Page Two KODAKS AND BROWNIES Keep a, record of the events in a child's life from infancy up to manhood or womanhood with an Auto- MORGAN'S RE- STORATIVE TONIC Hot weather being very depressing, it is up to us to get a sood lonic,--one that will build us up and help us pear the heal. Morgan's Ro- storalive is an ideal tonic, having all th ingredients as a perfect blood builder, It has been in use for over | 30 years and has helped | others,--it will help you. -- ff with a Brownie. These little $1.00 a large hottie CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS To-night, if you feel dull and stupid, or bilious and J graphic Kodak Reward the child who was successful in examinations cameras are easily operated and cost only a trifle. They please grown-ups as well as children. Browntes -- $2.15, $3.00, $3.75 and $4.80. Kodaks -- $8.00 to $60.00 constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's 'Tablets, and We develop and print you will feel all right to- jf your films at small cost: morrow also make -- enlargements 260 for 50 tablets from small negativ WM. CROSSLAND OCDE. DRUGGIST BARRIE x xs NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS x SEPT ofotorofofo ie fokok fof bog fokobogoogoren IVY brite looked charming gowned in white 2 The home of Mr. und Mrs, W, vU8 With overdie of georgette heavily ei. 'd and. wore the regulution veil of embrowdered bridal net caught in mob cap broide J. MeLean was the s ding at high mc Aug. © | BT wher their niece, Mary To oat | Het sith orang blows She carrie (Lizzie beeume the bride of Rod. Coulter bewauet of bridal roses and sweet peas. af Mayor, Susk. 'The service was conducted The bride, who was unattended, entered the by the Rev. ROH Somerville under an arch 'drawing room an the arm of her t rerevus. The drawing-room was dec- the st with gladioli and sweet peat The ithe R, eee shel ecshes si iS S7, 'His Master's Voice" RECORDS The Great Reduction in the price bs of Red Seal Records « Does not cénstitute a cut-price sale but a permanent reduction in price. This was accomplished by the sacri- fices made by.the artists and manu- facturers for the purpose of placing the World's Greatest Music by the World's Greatest Artists in reach of everyone. ' P Just Look at this List ieee NOW 96201 Lucia--Sextette Caruso, Tetrazzini, Amato, Journet, Jacoby, Bada $8.00 $3.50 96001 Rigofetto--Quartet 4 6 EF TERE ete FeST tI Caruso, Sembrich, Scotti, Severina 7.00 3.00 Hy 95200° Boheine--O soave fanciulia Cr Soprane and Tenor Melba-Caruso 6,00 2.50 [el Dat ; 92503 Traviata--Dite alla giovane--Soprano ' and Baritone Galvany-Ruffo 5.00 2.00 89066 Elegie--Massenet Caruso-Elman 5.00 2.00 89094 Sing Me To Sleep--Soprano with Violin ' ---Gluck-Zimbalist * 3.50 2.00 89030 Trovatore--Miserere * Caruso-Alda-Chorus 5.00 2.00 89137 Pagliaccl--Finale Paoll, Huguet, Cigada, Pini,Corsiand Cho. 5.00 2.00 92065 Carmen--Toreador Song Ruffo with Chorus 3.50 2.00 89065 Ave Maria--Tenor and Violin Caruso-Elman 5.00 2.00 ay i Victrolas from $34 to $597 (sold on easy Buen i dered) Aah fr fee copy of our ay sic istii 9000" "is Master's Voice" Recerdas = O°" Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealers TL Manufactured b; SE aS ie Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Limited Sa Montreal" e oe EH 19220.<11_ | Tesifei esi teal ras rad ead os "GEO. VICKERS DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE DISTRICT . THE BARRIE EXAMIN of the register, Mr. C. Coulter, brother of the groom, sang "Because". Aftar the ceremony dinner was served in the dining- room which was tastefully decorated with flowers, The bride was married in the same room as her mother and wore the same wreath of orange blossoms, The bride's going away dress was navy blue poeret twill and velvet bat to match. Amid showers of confetti and good wishes the young couple took the train at Barrie for Gravenhuret, Toronto and Montreal. The groom's gift to the bride was a pesrl necklace and to the organist gold cuff links. Mr. and Mrs. C. Coulter of Montreal at- tended the wedding of the former's brother here. C. Shields and Miss E. Shields of Mes- ford spent a couple of days with friends ere. Rev. T. J, Dew has gone away for holidays to Hamilton and other places, Mr. and Mrs. I Broley of Barrie spending a few days with friends hore. Mrs. F. A. Arnold, Mrs. R. H. Arnold and Joe McLean are taking in the Exhib ition this week. The band went to Tottenham to furnish the music for the celebration of tie 'ol diers' return Mat. Robson is confined to his bed at time of writing. G. Watson made s business trip to Tor. onto this week School has reopened with two new teach. ers, Misy McCann for the senior room and Mise Wood for the junior. Miss Elsie Spiers is teaching at No. 9 school near Thoraton this term W. J. Hatton is suffering with poison rom coming in contact with poison ivy Ivy Baseball team won out in Totten hom on Monday notwithstanding some of the teams they played against had Toronta batteries ORO STATION nis attending the Toronto Miss Margaret. Crawford of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks under the par. ental roof Friends are glad to learn that Mr. Day is improving, Mr. and Mr. G. H. Meteslfe have re turned home from Burlington, Vermont, after sttencing the funerals of the latter's brother and hie wife, Mr, and Mra. Miles, who were killed by 's train striking their car, Mise Beatrice McMinn and her nephew und niece. Frederick and Dorothy Junker, left Friday for their home in Detroit after spending « month with the former's moth er, Mrs. Alex, McMinn, Miss Pearl Crawford visited her brother, | Herbert Crawford, last week Mrs. Thos. Mutchett. who hax been visit Jing her mother, Mrs. A. McMinn. left on Saturday for her home in Winnipeg by way of Port Me! Miss Mary: Mucl land is visiting friends 8 Toronto this week CRAIGHURST Sept, 1--The Presbyterians are holding x garden party on Henry Minty's lawn on the evening of the 10th. If the weather is cool the teu und entertainment will be held in the Hall Dr EC. Koenig of Buffalo was the guest of Mr Mro. Chu. Hart over the week-end Mr. Millar of the County of Grey asumes the duties of principal of Craighurst public school, Miss Goldring of Whitby returns for her second term as assistant M, Kiel has accepted the position of Principal of Powassan school. Mise M,N. Hart returns to her duties at Dovercourtggchool. Toronto. Mins J. E) Hart has returned to Patter. son school, Richmond Hill, for her third term and Miss H. Turner returns to her srbool near Fort William for her second term. ure visiting Mrs, Barker's mother, Mr Kiel. MINESING STATION Sept. 1--Mre. Shannon has returned to Barrie after visiting at Ed, Kavanagh's. Frank Tracey of, Toronto spent a few days at B. F, Tracy's recently. A. Chambers of Toronto visited his sis- ter, Mrs. H. Johnston, last week Mm. J. Brennun of Toronto visited at Jax, Torpey's Inst week, Mr. and Mrs. G, Bray, alo Mrs, W. Gostick and children, motored from Mi Tier lust week and spent a few days with friends here, Threshing ix the order of the dl present. The bridge builders are busy prepering to begin their work on the bridge on the eighth concession, Monica Torpey went to Barrie on Mon- day to begin her first year at the Collegiate. Misses Mubeth and Olive Tracy of Col- lingwood sre visiting friends here. W. Lawler has gone to Toronto for a few days at the Exhibition, MINESING Sept. 1.--Quite a number from here are taking in the "Big Fair". Rev, and Mrs. Leece returned last week after spending a couple of weeks' holidays in the Muskoka district, Arthur Wood has returned after spending several weeks ut his home in Simcoe. Mrs, Fraser of Newmarket spent the weex- end with her sister, Mra, J, Young. Rev, and Mrs. J, Marshall are visiting 's parents, Mr.tand Mrs. Thos. Livingston. Lloyd Livingston and daughters, Ri and Ruth. Rev, Marshall, Thos. Living. ston and W. H. Kerfoot motored to Torento for » couple of days sight-seeing last week. Jas. Pattenden of Aurora is visiting among friends here. 'The farmers are dodging the showers these days in an attempt to finish harvest. HAWKESTONE Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jeremy und Mr. and Mrs, Trueman McMahon motored to Toronto on Tuesday; also Mr., Mrs. and Viola Stone. Mr. Miller has returned to take charge of the school, and Miss Guest of Stroud has come as assistant. Mr. and Mrs. Philip McLeod and W. Johnson gave a much appreciated trio in the Methodist Church on Sunday last. Sept. 14 will be Dominion Alliance Day in the church. Those interested should at- tend to get information against referendum day. How to succeed in_getting permanent prohibition, and what the failure to do so will mean will be pointed out. See True- nian*MeMakon if you are not on the voting y here at list and should be. Mr. and Mrs, B. Barker of Arden Ont. motored to Craighurst on Labor Day and | ANGUS Sept, 1.-----Mr, and Mrs. Wilfrid Mapes of Burne spent Sunday at Garfield Jennett's Miss Laura MeMackon.left for her school at Goderich on Friday and Miss Grace Me Mackon went to her school at Elmvale Mr. und Mra. Jack Woods went to Tor- onto on Suturday. Miss Jewn TurBush went to Toronto last week Mr. and Mrs. Dixon and daughter of Tor- onto spent Labor Day at Gurfield Jennet's. Mr. aod Mrs, Harry Clifton and Miss Florence Trott went to Toronto on Tues- lay, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Secor were called to Allandale on Friday. Their son Will Seeor had met with an accident having his foot taken off by the train Miss Irene Wolsley went to Toronto on Mond Latimer and Jack and Edna and Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Brennan motored to Collingwood on Monday Messrs. Eldon Latimer, 'Jno, Campbell and Ernest Bre to Tottenbam on Monday. Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Croshy of Calling: wood spent Sunday at Geo, Latimer's, Mr. und Mrs, Garnet Plaxton of Colling- [wood spent the week-end with the latter's jmother, Mrs, Ettie Brennan Miss Gregg of Haileybury and Miss Gregg of Belle Ewart spent Labor Day at Wm, Gregg's Minsex Daisy Price and 'Thelma Wilson isited Mins Myrtle Campbell last week. Geo, McMillan of Toronto was in the village Inst week on business. Mra, Leonard Lee went to Toronto on Saturda¥. Mrs. Thos. Carter visited friends at Onk- ville lust week. Miss Sarah Groves of Toronto spent the week-end with her sister, Esther. Miss Lillie Crawford' of Torpnto spent 8 few days with her aunt, Mrs. Jno, David- son, Mies Jessie Davidson (nurse), left for New York on Saturday, Davidson, jan motored (Too late for last week.) Aug. 26--Miss Brickner of Toronto is visiting Miss Lizzie McAteer. Mr. and Mrs, Jos, Shaw and daughter motored from Hamilton and spent a few days with the former's mother. Jas, Foster is spending a few days at the Toronto Exhibition. Collingwood on Tuesday. Mra, Wilbur Lyke returned on Friday after visiting Collingwood friends. Mrs. Thos. Carter is visiting her son Peter at Lucknow. Mrs. Corbett, Pearl Smith and Harold are visiting Mrs. Smith, Misses Florence Scott and Priscilla Wil- son have returned after visiting friends st Belle Ewai Harry Sarjeant and daughter visited, the former's mother last week, Mrs. Fred Page visited her daughter, Mm, Peter Hunlan of Collingwood. last week. Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Hurd are attending the Toronto Exhibition. David MeMsckon is visiting his son Gor- don at the Base Hospitul, Toronto. Mrs, Geo: Latimer and son Jack visited Creemore friends on Sunday. Mra. Doherty, Dr, John Dunn, V.S., Mrs, Herb. Lambe and family motored to Tor- jonto on Saturday, Wedding cake boxes for sale at The Examiner office. Garnet Wolsley and family moved to|| tlk fh i \ And you'll GUTHRIE Sept. 1--The Misses Marcelle and Andree Smith of London, Ont. re renewing old nequaintance last 'week. 'They were accom. panied by Miss Mary McDunn, also of Lon- don, Mrs; Muhoney und daughter were the guests of Mrs. R. Connell during the past week. An adventurous crowd "went to Jeruss Ask any user of the John Deere Spreader, and he will tell you it is the best ma- chinery investment he ever made--not only because it saves hard work and valu- able time, but because it makes every forkful of manure count for a bigger crop yield. Manure goes farther and does more good when you use a John Deere Spreader. You can spread manure evenly, heavy or light--no Agent - - 34 Bayfield St.) . - Also the Celebrated Hoover That's what Buster Brown Stockings are, for we designed them specially to stand the boisterous games your boy loves. Made them with a two-ply leg and three-ply heel and toe. Made them from extra-long yafm spun in our own factory. Our employees have had years of special training in knitting Buster Brown quality and good looks into hosiery. Your boy willappreciate their snug-fitting comfort and neat appearance. Buster Brown Stockings are young gentlemen's stockings--suitable for all occasions. find they do wear longer--they require less mending. You'll find it takes less money to clothe your boy. Ask your dealer for "Buster Brown" durable hosiery. Sold everywhere. The Chipman-Holton Knitting Co., Limited Hamilton, Ont.--Mills also at Welland BUSTER BROWN'S SISTER'S STOCKING "a Stock- splendid amod lem" on Tuesday nigh August 26, at the Manse, their spirits Induunted by rain and cold weather. J+ large crowd, en. tertained by talent fim Orillia, spent s very enjoyable evenig The much needed thntion has been giv- en to SS. No. I7iaool. A new floor has been laid and mimber of new desks \dded. Vacancies irchp wall have been re laced by window pred, A noteworthy nuper of Gutbrie's young veople are ambitioly attempting to- ac quire "'bumpe of kwledge" at the Barrie Collegiate. Minard's Linimer Relieves Neuralgia. under-fertiltd or over-fer- tilized spots Come inind see this spreader, fe want to show you ty it will do better work, thy it will last longer than thers, why it will cost les for repairs, and why it i¢asier to load and operate, Mounting he beater on the axle of th John Deere gives you a cmbination of advantages pu can't get in any preader, Come in and know the reasons why étreareso many satisfied users of John Deere ipreaders. We Have a Machine Set U for Yor Inspection D. C. HOWARD. Barrie tao Digger