r 4 roo : CIRCULATION THIS WEEK "56th Year we. MacLAREN, Editor WALLS, Manager BARRIE - EXAMINER WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED---------- THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING . SECTION 1 PAGES 1 TO 8 BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1919. THE PIANOS That give life-long satis- faction HEINTZMAN & CO. AND WEBER PIANOS TZ, Hee CS aN They may cost you i littie more money on the start, but will pay you in the end. Sole Agent for Barrie and District. A. F. GARRETT Also we keep the largest stock of Phonographs and records for your selection. GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE The House of Quality Corner of Elizabeth and Mary Sts. P.O, Box 178 Phone 259 POOLE & PEARCE THE BARRIE DAIRY The Home of Pure Milk If Service, Cleanliness and Quality Count Phone 772 fthe opening Reminiscences of Old Plank Road Th ix just fifty yeurs ago this summer since the plank road between Bond Hesd and Bradford was built, It was an ambi- tious undertaking fur those days so far uA labor was concerned, but the coxt was in- finitesinl compared with what it would be vwday. 'The lumber that was used was the-elearest cedar three inches thick and fourteen} or aixieen feet longs Some of the planks Avere twenty inches in Wislth, These . wereTaid on three strings of sleepers and What u road it wa---for a 10 and frou all d sing s with a lot from A Mony and Mulmur used and the taverns with their ring mgne und begrogged| crowd of stanling at the roadside every couple their haleyon days, It was not ceastinred dangerous te start out with un suward jag when such a road had to be covered brenuse the homes could searcely wae 100 great for us hotels in. the not destined to endure two years' time the traffic hud mate numerous holes in the plank Pate put on, but they proved to be stumbling blocks and shortly the road hecame very dangerous and had to be torn up, It remuined in its primeval state for many years with no other repuire than those put on hy the pathmasters by means of atatule labor. 'Then the county inaug. rated its good roads system and Robert Thorp. a member of that body who lived at Bradford, succeeded in having the Bond Head to Bradford road chosen gs the first to be covered with erushed stone. Repairs jhave been mace periodically ever since and jteday this as one of the best pieces of road in the county Alliston Herald Draped Cash Register in Bay Petty burglary and thieving is becoming more prevalent in town and the thieves Jerow bolder. Lust Friday night some one cash register. The thieves broke open the register, extracted some small change jand 4 cheque for $3.83 left there overnight, and, taking it te the end of Bayfield atreet |dock, dumped jt into the bay, Next morning. when the loss was reported to Chief King, the bay war suggested ax the most likely pluce to look for the miming cach fill, and it was fished out of about twelve feet of water. The thief. or thieves, must have been of lean proportions, as after one of the bars of the basement had been wrenched loose, was less than 8 inches werose, Be a booster, buy at home iq. | Beard of Jentered the local office of the Hydro Dept. | through a hasement window and stole the! Single Copies 4 cents $1.50 Per Vear (in advance) ------ No. 33 AUGUST MEETING EDUCATION BD. Good Progress on West Ward School--Increase for Care- taker Profit. Trustees Fisher, Windom und King were the ubsentees at the August meeting of the | Education, held on Monday night |Business in connection with the new West |Ward School and the Collegiate occupied Jmost of the time. Ax funds availuble, for (BCL. site improvement are about exhaust Jed it wax decided to discontinue further jwork, after t next year | W. W. Building Commitree The Weat Ward Building Committee re ported: as follows. -- That the Bourd's arbitrator, Wm. Gallie, met Mrs, Adamson's. arbitrator, HD. Jamieson, and they agreed upon a price 'of $330 per lot for the two lots. Payment 'of $10 to Mr. {was recommended, as well as $660 to Mre |Adamson for the lote | Arrangements (are quiring additional land from Mrs. Adam fon, now under lene to the Town, This portion will cos' the Board about $197 orury walks are lud, until under way for ac track | Planing Mill Co. for the school and personal | bond of $35,000 is being given by the company for proper performance of the centract. the new lots and wax paid $9.00 for the three daya spent thereon Alex Brownlee has been engaged to act ax clerk of the work« while the founda tion is being built, his psy to be $4.00 per jday vice and work in connection with sequir- | ing lots for the school. Management The appointment of W. A. Torrie, of Or- angeville to the Central wiaff at $050 und Mise Mabel Findlay of Owen Sound to the South Ward kindergarten class were ap- proved Pit woe deciced to. iorue 'a circular lever setting forth the wvantages of attending Burrie Collegiate. Trustees Richardson MacLaren and Byrne being named ® cpm: nottee to prepare same. Property and Supply This commuttee reported that all the fur ¢ ; : « Pink Corsats are pi this Fall. , at only ..... Wear a Bias Filled dence. We know from ex All sizes POOOOOOOOOD BIAS FILLED CORSETS REPRESENT PERFECTION IN COMFORT AND STYLE Well dressed women are well 'aware of this fact and that is why Bias Filled Corsets have won « their hearty and popular approval. They appreciate its superior quality of fabric and finish, its comfort-insu uring, health-giving fea- tures and its distinctive, youthful lines. There is a Bias Filled Model to faultlessly fit every type of figure, especially made to meet the particular needs of that type. A PINK SEASON roving more popular than éver and every indication points to a Pink Season Try our special Front Lace Bias Filled Corset - $4.00 Corset once and you will abvays wear one. They win and hold your,confi- perience. and prices Sarjeant & King, | Limited THE STORE OF SATISFACTION 999090000000 The services of Alex Cowan were secured ) Mrs. § by the committee for neerssary legal nd /dale of Penetung, Mrv. Jao, Beard and Wm ORO LOSES ITS VETERAN CLERK H. J. Tudhope Passes Away After 27 Years in Office-- Held Many Positions. Tt was with great regret that the citi zens of Oro und vicinity heurd of the sad Ws his bed for the past few weeks not even the most peasimistic imagined the Jend was so near. On Wednesday night, [Aug. 6, he pawed pencefully away af er saying good-bye toy his imayediate family and to all his brothers and nisters with }the exception of ALR. Tudhove of Glei- cheu, Alta. who could not get there ume, and W. Ro Tudbope and Mra. Inu Beard. hws uter, both of Toronto, who were detained through allners The funeral, one of the largest ever Gallie for arbitrator's fres! held im the community, wus conducted Ly The four sons of the de. as pallbearers N. Campbell ceased wctedd was held at Muthers."" At the grave a brief service wus Contract has heen signed by the Ball held, after which the members of the Bible missed, Clas of Eason Church dropped xprige of cedar on the cunket a a token of their Nove for their late tescher, Among the |ficral tributes were wresths from the Bible Warson Jones wax engaged to underbrush |Cluss, from Oro Tp., and from the Agricul. tural Society, and an anchor from Eason Chureh session, He leaves a sorrowing wife and five chil- dren, Roy of Toronto, Arthur. Wesley, Melville and Eva at home, He is also aur- vived_by three sisters and five brothers Cotton and Mrs. (Dr. J. Leather- R. of Toronto, George B. of Purry Sound, Robert of Ubthoff, Waler of Midland, and Alex. R. of Gleichen, Alta. The deceased was 54 years of age and 4 staunch Liberal. Succeeding his futher. the lute George Tudhope. in 1892 he has been. clerk of Oro township for the past 27 years. During all thie time be was never Known to be ubsent from a council meet ing--which well indicates the zeal dis played in bis work, Other public offices he held were secretary-treasurer of Rugby School Board for 15 years, treasurer of niture and fixturgs of the West Ward School had been removed to the tempor- ary quartere in the B.C1. basement 'As it was found advisable before oc- jeupying these quarters to place permmnent wooden floors over the cement in three rooms, it war decided to use the flooring from the West Ward School snd the con. tract of laying these (including scantling Planing Mill Co., at 894 per room, Chuirman Stephens wanted the ubove items churged up to the West Ward Buil- ding Fund, but it wae pointed out by sev- eral members that expenses of temporary quarters must be charged to P.8. main tenance. A lawn mower for the B.C.I. will be purchased at a cost not exceeding $36.00. Caretaker Profit of the Central bad his sulury raised $30 to $750, dating from July 1 Th connection with this item Trustee Mac: Luren culled atiention to the disgraceful condirion of the water tables adjoining the Central School boulevards on Owen and Worsley streets, these being most un- sightly with weeds and long gras, Chair: mun Stephens promised that this would be attended to, Enquiries that they will see that the building is con- structed according to specifications. Asked by Trustee Stephens if he were aware that some of the brick delivered was of poor quality, Trustee Milne said the brick would have to be of the quality 'of sample submitted. Finance Various receipts and expenditures were reported by this committee and approved. Trustee MacLaren was, appointed to countersign cheques in the absence of Fin- ance Chairman King. Replying to a query. Trustee MacLaren said that the Town Coun- cil would make arrangements to udvance funds for West Ward Building Fund froin time to time until the debentures, are sold. The Coal Supply . A letter was received from the Sar- jeant Co, stating that they fully guaran- teed any coal delivered. It was then moved by Trustees Stephens and Byrne, and adop- ted: That the Surjeant Co's secount for coal to the B.C.I. be paid as the Sarjeant Co, has guaranteed the coal to be satisfac- tory, B.C.I. Building Committee A number of accounta for work on the site were passed. According to the statement of finances submitted, it was seen that only a small Portion of the $2000 set apart for the Brounds remained end under the circum- stances further work will have to be post. poned until next year. The face of the terraces have been sodded and ,the top of the terraces seeded, but s lot of filliag is yet to be done on the lower level facing Bradford street. Owing to the leguey left from last year's Board re the re-modelling of the chemis- try room, the Building Fund will be short abcut: to the extent of this additional ex- perditure which had not been provided for in the estimates for the cost of the school. To Public Library Board H. J. Grasett_ was appointed as a rep- resentative of the Board on the Public Library Board in place of L. F, Cross, re- > | signed. aud unexpected death of the veteran sown ship clerk, HJ. Tudhope. Deceused had | whng for some time and although his pastor. Rev. D. Sinth, wesisted by Rev. 1 ane ovher material' wae given ty the Ball | | i |Eust Oro butter factory for several yea |census commuimioner in East Simcoe it 901 and in North Simcoe in 1911, finea- {cial seeretury of Court Thorne 1.O.F for first DWP. of the Sons of Tein Simeve, direcior of the Oro and its 0 (Js Bon Church he will be sorely | a» he hes been elder, bible cluss teacher und manager of the choir for the pust eight years, He hus also been sre- jTetary-treasurer for 27 yeurs | Ia both township and church his uccur. jacy und unceasing stand for justice and [thoroughness won for him the love and admiration of all those with whom he cume in contact, The coming yeure only can show how much hix home and bis eammun- ity bud learned to lean upon this man who showed such fine strength of character in lall_his actions The thoughts of those who watched him laid to rest by loving hands Saturday ufter- noon, Aug. 9, might well be «xpreased by the first verse of that beautifl poem of Barnby'e: "For all the saints who from their labors rest, wits Thee by faith before (he world con- essed, Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest, Hallelujah! Car Stolen--Abandoned at Crown Hill Last Fridyy Chief King received word from Mrs, Dunsmore, Crown Hill, that |there was a Ford our in the Methodist |Chureh shed there, which had, apparently, ibeen abandoned, as it had been in the \ehed for some days. The Chief obtsined |the number of the car on Saturday morn- ing. and on the same day received word |from the Toronto police that a car bearing |the number had heen stolen in Toronto erly in July. W. H. Hobbs, Toronto, the owner. came for the ear on Monday, but it was in such shape it had to be towed into town to be put into running order Jogain. There ix no trace of the parties who stole and abandoned the car after running out of gasoline at Crown Hill. New Veterinary Office. Alex Currie, veterinary surgeon, who |has been amsociated with Dr. Brother for the pust three years, has decided to prac- |tise his profession in Barrie on bis own responsibility and will shortly open an of- fice on Muleaster street opposite the pub- lic library. He solicits the patronage of the people of Barrie and surrounding dis- trict. Dr. Currie hax had over fifteen ars' experience in the veterinary line. Phone Clarkson House, 33e Promotion for A. C. Price His misny friends in Barrie will pleased to hear that A. C. Price, formerly manager ju further promotion. The Midland Free- Press says: Mr. Alex C. Price, the local manager of the Bell Telephone Co., has been offered and accepted the area manager. ship of the Sudbury District, in which shrewd enough to character. they were able to THE Paid-up Capital - - $ 9,700,000 18,000,000 Phone 303 NNT TCT ATTA HC AT Successful Men Always Saved They were thrifty. They were Friday and Saturday AUG. 15-16 MICKEY "The picture' you will Never forget." Matinees both days at 2.30. Admission for mat- inees--all seats 27. cts, Nights -- Balcony and Ground Floor 55 cts. First show each night at 7.15, second 9.15. Here's some program for the week of Aug. 18th Mon.-Tues., Aug. 18-19, "Man from Funeral Range" with Wallace Reid Wed.-Thurs., Aug. 20-21, "Battling Jane" with Dorothy Gish. Fri.-Sat., Aug. 22-23 "Border Wireless" with Wm. S. Hart FOR GARDEN PARTIES,. PICNICS AND STORES Customers are not requested to send in their order ahead-- just phone up whenever you want it. OLYMPIA CANDY WORKS Dunlop St. there are 1300 telephones in Sudbury and fy |of the Bell Telephone Co. here, bas received | 400 offices. land from Newmurket last April and the officials of the company are emphasizing their appreciation of his services by trans ferring him to Sudbui in Copper Cliff. besides several smalles Mr. Price wax transferred to Mide TAME ATT see that the habit of saving meant the strengthening of With the money saved take advantage of opportunities as they arose. Resolve today to open a Savings. Account in this Bank. Bank of Nova Scotia A G MACLELLAN Manager Barrie Branch