sal ¥- i ; THE -B RRIE.- EXAMINER» |. ) WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED------ CULATION : . SECTION 2 G PA T | |_ THIS WEEK THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNIN GES 5 TO 12 . |. A. MacLAREN, Editor Sin pies 4 conts 56th Year Wo MWALLS. Manager . \ BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1919. $150 Por Vane tin savance) No. 31 Ss (. ..., \ MUCH BUILDING T. STATON TALKS Adventures abt 2, Young, gicl . vhos' rum existence Garrett sMysicStore ALONG THE SHORES A DAY EARLIER NEXT WEEK OF WAR RECORD || tases ier to erave ter as. a ---- cifement and romance, are . . 7 ; a A . i ii ~ Gi graphically ortray by 4 Heintzman & Co. and ||/Local Firms Actively Engaged Owing to next Thursday, Aug. 7, being Barrie's Indianapolis Paper Gives | any wives Dives Webber Pianos in the Construction of Sum- | Civic Holiday, The Examiner will be issued on Newsy Story of a Former | a and the home of the lead- mer Homes. | Wednesday, instead of Thursday. Barrieite. "THE AMAZING IMPOSTOR" ' s J --, | a . . + A Farolcal-Comedy-Drama ing lines of Phonographs, the Ball Phining Mill Co, have! Correspondents and advertisers will kindly keep Arun seers aan "vemme jent_comedy- giving you' a splendid jiu completed fine summer this in mind and have all copy in as early as possible Staton conducted what was Fri-Sat, Aug. 1-2 choice from the follow- |]/homes for W. B. Wood, of To- --not later than Tuesday. Known as "Statn's Sanitarium, ing: Frente, near Col, Mason's, Shanty in the former Findlay residence, ALMA REUBENS : Hay and 1. Harris of Toronto Bayfield St Since leaving Bare --and-- THE SONORA ww' Wond-End." south shore). | ale _ rie, len years ago, net much has NIGEL BARRIE THE COLUMBIA The xume Cin hawandse cone heen he nm here. "The | --_IN-- THE PATHE Stenetion ae simmer Bone a) FTN followin artic from the Li |] "DIANE OF THE GREEN van THE BRUNSWICK Kem Rev, He ALl ) diariapulis Star of duly 20, al-'] From the popular story by f ber + Ave. Presby-/ H 0 M E c 0 M ] N G $ 0 L D | E R $ though astray as to facts in some Leona Dalrymple THE MANDEL Pe Ae ntiles ve ye - respects, will doubtless prove of |} Bull of Romance Ae THE KNAPP Pheer Pann ND | re Yom renders of hf OF Pa PHB "ANAESTH BE SEL en have had a very: busy: aeaso = | Exanine | on.-Tues, The following list of re von ae ute 8 Ot Kempenfelit, Lieut, H.C. Riekaby, formerly Po. J. €, Sinclair, Toronto St.,{ spe Temperly Staton knows cords we keep in sto i Uae ore Ot Among principal of the East) Ward arrived home from' overseas on{what it means to give all that he NORMA TALMADGE COLUMBIA \iheir many burking operations a ;Schoul, who has served over thea motoring up from To-|had, save his life, to the relent-|| In the new Select Picture (hai BABII, Duarte aa mb fel {Years over has just returned} ponte. He was wounded in] jess gods of war. "HEI iL " BRUNSWICK ICTOR ee eee et ee ae ee tee aia Holle at DATIAG. new on September 29 ast. Be] Four sons, handsome maniy|] | MER iene the ot . ewig ave: tol peex nek brithers--prac. || Bee Nov or ster- Thang make your se- [fort tsyte of Tanna. pe." Wain Raut wa] iil fe anil hve oon en bere ra -- -: a wk our a =--Fine sinner ome Sha Y among the ho: mA < am AN . py 'ian o ue % i -* a = * tall Ang ia URE your' Se [Fuss mlimatcl ener apaa0, aien anit Ae home coming lads "| pital for treatment. 'He was sent|kin--lie buried in, Flanders field, Wed.-Thurs;, Aug. 6-7. 7. lection to-day. Janet ft CMe THAI Gne ATE: svininge i Ruiter night, He [fe England for treatment in H While staying at jhe Hotel ney All Special Pictures 7 : "Nis Gasnula av . Fe tigate Saver taaber and spent some months}erin last week Dr, Staton told | s GARRETT'S \ Die TA OE CAE DE RE a eae eee adekw hentia Hivl sine ar hie claws acquaintances} Usual Prices: 11-160 we Hank af Commerce a year a ap AA 7 Alex, Sinclair, of the Bar-lsomething of what war with! MUSIC STORE Whranch sone years age. and pia Howard H. Carson. son at] ; h 0 a 7 : ae ets Wnt ©. Howard is ning Co, left for England | Germany has meant to him, Some rea an P.O.Box178 Phone 259w | 7,.,.0°°) Aa ee, Mt and Mes. Fred Garson, , Spent seme weeks with [details of the doctor's tragic story f : , 'pra. reached home, Sunday no there and is now so-/ fell from his lips during the last) a FD Povonta the Ree | ---- AL Campbell, Shanty, WAM rome aeross an the Ree Tic vening in the Old Land, where | months of the war, when he went '@vi® Beaily: to: inve smoxa t = ---- ss My 'ii eae oom ie enlisted at Cabsary He will be until the middle offover Indiana for the ° A longed ine Sone ae : Kane Residence For Salo . iver , as WY Angst cil of Defense, arousing people en ow ' anhitieh § Ce Vodo hyneh, sen of Mrs DG. MeMacken Croix |io Liberty Loans, Red Cross and] SMere Ti (Wrag! Hieiere: ia meant Hig fate Sliidanl Mulditatiands 'Rarnnta, Lyne. Mebonald dine fed Machine Gun | United War Werk campaigns.) Qugeu! ad went to get it. vant Hiesla andard Public apita a : leitnve: His eon. The [sath Bn, , arrived! Wherever Dr, Staton spoke his eo pe kk o it ni 180 sate of Md ae aie Shanta aM hewn in the dispensary af the 2 Me. Friday noun! story thrilled his hearers, aioe Thee eee aaa res \ ee cotta en vind Whe af Ae Combet (f-lD. in Enghand fer the: past seed on the Has.) Two weeks ago Dr, Staton re= [MONE Meme fieaie | Apply Wot, Phanpson, etlice 15 Noone" hoathonee near Bho Bay natiliat Wiel, | nd Coy turned) from ia Daalnieds iB 10) acer where a jivce of sncagnel i Owen St Phone 288, Barrie. | pains | Amare Situcue County seldiers | there They 1 trip th) Natieouver pnd one us return) truck him, Another pivee tora oe s b s! y depressed, d --__ | Breeton of two did sume ceteening this week are | pm. \h has bebn unusually depr an ugly hole in his abdomere, ' shee HORE AI" SANEY CHOW THER, Ue MERGE LATERM : MeMackon ean TL was on this visit to Ue Nort ee trite eee High St. Property tia: Ts itomipame and im Ceaievales §: PRdlenann To 4 cot ras, and was sent direetly |west that he discovered what shell | FOnrle killed, Dr. Blak ENRee Und panel te He SAAS ether: aloncmumerque anise huni: a. Rrowts, Dalston [ie St. Andrew's Military, Hoxpi-|shock means to the nerves of aj on Were killed. Dr. Staton Hosthal Lenni TU are p rte oe ee eee ana cee tute HI: Banliie: coutinewia lal Huts. Sat, MeMacken enlist.) man who has had it, lated, his' hea hewn Tram his { ed by Mrs. U. Spry. High st. |" e iia ar. Alle eMahon, ed with the 58th at Barrie, in} Early in the first part of the|l#ted, bene rom his. } HL. Crnichshank"s suminer homes Allstan: LD) MeMahon body. The surgeon himself was. HW-room residence, 180) Srertion af new sninmer hotel Midland: AJR. MeDonalq and ©,|/Apri, 1915. with) Capt. Car-) war. when all Canada was aflame} | the hospital for -~werks foul frontage on (igh St. Rea | i rent city, Relle Ewart, owned Klur. Ponstanguishene: 4, A. Me.{ michael of Gollingwond, and|with hatred for the Hun, Dr. Bitar for weeks. -4 (fully Wooded grounds. Apply |® tO chs eas Farne andrea . went overseas in November, 1915.| Staton was a practicing surgeon} One day, three months after { Awen St by Lorne D This fine new Donald, Reeten: 1, Rowe, Orillia; < r ; i toW Thompson, 15 Owen §\ Ma <t ample and F Sinall, Taltentiam: R. Seott.| He went to nee within three Jin Rarrie, a little suburb of To.) Stanley Staton yielded up his life, | Phone 288. BIS SSSR ad tins Aiton 7 months Itter, Sergt. MeMackon|ronto. His wife having died a|@ broken man came gut of Bel cammodatio - Mis is (evan ot Mry-and MeayDs Mes |fewryenrs hetare (De. Ste givin, made his way lo England H # fonrly-six guestrooms, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wallace, of | 1h ee and Mrs, D. M fer gene Bone Eh Hie Vovialiand 'aeréea tha Alinalic fe Gea AMtke Slates ee PRviHion Clonreill, received a, caliteram TA re a ntanh: -ABIGEN Toland ited tee atten ada. It was not the same Dr. ; on_tanke Sime or ner of Stonee 2" Friday to the ete i! al kee making, a visit to his old home| 'Tom, a big fellow of 26, was|Staton that had gone into Belo Pata GAIAREE eT etiee hee smtecDleak, Be He for seme tune |i town, He went overseas with|the eldest son, and (hen 'came|#ium two years before. Tl was aint Cottages, near Lefroy, has jas been overseas for some ime, oe 12Kt "Pals" Bn. in August | Reggie who as 2h, then Fred, the pitiable wreck of a man, the " |ihe 12th "=P ie ee : made r&merons additions and expected te sail on the Winnk- ois hut was prevented from| about 'and Stanley, the young-|V¢ry heart gone out of him, improvements, fredian" and will reach his home| 1816. a ebony 22/and ? ja was | buried there in Flanders' poppied a a nk Whe 18 eas {Proceeding with his unit tojest, just past 19. Canada was|>! : ne, completion: of [paris inthe week. Hicut.lerance owing t: can accident|pouring ita beat blood inte' the, Held where lay his bor Fee cane Re OMIM . Mar | AWallace, :scbn: Jeet Canada with | rire ee vt him Hie. ite loee transports were leaving for]. 'I felt I could never live in my 6 Raw king i ; i s| arly +] war, fare a wart, g 7 +» FAAS 5 9 engl at "a e ne again," said Dr. Staton. pee part, making it one of the |tho First Canadian Tank Bn. has | ni) mearis cost him tl 1916,|England each day, and at length | ld home agai 1 Dr. Staton, i Tregent And moat up-tndate in| bern' identified Free ea ene' white riding down a hill on his|one noonday the two elder boys| "for T wanted lo gel. away from at locality. Also qnite near'{niversity at Ripon, England, ¥ i 3 OPERA HOUSE Friday and Saturday AUG. 1 AND 2 DUSTIN FARNUM "THE LIGHT OF WESTERN STARS" See a. wild auto race through the desert-- And a dozen "aig other thrills. Also another very funny Su shine Comedy entitled "Hearts and Saddles." .. .... .. First show 7.30; second 9 p.m. Prices--16-11ots. NEXT WEEK'S PROGRAM: € Monday-Tues---"Law of the North" with Charles Ray. Wed.-Thurs.--"Come on Ig" with Shirley Mason. Fri.-Sat---Johanna Enlists" with Mary Pickford. SNAPSHOT JACK 18 IN TOWN He wil] take your picture and show it on the screén. It's something new. Mon., Tues. and Wed. next. No advance in prices. that locality Mr. Barteroft and J, S. Milne have made decided im_ provements and additions to their summer homes BARRIE BUSINESS COJ.LEGE 'A School devoted to Progress during the past six months. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Mathieson, Maple Ave; had a pleasant, sur- prise this morning when son, Gnr, Edgar Mathieson, ar- |rived home unannounced. Gnr. | Mathieson has been serving with the Canadian artillery in North- jern Russia. Another son, Pte. i | Gord Mathieson, machine Aims to cultivate in its students = |(ordon I . h a thoroughness in modern business esentials |RuNMer with the 42nd High- that will fit them for the landers, Montreal, also is visiting WIDE AND PROFITABLE FIELD [his parents, He was wounded THE BUSINESS WORLD. and gassed at Vimy. A nephew PREPARE FOR A DEFINITE FUTURE |of Mr. Mathiesan, Pte. Wm. Term opens Sept. 2nd Jackson, is spending a few days Individual Instruction, Modern Methods.|here before proceeding to his Write for rates. - H. A..HENRY, Prin.] home in Edmonton, Ta a EN NTT MPS Service and Growth Great and permanent growth in any institution is impossible except on the basis of genuine service tothe Public. For 87 years we have aimed to give a salt and comprehensive service --yet withal a friendly and sympa-, thetic one--to our customers. Our Present strong position is a measure of our guccess--but more a measure of our usefulness. hy not let us serve you too? Bank of Nova Scotia Pald-up Capital = $9,700.00 AG. MACLELLAW Nina Undivided Pro6ts _ 18,000,000 Manager Resources = +» £20,000, 000 Barrie' Branch their{ bh yelp, near Witley Camp, he ran into a rig which was on the wrong side of the road, and was thrown from his wheel, sustain- ling very severe concussion of the brain. |For weeks his life hung Jin the balance, but he gradually recovered his health and he was able to go to France in Augus 1917, where he acted as an area [commandant until April of this j year. | Tt. J. Fidler, who left Barrie in February. 1915, to join the band of the 37th Bn., with which unit he went overseas, was in town over the week-end, having arrived in Toronto on Tuesday of last week. Lt. Fidler, after erving with the 37th Band in England, went to France as a homber in the 2nd Bn., and later was placed on the intelligence staff on account of his know- ledge of engineering and plan- drawing, and gained his commis- sion after heing recommended for the Meretorious Service medal. For some time previous to the war he was employed in engineering work and plan- drawing for the Barrie Town Engineer's Department, and has been attached to the C.E. since gaining his commission. Some years ago, before coming to Can- ada, Lieut, Fidler held a com- mission in the First Black Watch. He expects to locate in Toronto. For The Veteran Sergt. "Bud" Morris, an orig- came in with the great news----|thines that would constantly re- they had enlisted. Evening| Mind me of our little family be- brought the two others bursting (Continued on page 8) with the same intelligence--they, --_--_-- too, were going. Music In the Home "My friends and neighbors were] "Music makes a home out of w giving their sons," said Dr.|house," 'lis said, and in this ree Staton, "and why should not I?| spect Keenan's Music Store may .|So I put selfishness aside, wore|hbe classed among the foremost the most cheerful face 1 could, of home-builders. Everything in and let my boys go." music, from the most popular 150 Dr. Staton tells how he tried] song to a Grand Piano, can be 'o go it alone for a while, but] procured at Keenan's, and where when he found his three brothers/you deal with Keenan's Music were to be under arms he felt he|Store you are assured of satis-- could stand it no longer and must] faction. The Rell Piano, the get into the fight, Wright Piano and Edison Phono- "Besides," he said, "I felt I) graphs are amongst our leading might be near my hoys--that was] lines, but no matter what your re. the great incentive." quirements in music, come to Dr. Staton experienced no|Keenan's Music Store, Opp. Post difficulty in getting into the| Office Square, 31-310 Royal Army Medical Corps when he offered himself, and with the rank of captain was soon over- seas, pushing towards the front. Some time after landing in Eng- land he saw his four sons. After that, when they were swallowed up by the advancing divisions, he never saw the three elder boys again. Months after that he was billeted with Stanley, the young- est, and with his own eyes saw the tragi¢ end of the boy. Tt was on Oct. 22, 1917, short- ly after a battle of the Somme, that Dr. Staton witnessed the tragic death of his youngest boy, was desperately wounded him. self and suffered shell shock of the most violent character, The inal 3rd Bn. man from Toronto, with a staff of assistants, has been in town during the week in the interests of the G.W.V.A. and "The Veteran," the official organ of the association. They are canvassing for subscriptions, looking up employment for re- turned men, and making special reports to the Government on father had learned some time be- fore that his boy Reggie had fallen at Ypres, with two of Dr.|FQOR GARDEN PARTIES, Staton's brothers. | Young Stan- ley, Dr. Staton says, was killed a} PICNICS AND STORES: few days after he and a detach- ment of sixty-eight men had|Customers are not requested' fallen back of sig Tine for a few]/to send in their order ahead-- days' rest. Dr. Staton chanced] ;, to be at this front performing just phone up whenever you surgical operations as the wound.| Want it. conditions affecting returned soldiers, Everyone Going To Killarney Beach on Monday, August 4, Barrie Baseball Team plays Lefroy at Catholic picnic. Make it a family reunion, ed were brought back. Father " and son were spending some 0 YMPIA glorious days together. taal ' 7 "The enemy was constantly . throwing shells at long range," CANDY WORKS The boys|Phone 303 - Dunlop St. said the doctor, "but on this day was strangely quiet. ¥ ----