ait ad THE «BARRIE- EXAMINER WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED: * $625 COPIES! Tia BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 12 PAGES - SECTION 2 PAGES 5 TO 12 = -------- J. A. MacLAREN, Editor * 56th Year W. C. WALLS, Manager BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1919. Single Copies 4 cents $1.50 Por Year (in advance) as No. 36 Deserted from Permanent Forces} Fall Time Table Schools Re-Opened OPERA HOUSE Sam McKenzie and E H. Rus-| Most of the summer trains will| The schools re-opened on ton, who enlisted in the perman-|be cancelled at the end of this)Tucsday with a good altendance. ' urda ent forces al Kingston and then|week. Nos. 43 and 49 at 1,57 and| Excellent' accommodation has Friday and Saturday deserted, were before Judge Vanee | 3.58 p.m. respectively come off | been provided for the West Ward SEPT. 5 AND 6 on Thursday last, remanded for;and No. 55 (12.18 noon will ran! pupils in the basement of the col- sentence on the charge of steal-[until Sept, 27. The c legiate building. Miss Morrison maaan ing a horse from MeCabe's livery,/ing trains southbound Nos. 48]of this staff, who has been suffer- ES ENID BENNETT Tottenham, These youths have/and 50. also come off this week.{ing from a nervous breakdown, ' had sfmewhat "adventagous|but the 2.30 p.m train continues! was unable tu resume her work, --IN-- career sitfee taking. French leave; until Sept. 27 The Penetang/and Miss Humphreys is tempor-! " at Kingston several months ago.|"Flyer" will be discontinued and|arily in charge. Miss Reid is a FUSS AND They inade their way to Toronto/the morning train will leay new teacher in this school and FEATH yy ffand then up to Simece County. |landale at 10.52, instead of ; Mins Guest has been transferred ERS After getting the hearse from Tot-|Southbound, the afternoon train|to the West from the Central 2 There are many i z tenham they drove it south until} will reach Allandale from Pene-|Owing to the disarrangement | Peet say Intere: Mowas used up and then exchang-|tang at 4.50 instead of 2.25 Jeansed by building, Mr. Morrison Ing situations in this story ed it ata farmer's for a fresh {has no Entrance Class, these pu- and nothing is lacking to 3/beast. At Grimsby they were.a pils attending in the Central, make this one of the fine $/ rested. but broke out of the loc Masons of Barrie--Event Miss Marshall has! been chang <i productions of » gfup there, A ferm of three months Extraordinary ed fram Burton Ave. to the Cen- est Productions of the gt ranawed an! they were then? On Wednesday, Sept. 10, a fra-|trnl and Mise Watson of Seven season. brought here tw stand (rial for ternal visit will be paid to Kerr] Britge is added to. the former ALSO A DANDY the horse theft at Tottenham. | Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Barrie, by|staff. Miss Findlay of Owen They pleaded guilly, claiming that John Ross Robertson Ludge, Tor-| Sound, the new kindergarten lea- SUNSHINE COMEDY ilies onk the horse to make theirutle, "The visitors. will 'reach|eher, 'wan unable te report on Prices--16c and 11c. way back to their army head-| Barrie in special Pullman cars| Tuesday owing to illness in her ; Ist show 7.30, 2nd 9 p.m, $}auarters at Kingston. The pgr- about 1.15, p.m., and will be wel-| family * ents of ane of the boys in Toron-:comed hy Mayor Sprott and loral| In the Central Mr. Torrie of to have been communicated with. Masons. They will be given a;Orangeville succerds Mr. Mac_ NEXT WEEK : {motor trip around town, and pro-jLaehlan. 'The Junior Primary Mon.-Tues.-Wallace Reid Wedding cake puxes for sale at | buble spend a whet time at the which has been laught by Miss par , onc' $| The Examiner office. powling green. At 3 p.m. a boat! McRobie, has been divided, half a in Too Many Millions', fe PRAM RET OM. ave will take place between! going ta Miss Nixon. Miss Marr! Wed.-Thurs ie Fer- 3} j "Bob" Dibble, champion oearsman| sueveeds Miss Widdifleld in the guson in "Under the of Toronto, and Harry Price of) kindergarten, Miss Sproule tak- Seeniand Tees | GURNEY-OXFORD | 'i002 ett bvuiting ing ie ton tate het sar by : : ' start and finish in front of Barrie Miss Marr. < seeveeecece | STOVES AND stabon. At 4 pom, there will he) op Hegiate has fwo new -- ----_-- | & program of sports carried out | teachers, Principal Girdwood and RANGES in Queen's Park, ineluding | Miss Smithson, and got off to a NO APOLOGY __ | mai maten, taie-itewar, races, [pant start on Tucedae Call and get our prices | rte. 'The Masons of Barrie, their | paeeenaniee 9 IS NECESSARY | before buying your new | friemls and famties, it is hoped, A Midnight Fire When you take a powition if you are al} range will make a special effort tu ate sowhiell was quite spee- graiuste of the : ayy range. F fend and assist in making the vis-j peduring is shert duration! ' Bargi . We do all kinds of Plumb- J iturs foot al home, AL 6 pam, the Wat 12.15 Wednesday] artie Business College ing, Heating and Tinsmith-]jetieers of John Ross Robertson | ing when the old heathonse | ) The thorough training you receive in Mod || j k will exemplify the First Degree tolat the fot Uf Sampson Si, was ern Business Methorls mete theseuisemente | | LAS, WOTK. Jinusie, assisted by then Masoniv fatally desteoyed, fhe blaze, sential inthe madern office Individ Sole agents for Pease Be- |i cuir, ar the elvan if (he wirk (ahtel im ead 1 have been cansial i il meoructinn and clowe personal supeesi-|] onomy Furnaces. there will he an entertainment in! py a spark fren an Ww. had a } sin by expenenced teachers ; con . {he dodge rooms for Masons, Uti goal start before it was notieed, | A posiTiON FoR Every Graouare|| Repair work promptly |||" al wellknown entersyand the head of. the hay elon KI Barer aah ti H. A. Henry, Prin,|| 2ttended to. fainers from 'Veronte will take! across ta. the Alambale. station! ' Call or write for full particulars pact, The members ef both Bar Hiantly ilummated : J. J. NEELANDS fp) fein Be, rang ne ihe eafiertion eutin easion Dunlop St. Buv adverti d goods, The New Fall Goods Arriving Daily Now that September is here and with it the chilly evenings one begins to think about that new suit, coat or sweater to keep you warm and snug. But with our splendid assortment now to hand you should have little difficulty in making a choice. NEW FALL SUITS in the famous "Northway" make, in all theslatest styles, trimmed with buttons and braid, collars of fur and belts, SIA ASIST ts eee vee eeeeeeeeeeses $35.00 to $75.00 NEW FALL COATS. that look very stylish and cosy in silvertone, polo cloth, duvetyn with luxurious fur, collars, pleated backs, delts, etc. Special--A very jaunty coat of Nigger Brown polo cloth with Raglan sleeves, slash pockets and wide mole-skin collar. ...... $40.00 NEW BOYS' SUITS in all the old values and prices but in the new Fall Styles. We specialize in '"'Sanford's Juvenile Clothing" and if you want a-suit for your boy that has endurance as well as good appearance, try us. Price from ........ $8.50 to $15.00 NEW FALL MILLINERY Our New Autumn Millinery has ar- rived and the department is open and at your service. Come in and see the new styles direct from Paris and New York. Miss Buchanan in charge. numbers on this oe. i s though fire were rage | 1 within A Toronto St. resic py seorug Chis tight sent in an fron the water that the lights on] giate windews made it} alirm and the phone carry. | ine the news over town quite a jerawd gathered at the BCA. destroyed building was e's her ago boats * manufaeto ». For| several sears i has been owned hoy Dr. C,H. Grease, Only a few! jof the stalls were occupied. Frank | | Rogers lost bis whole camping outfil and A.J. Tuck lost a boat. The building was valued at about 00; ne insurance. About three weeks ago this building caught fire and the same {thing happened several times last j year. An Exciting Experience Harry. Phillips, the twelve. year-old mephew of Gaoler Stod- |dart, had an exciting experience on Saturday evening, when he drifled out in a canoe, the frail craft and its .oceupant being blown from opposite Carley's boab house to Fisherman's Point. Cliff Carley started in pursuit in a rew-hoat but, the canoe having a good. start and being a much |lighfér craft, the race was an un- equal one. Fisherman's Point was reaghed before Cliff overtook the canoe, and it was only owing fo the fact that he is an excep- tionally good oarsman that {hoy was not drifted out on the dp- (en lake. |Pecullar Formation for Tomatoes Abundant and luscious seem to be filting terms for this year's tomato crop. A Toronto paper also comments on the many 'twin' formations this year.. Jas. Dou- gall, Thonipson St., brought to The Examiner this week a collec- tion which will be hard to beat. In the lot there are several per- fectly-formed 'twin' specimens, and one in the shape of a horse- shoe, which is composed of four tomatoes grawn together, weigh- ing 2% pounds. Many Sought Ducks at Little Lake The advent of the duck-shoot- ing season was heralded at Little | Take hy a fusilade from many lo- eal sportsmen, the shooting eam- meneing as early as 5 a.m. Black mallards were the most plentiful and some of the hunters were successful in bagging a few, The season lasts until Dee. 14, which is much longer than the supply of ducks is likely te hang out, if the hunters continue half as the | Bound to Keep In the Lead 'The management of the Barrie Agricultural Society are bound ty p in the lead, and to do so they have largely increased the prizes in the Horses and tle classes bringing these classes closely up to the large fairs, paying tu the peize winners more than any two fairs in the county, For the eon- Yenience of the public they have forwarded prize lists to the rural muaal earri The Baby Show Was a great success last year, so they have deeided to eontinue it this year. 'They are arranging for xome of the finest talent for in front of the grand stand to amuse as well as instruct their patrons, and ax for the Midway, they have already arranged for the biggest Midw ever seen in the county, Allogeiher, they are going lo make this Peace Fair the largest and best ever held in the county. Departmental Exams. All the students from the B.C.I. whe wrote on the Honor Matric. ulation were successful. , These were: T. 1. Campbell (Eng. UL, Maths. ML. Lal. IL, Frenen HL. Phys. 1°; W.H. Carr (Chem. Ml. : G.S. Coutts MeMurehie (Lat. HT ren Eng. HL; B. O. Partridge cng. HL. : E.G. Raikes (Eng. Mt In the Entrance to following sneceeded: FB Faculty the H. Rarn- hart 'Part IL, star in Latin) ; Da- vil A. MeMaster (Part IL; Adele Robertson (Part IL, os has pur- nttage," Clap- perton & mn Mrs, Russell, To. | rento Hl -- W. C. THOMPSON Office 15 Owen 8t., Barrle is offering for sale the following property: 7-room brick house with all con- veniences, Blake St. Price $2100. Cash $500 8-room brick house, Charlotte St.. with heating, lighting and plumbing, coal and -- wood mantles. A snap. Price $2760, Cash, $500, 7T-room house and lot, Owen St., fawn water, eleetrie light. Price, $1100. Cash, #300. 8-room house and lot, has all conveniences, $2000. Cash, $600, 6-room brick house and lot, Dunlop St. Price, $600. Cash 8400 7-room briok house and lot, John St. in distance of Grand $200 cash. 9-room brick house and lot, beautifully finished, with all conveniences, -- The --------------___---------- THE PIANOS That give life-long satis- faction INTZM, Caton They may cost you a liftle more money on the start, but will pay you in the end. Sole Agent for Barrie and District. A. F. GARRETT Also we keep the largest stock of Phonographs and records for your selection. GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE The House of Quality Corner of Elizabeth and Mary Sts. P.O. Box 178 Phone 259 ICE CREAM Price $1300./FQR GARDEN PARTIES, PICNICS AND. STORES property|Customers are not requested: of the late H. B. Myers. Price/to send in their order ahead-- right, teams e: 'and two lots,|just phone up whenever you Sanford St., in calling distance] want it. of Grand Trunk. Price $1500, $200 cash. room trek noure an | OLYMPIA Cumberland St., Allandale, with all conveniences. Price $2500. Terms easy, Bradford St., overlooking the bay, all conveniences. $2100. $300 cash. W. C. THOMPSON Office 15 Owen 8t., Barrie 7-room brick house and lot,|/Phone 303 Price CANDY WORKS R. Raikes visited his George Raikes, last week. nd sailed this week for England. We Invite Far- mers' Accounts ledge of sponsible farmers. --THE Bank of Nova Scotia A. G. MACLELLAN Manager Barrie Branch Paid-up Capital... - § 9,700,000 Reserve Fund= + - 18,000,000 numerous as they were on Mon- day\, \ \ } Our service to farmers is as com- pe as 87 P abe of growth and know- anada's agricultural con- dition can make it. We collect or discount sale notes, cash produce cheques--by mail when desired--and make advances to re- We extend courteous, friendly ser- vice to our farmer customers atall times. Dunlop St. | |