Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1919, p. 10

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bY LPL RE RELL SLE LO ey Or ey ie "Page Ten THE BARRIE EXAMINER Thursday, August 7, 1919, TRAVELLING MAN g - 7 GAINS 20°POUNDS Crull Eats What He Wants And Sleeps Like a Log Since Taking Tanlac. anlac is that VF. HW. crull, a well-known traveling salesman, 'Living at 312 West SIst Street, Indianapolis, Ind, while dis cussing the medicine, r y Mr. Urull has lived in Indan- apolis for the past twenty years. He has represented the Taggart Baking Company on the road for twelve years and is one of the Mos! popular "Knights of the elmg Indiania, Grip { lust week was a decided success. g E NEWS FROM NEIGHBORING TOWNSHIPS 58 RPLPLELE LENG ALG LO LO coe nen DALSTON Aug. 4.--Harvesting is in full swing at present in this locality. Pte Ewart Brown and Pte. John Laven. der arrived home last week looking hale ud hearty. Miss Mabel Watson of Barrie unday at her home The Annual Sundsy School picnic held spent A number from here motored to Mus- koks last week to pick buckleberries and and daughter, Lavina, have returned to Bracebridge after spend. ing some time with Howard Bertram and family. The meeting of the WJ. will be held "Toean testify to beth the im. Mediate und dasting resalts that) come from its use,' continued; Mr. Sernll. "A little over a year ago I got rid of a bad case of stumach trouble, from which 1| had been suffering for two years, | by taking lanlar, and do you know | haven't suffered a par- lice from indigestion to this good day. 1 had been having a world of troulile with iy stomach , and awful pains im my right side and was finally operated on for| appendicitis, After the opera} tron [Jil suffered with indiges- fien. Thad ne appetite and what} little T did eat would sour, caus- | ing gas, bleating and intense pain. It lowked like 1 would never get my strensth back and} Twas as nervous asa cal. Many a meh! while oul on the road I! cuuld net close my eyes for sleep. This condition kept. up until T went down to one hundred and thirty pounds in weight and Was almost a complete nervous week, About this time Tread a state- ment about 'Tanlae that deseribed my case so well thal | decided to fry a bottle of the medicine. Weil, the first bottle helped me su much that | got another and it wasn't but a few weeks until Twas free from all signs of stomach trouble and found that 1 had actually kained twenty pounds in weight besiles,*suing up from one hun- dred and thirty to one hundred and fifty pounds T eonld go out and do a hard day's work and sleep like a log at night, and at Inade ne difference whether | was ata hotel, on a Pullman, or home TP could P soundly just the same. The iedicine gave me wonderfn) strength and onerey and such a dag appetite that eet eo tttake at Ioan fine that . trouble wath niy enough ty short, Tanta shape We T fini-hed iy than a another ater first battle sol Pan Tardae the amt my wife and Tare] We tad the > ane the goin more dity Kins at tst winter neathe Btten over t Vanlae is US right for T already se Toprevement appetite recomend Tantie for at medieine that can be depended upon for results," Tanlar is sold in Barrie by Geo. Monkman, in Orillia by M. H. Cooke & Ca. in Elmvale by W. J. MeGuire, in Lefroy by G. R. Ardill, in Stayner by N. B. West, in Cookstown by W. G. Mackay, in Waubaushene by Georgian Bay Lumber Co. Ltd. in) Port Mc- Nicoll by P. H. Beattie, in Allis-- ton by B. Schell, in Lisle by Robt. E. Little, in Gilford by James A. Blain, in Tottenham by Chas, A Weaver, in Penetang- uishene by Chas. A, Nettleton, in Hawkestone by Thos. A. Stone, in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble, in Coldwater by C. G. Millard, in Midland by Geo. Gerrie, in Brad- ford by W. L.. Campbéll, 'in Stroud by Chantler Bros., in Craighurst by T. Hill, in Collingwood by Jury & Gregory, in Belle Ewart by A. Trombley & Co., in Mt. St. Louis by E. J. Peters & Son, in Moon- stone by J. B. Sykes, and in Vic- toria Harbor by T. W. Brown.-- Advertisement, at the home of Mrx. J. .W Brown on Thurs. day, Aug. 14, at 2 p.m, Miss Grace Will- jams will give an address on "The Girl and Her~Prohlems" The programme will be supplied en}irely by the girls, CRAIGHURST Aug, 4.--The recent welcome showers have greatly-benefited the root crop, Miss 8. Hill, Misses L. and M, Ellamere, Miss R. Sheffield, Miss E. Emery, and Miss A. Jary, ull of Toronto, are spending their holidays at their respective homes Nursing Sister G_ Morrison of Central | Miltary Hospital. Toronto, on leave for | two weeks, is with her mother, Mrs, Wim, Morrison The funeral of the late George Ricbard. son of Minesing was held here on Thurs: day afternoon. Interment was made in | the Presbyterian Cemetery Pte Chas, White arrived' bome on Satur. dey. He was given a right rousing wel- | come. He is a son of Wm, White and has | been overseas about three years EDGAR Aug. 4--Fred Hastings is visiting with | his sister, Mrs. Kissick. Congratulations to Lena Patterson, Ben Sutton and Cecil Jamieson, who have pass. ed their Entrance Exam' Miss Jeanette Robinson of Moonstone spent a week with her friend, Miss Mar. jorie Kistick, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Trelford and Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Trelford and son motored {rom Tara and spent a few days ut the home of Fred Patterson, taking their neice, Miss Annie Patterson, home with them SHANTY BAY Aug. 4.--Rey. Geo Reid will preach in the Methodist Church next Sunday at @ o'clock. ~ Jno. Martin and family of Toronto spent over Sunday with his father Willie Adams is xround again after nur. sing a very sore foot for a couple of weeks Herb Fillingham left last week for Lan: sing, Michigan, to undergo an operation for | appendicitis, I am glad to report thut he is doing nicely. Misss Abbie McKinney of Toronto is vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. Williame MINESING STATION July --This neighbourhood has again been visited by the relentless hand of death. On Monday, July 28th, George Richard. son, who has been very long and patient sufferer, passed away very peacefully to join the loved ones oveg on the other shore Mr. Ricbardson 'war born in Vesy and lived almost s half century near the Town Line on the fifth concession on the old homestead, About bough turned mp and me, where he Sweltering {3 2 temperature in the vicinity of $0 degrevs in a big city one thinks of and the de- Ngbtful coolness of the Rocky Mountains. How we long for e glimpse of the snow, the scent of the pines, and to a plunge in the Sulphur Water. Talking of Banff. this little town has well been cumed ".tanff the Beautiful"; it ts the "Spa of Can, and thouvands of tourists are acted there annually. The Banff Hot Springs are famous for their healtb-giving qualities, especially for curing rheumatism, 'These sulphur springs were known to the Red Mea long ago, and wero eccidentally discovered by see engineers when surveying for Sic cP. A huge swimming tank here has a depth of water from 3 to 8 feet. People of all ages sport themselves tn the water, which is quite warm, so that bathing {s not attended with fits of shivering. This tank 1s open to the air, and a large stone gallery runs along one side so 'that spectators can sit and watch the merry throng {pn the water. The beauties of Banff. are to te found or 'all sides. There. are mountains ro right of us, mountains to left of us. mountains behind, and headquarters here, and daily one meeta parties armed with Alpi stocks, and provided with cameras, on thelr way to enjoy mountain climbing, One cannot write of Banff without mentioning the Bow I:iver, that river of the beautiful pale green colour, reminding one of opals azd| thelr ever changing fires, It is snlgancing to stand on Baaf Bridze early in the morning when the sun rises and to look on the water, eso the pretty boat bouses reflected in Ita depths, with the snow cerned Massive Range in the background. Mt, Vermillion {s on the right. 1 Gne need never feel d:1i1 or suffer from ennui in Banff, there is go Much to see and to do. There is the Main St. with {ts stores dis- playing heautiful Turs, Indian bead- work, picture postcards, ete. the! Zoo with ite fine collection of Can-: adian animals, and the museum! where the fora and fauna of the: Dominion are displayed (or the benefit of students. of botany end other kindred sciences. The photographer has a wide field for his particular hobby. >very turn of the road, and Bend of the river! offering new beauties, Banff {s well supplied with com- fortable hotels, most of them being (tm front ef wa Fhe Alpine Club has in the Main St, there is alse the | i H. A. SIMS ' Manager Cascade Motntain Watches Over Banff and the Bow River. « f Dalatial @ P. R. Hotel siteeted on an eminence on the lower slopcs of Sulphur Mountain The tourist can wonder {nto the courtyard ef this hotel at any time, take a ehair on the terrace and enjey the seenery to his heart's content. The soeme can- not be eclipsed for grandeur, In the foreground Cascade Mountain stands waters of the Spray River further down the valley, This view cannot be surpassed Im the world. No scone with reluctavce and lingering regret. Thousands bi vivid memories of evenings spent in this delightful resort. The sunset in the goldem west throws exquisite rose and violet tints on the snow capped peaks. In the short twilight el! nature is still, and later on the Northern Lights blaze out in all their glory,, all nature lovers should see Banf™ Ite beauties are never to be fergetigny / Where does your salary go ? died. Mr. Richardson wa a life-long Meth-{ with the One who has promised never 10/ e odist and a consistent officer in the church. The funeral took place on Thurs: | day, service conducted by Rev, J. A Leece of Minesing. The address wax given in the house; subject: "The probable nearness of departed {ri if they are Eva Kell 'HE months go 'by with dizzy rapidity and you find at the end of a hard working year, that you are no better off than you were at the beginning. Year after year it will be the same if you don't take immediate steps to stop the outward flow of your earnings. - Cultivate the saving plan. Try opening a savings account in The Bank of Torontog It will be surprising how little you will miss what you lay aside, and how quickly your savings, together with the interest they will earn, will accumulate to a substantial sum, We invite your banking account K°F TORONTO Ve Up."" Interment in the old family cem- ry, Craighurst C Una Hoover, TIl.---George Gibson*, Reuben Bloxham, Sr. Il.--Nelson Hubbert, Clara Srigley, Lilian Jago, Dalton Guest, Ree. Those marked * bave taken honours. Agnes G. Sutherland, Tench Rural Promotion Exams. S. S. No. 12, Innsfil Jr IV.--Elsie Gibson*, Monetta Jago, Site HM Three Destroyed One Roof Escaped The picture tells the story. Mr. Offer's letter confirms the fire- resistant qualities of Brantford Asphalt Slates He says; "I covered the roof of 201 Marlborough Ave., Toronto, with your Asphalt Slates some time ago. 'This house js one of a Tow of four, the remaining three were covered with Cedar shingles. {These houses were close to a railway track and on the night of August 15th, 1918, these roofs caught fire from a spark from, @ passing train, "A$ you can see in the picture, the roofs on three houses were completely burned through, including the sheeting boards and rafters. The boards and rafters on 201 were also burned through, 60 that the fire passed over and under your slates without harming them in any way. "T bave rebuilt the roofs and covered them with your Asphalt Slates since I have had such good Proof that if the four roofs had been covered with your slates no fire would have occurred." 'And here js another letter, from G. F. Wingrove of Walsing- ham, Ont., dated December dad, 1918. Mr. Wingrove says: "The house I live in is a large frame with dry pine rafters and sheathing. I covered same with Brantford Roofing last May, "On November 24th, at eight in the morning, we discovered that it was all aflame inside of roof of one Part, 18 x 30, with a fine breeze fanning it. But by the use of the telephone and the splendid fire-proof qualities of your roofing, we got the fire out and found spaces where the rafters and Jum! were burnt out from in under the roofing and the roofing still doing its duty of resisting fire, Also remember this is out in the country where it took the best part of half an bour for help to arrive." 'The Inspector of the Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany, has this to say about Mr. Wingrove's fire:-- (1 inspected this risk after the fire, It was particularly ev. dent that the fact that the roof was covered with Brantford Roofing kept the fire confined below the roof. If it had been possible for the, fire to break fh I do not see how they could have saved the building. As it was the loss was com. * paratively trifing." When roofing a building, it pays to put on a istant roof as wellasa beautiful one. Brantford Asphalt Sites (indi YVidual size les) and Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates (four shingles in one) are fire-resistant, durable, economical and uti Samples and prices furnished on request. Brantford Roofing Cai... 'Heap Orricg ann Factory, Branrrorp, Canapa Branches at Toronto, Montreal, Halifas, Winnipeg \ For sale\by : OTTON HARDWARE CO. LIMIT

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