Page Six a THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, September 4, 1919 PHONE C. BROWN 250 ,8OR THE BEST IN BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD SROWN BREAD - SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES and PASTRY Bakery and Saleshop: Cor, Elizabeth and Small Streets ---- Y ourReading Needs Are Well Supplied ai Scott's Bookstore Jas. Arnold ire & Life Insurance Agent Real Estate and Money to Loan A number of Valuable Farms wand Town Properties for Sale on the most reasonable terms. MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING BARRIE 6.6, Smith & Co, Eatablished 1809 UNDERTAKERS «Open Day and Night Morgue and Chapel in connection BARKIE, ONT INSURANCE All Kinds Placed in RELIABLE COMPANIES WE, WRITE arm Risks at the Old Rates YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED To Cover Everywhere A. F..A. MALCOMSO: The Insurance Man, Barrie. Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at W: Firth's. The linings and inside of your clothing are as important as { the outside. Why not have them done right when you t 4 are having them done? All 'i kinds of Repairing done. ! We know how. W. FIRTH Phone 229 4 Opp. Baevie Hotel, Barrie. The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophia and Mary Streets G@henufacturers of Sash, Doors, Frames, Ceiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, 'Tanks, eto. Wo carry in stock large assortment of 'Rough ond Dressed Lumber, B.C. Shingles tand Prepared Roofing. Wood Turning and 'Kilo Drying # Specialty. Dressing done «oromptly. Consult us with your building. THOS. ROGERS Phone; Office 163, © Residence 353 88 TO DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE ur success as funeral directors has been developed by our pat- rons, and our best advertisement is word-of-mouth recommenda- 'tion . Some of our customers have been with us for years. We aim to serve one and all, cich and peor, alike--to render the very best we know how. W. D. MINNIKIN Phone 431 34 Mary St. 2 doors south of our former location. some balance in the It may be difficult fo carefully handled as Barrie Branch - BANK BY MAIL Regular saving will soon show a hand- bank always when you want to deposit. Send in deposits by mail--they will be as them over the counter. THE CANADIAN BANK ~, OF COMMERCE load» passenger yet."? | She stepped in at once, -- "As a matter of fact," she told him, "I |was looking for @ taxicub. I have had a telegram from Ralph. He wants us to go down to Portsmouth by the first train we ean catch this morning. He says that if we can get down there in' titie to have lunch at two o'clock, he can show us over the 'Scorpion', After to-day she will be closed to visitors, even his own relations 1 was just going to ace if Geraldine could come Granet was thoughtful for » moment He glanced st the Little clock on the dash board upposite to hin. "TL tell you what," he suggested. "why | not let me motor you and Miss { down? I don't believe there's unother fast tram before one o'clock. and we'd get down in a couple of hours, eusily. It' just what T'm longing for, a good stretch into the country 4 'I should love it." the girl exclaimed, "and L should think Geraldine would. depositor's account. r you to come to the though you handed Wall you wait while T run in aml see her?" H M L "OF course" Granet replied. "Here we are. and there's Miss Comyers at the win- - Ml. Lay, Manager 3." go i und talk her over und! Tl just see that we've got lots of Til have you down there withm two hours all right. if we ean get away before the Copyright, 1916, by Serial Publication rights Che Kingdom of the Blind | By E. Phillips Oppenheim through special arrangement with owners of copyright. She hurried anys the house, Geraldine me her on the threshold and they talked together | for a few moments, Then Ohve reappeared, her face beaming | "Geraldine would simply love it she announced. "She will be here in five mun utes. Could w & motor-coat ? "Certainly." Granet agreed. ghincing at | his watch. ""Thix in absolutely ripping! Wi shall be down there by one o'clock. Why | is this to be Coneyr's Just day for enter-| timing?" Just stop at my house for | Little, Brown & Co. secured by The Examiner, (Continued from last week) "Well." he asked, "what ia it?" reasons of our own for wishing |to know exactly what you meant by asking the W. Office not to send bin back Thomson continued. eral Lesitated » what are they?" ttle intangible. sir." Thom. son confesse ut exceedingly important. Without any direct evidence. 1 have come to. the conclusion thut Captain Granet is a Jmysterious pegon und needs watching. | us we ure' in trouble with the civil authorities, and, to be frunk with you, T amt trying Is strengthen my case. The General shrugged his shoulders Very well," ded, "under the cir cumst the right to know what my messuge meant, We sent Graaet back because of @ suspicion which niy be altogether unjustifiable The suspicion was there, however, and it was eufficiently strong for ine to muké up my mind that should prefer not to have him buck again Now you shail know the facts very briefly |Granet was taken prisoner twice. No one. jsaw him taken --ae a matter of fact, beth jot the affairs were night attacks He seemed suddenly to disappear--got too far uhead of his men. was his explanation. All ean way is that he was luckier tan must of them. Anything wandering about louse \in a British uniform. -but TL owon't 'go on with that He came back each time with information as to what he had seen Each time we planned an attack on the jstrength of that information. that information proved to le misleacing and our attacks failed, costing us heuvy losses Of course. dispositions might have ben changed sincl& his observations were Imade, but there the fact remains, Fur: ther." the General continued, filling his jpipe slowly und pressing iu the tobuecu | "on the second occasion we had four hun- | dred men thrown forward into the village Jof Ossray, 'They were move! ia "Se jurch Hilsrk sess. and silently. Tt was imposible fe nny word of their presence 10 have heen nture the village wis «helled, » escaped were cut off and Follow me, Major' "Yea, sir!" Thomson acquiesced | "Those ure juat the facts," the General 'concluded, "Now on the other hand, Gran: et has handled his men well, shown great personal bravery. and has wil the a ance of a keen soldier. I hate to do h Wrong even in my thoughts hut there wer jothers besides myself to. whom these coin- cidences seemed amazing. We simply decid- ed that they'd better give Granet 4° billet at home. That's the reaton of my mu sage! | "Lam very much obliged to you, sir." [Thomson said slowly. "You bsve given me exactly the information which we de- sire: The General was called away for 9 mo- ent to give some instructions to the young, officer who was sitting in a distant corner of the room with « telephone band around his head. He signed to Thomson, however, to remain. 'Now that I have gratified your curi- he said, when he returned, "perhaps you will gratify mine? Will you tell me rr x To "Good health is price Sole Agent for Barrie ans. Yet the night of' Ifyou suffer from Rheumatic afflictions T.R.C.'s will remedy your condition and remove both pain and disease, Ask your druggist or write us for our new booklet : it 1s foteresting aod costs you nothing (Fempletons, 162 King W., Toronto) We fnall T.R.C.'s anywhere on receipt of §10t Druggist and [Ful we WILLIAM CROSSLAND Reda |" nywered indifferent ulation, 1 sup Tion't know,"" she Some) Adnuralty jist how you over in England have come ty | to have suspicions of this man?" pose "That." Thomson aafplained. 1% personal matter with me. ago T spent th sighed. After all." whether Te is 40 much that is mysterious about the | is almost Three months night with the Third Aru: « declared, "Tani not sure the right profession, There Corps up by Niemen, I wus there oa other E business, as you may imugine, but there Navy. They: are always inventing some was some hot fighting and 1 went cut to 'MUR oF trying something new | help, Twa attending to some of our fel, Geraldine came down the stepe, waving lows and got very neur to the Ge ey, her, hand as seit oop eid Croat Cee en eee in ihe mail Melighiful! Wes!" she! I became separated from the others a little J and wax groping sbout when I beard yuices ¢x¢lsimed. a Granet held the door open talking German within 4 few feet of me. D0 You really mean that you are going T couldn't hear what they said but I sould '0 take us down to Portsmouth and come Just distinguish two figures. One of them ®"d see Ralph? . |made off towards the German | The Tam not going to worry your brother, other, after stunding still for a moment, be answered. smiling, "bur I ain going to came in my direction, I took out my revol. tke you down th Portsmouth sf 1 H ver. and to tell you the truth T very nearly We shall be there long before you could edingly awkward matter for me to have YM think of my new toy? tee Just ws ang Simply: wonderful! C heen taken prisoner just then raldine declare ope a We eas jon Suturday, baskets of fired on sight. for it would have been un 8*t there by tran. und---well, what do] Horse Radia, half pint bo! = When in need of a purga- tive, do not resort to vio- lent cathartics, but takethe gentle, natural laxative-- Beechams Pills. Largest Sale of any Medicine in the World, Sold en--wetrnres i THE MARKETS Pee ee a a SATURDAY MARKET atoes are a wonderful erop this year, are large and smooth and ripen very evenly A eo business was done in this vegetable ing sizes going 0 cents Potatoes ure showing snsidermble growth. hut no change took place in price since lust week. Eggs seemed ther a drug, but the price refused to come down very much, Butter was more plent ful than for some weeks, and the holiday always creates a bigger demand. Corn showed no tendeney to drop out, from 15 to Ne dezen being obtained for the favorite yolden Bantam, About twenty boxes of thimble berries sold at 25¢ a box. Squash at 1c. pumpkin 10 to 20 cents and citron at 10e made # considerable part of the of. fering. Crab apples would seem to be very secures this yoar, $0 cents a basket for weond" quality was quoted gr. per dozen + 48-48¢ Butter aia » 37-58¢ Potatoes, bag. Potatoes, peck Lamb, Ib, stb Corn, dozen sired 15-20 Beets, bunch ....., sees O5e Anples, per busket salsenaegOn Chie! dressed, Ib... 2... - 300 Duek, tb. revenue B00 Cream, quart . pA Milk, quart . Tomatoes. per basket Onions. basket Cucumbers, basket Mint, bunch Sage, bunch . Horse Radish root, bunch NEAR-BY MARKETS finger was on the tngger, T became con "Obve told me that your unele had just ' ee ee oh ihe riage bee aecckame kiven it you. What a lucky peron you (Aug. 29," 1919) was humming 'Tipperary'. I flashed me &f¢. Captain Gravet !" lone Wheat. #2 a 18, eats 008 | j Tee aa He Laugher whittle shortly as they glided , pe 50-81.75, hogs $19.00, Fea! light on his face nnd suw ut once that be 'i ugh al chicken Oc bition 46 cags 48 480: war a British officer He addressed me quickly in German, T answered him in Bag 'hish I fancied for a moment that he seen: led annoyed. "We'd better get out of this , jhe whispered, 'We're within 4 hundred eal of money unit don't mand spending it yards of the German trenches and they 1 wa getting bored to death with my game are bringing searchlighte up', "Who were 1 and arm, and certainly this makes one Do you think so?" he answered, "Well, Tam lueky in my uncle, at any rate, is one of those few people who have a grea you talking te just mow?' T asked, ae we forget both of them. Six cylinders. you wtole along. "No one at ull." he answered SC) Mise Conyers, and T woul bay I didn't take the thing seriously for the ' tell you what we can touch if we were presse moment. although it seemed to me queer Afterwards [ regretted, however, that [ hadn't set myself to discover the mcsning of what was apparently a deliberate lie The next time I met Granet was at a lunch: i" fr E 7 con party at the Ritts lew days age. 1 "For a time,' he remarked, "1 am your recognised husface at once. although T had 'hauleur, T just want to gee what shell only seen it by the flash of my electric @°-t0 experiment a little, lamp. From that moment T have had my suspicions," The General nodded little grave "You won't frighten. us," Geraldine xa- sured him Granet glanced once more at the clock | in front of him scanty. The girl: leaned buck"in their seats. | Granet st bolt upright, with his eyes fixer! upon the road, Shortly tiefore one "It'n a hateful thing to believe." he clock they entered Portsmouth. leaid, "that any cue wearing his Majesty's' "The most wonderful ride I ever had in juniform could ever play auch a dastardly my, life!'" Geraldine exclaimed, = art. However, on the whole I am rather 'Marvellous!' Olive echoed. '*Captain "glad that I paswed in that request to the Granet. Ralph promised that there should |War Office. Anything more we can do for be ® pinnace at number seven dock from | one until three. He was looking « you, Major?"" Thomson took the hint and departed. Granet pointed with bis finger. . {A few minutes later he was in his car and | 'Number seven dock is there "" he said, ' T shall go back ---- to the hotel for lunch and wait for you CHAPTER XI. there." "You will do nothing of the sort,' Ger- Olive Moreton gave a little start ax the x . 'i 2 rt , aldine insisted. "Ralph would be furious long, grey, racing car came noixelessly to #UUN UnINe ome with an" a standstill by sthe side of the kerbstone. i optic Captain Granet raised his hat and leaned... f courme: live interposed Hie from the driving seat towards her. could you think af anything 40 ridiculous Hope I didn't frighten Mise More. It's entirely owing to you that we ware ; y able to get_here.'? Captain Granet looked for a moment doubtful. "You see. just now." he explained, "I know the regulations for visiting ships in " ission ure very strict. Perhaps an pass away the time until T can do some Commission sia de sams . more soldiering. They only brought it ie Visitor, might epibarrass. your. bro Hira apenas morning. Can I "iow can you be so sheurd |?" Geraldine 3 y y - w-protested, "You--a soldier! Why. of a T was jot Boing to Geraldine Conyers." rie sical be delighted to have you by Granet awung the car around into the "Do you know. I guessed that," he re- marked, lesning on one side and opening Afehway of « hotel exactly opposite the the door. "Do let me take you. Thaven't EK ino he agreed. "Well leave jthe car here. Of course, I'd like to come allright." They crossed the cobbled street and made their way to the dock. The pinnace was | waiting for them and in very few minutes they were on their way across the harbour. {The "Scorpion™ was lying well away from the other craft, her four squat funnels emitting faint wreaths of smoke, She rode very low in the water and her appearance was certainly menacing. 'Personally,' Geraldine observed, ing a little forward to look at h think a destroyer is one of the most vicious, the most hideous things I ever saw. I do hope that Ralph will be quick and get a cruiser." "Is that the 'Scorpion' just ahead of us??" Granet asked. ton his way back to Boulogne, nd there's the pinnace, replied, "What a per: He asmented exgerly. "Tan't she! My uncle's present to me to NR Tovight -- morrow Feel Right Get a 25° Box "Did you ever see anything so ugly? She looks s& though she would spit out death from every little crevice,"' "She's a fine boat." Granet muttered. "What did your brother say she could do?"? "Thirty-nine knots," Geraldine replied. "It seems wonderful. doesn't it?" The officer in charge of the pinsace smiled, "Our speeds are only nominal, any ¥ he remarked. "If our chief engineer there had the proper message. there's none of us would like to say what he could get out of those new engines." He turned and shouted an order. In- a moment or two they swung around and waved his hand to them from the top of the gangway. 'Well done, you people!" he exclaimed. ullo, Granet! Have you brought the new potutors $2.50 bag, hay $27-830 ton Alliston Wheat $2.08-82.13, nts 70c, $25,928. eggs 45c, pot . butter 48c, Beeton--Butter 45-50, eggs 50c, wheat $2.00, oats 8c, Elmvale Girl Fatally Injured By Kick From Horse Elmysle, Aug. 30--Edna, the seven- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin, of Crowland, was kicked by # horse on Sunday, August 24, and died in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on Monday following. Accompanied by her mother and "nother lady. they were on their way to From that point conversation became | Knox Church. and when between D, Thon- xon's and Usher's School House, the horses rsn away and threw the occupants out of tine buggy. The little &irl was either kicked on the head by the horse or her skull was fractured by coming into contact with stone when she was thrown from the bugey. She wus taken to the R.V. Hospital at Bar- rie, but died of her injuries the following inorning. Interment tonk place at the 8th L we cemetery on Wednesday. Mrs, Mar .n Iso received severe injuries but is recover- ing now. The father. in company with Frank Ellis, was visiting in Meaford at the time of the accident, * Dates of Fall Fairs, 1919 BARRIE .. Sept. to 24 Alliston, » Oct, 2 and 3 Becton .. e Oct, 7 ang 8B Bradford . +. Oct. 14 and 15 Bracebridge ept, 25 and 26 Coldwater .. » Sept. 25 and Collingwood Cookstown. . Sept. 16, 17, 18, 19 Sept. 30 and Oct. | Limvale .. Oet. 1, 2, 4 Midland . ppt. 29 to Oct. 4 Newmarket Sept. 24, 25, 26 Orillia pl. 16 and 17 Ora Sept. 19 Ollawa . . Sept, 6 and 15 Toronto 1g. 23 to Sept. 6 ere Auction Sale of Valuable Farm Property in the Township of Essa There will be offered for wale by Public Auction on Thursday, September 11th, 1919, at one o'clock in the afternoon at the Simcoe Hotel, Barrie, the following property: The West half of lot twenty-seven in the Eighth concemion of the suid Township of Essa containing one hundred acres, the -|south west quarter of lot, twenty-eight, and the east half of lot twenty-eight in the Eighth concession of the said Township of Essa containing together one hundred and fifty acres and also the north west quarter of lot twenty-nine and the east half of lot twenty-nine in the said Eighth concea- sion of the Township of Essa containing to- gether one hundred and fifty acres, The following improvements are said to be on the property: On the west half of lot twenty-seven, con- cession Eight and the south west quarter of lot twenty-eight, concession Eight, Exe. one hundred and fifty acres, about one hendred geres cleared and under cultiva- tion, balance slash and timber. Buildings are a frame dwelling, barn and drive shed. On the cast half of lot twenty-eight and east half and north-west quarter of lot twenty-nine, concession Eight, Essa (two hundred snd fifty acres). All timber, slash and pasture lands. Terms: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of the drew up by the side of the vessel, Rulph|sale; for the balance terms will be made known at the sale, For further particu- lars apply to music ---------- MAUDE E. CLAXTON, LT.C.M. PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS. In vocal work special attention is given to Voice Production. Pupils prepured for A.T.CM. degree in buth piano and vocal; also elementary exams. of Toronto Conser- vatory of music or University exams Studio: King Block, Phone 424. W. H. THRESHER Organist and Choirmaster of St. Audrew's Presbyterian Churcb. Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, Organ and Theory. Pupils prepared for any examination, practical and theoretical Voices tested free. Residence and Studio, 88 Worsley St. Phone 510. 34-yrly LEGAL ALEXANDER COWAN Successor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of wills, guardianship and administration, and General Solicitor, Notury, Conveyancer, ete. Offices: Hinds' Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. Money to loan. a BOYS & MURCHISON Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Con- veyancers, Ete. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices: 13 Owen St. (in the premised for. merly occupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. W. A. Boys, KC, MP. D.C. Murchison ee ee PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices; 707-8 Kent Building. Toronto, Dut. C. W. Plaxton. G. Gordon Plaxtan pallial ey DONALD ROSS, L.L.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan. _ ee CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS: Solicitors for the Supreme Court of Judi- cature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Con-- eyancers, ete. Money to' loan in Ross Block, Barrie. A. J. Bell, K.C. ee MEDICAL $< DR. H. T. ARNALL Office and Residence Corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streets, opposite Elisabeth St. Methodist Church. ' Telephone 167. -------- eee OR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and Bradford Sts, Barrie. Office hours 9 to 10 am., 1 to 3 pm, 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 105. eee eee W. A. LEWIS, M.D., CM. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY especially. Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Barrie, [cr onlin cy DR. VICTOR A. HART Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, also Edinburgh and Glasgow. Specislty--Diseases of Stomach. Office: Corner Bayfield and Worley Sta Office open until 8 p.m. daily. L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and residence, Collier St., corner of Clapperton 8t., Barrie. Phone 275. DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturday. Diséases of Eye, Eur, Nose and Throat Consultation hours 11 am. to 5 p.m. and by appointment. Toronto Phone North 3326. Berrie Phone No. 2. ACCOUNTANTS LAWSON, 'WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartesed Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronte J, F. Lawson, F.C.A, (Phone 171, Barrie) H. J. Welch, C.A. G. D. Cumpbell, CA. T. E. Lawless, C.A. W. 8. Hulbig, Production Engineer junager it & Efficiency Department. POOLE & PEARCE THE BARRIE DAIRY The Home of Pure Milk If Service, Cleanliness and Quality Count Phone 772 FURS! CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED MISS M. MCKERNAN 58 Small St., Barrie. Phone 323 PROTECT Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada Canada's Greatest Life Insurance Co. JONES & LEONARD, (To Be Continued.) Solicitors, 18 Toronto Btreet, Teronte. Or to James Arnold, Barrie. 33-360 D. J. REBURN, - Phone 142. Dis. Mgr.