal ola JO re KORO WR Io PHELPSTON As the majority of our citizens altended the Big Fair, I will not attempt to name those who attended; it would be a much easier task to name those who remained at home. Another sure indication that the good old summer has once mo: come and gone is the changing of the train service, the "Flyer" to the @eorgian Bay be- ing taken off and the train ser- viee back to its old time again. This will certainly be appreciat- ed, especially in visiting points north on the line, as the 4 o'clock again the railway will change daylight saying time on October {si It is lo be hoped such a foolish move as daylight saving will not be adopted again. asked by several during the past be any use to urge the township fathers to have a good.decent, substantial steel bridge placed over the creek oon the oth line, just west of the village. My answer to them was to the effect that under the present conditions, eronomical, xo to speak, there is not much chance of anything be- ing granted that might be asked for not even a few shovelfuls of gravel to fill those holes in the road between here and Elm- vale. They can talk about a sweeping change in the Borden and Hearst governinents at the next election, but if there isn't a change in the Flos municipal government that will make the Dominion and Ontario elections look sick why I will miss my guess. The present weather at this time of wriling is all thal could be desired and while we had a fow wet days not long ago, the erops Were more or Jess harvest- ed satisfactovily in At shape for fall plowing ani the roof crop is doing well: while aver the late ones are doing very Well and promise to be much better than was expected some weeks age during the dry spell ravhers and pupils have again relurned to their studies affer a pleasant vacation, and while, ne doubt, a few of the bows regret that the holidays are over, | {hey must bear in mind that the educated boy is the one whe gets, afler a while. ta be the man whe! van and will dictate to us all. S« boys, remember that the school and school days are the best time of your lives, for there are older men who ean tell you wh U they | 19 go to school when they had the} chance, Some time ago the lagies of the Red Croxs held a meefing for the purpose of considering what} was fo he done for our returned heroes, and afler a short de decided they would turn the work over th the men. They should have had more sense than to do anything like {hat for they should realize ere this that the men inj this burg are no different than in| the majority of other places,; therefore nothing can be expect-! ed ut talk. Ist, like the talk on] the road question. you might just as well not waste pencil and paper for as was previously stated, a change must. be fortheoming ere anything ean be really expected. Did you notice what the To- ronto papers said abont the Fdi- son phonograph display at the Exhibition: "In a class by elf is what they said--and Fdison owners know if, too, There is no camouflage with the Now Edi- son, Ask M, & 8. Platt to show you the machine or eall and heac the latest records played. STROUD Mr. and Mrs. Porter, of Sud- hury, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Chas, Ness. Mr. and Mrs, Will Duncan vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. S. Broley last week , Quite a number around here are laid up with severe colds. Mrs. Margaret Reynolds, of Knock, is visiling her cousin, Mrs, Reynolds. Mrs. Harold Jakes s visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W Lennox. . J. E. Clark, with a party of other men, motared to the city and took in the Exhibition, re- porting a good time. A number of friends attended the presentation to Corporal Leonard Martin. Miss Kelly, of Toronto, is vis- iting her cousin, Miss Clark. Mayer Andemeon, of Orillia, announces that after making in- GEO. VICKERS _ DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE DISTRICT ia quiries, he learns that it costs towns where there are pavements from $1500 to $2000 a year to é THE BARRIE EXAMINER train looks good to us all, and) Your correspondent has been! few weeks if he thought it would: The ground is] j the potato crop ix met up to the) missed in after life by neglecting | x NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS x ROTOR TofOR TOR IoIOR ok SHANTY BAY Mr. and Mrs. Moore, of London, visiled with Albert and Mrs. Moore last week. Mrs. Albert Moore is away on a visit to her former home in Petrolia. N. W. and Mrs. VanNorman spent over Sunday with Alfred Palk. Miss Ella Leadley, of Rarrie, is spending a month with Miss Sarah and H. Palk Herb Fillingham arrived home again after a month in Lansing, {Michigan His health is) con- {siderably improved. H. G. Martin, of Toronto, j Was in our village on Labor Day. | Mrs. Robert Graham, of Sask- atoon, has returned home on account of her liltle daughter's illness, Wm, Graham has heen confin- jed to his home with pleurisy. [Walter Paik, who had a bone jin his foot broken in a motor ele caceident, is progressing foward recovery Rey. ALR. Hassard will address the congregation in the Methodist Church en Sunday" next with reference to the coming Referen- din B. Wo Wilson has secured a \ual purpose Shorthorn bull with breeding among the best in Ont tario, his three nearest dams averaging 1200 Ths. of milk in season, He is sired by "Domin- ator" of the Wellwood Farm, whose sire was Burnfool Chief. fain. Mr. and Mrs, Allan Luck and litte son and their friends, Mr, and Mrs. Saunders, af Toronto, spent cover the week-end at Luck j Mrs. John Luck has returned heme after spending a few days in Teronto, {Be sure nat te miss hearing Mr. ALR, Hassard. a Toronto weer, next Sanday at 2 p.m. im the Methodist Chureh, on "Tha Peobibition Referendum. Come te the Methodist Chureh Next Sunday prepared te vote on "Nhe Advisahility of Getting the New Hymn fh and to Sunday School to practice for 'Rally Day CHURCHILL Miss 'Tena Rogerson has re- Jurned hooie from an extended visit wath fiends in Toronty, Beamsville and Buffalo Miss Hall, of Chesley, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, E. Hodgson Miss Annie Robinson, of Bee- Fifth Miss Lillian Sloan at Whitefish Bay, hel Qecomore, of Gol- resumed her duties lingwood, at Cherry Miss Patterson, of Stroud, spent a few days' with Misses Josie and Georgie Reive, Wins Martin. motored to Flos and Wasaga Beach 'on Sunday last Misses FE. and B. Canning have returned after spending their va- ation in Torento" and Mona Norman Sloa visiting his pare R.W. Sloan Charles Alleyne has sold 1 farm to Mr Graham, of town. Mervin Noble has alsa dis- posed of his farm to Hall Beo of Alton, Ont Robert Leggotl, of Thornbury, was a-recent visilor at the home af Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace. Mrs. Tannahill Sturgeon, with her sons, Edgar and Kenneth, spen! the week-end with friends in 'Torento: Rev. Mr. Johnson, represent- ing {he Dominion Alliance, will of Toronto, is s, Mr. and Mra, pr in the Presbyterian Chu "Sept. 14, at 10,30 The choir of the Presbyterian Church will sing at Townline an- niversary services on Sept. 24, and al anniversary services al Bethesda Methodist. Chureh on Oetober 5. ELMVALE Friday evening, Sept. 5, a very Pleasani and profitable meeting was held in the Presbyterian Church here when the Rev, R. M. Hannah was inducted into the charge of Elmvale and Knox Church, Flos. AL 6.20 supper, which had been so bountifully supplied by the ladies in their well known de- lectable quality, was served in the basement 'of the church, Among the large number present were noticed friends from Mid- land and Collingwood. A few minules after 8 o'clock, Rev. E. H. Lockhart opened the meeting in the church and de- "Maple Crest," the home of John| livered a very impressive sermon after which Rev. Mr. McKeown, of Wyevale, (the interim moder- ator during the vacancy) took charge of the meeting and call- keep them clean. ed Mr. Hannah to the front of J, J. Elliott, of Midland, addres: Devlin & Murchison DRESS-MAKING DEPARTMENT NOW OPEN MISS SHANNAHAN IN CHARGE MISS E. BRENNAN, DESIGNER AND CUTTER IN THE DRESS GOODS SECTION We have a full line of new Fall Suitings, Dress Goods, Silks and trimmings. Our selections for this department have been mide with the great- est care. The new suitings consist of CHEVIOTS, GABARDINES, TWEEDS AND BROADCLOTHS in all the leading shades, also Black'and Navy Ser- ges. NEW SILKS in Duchesse, Satin de chine, Pai- lette, Peau de Soie and Poplins in the following shades: Black, Navy, Taupe, Nigger, Saxe, Smoke, Reseda, Burgundy, light and dark Grey, Lavender, Purple and all the popular evening shades. . READY-TO-WEAR SUITS FOR MEN, YOUNG MEN AND BOYS Our first shipment of Fall Ready-to-Wear clothing has just come to hand and the de them made in are Natty and particularly stylish. MADE -TO- MEASURE SUITS AND OVERCOATS The fall swatches for Made- to- measure suits and over- coats have just come to hand. This season we have some real good cloths to show and the styles that we can have them made in are Natty and Neat. FIT GUARANTEED Devlin & Murchison the church and.duly indueted him info the above named charge. Nev. Mr. Morton, the new pastor of the Methodist Church here, offered the induction prayer. Rev. born near Creemore, and re- ceived his school training at Col- lingwood. Wm. Williams, of tho Collingwood Bulletin, who had been principal of the Collingwood High school at the time that Mr. Hannah attended that institution, motored over to be present at the induction. edahe minister and Mr. McKeown the people, both. addresses being altentively listened to and much appreciated. ----_------ Rev. Mt. Hannah comes to] 'he third of the ocean-going EImvale from Hartney in the| vessels built at Collingwood to the order of the Canadian Government left for Montreal on Saturday, in charge of Capt. J. N. Foote. A successful trial trip was made at Collingwood. PERMANENCY When You intrust us with your order for a Monument or Me morial to loved ones you are assured not only of artistic work in lettering, but also that the erected monument will be so carefully set up as to insure perman- ancy. Brandon Presbytery. Previous to that he filled a pulpit in Moose Jaw fer qa lengthy term, Mr. Hannah is a graduate of McGill University of Montreal. He was Corner Posts Markers and Tablets See the handsome designs in Canadian and American Gran- ites, Light Pittsford Valley and Dark Blue Marbles, etc. The Barrie Marble Works 79 Bayfield St., opp. Ball Planing-Mill * J. F. Murphy, Prop. ' " -BARRIE, ONT. Successor to R. L. Wolfenden, < \ ~ c a * "--~