Page Six | THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, August 21, 1919 WILL PRAISE IT THE SUNDAY MIDHURST ALL OF HER LIFE Mrs. Edwards Has Gained Fourteen Pounds By Taking Tanlac. "Tweigh just fourteen pounds more than I did when T commer ed taking Tanlae a short ume 'ago, and my troubles have been ely overcome," said Mrs Edwards, who li al 'as! 12th Street, Kansas Mo. wh ing tea Tan- representative the other "Abent tWwe years go." cone fintie! M Fuwards I began to have stomac hy ty uble, and une til T commence? takin Tanlac my eenditien had sradnally Brown Werse all the tine fact. 1 had reached the whe A Wis se wenk a down that Powas hardly able get t Fre then 9 Beets " seta te Sleep. 1 Wel sueh bal tizey spells eek, thardiy stand on ne Vleet medivines timents T tried didn't do | word, A Aug. 19--Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Wallwin und family motored down and spent Sun. _ SCHOOL LESSON |day with friends in Cookstown, AUGUGT, ft SOCIAL, RESPONSIBILTY. ("Ect et Clay. of Grtiniih Gea returned oa oe on ard ve i 25-37; |Beme ale spending a week with Mrs. W. GOLDEN TEXT.--"As we have there-| Mra, M. Black, who bus been on the fore opportunity, let us do good unto |sick list, is recovering, all men, especially unto them who are of| Miss Vera Walt has returned home after the household of faith. Gul. 6:10. spending a week with friends in Barrie. TIME.--Novemiber, A.D., 20, PLACE--! Harold Mandley of Toronto spent Peg jthe week-end at W, H. Miller's, |, EXPOSITION --I. A Lawyer Puts the| Miss Elsie Carson left on Wednesday, Lord Jesus to the Test, 25-29. Aug. 20, for Buffalo, N.Y., where che in. This is a very important lesson, even {ods to spend some time. though the committee bas given it a very|, Mrs. Thor. Pearce is the guest of Mre-| silly title jJames Pearce. the Mostic Ins more akin to mera thee |, We Cameron of Allon. as retuned }logians than to modern lawyers. The law Rome after ending two weeks at his home in the present case was not so much af. | bere ter information as desirous of testing Jesus' | Miss Christie "Blick of Toronto is visit. wisdom. He did not have any real sense jing Midhurst friends f his need of eternal life when he asked W. Hughes of Toronto spent the weekend at Mrs, Jas. Frankeoms thequesunn, but he bad a sense of need 'a! before Jpsus got through se him Mel, ie ty Me ¥ ~ A yet scorn dire aegt eterual Ht War cone (Sunday with friends at Elmvale thus brought it, and. tha: ernial life could do. 'Too late for last week Aug. 12.--Mr. and Mrs, Megginson and Fe fold 01 two sons left for their home in Sault Ste. Eternal life' Marie necompumed by Mise e gift Mabel nls to visit frends there. Mr. and Mrs. George M Lil ie who [te know what j ie tes left for their be When te cin't DO amt un oni. re atk, am Saturday after _ STAYNER Li ° ° < eaves feet het Saar ag fee he Sie 20 Mie I ning Cant Strike if i t "MOT ora motored here and spent Sunday at | ttted Tk ieee Monday ' sat, oe ae eee SHINN Gets There First AN at Big Bay Point, the gues of a hae or ee hare Horton. the law und gieg had tenble was. that while he! t rightly, he had applied it yt he had not kept it, Jesus pointed | wyer the real difficulty ina DO, and thow shalt live" {the Kl wih Mr. Mn. Wo OW Miss Mary Cochrane has returned to Tor onto after spending two weeks at her home here "Tl Mad Bene faking (Ab, there was the rule: be hail ead and |POME eres | of Pittsburg, Pa,,|!™ eee aN A Teg sehen on hut had not clone Wis.quite p he gueste uf Mr. and Mes. John Storey. {fer pelt deeetitlust L ebectleg Up night views and a wrong prace| "The Ludiew Ail Society inet at the horse | DUE Hoa teal myself, and ¥ fancy orthodoxy of amin: jaf Mra. Win. Andree on Threat. | i Mat hy lhe time et for nightewusnen of life. (uenven, ave ach | one Bd Tieton iy treat hatte [fem sl That the Lae wou obtan Vaer | Hike a diferent pore gun hfe he la keel 'Keering afternoon was spent [oust kept on new rtting taking Tan of healtn or feu Tain enjove appetite, and what Sowith me per never have a sign of indigestion or stomach trouble of any kitul, The nervousness has left me, and 1 get plenty of good sound Sleep every night, and T have} Bained so much in weight and| strength that T can do all my housework without the Ie trouble. Those awful headach: are gene, leo, and that alone | would make me praise Tanlae the lo day I live." Tanlac is sold in Barrie hy|™ Geo, Monkman, in Orillia by M.| H. Cooke & Co, in Elmvale by W. J. MeGuire. in Lefray by G. R. Ardill. in Stayner by N. B. West, | in Cookstown by W. G. Mack: in Waubanshene hy Georgian Bay Lumber Co, Lid. in Port M Nicoll by P. H. Beattie, in Allis- ton by EF. B. Shell, in Lisle by Robt. EF. Little, in Gilford by Ja A, B in Tottenham by Chas. A. Weaver, in Penetang- vishene by Chas, A. Nettleton, in Hawkestone by Thos. A. Stone. in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble, in Coldwater by C. G. Millard, in Midland by Geo. Gerric, in Brad- ford by W.1.. 0 by Chantler Bros., in Craighurst| by T. Hill, in Collingwood by Ju & Gregory, in Bello Ewart by Trombley & Co. in Mt. St. Louis by E, J. Peters & Son. in Moon- stone by J. B. Sykes, and in Vie~ toria Harbor by T. W. Brown.-- Advertisement, | ANERVOUS BREAKDOWN) Miss Kelly Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham's' Vegetable d Restored Com- eversince and give Binion tne sa Vetter." tins a KELLY, 476 So. 14th St., Newark, SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS Barrie. G..W. J. Eastman, Prop, RG. Manuel, Mgr. Dealers in Granite and Marble Monuments and Tablets. Only best mater. ial used and firet-clas workmen ery owas, Tonever had a lM npbell, in Stroud, ttust be absolutely flavwless lay of Craigleith a the guest |? one er so kept if of Mrs. WoW. Boyce | Gal, 2°16; Rom. 8:/ For the first time in some yeurs, a Her the force of Christ's | vice will be held in the Anglican Chureh, |" to dodge it_by asking. / Midhurst. at 7 o'clock. Suna | yeneighbor?' Mis nime was | Que 17 old-time schedule'. Mr himself." Wt is when we cease 'of Barrie will be in churge, Everyboiy | purselves that He justifies us. jr.vited to be penent, bus O14 The force of the law her tian it just this connection was, neighbor whom 1 must wv jors not ask, | Aue. 13 "Whom MUST. 1 but "Whom (spending two months with his brothers .2 | room CAN I love?" The point of the story. in | Detroit. which Jesus replies is, "Don't ask whom| $. Atmstrong has returned to tus home must T treat at neighbor? but. where {in Toronto. after spending the: past theee tt The Women's Institute will meet nex: | SPs * Jericho roud was « Ukely place for | Wednesday, Aug. 20, nt the home af Mee | 27 thing to happen, But there are/a 1. Johnston nt 2.30. A full attendance Jericho rowds in our own day, and have been "stripped", "beaten", arid Glad; 1 Jas. A, Lennox, Chas. Lennox and Ms left "half dead. The drinkers path is | Beasie and G. F. Henry apent over Sunley one of the Jericho roads, The priest came |with fevads in Torsone, first, "'by chance' (rather "by 0°] Rey. G. Ro and Mrs, Kitching and Mix: nee," as mart of God's plan'. Of all/ Ruth have gone on a two weeks vie hy should have been likliest to help; |to friends, im Petecharg but he 'didn't help "When he saw bim./ 7 D. and Mre. Stewart attended. the he passed by on the other side." It looke| funeral of the late John Anderson at Cron heartless, and it was heurtless, but there jiand last Saturday were plenty of excuses, There are always| Wilfred Ay plenty of exctyes for not playing a neigh-| visit to bis 'm bors part. Befre blaming the priest, let us ask ourselves whether we never pass by on the other side, Then came the Le- COLWELL Aug, 14---One of the oldest and most highly respected 'residents of this vicinity te: he stood next to the pries" in. the seiviee of God. He too passed by on the ei : iter sie Perhaps he saw the pres. and|pueeil away on Wednetday, July 30. fol ite justifinhle to do what hie (/0Wing w stroke of paralysis. in the person Thought it quite jurtifinhle 10 do what bis | le Sarsh Ryder, wife of James Worsnop |She was born at Armlen, neur Leeds, York supenor did, Then came a Samaritan, one shire, England. in February, 1840, and whom every Jew despised (Jno. 4:9; 'he arn arit ould have e1 The Samaritan would have for beter ex. [hire to this neighborhood nearly forty . where she war well and fav se than priest or Levite for passing by. one expected : of a Si an, fs ieee ee ning of there half {rably known to the whole community wounded would never have helped bim in 9d her sudden death came as a shock to like extremity, but snubbed and cursed het many friends. She leaves a sorrowing hin. Tt isa beautiful picture. Look lore. |PUsbund to mourn ber loss, his partner in Iw at what he did: (1) "He saw him, |life for nearly 60 years, Haw blind our eyes are to. the misery | The funeral, which was largely attende,, about us, 12) "He was moved with com "0k place on Friday afternoon to Grenfol Does the misery we see really {cemetery. Among those from a distance "He came to him.' We | ho attended were Eli Worsnop, and Mr 'l4) He and Mrs. H, Chepman of Toronto. passion move us? f. |rhenwing the THORNTON mare J, W. Henry has returned from [Dytmon of Torontu, who hat hie niliee and there' a man te whom T can prove amyselt mnths with friendn in. town, fe 1 to Bhs a neighbor?" rom ean prove my RD, Bannerman of Hamilton called on| 'Ts Mills, Handy. IL. Playing the Neighbor's Part, 30.97, |{Tistds here on, Wednesday Spen Paying by Cheque is the simple way--the easy way--the safe way, You can fill in a cheque in a few minutes, send it safely by messenger or through the mail, and have no further care in the matter. It is not necessary to obtain a receipt, the cheque is the receipt. Paying by cheque lends a dignity and ' system to personal transactions. You will be accorded checking privileges on a personal account with any Branch of this Bank. THEBANK°F TORONTO Capital $5,000,000 Reserve $6,625,623 Rey XS Shantz. returned snus fea Mr. Shantz was Mennonite Church anon iF YOU WANT to be sure that Lightning will not strike your house or barn or other property--if you want to feel perfectly safe when the Lightning flashes--remember that JN Inissions ns aa hinna-Fla ' sri Lightning Rods are Bonded to absolutely protect your property from damage by Lightning, A large Bonding Company issues a Surety Bond to the owner of every building we protect, guaranteeing that Light- ning will not damage. 36 per cent. Greater Capacity ShinnFlat has 36% more conducting surface for | electricity than any round cable containing the same amount of material. + al doe pay) Professor of Physics at the Ontario Agricul: tural College for,twelve yeurs, assists in training Shinn Deal. crs, thus insuring correct installation, It costa very little to get protection, 'THE SARJEANT CO. LTD., AGENTS. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S SASTORIA. rest ott his Africa ton and frewwill ing w fe amount contr: id wus $540 from the Stayner ¢ the "take ko with frewis in Mi I er un the Ps car. which braken, but near Stayt ew une, wie fudly ne che was het na Jackin of Turonto, who been visiting the pust two weeks with mother, aw returning to Toronto ayner has another ew daetar, Dr ne with=Mre Reusin Report of S.S. No. 6, Vespra TV. to Se. IV.--Gertrude Hermon, Mary Salisbury. Ellu Salisbury, Lloyd ML, to dr. TV ce { - MIL to Sr. IIL---Hunter Russell (Hi), |Mary Coutts, Walter Crpig, Hugh Andros, lys Monteith, Morley Schandlen, | Jr. II. to Sr, I.--Perey Frankeom (H), I. to Jr. Il-Anme Story (H), !Eddie Bchandlen, he Hermon (H), Florence Handy (a), | IDA HOULE, escher. Wake up, Ontario! Let the Referendum Battle-Cry Be "No!"-"No!"-"No!"="No!" INCE the announcement in the Legislature last spring that a Refer- endum on the Ontario Temperance Act would be taken this fall, the different temperance organizations of the province of Ontario have met together to consider what attitude they should take. The result hasbeen the formation of the Ontario Referendum Committee, which comprises representatives from the organized temperance forces of the Province and the temperance sentiment of the province outside of these organizations. The new Committee will conduct the Campaigns We can't" help misery at a. distance. "bound up his wounds." There tre many wounds to-day that need binding up. (3) "He set him on his own beast," How few there: are whose compassion ix so thorough: going that they, are willing to walk that the other man fnay ride. (6) ""He brought (him to an inn, and took-care of him." He did not Ieave his work half done., We help 8 man once or twice temporally or spiritu- ally, and then leave him to shift for himself as best he can, When he had done all and leit, he made provision for future necessi- this way. Love is.a very expensive thing Jesus Himself most fully fills out the pic- ture of the Good Samaritan. 'The sinner is the man fallen among robbers, on the way from God's city to the city under a curse, stripped, beaten, forsaken, half dead, no help in priest or Levite. Jesus is the despised Samaritan, comes where the sinner is, sees him, is moved with compas- sion, goes to him, binds up his wounds, pours in the oil and wine of the Spirit, sets him on His own beast, walks Himself, brings him to an inn, takes care of him, provides for every want, pays all his debts, is coming again and will reward His ser vants for everything done when He comes, When the innkeeper told the wounded man that his benefactor was coming back again, don't you think he longed for his coming? (ef Rev. 22: 20). Jesus points His story by a question (v. 36). The lawyer saw the point, but hadn't grace i out, "The Samaritan," The final thrust, "Go and do thou likewise." The 'lawyer had started out to test Jesus, but had been tested himself and found utterly wanting. MINESING STATION Aug. 11.--E. Elliott arrived here from his visit to England on Saturday evening, bringing with him an English bride. They are vititing at Thos. Elliott's for a few days before going West. sick list for the past week, is slowly re- covering. are visiting at Thos. Elliott's. ij Mrs. V. Tracy and daughter, Mary, have returned to Toronto, after visiting friends Brose Tablets sepeciaity. Prices always right. jin this vieinity. ties, It cost the Samaritan much to sct | e | Booklet: it ix | Gempletons, 142 King West, Toronto). We tai Mrs. B. F. Tracy, who has been on the|as we started using Minard's Liniment our Herb and Annie Anderson of Toronto |handy. FREED AFTER SERVING 10 YEARS PUNISHMENT MAN CONVICTED OF NEGLEOT Is EMANCIPATED AFTER NEW TRIAL, A case which deserves much thoughtful consideration is that of Wm. H. Barron, 103 Morgan Street, Bennington. For ten years Mr. Bar. | yon suffered the agonies caused by Rheumatism. At times he was bound hand and foot by the grip of Rheu- | matic pains. On the advice of a friend he stood for a new trial and | see T.R.C,'s, Read what he has to eay:-- "T have been a sufferer from Rheu- matism for ten years. Have been so | . 'bad at times I could not move hand or foot for months. A friend advised me to try Templeton's Rheumatic Cap- sules, and I have been thankful ever since. They worked wonders for me, and I have never felt any return bf the disease." t It's practically impossible to obtain evidence atronger than this testi- monial, and a word to the wise is always sufficient. Tf you suffer, have 8 new trial--nse T.R.C.' sheet jt or write us for our new interesting and costs you uothing it T.R.C.'a anywhere on receipt of $1.04. Sole Agent for Barrie, Wm. Crosland, Druggist and Kodaks. re Armstrong, B.C., June 11, 1919. Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd., NS. with sore muscles, sprained ankles, ete., but just as soon troubles ended. Every baseball player should keep 1 bottle of your Liniment 'Yours truly, E. E. Armstrong, Secretary Armstrong High School 28-40 Baseball Team are asking the voters of Ontario to vote "No" to all questions sub- mitted on the ballot. The Referendum Ballot AND HOW TO VOTE 2. Are you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than two and fifty-one one hundredths cent. alcohol weight measure through Government agencies and amendments to THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE ACT to permit euch eale?.................. 'gana' 3. Are you in favor of the sale of light beer containing not more than two and fifty-one one hundredths per cent. alcohol weight measure In standard hotels in local municipalities that by a majority vote fayor such sale, and amendments to THE ONTARIO TEMPERANCE ACT to permit such sale?. 4. in favor of the eale of spirituous and malt liquors through Gao agencies and amendments to THE ONTARIO TEM- PERANCE ACT permit auch sale?. e fo defeated if there is a majority for "Yes" on any of the questions. You must mark an X after each of the four ques. tions, or your ballot is counted as spoiled, A century of temperance progress in is province is at stake in the coming Referexiam, the Ontatio: Referendura ittee earnestly respectfully ask you to mark your X in the "No column after each and every question, as indicated in the sample ballot re- produced herewith, By the Ontario Temperance Act, sale and distribution of alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes within the province were prohibited. For practically three yearsythe province has experienced the good effects of thislaw. Its repeal would be acalamity. Any of the amendments would spoil it. For the Temperance forces to win they must secure four "'No"' majorities, That is, a majority for /'No" on EVERY question. The Temperance forces will be Ontario Referendum Committee JOHN MACDONALD D. A. DUNLAP ANDREW S. GRANT Chairman 'Treasurer Vice-Chairman and Secretary oor y