Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1919, p. 5

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iekly; - Louse ; table, lovely fand, etang treet, epair, elee- size, right ences, n for both it cn dens, erties so. + 4 Thursday, August 1 MORGAN'S RE- STORATIVE TONIC Hot weather being very depressing. it is up to us to get a good tonic.--one that will build us up and help us bear the heat. Morgan's Re- storative 1s an wleal tonic, having all the mgredients asx a perfect blood builder. i has been in use for over .30 years and has helped sthers.--it will help you $1.00 a large hottie CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS To-night, if you feel dull and stupid, or bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlainis Tablets, and will feel all right to- morrow 25c for 60 tablets yau also KODAKS AND BROWNIES \ Keep a the events in a Child's life from record of infancy up to manhood or womanhood with an Auto- graphic Kodak Reward the child who was in examinations These little successful with a Brownie. | cameras are easily operated and cost only a trifle. They please grown-ups as well as. children Brownles -- $2.16, $3.00, $3.75 and $4.80. Kodaks -- $9.00 to $60.00 We Alevelop and print your films at stall cost; make enlargements from small negatives. WM. CROSSLAND DRUGGIST BARRIE The representative of the Burrie Examive Thormpson and will be forwarded to this NEWS OF COOKSTOWN News items for Cookstown andi adjacent country may be handed or phoned to Mr. scriptions, either new or renewals may be forwarded through him. ~ + in Cookstown is George F, Thompson. paper. Phone No, 39 finds him. Sub- Mise Edith Copeland of Toronto is visit~ ing this week with her futher, Wm. Cope: lanl and Mre Geo. McBride of Phils are visiting his brother. Thor, Me f Toronto spent afew day last week with her sunt, Mra. Chas. Patience Mixw a Rows has returned to her hofwe in Toronto. Miss Marjorie Tompkins of Duntroon 1s visiuug her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Clute, «for pickling spices, vine sealers, ete Come to Fis gars, jur rings, R. W. Glass has purchased a new Dodge y car, | MEET YOUR FUTURE NEEDS A THOROD! GH training in modern BUSI. | NESS ig essential to your success | Barrie Business College Prepares you for SEVTFABLE | CHOICE A BUS! Fall Term opens SEPT. 2. Sound. training, modern methods, intivie ual instruction and personal supervision by expert teachers for every student H. A. Henry, Prin. | or write for rates Nalini lem Y Peo TABLES ac Hetter thar | WM. OROSSLAND, E BARRIE GRAND TRUN HARVEST HELP EXCURSIONS $12.00 TO WINNIPEG Plus ¥% cent per mile beyond RAILWAY SROROSUN | August 19th from all stations between Lyn and Toronto, Weston, Palgrave and North Bay, including Penetang, Meaford and Midland, Depot Harbor and intermediate stations August 2ist from Toronto and all stations west and south thereof in Ontario. For further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. J. BILLINGSLEY Depot Agent =: : Phone 6 Cole, Married on Wed.. July 30, Miss Florence daughter of Mr. Cole of Essaeto Mr snd Mr, Samuel Wright of Manitoulin Istand. Mrs. Frank Coleman and. children sre visiting at Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs, Smith of Tostenbsm spent | Sunday with the latter's sister Jebh Dr. R. H. and Mre, Leudluy and Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Broley spent over Sunday at Longford. Mie Eva MeMuhon ix visiting with friends in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Batstone of Ottawa are visiting this week at Geo, Duff's Miss Eva Lewm and her niece, Isabel Lewis. who have apent the past month with the former's brother, Ed. Lewis, left on Wednewlay for their home in Winnipeg. Mom, John Nevills and slaughter Irene | are visiting this week at Lake of Bays Mr. Glass of Midiand is visiting his bro ther. R. W. Glass. Miss MeCaualund of Toronto and Muster Bud MeLean of Collingwood are guests at © this week. Stroud and Mus MeKinley | of Toronto spent Sunday with the former's brother. Irving. Nelson. Mr To A Mise Surah Diliper of Barrie spent a few! tiays last werk with ber grandparents, Mr, and Mre. Levi Henson Mr. Peucock. of Stroud was a guest at W. MeMillan's on Sunday Mr J. Sutherland, sccam- yy Misx Teney Sutherland, motored to Collingwood on Sunday and spent the day with friends there. Mrs. Coleman is visiting her bro- ther, Jos. Grant, at Tottenham. Mrs, Dickinson of Stayner is visiting at Alex Arnold's this week. Henry Welch (teller of the Union Bunk) left this week for 9 vacation at his home in Quebec province. Miss Beatrice Stewart of Toronto and frignd, Mr. Colliered, are visiting this week with the former's cousin, Mis E. Mr, Vaningen and Master Albert Walker of Rochester, N.Y. visited at Rev, W. Creawick's aver the week-end. Mrs. Jor. MeMahon is visiting with friends in Toronto this week. Rev, W. Creswick will take service ot St. John's Church as usual next Sunday. The following Sunday Capt. Biggs of Bar- rie will preach. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pugsley spent Sunday with friends at Jackson's Point. Mrs, Harry Moore of Eganvillt is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Cole- man. Mrs. W. Creawick is visiting with friends in Toronto this, week. Mrs. Pyne and son, Jack, of Toronto, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Joshua Me- Mahon, Bismark Roberts of Coulao day at Mrs. John Pollock' 's spent Sun- We always have a nice line of presentation chairs--See them af Lowe's Furniture Store. 32-33 Members Toronto 71 Bay st., TORONTO. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON ALL EXCHANGES VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED AT BEST MARKET PRICES Write us when you have business in Bonds, og for information, BROUSE, MITCHELL & CO. Stock Exchange lors. | erville, é THE BARRIE EXAMINER Miss Hattie Kennedy is visiting friends in Aurora. Mise Frankie Warren is holidaying ut | Port Carling. Miss Leste of Chicago is visiting with Dr and Mrs. Hart | A. C. Bricker is holidaying at bis old home in Listowel | | Miss Florence Welte of Iroquois Falls is! home for vacation. Mist McNiven and Emiel Welte are boli: | daying in Winnipeg { Alfred G, Hickling left this week for a jvisit in Killarney. Man. Mrs. Gray, of Toronto. is the guest of Mrs, J, MeL. Stevenson. A. F. A, Muleomson spent a few days in Owen Sound lust week Chas. E. Warren of Owen Sound spent 1 few days in town last week. Min M. E, Ross is visiting friends on the Georgian Buy for two weeks, Miss Evelyn Clark of Toronto is holt daying with Miss Lottie Wattie Miss Alice Armstrong iv spending some Sholidays at Gull Lake, Muskoks, | Mrs, W. E. Burton of Vancouver is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, A. 8. Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Quinlan are en joying a trip down the St. Lawrence J.-A. MacGregor of Iroquois Falls is spending a few days among Barrie friends Nelkon Caldwell of Cincinatti. Ohio, is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. John For syth. | Fred 8, Stevenson of Chicago has been spending a few days at his old home in | town. Lyan Montgomery, who hus been with the R. A. F. returned from overseus this week Herbert A Main of Hamilton is visiting at the home of Mrs, Armstrong. Dunlop {treet | Eddie Nally of the Grand Opera House j tailten as visiting friends in Bareie und vieustiy | Miss Eva Weaymouth bas returned from a week's hobdays with friends st Honey Harbor Mr. and Mr. Kgur Dickinson, of (Schenectady, NY,, are visiting at | Cotter's. | Mr. and Mrs. Jno, Shepard left on |Tuesduy to spend » couple of months in Ed | monton | Mrs. WC. Andrew bas returned from a |month's visit in Toronto, Newmarket and | Oakville Mrs. George Whitebread, of Wallingford, Conn., is visiting friends and relatives in Barrie and Allandale. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dyment left yex- terday for an extended visit to Winnipeg, Edmonton and Vancouver. Rev, and Mrs. W. Price and three chil |dren, of Ashtabula. Obio. have been visi jing with Mr. und Mry. Geo. Coles. | | VA. W. Gould motored from Dorchester and spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. |S. Summers, 41. Inoufil street Mr. and Mrs, H. M. Dyment and chil dren have re'urned after spending s month at Orchard Point Inn, Atherley Mise Florence Armstrong of the staff of the Toronto General Hospital, ix spending some holidays ut her home here Mines Susie and Verna Lee. | ure spending their two weeks with their cousin, Mise Verna Dat | Mine Minaie Lloyd, of Newherry, Mich and Mis Ivy Lewis, of Toronto, have bern | guests of Mis. S.C. Rowe, Blake § |" Mises Eva and Elizabeth Atkinson, of |Toronto, ure visting at the home of their | uncle, CG, Atkinson, Blake street Mrs. Hall and Misa, Nellie Davidson of London, Ont.. are visiting Mr. and Mrs.) Clarence Lawrence, Wellington street Mre. PJ. McManus and Muster Jas, Trot. ! ter have returned home to Chicago after spending two weeks with relatives in town Misses Annie and Mamie Patton left on Monday for Winnipeg. where they will re \aide. They will be much missed by many friends Mrs, Robt. Bell snd Mise Margaret, of {Port Arthur. left to-day for Toronto 'and Detroit. xfter spending a couple of weeks with Mrs, Bell's sister. Mra. W. A, Twise, High street | Mrs. D. H. MacLaren, Mise Tania .Mac- | Laren and Miss Irma Robinson lef on Fri day to spend a couple of weeks at Joe Lake, Algonquin Park, of Toronto vacation | Mr. and Mm, Jno. Saso and family left) on Tuesday for New York en route for their old home in Sicily where they will remain for at least 9 year. Mrs, H.C. Myers and children, of Walk- have returned home after an ex- tended visit at the home of Mr. and Mra TH. Myers, Toronto street Mise Alice Pennington of Toronto and Misa Florence Pennington of Oshawa are visiting with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Manuel, 24 North street. David B. Keenan of Cobourg, Will R ind Mr. and Mea. y of Kenora visited relatives in Barrio and Oro last week. Mrs, Myron Silver of Sutton and J. Bateman of Lake Alfred, Florida, left for their homes on Wednesday after visiting their sister, Mrs. Butcher, McDonald street. The Misses Goldie and Ethel Graham and Miss Widowson have returned to Toronto after spending their holidays with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F, A, Gra- ham. Mrs, T. Hiscott, Philadelphia, Pa., Mra. Jennie Robinson and Mrs. T, Peart, Tor- onto, have bei Harry Wright, street. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith and son, Kenneth, and Mr. and Mrs, 8. J. Chad- wick, all of London, Ont., are visiting their sister, Mrs. B, Lawrence, Bayfield street, and Mrs. Jobo Sinclair, Barrie, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Lena Millicent. to Mr. J. Arthur 'Thompson, of Toronto, the marriage to take place in August. Mr. and Mrs. Megginson, who have been with Mrs, C. M. Hickling for the past two weeks, left on Sunday on their return motor trip to the Soo. Miss Mabel Wuttie aceompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Swingle of Toron- to and Miss Ethel Swingle of Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, visited Mrs. Swingle's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. B. Law- rence, Bayfield street, last week. Miss Ballantyne of Buffalo, N.Y., snd Miss Margaret E. Gould of Burford have been enjoying the boat-trip to Rose Point and other points north on Georgian Bay and are now visiting with Mrs. Gentle- man, Belle Ewart. Nursing Sister Monica Barwick arrived PERSONAL an | , | Alta, "Mickey" "I'm Sorry I Made You Cry" "Till We Meet Again" "Johnny's In Town" "After All' "Rose of No Man's Land" "Dreamy Moon" "Gates of Gladness" "Hawaiian Breezes" "Smiles" ALL POPULARS 15°. EACH 7 FOR $1.00 KEENAN'S 'Miss Barwick AMLC went to France with the and was ou duty in a Boulogue of the war, rd, Worsley street, on Saturday for a visit with rela tives at Brandon and other western pointe Mrs, Wim Elliott and Miss Margaret Ellot!, Bayfield street, leave on Saturday to visit relatives at Olds and Edmonton, and Chicago. IIL Mr. aud Mrs. Hariey Whitebread, of Cal- gary. who huve been on « visit to Michigan, snotored from there and spent several days friends and relatives in Barrie and Allandale this week. They expect to make the trip home to Calgary in their motor. Numing Sister F. 1. Bolster is visitin jher sister, Mrs. F. R. Porritt, having return jed lust week from England Miss Bolster |was oversens over three years with the |CABLC Most of the time she was in a/ hospital at Treport. France. but from Aug. ust, 1918, until the close of the war was 'aerving in a casualty clearing station auder-Currey A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. und Mrs, Hamilton Currey, 644 Lake Shore avenue, Hanlon's Point, when the marriage took place of their daughter Olive Louise,.to Mr. Walter E. Lauder, son of Mr. and Mrs, James Lauder, of Ed: ger. formerly of the Ist Cansdiun Heavy Battery. The service wax taken by Bishop Reeve. under a canopy of orange blowoms and white bells. The bride. who was given away by her father, wore 9 gown of blue silk with cream Japanese georgette, with cormage bouquet of sweetheart roses und lies. After the ceremony the bridal party and guests traveled ro the city in w Iounch. The bride and groom left later for Surni and a trip on the Grewt Li the bride travelling in 4 navy blue taffeta suit, bat to mateh and white fox fur. On their return they will reside at 32 |Danforth avenue. Toronto, Smith-Metcalfe A. very pretty wedding was solemnized 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Metcalfe, Victoria street, st high noon on Wednes- day. Aug, 6, when their youngest daugh- ter, Florence B., wae united in marriage to "ir, W. A. Smith of Chaplewu, Rev, A. F. Owen conducted the ceremony. The bride was becomingly gowned in white 'beaded georgette and sutin with the cus- tomary veil and orange blossoma and car- ried sweetheart roses. The bride and groom were unattended, | Mint Beatrice Spearin, cousin of the jercom, played the wedding march After a dainty buffet luncheon was served, the bride and groom left for points south, the bride travelling in a beige tri- colette suit with taffeta hat to match and white fox fur, the gift of the groom. They will make their future home in Chupleau. Daniels-Wiggins The wedding took place on Aug. 9, very quietly at St, Thomas' Church, Shanty Bay, of Elisabeth, daughter of Mrs. Chris- tena and the late Peter Wiggins of Ves- and Pte. H. P. Daniels, Winnipeg. Dr, Cody performed the ceremony. |The bride Was given away by her brother, Mr, Duncan Wiggins, and was attended by ther niece, Mist Jeon Wiggins, while Mr. ® John Wiggins was groomeman. Mrs, V. Wilson played the wedding march. The Music-Lets Home For the entertainment of friends, for the education of your children, in fsct. if you wish to make a real home out of your house you must have music. See Keenav, the Music Man. about a Wright or Beli | Piano, an Edison or other make of Phono- graph--or in fact anything in the line of music. No order too large--none too amall. Keenan's Music Store, opp. P.O. Square, Barri 33-33 TO HOUSEHOLDERS The Barrie Board of Educa- tion will be glad to have the names of any persons willing to take in roomers, or boarders, in connection with the pupils attending the Collegiate Insti- tute, commencing Sept. 2nd, 1919, Kindly send name and ad- dress, with terms and how many may be accommodated, to Fred. Marr, Secretary, Board of Education, Inst week at the home of her grandfath Crown Attorney Cotter, In April, 1917, 17, |33-34¢ Barrie. Death of Mrs. E. H. Reld There passed away al an early hour on Monday, August 4, Mrs. Reid, wife of Ald. Ernest Herbert Reid, Mrs. Reid was the daugh- | ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Lightfoot. She was born 4i years ago in Barrie and lived jall her life in this town. Mrs. Reid's illness, which lasted about twelve months, was borne with (christian resignation and with- out @ murmur, Mrs. Reid was au member of Collier St. Metho- dist' Chureh. She was much loved and will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. She leaves to mourn her loss, besides her husband, -- three brothers and two sisters: Mrs O, B. Door, Mankato, Mian.; Joseph and ronto; Robert and Alice, Barrie { , 'The funeral was held on Wed- nesday, August 6, from the fam-, ily residence, (18 lo the Union Cer pall bearers were: of Dundas; fred Reid, of Pus-| linch; Charles Lightfor of To-| vento; A, H. West, M eck and Robert Lightfoot, of Barrie, Out- of-town friends who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs,! % Taghtfoot. Mr. and M Jas. Laghtfoot and daught foron- to; Mr. and Mes. Neale, Dundas; Alfred Reid, Puslinch; and Mrs.) Capt, Jack Legge, Angus Death of Thos. F. O'Meara Thos, FLOM for) many years a resident of Barrio, died! jan Toronto on Thesday evening: {after a lengthy illness, Deceas- do was born in the County Lim- erick, Ireland, 71 yea r came to Canada with his when he was but 9 years old, and had resided in Barrie and. the neighborhood until about two years ago, when he removed to Toronto. He was clerk in R. MeDonnel's proprieto for many intersted in music store and for later He was much and from the time of hix youth sang in church {choirs, and for over twenty years was a member of St. Mary's choir here. He has no survivin, relatives in this country. A John O'Meara, died at 'ookstown about six years ago, only ter, who was Sister Theadosia, Mother Super- jor of St. Joseph's Convent, Peterboro. died four years ago. The funeral was held here this morning, quiem mass being solemnized at St. Mary's Chureh by the Rev. Dean O'Malley, The C.M.B.A.. which Mr. O'Meara joined as a charter member of the Barrie branch over 30 years age, and for whieh he was fi- nancial secretary until two years ago, attended in a body, as well as many old friends of the de- ceased. His death removes one f the well-known figures in the life of Barrie for the past four decades, "Col. Ralkes Home Richard Raikes, form- erly of Midland, came home from overseas on the Lapland and ar- rived in Barrie on Tuesday night to pay a visit to his brother, Geo, Raik Kempenfeldt. Major Raikes went to France with the! famous original ith Bn., leaving} Valeartier with them in October, 1944 His) work as medical officer of the "Fighting Fourth, hoth on the field and in the clearing stations, has been the talk of the unit, and every mem- ber of the original 4th recounts in glowing terms the dauntless courage of their gallant M.O, in the second battle of Ypres, when he displayed the greatest brav- ery and coolness in dressing the wounds of the men while under the most severe fir After a lengthy service in France, dur- ing which he saw the whole personnel of the 4th change, Major Raikes was appointed to a post on the Glaims and Pensions Board in London, where he has done good work sinc He is now on leaye, and may return to England. Lower Schoo! Exams. Following .are the names of the R.CI. students who were successful in the examination for Entrance to Normal Schools and Faculties of Educatio 1. B. Ambler. B. A. Brown, B. M. Carson, FE, M. DeHart, F. B. Ferris, F. B. rafton 'honors),: H. G. Hurlburt. M. G. Johnston, M. E. Laidman (honors), E. A. Leigh (honors), M. I, MeEachern Z. V. Murray, D. E. Sloane, R. P. vi in, W. F. Young. Cookstown Continuation School ---Hazel A, Clute, Howard I. Cooper, Constance Creswick, Cecil Ferrier, Ethel T. Kell, Bessie I. Lennox, Eleanor M. Morton. Rell Estate Transfers Recent real estate transfers made by W. G. Thompson include the foljowing:-- Fiv® acres, owned by W. L. Thompson, Bayfield St., Barrie, sold to Thomas Rolfe, 'Toronto. House and lot, Brock St., own: ed by Groves Bros.. Lindsay, sold fo Wm. Arnott, Tiffin St. and lot, Burton Ave.. Mrs. Hipwell, of Salt TL, sold fo Qawen Lake Peters. Summer home on Sunnidale City, Rd., owned by FE. Bussel, Toron- to, sold to Thos. Watson, of Glascow, Scotland. &| Wellington Hotel. UNLESS The Great-West Life Assurance Com- pany were providing particularly at- tractive policies, Reouta not for twelve successive years, have led all Canadian Companies in the amount of business written in Canada. UNLESS the funds were invested at an exceptionally favorable rate it would be impossible to pay unequal led profits that are being paid to policyholders. UNLESS strict economy prevailed, the advantage of these high eurnings would be lost, These and many other 'pointe of vi-, tal interest to those looking for the" best in Life Insurance, sre referred to in the Twenty-fifth Annual Re port of THE GREAT WEST LIFE, ASSURANCE COMPANY. Ask for Copy, 32-340 A. H. BROTHER District. Representative. Lees! Harry W. Lennox, Rep., Painswick e Harry Fisher, Local Rep., town, Cooks- HAVE YOU TRIED THE NEW BUTCHER SHOP YET? Many satisfied customers is , (the record of our first tive days' business. They are all coming jagain. Give us a trial order. We guarantee the rest. R. H. HEPPLESTON The Five Points Butcher Late A.S.C., Can, O.F. Lowe Bros.' Old Stand, Opp. Phone 815 $ 1 5 TO START Girls with from one to two years' ex- perience in working on men's coata will be paid this salary with quick sd- vances as they gain experience in op- erating on Women's cloth costa, No pressing. Apply to JOHN NORTHWAY & SON 91 Wellington Street West, . Toronto At the Yarmouth Y.M.C.A A Boya' Camp, held at Tusket Falls in August, I found MINARD'S LINIMENT most bene- ficial for sun burn, an immediate relief for colic and toothache. ALFRED STOKES, General See'y. STORE PIGS FOR SALE 'Parties wanting to buy any store Pigs, see W. A. McConkey on Saturday, Aug. 16. 33-33¢ |WHITE ENAMEL IS BEST for bathroom fixtures. So easy to keep spotleasly clean and absolutely sanitary. We carry the largest and finest stock of white enamel and porcelain bathroom und bedropm plumbing fixtures in this section. We also repair sanitary plumbin: equipment of all kinds. Inspection invited MOFFATT & PARR Phone 631, Barrie 'Sole Agents for "Hecla" Furnaces acket WILSON'S FLY PA DS: WILL KILL MORE FUES way,

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