THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, August 14, 1919. TOWN OF BARRIE TAXES 1919 PAYABLE AT, BANK OF TORONTO Taxes for the year 1919 are due and payable at either branch of the Bank of Toronto, on the follow- -ing dates:-- Amounts of $10.00 or less on September 25th. Amounts over $10.00 may be divided in two equal instalments payable on September 25th and November 25th. Discounts allowed as follows: On all taxes paid in fullon or before AUGUST 2TH a discount of one per cent, will be allowed. On taxes paid in tull on or beture September 25th i discount at one per cent. on the mount of the second instalment will he wlowel/ A.W. SMITH, Vreasurer. 43-45¢ SSS [ news FROM THE RAILWAY L_ wan | ees > | "POISON" LIQUOR FIGURES IN TRAGEDY Inquest at Port MeNicoll on Dead Wheelsman--Con- stable Will Recover. Crown Attorney Cotter was al) at| Port MeNicoll on Wednesda the inquest on Anthine Hervieux, | Wheelsman of the €.2.R, steamer | who was shot a | » fleeing from Courty | William reuv al y Ts morn wroner owas bee Jubnston of Mitland, und ates | Viewing faking vf is Swheelsiian thee te Wy were reportedlas follows: Vfler wound. TPR Constable William WY, whe was atteniytenge te arrest him, Anthone the by married, af Montesa! on the CPR, steamer Athabases, Was shot and instantiv killed) bw Whe evete~tivtele ut he al Port MeNieedi atiannt tive lock liesilia ming While the sheoling Was in progress few neapde in the "neigtibir. | from the wWheelsman 1 ' bublets tthe ibe Jeftcahac week 1 arti te Se ae Nes went after Hie lookout! wilh a re. 1 Pemlay, at SON pom, sharp ) fF trvight, fusiness ie aecially | IVE ait fired Wwe stots al eelayw on thie division of the | TM rengh the tatters eatin dane WeMithn ors spending the : early Tay. ated (he captain of week walle f ony Torente Mr and Mrs, T. Pearce ure visiting | MH sent for The renstatile Miss Mebecd af Toronto is the guest of (friends in Hamilton this Mr. Penrer [10 have Hervienx. whe is suid te the wnnan. Basa street is the delegate from Kempenfeldt Lodge | Have been drinking, arrested and Mieen Dredly inet Maybelle Poucher | attending Lodge of the SOE. now | isarnied Bose today fer ther home in Wintupeg, [in arssiut in that eity. Finreny, MoM Brown und Mre Wo Patterson | Every ruilrowd man is urged to seldier, was VToronte Lat Saturday evening [tend the first wid clases which are held | wheelsman suiddeniy | Hh Miller returned to ae hone {2 BF YMCA Tall avery Monulay at tater Fired rhe aed , 8 Fay Tt ak expected that wir bruke | e(Teet in the pli ee Wet thes week after visiting friends clive will win start ogain. any have ie h 1 The YMCA ns popular sopping place | Don't forget SOK. picnic at Alderman] then ran down plank for travellers, the fmildiag as filled to cu [Clark's grounds, Burton avenue, on Wed-| and thro the sheds. Ante wheese igh wday next. Aug. 20. Everybody weleome.| Frarey in pursuit, The eanstihbe, FOF Morrison me hurdening mys his Come and bring your basket. Hot water! thinking 'a frighten the fugitive | muscles these days helping. hin bi with [Provided Games, races and general sports, | sy rq ase him te stem. fired in the harvest at Kichert COW Pouther, Ed Shear, Alex, Galt. [his dirertion 'The bullet, haw. Th fm lost two games Bruce Thonypeon, ALG. Walker, A. Ro} ever, faok effect in. Herviniyts and won one in their League game with Walker ant °Ro Merde went to Toronto | huly, entering in the. baek be Ontha ov Friday on Monday to parneipate in the bi A astm of the OTE will be held in (ang Haan Tn all over 700 men] ait theanzh the chest. He dived the Trammen's Hall on Sunday, Aug. 17. ;were tukine pa cast inate +A full attendance a requested Walkerton Teleseope--Knox -- Congrega. Aligest inslantiss will pe J Ford ax reheving -- leter-earrier ed bearing on Sunday an old | cig ine tae DR arene for Allandale for three weeks 'The regular Bev, "Joho We Watt, Ban oe Diet MeNteail, ang ie cine earners are taking their annual vacution |B), of Allandale who has been belping liken' t is ' Bs ink ROE DE The Mote sewer has been completed, (t0 supply the pulpit during the pastor's |! ite ( RUSTE en as Is 1. At present only four | Bo Mr, Watt'ie an eurmest" and | Dussinle for X-ray examination werviece ure to be connected with thin vew. |though:ful preacher, Lo discover the leation of the cr, Consilerable work hax heen done on ue moll s mfiwcaiecimnen' initia sexta Cae Wechinelay: 20, open for the #0uth end of Burton avenur and the road f " iv-urmee bottle, saic ae zee is Ane 'Gok acai will be greatly improved thereby. If this)! have eentained liquor. and rounds on Burton avenue. Everybody [Were treated with liquid saphalt it would be) another hotite, the remaining rleatoe [money well spent, for without this binder | contents af which are believed ta! The GTR showmen have challenged |he surface of the road will soon be worn! be same paisenots sneortion | game on Tif {ito boles by the heavy motor traffic, | sald as liquor, were found in the Hay. Aug. 19. the last bat se nacn tentnn, a0 everytuedy come and | make o ninse Game starts ut 6.30 sharp. Y ou Granulated Eyell Byes infam ex] (rod Wied Fy es pate talered by iterioe | Notice to Railroad Men for swle that beautiful have house, 96 Also No. 97 Cumberland street Jhuuses are in good condition |bought on eaky terms. Phone WoC son. f you winh to I over, For Sale--Suminer home just Eye Comfort. At |ine that was in Peace Day sor by mail 60c per Bottle. | jyriition the Eye free write ae Re Co., Chicage. The Best Machinéry Investment "You Can Make Ask any user of the John Deere Spreader, and he will tell you it is the best ma- chinery investment he ever made--not only because it saves hard work and valu- able time, but because it makes every forkful of manure count for a bigger _ crop yield. under-fertilized or over-fer= tilized spots. Come in and see this spreader, _We want to show you why it will do better work, why it will last longer than others, why it will cost less for repairs, and why it is easier to load and operate, Mounting the beater on the axle of the John Deere gives you a combination of advantages you can't get in any other spreader. a Manure goes farther and does more good when you wse a John Deere Spreader. You can spread manure evenly, heavy or light--no Come in and know the reasons why there areso many satisfied users of John Deere Spreaders, We Have a Machine. Set Up for Your Inspection D. C. HOWARD Agent - - 34 Bayfield St. - - Barrie Also the Celebrated Hoover Potato Digger Cumberland street, Allandale Ball Planing Mill Go., bowl tween the shonklers and coming dead whoelsman's effects It will be analyzed A brother of the dead wheels. man claimed the body and Both] it '0 Montreal for burial Can be Thomp 38.33 1 brick Boy Shopbreakers Get SIx Months The sequel to the series of shop-breakings and thefts from Allandale bustuess places was the arrest. on August 6th of two Allandale youths, 'They appear- ed in Police Court on Friday, charged with breaking into Roy Stone's store, and pleaded guilty. build. cele- 3itfe MeCausland, whe had been le. ! fore the inagistrate) previously and whe was af the time out 'on suspendiud sentence, was given a months term 'at Kurwash Farm. Wis edinpanion, who made his initial ire the Court porate Appearance gu on suspended Minndale Jeerurring and after J tion on the of Chief King nd lis sta, the guilty: parties some haunts down the sho belay Allandale and some of the missing property had been dr posited there, Last' Wednesda Constable Raynor arrested be the bo: The extent of the operations was considerable and the following: From W between $50 from Joun Pairs of total value of in' cash' and several candy; from Roy quantily of cigarettes, several knives and flash lamps. | One day recently, John Litlle met the boys, but when they caught sight of him, they dropped some. of the stolen cigarettes and the flash lamps. When charged with the thefl from Stone's store, the boys are reported to have con- fessed Lo the other thefts. Firemen at Penetang Barrie Firemen won four sec. ond prizes al the Northern Vol- unteer Firemen"s Tournament at Penetang on Thursda: last (Civic Holiday). They wer publicly complimented -- by dudge on th smooth work in the hose race, There was a huge crowd, many Barrie people being among the big throng, and the weather was for the day's sports, The big event for the firemen was the Hose' Reel Contest, Parry Sound captured the first prize of 8100 and the banner, Barrie got second (850) and Hantsville third (825). The times were 1,07 2-5, 1.09 2-5, and 1.13 2-5 respectively. Mid- up every day. prices trom time to time to on, We cannot lay tou much Now this applies especially to Hosiery. You'll be wise to consider it. *Stocking Speci and good for Ten' 'Days only from this date, Vickers' for Stockings There are many reports and many opinions as to the conditions of the markets and what will and will not hi Ap- pen in the next few months, but the one clearly outstand- , ing fact is that Merchandise IS short and Prices are going/ The inevitable is that we will be forced to ad average up, helieving this to he a better plan than to make a sweeping advance later stress upon this advice-- BUY NOW-- Buy all you want for months ta come. ( \ Every order placed in the sources of supply is : at an advance in price and shipments very indefinite. Here is a list of Stocking offerings from this Greit y Store, that spells Savings in big letters Friday, August 15th.-- Take Advantage Won Pine Silk rh with: Taste top, Tee fl te Pe loneaL, sale eranid stoking, mistide fer ~ amd wear. Black and: White, Pale . $1. 3 pairs , ee LL $8 : Wetiens Dare silk Thread ste nekiii Black Cat. made in Keterhit, the best valne we know of. H has high spliced ated tow Black, White, +t splendid wearing line dark Brown and 3 Pairs, Lusite Sik Hose with fine txt Rib e r tap, ait toes, renaforeed sales, in Black, Gun Metal Boek, Navy aml White. Pale ween 3 Pairs oer ee eri Women's "Crawn Beatie , with = plies sels and te Ita Ol caweisy 3 pairs. ' Heather Mixed sh Cashmere Hose, unequalled Jes of Buck, Brown, Dark Made liste for w - $3.95 spliced b ar, very y and Sand, mmend this line. Palr - $1.50 3 Pairs oo... 'i : : Site Wimen's Very Fine Cashmere Hose, "Llama" British make, seamless foot. It is absolutely pure wool ang cannot be obtained from the makers 'today. pair in the cities. Our Special . 3 Pairs ... wie Womens Dove Grey Cashmere Hose, prune wool, senmieas foot. full sizes, 9, 94 and 10, : $1 B pales ccaccenes s96 deceee » $3.75 Women's Fine 1 Ribbed Cannmers Hose, made m Great Britain, pure wool and scarce, These are old stock bought 4 years a Pair s . $1.26 3 pairs See ree er re wens $3.45 Women's Cream Cashmero Hose in one size only, viz, 9. It A \ popular line Selling > Mercury Make and seamless. at 750 fe "'g1.80 Chili's White Cashmerette Hose made of Fine "Maco Yarns, Ivf ib. A good wearing line. Sizes 07 air - 45c «3 pairs .. Woten's Whi Hose, some with Silk ankles, fits well and wears well, A good looking Our Special ..... +++, B00 3 pairs .......... $1.45 Again we siy Buy Stockings Now. Buy from this list, You'll have no regrets, GEO. VICKERS THE STOCKING STORE eee, ind hax protested third prize, claiming fo have made the raee derson of with ol. St. Orillia finished first, winge ol aud in one-fifth of a second less than! EL Relehouns of Penetang Huntsville, Other teams com-| second ait third peting Tracehridge . Rand won the Ms and Graven-] A contest with Orillia and Col- lingwood ond and third, There were but three entered the first two getting $150 and S100 ren The nof 7 Ladder Race was won by Orillia} Firemen's s | year, 28 4e «With spectively, sees., and Midland Barrie got 2nd for the best-' second and third he competi-) d "1 brigade in the le, the same as in the bose race with Penetang added, The Mose Coupling Gontest (2 men! was won by Bracebridge, Parry Sound and Orillia. Williaiss, 1. Vain, Jr. S. Shier. 'The 100-yd. race winners were] Jock. Chas, Lower, J. O'Connor Henderson of Orillia, Thompson] ¢. MeMulkin, P- Bingham, ' of Parry Sound and Dugan of! "an fort will he made fo have Orillia ' this big tournament at Barrie In the half-mile foot race Hen-| next venr and if thee joontie practicable it is almost certain that the 1921 event will he held here. This is the first year Rarrie firemen have competed and their record of four second prizes is most creditable. tors wer rillia getting first, The Barrie firemen taking part in the contests were: R. Wolfen: den, 1. Campbell, J, Onge, 0, GURNEY-OXFORD STOVES AND RANGES Call and get our prices |/ before buying your new range. We do all kinds of Plumb- |! ing, Heating and Tinsmith- ing work. Sole agents for Pease E onomy Furnaces. Repair work promptly attended to. The Late James Hayes Vespra townline. He had been » resident jof Toronto about eighteen months. His wife (formerly Ellen Casey, of Flos! lourvives with the following sons and daugh- ters:--Jamex Hayes, Mrs. McTague and Mrs. Robinson, Toronto; Mrs. Dodge. Chi- cago Mre. Font Moran, Phelpston; Mra. Maher. North Battleford. body wae brought to the bome of his gon-in- quier! mass in St, P: Inid ta rest in the old Apto cemetery, ad- joining his former farm, ss Mr. Hayes J. J. NEELANDS Dunlop St. hud requested. This was the first burial in this cemetery for yeurs Barne Fair will have a big midway this Pres. Quinlan is looking up some fine attractions st Montreal and other centres. BARRIE MARKETS THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Outs Barley Buckwheat Butter, Ib. Eggs, dozen . Old fowl . v.81 008130 Potatoes, new pk. Beef hides, green .... Beef hides, cured Calf skins Lambekins and po Wool, unwashed Wool, Wachee o 60-75¢ Tay . $15.00-17.00 TRY *|LEACH'S SURE SHINE to polish your Piano. Automo- bile, Furniture and Woodwork IT CAN'T BE BEATEN Sold in Barrie by Estate J. J. Coffey, Merrill & Hubbard, G. G. Smith & Co., Otton Hardware Co., Dougall Bros., .|W. A. Lowe and J. G. Keenan. Try it once; you will use no other. Not sold by Grocers,