Page Four THE BARRIE EXAMINER Government to End Auto Glare Peril | Mr, Gilbert Robertson, secretary of the Ontario Motor League, when interviewed on the headlight glare menace, suid that the leugue had urged on the Government | the passing of u.general law that the beams | 'of light from headlights should be deflected | ip such a way tha! they will not rise 42) inches above the eurface on the rond at distance of 75 feet from the car. i "We have the assurance of the Govern: ment that such u law will be paned this | summer and will be the law 'for the whole | Province some time in August." be said. "Some of the cities have already pussed ordinances, but these," be explained, "are | illegal und such by-lawe cannot be enforced. | There is no headlight by-lsw in Toronto, | ar an example," he concluded. | In New York State legislation was passed making it contrary to law for a motor car to carry blinding headlights, Local motor: | ists would like to see the aame law brought into effect here, for some motorists ex ercixe very poor sense in this respect sarcblight For Defence One sensible Toronto man, after vainly | preaching the doctrine of dim headlights and safety. rigged up between the two front wheels and slung very low in front of his car an extraordinarily powerful search light. It was turned slightly to the left Whenever he approaches one of these "dazz ling light hogs of the road this light ix turned on. Tt always pales "the hog's" lights into inaignificance and generally teaches a very good lesson. Politeness Pays in Train Service Because he was always polite and helpful to the pascengers on his train, George F. Conroy, 25. of 34 Laidlaw Avenue, Jersey City Eri conductor, was bequeathed a commuter who rode morning evening with the young conductor. + 4 wealthy shoe manufacturer e. NJ. who died recently, left the money in bis will to Conroy "as a mark of appreciation fer his kindly treatment of me and other passengers when he had no vat in us beyond his official J that of course he wax + the money, hut he budn't bad test dew that he was attracting alike to me." he said, at them ax 1 would like to be Iry to make every passenger forl T renresent the railroad company: that the company has a persona rest in hin safety und comfort, and that the service foes not end with the sale of a ticker tation to destination T try to make they are getting more than they woud for, nd that the company is willing to give more than it receives, Hitenes uch handsome re uetors of thi may nt gny nnture. A Broad Forest Policy A National Need ied Largest of the Canada is suid to possens the hese resources fT ittex haustible y aw atonal resource wen a fallacy any, many ally in the United States, which will ever regret that a did not early enun: ciate a policy of conservation in this re. gard, Northern Ontario, including the great Georgian Bay Distnet, furnishes » Cuns. dian example of the devastation that can be wrought by exploiters who huve no} interest in any but the present generation, | and can go their way uncurbed, The great need of Canada to-day is 8 thorough study of ber forest alth, with » view to the adoption of some adequate financial as- | sistance to the Forestry Division of the | Department of the Interior. The Govern-| ment bas spent millions of dollars in buil- ding interior und terminal elevators for the |. * handling of the whest crop; surely similar attitude of beneficence toward forest de- velopment would be the path of wisdom. Certainly there is no department of our Government more worthy of support | a Our policy Panama Hats clean shape them 5 Skirts Ladivs' Bathing Suits in Black avy, trimmed on bright made in and eontrasting colers and a variety of splendidly designed and long s Prints, anc Size styles are here $4.98, $5.25, and $6.75 prive are browery or FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SALE at this price. 36 to 46 MAKING ROOM FOR THE NEW FALL GOODS AUGUST CLEAN UP MEANS A SACRIFICE AND BARGAINS FOR Only a Few Specials advertised.--Many others throughout the store. is New G es and good styles A goagl assortment of White Repp Wash Skirts, handling, but a lightly crushed from These are maie in Wrapper styles, medium high neck leeves, Black and White and Blue 1 opresent selling price should Dresses representing values more than double our sale among these goods, Assorted st Lace Trimmed, sizes 6 10 14. We have too PCLEANUI ucts THOSE WHO BUY ds Each Season in Millinery Dept., thus all left-overg must go regardless of cust. >» SALE OF PROFITS Nice Some snap Voile In these goods you get values that will please you, Two fables piled up with a varioty of styles: Lace 'Trimios y knows the need of BATHING SUITS FOR THE Waists ee ny ; a with i Waripty at i" 'Lace Trimmed, $1.49 and J ojiece garmenis ang to supply the MONTH OF AUGUST cmetelgery THmagd, (Golori Cotta: and! Cults, ¢ growing demand we buy from the Sizes 34 ta 44 largest makers in the world and gel spe are and White he Cot yles, Em- ANOTHER LOT OF H. & W. BRASSIERES AND BANDEAUS DIRECT FROM UNITED STATES arrie agents far H & W models, and iniproved designs in ton, Sik and Satin are here. models thal are designed by cialistx, Moore & Armstrong 850, 890, $1.50, $2.00, $2.39, $2.75 LOVELY NINON AT PRESENT COST PRICE many. OF SILK fain ioe: Tan We puchased in advance a : einen Damask Covers for sidebuards or dy j quantity of Ninons id Asa special for these twa days unners, qi Mons, and as a a A ies ' 33-inch | Shams and a variety of Nottingham Shams and Table Covers, if Clean Up | tru stimulant for the month we will si ane -ine Table Covers imported this season wold sell at > of Angust will sell these goods Natural Shantung Silk worth 75 oe: aL present cost. Every yard of and &5¢ at a price that will be , it is worth at) least" 81.75 r We fe you fo see our values in these: gous ' 75 interesting te buyers Linen sue wwe ' i le ih I mete aii oe Me EER: At Clean Up | Widths are 26 and s0°inehes ani Towelling ed. we show a EG-ineh heavy quality Hand Towelling, all the best eolars in stock, Two days, only Seo! yes dleached and with Hed border, Every thread Pure Linen, 30¢ August $1.25 yd. Table of Musting, Vettes, Crepes, Pigues, Kepps, and other dines" Wash Goods '! ""mimer goods have been gathered together and out Clean Up Ribbon Values unexcelled -- they go at te. Nut pecof the tines could be bought Palmolive Soap still selling 25'; to 50" less than present. from the mill at this price ; 19¢ here at 125, HONOUR ROLL OF TEACHERS, H.S. ENTRANCE Requirements:-- 5 ; Urban--20% in 1 Class: 50% in Tand II Glass; 80% in J, 11, Pass,| Rural---10% in I Class; 50% int and II Class: 80% in J, ; Teacher @ School Tit 1 M.Howard. SUMary's, Colwood..) 312! | | 2 V. Ames, Victoria (2), Gol'wood,, | 6 | 9 1] E. B. Fry, Vietoria (4), Col'wood.. | 9115 !7/ 1 | J. Marlin, Gentral Barrie ...... 1919} 6) 3) J. E. Morrison, West, Barrie.. | 8 | OF 4 6 Sister Urhan, St. Mary's, Barrie.. | 4/7!) 4 |) | 1 7D. A. Norris, Prot. Sep., P'tang.. | 6! 6/9 | [5 8 Margaret Miller, Minesing ..... | i le ia | | 9 D. R. Campbell, Elmyale STORE HOURS JULY AND AUGUST Wednesday Saturday . Other Days .- 8.30 a.m. to 1 -- 8.30 a.m. to SUMMER VISITORS FLOCK TO BARRIE something for the benefit of The Star Fresh (Continued From Page 11 Sports Day at Peninsular Park Hotel Through the courtesy of Mr. Coupe, an extensive sports day was held for the gueste on the spacious grounds of the ho- tel on Suturday afternoon, The grounds and lorge verandax were beautifully decor- ated with flags, bunting and evergreens, and the afternoon was thoroughly enjoyed by the large number of guests and many cot tagers und friends who came over for the oceaxion ners are as follows :-- -- 8.30 a.m. to 10 p.m. the fund. The list of events with the win-| Euchre last Tuesday evening. 2 noon 6 p.m. summer's delightful outing, bo c ming, berry picking, ete., decided to do Air Fund. They are all under twelve years of age, but worked with such goodwill through their own individual efforts that they raised the sum of $28.25 to forward , Mr. Gooch, of Toronto, landed a five: Pound bass the other day, which he in- tends entering in the Toronto Star com- petition, A number of families and outing parties are enjoying a holiday under canvas, Many of the guests of the Hotel enjoyed Among the guests recently registered at GURNEY-OXFORD STOVES AND RANGES ° Call and get our prices before buying your new range. We do all kinds of Plumb- ing, Heating and Tinsmith- ing work. Sole agents for Pease Ec- . Running Races the Peninsular Park Hotel are: Mrs. Luke, Little Boyx'--Ist George Edwards, and |Teronto; W. A. 8. Stecle and family, Ham: Donald Gain. ilton ; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harvey, 'Toron- Penetans| "Little Girl!--1st Audrey Till, 2nd Ruth )!22 Mrs Martin, Indianapolis, Ind; Mic s, Collingw'd [Steete Huyes, Miss MeCord, Mr, and Mrs. 'T. L. onomy Furnaces. Repair work attended to. HONOUR ROLL OF PUPILS, H. 8. ENTRANCE School MONSTER FIREMEN TOURNAMENT AND Pupil promptly Cook, David ... Jackman, Tillie BAND COMPETITION Penetang, August 7th, 1919 SPORTS PROGRAMME $1000.00 IN PRIZES HOSE WAGGON RACE: | Specifications und Rules governing con- test. sce small bills, Qpen to teams of Burk's Falls, Gravenhurst, Orillia, Brace- bridge. Huntsville, Parry' Sound, Barrie | and Midland. Ist Prize--$100.00. and the banner be- longing to the district; 2nd Prize--$50.00; 3rd Prize--$25.00, LADDER CONTEST: Ist Prize--one 20-ft. Truss Ladder; 2nd 'Prize--$15.00; Ard Prize--$10.00. ' (See Secretury for Rules). COUPLING CONTEST: Ist Prize--$10.00; 2nd? Prize--$5.00; Sra Prize--$3.00 FIREMEN'S HALF MILE RACE: Ist Prize--810.00; 2nd _Prize--Rubber Cout valued at $7.00; 3rd Prize--$3.00. BEST DRESSED BRIGADE: In the Northern District, Physique, Drese, | Marching 'and General Appearance to be considered. Special Prize $20.00. FIREMEN'S 100 YARD RACE: \ Special prize valued st $10.00; Second Prize valued st $5.00. BAND COMPETITION Class No. 1.--Open to apy amateur band in Ontario, members not to exceed 25 play- er, First Prize--$150.00; Second.) Prize-- $100.00, Class No. 2--Bands not exceeding twenty players, and only eligible from towns com- prising Northern Firemen's Associstion, First Prize--$50.00; Second Prize-- $25.00; Third Prize--$15.00. « Parade starts st 1:15 Summer Time; 12.15 Standard Time, Firemen"s Committee: Msyor C._E. Wright, E. Corbeau, Ed. Bellehumeur, Geo. Spearin, Jean Jacques and J. T. Payette. TED WRIGHT, CURT SPEARIN, 'Secretary-Treasurer, Chi p Collinaw MeGachen, Helen y Noble. Paul... Gollinew'd Arthur, Collingwoor Sollingw'd | Kennedy, Rert | Chapman. C 9 Fowler, Agnes .. 10 McPherson, Mac. 41 McKendry, Mildred . 12 Quinlan. Edith 3 Partridge, Marion 14 Callighan, Richard {4 Robinson. John .. 16 1 i 3 i 6 Bissonette, 7 8 9 . Ames, . Urban, St. Marlin, Central. . Marlin, Central Marlin, Cpntral .J. E. Morrison, Wesi Margaret Miller .R. B. Fry, Vietoria, 80% JOS. L Beattie, Gertrude Coles, Mary .....e.e 17 Mellwraith,. Marjorie Honour Roll requiremen MERRICK & LITSTER SUGAR Sugar is scarce and is likely to be for the balance Sof the PRESERVING SEASON We have just unloaded another car of St. Lawrence Sugar, and are offering ST. LAWRENCE GRAN. SUGAR $10.75 PER 100-LB. BAGS os Minesing -Callingwoot GARVIN, 1.P | | 1] Boys, 9 ° Gain, 2nd Margaret Gain, 2nd Donald Stecie Sirk, 9 yra.--lst Hazel Barnett. 2nd Margaret Gain, { . over 1--Ist Jack Costigan, 2nd} Morley Gain, ! Girls, over 11--1st Dorothy Daly, 2nd |} Costigan, Potaco Race, under 11 yrs.--Ist Morley Potato Race. over 12 yrs.--Ist Jobn Gain, 2nd Dorothy Daly. Sack Race. under 12.yre--Ist Jack Cos- | tigan, 2nd Howard Costigan. Sack Race, over 12 yrs.--Ist Juck Cos- tigan, 2nd Jack Coupe, Boot Race, Girle--Ist 2nd Dorothy Daly. Boot Race, Boys--Ist John Gain, 2nd Howard Cortigun, Relay Race, Girl--Audrey Till, Betty Falwards, Ruth Rosenthal and Dorothy | Margaret Gain, Relay Race, Boys--Donald Stewart, Howard Costigan, Jack Coupe, Jack Costi- i Starters--Mr. Bailey and Mr. Hargraft. Judges--Mr, Butler and Mr. Edwards, Suitable prizes were afterwards presented by Mr Brecle and Mr. Barnett to the win- ners of the various races, In the evening the usual dance was held, the lurge ball room being appropriately decorated for the occasion. On Sunday evening a sscred concert was given in the rotunda by the guests, among those taking part being Mrs. Contiga cellist, Toronto; Mis Butler, A.T.C. Toronto; Mis MeCébe, contralto, and Mise Dean, Toronto 12-Year-Olds Hold Tea The Blue Bird Organization, consisting of Misses Marion and Ruth Orr, and Mas- ters Glenn and Gordon Moyer, Charles and John Bailey, Claude and Frank Craig, held 8 very charming and successful afternoon ten and sale of cakes, ice cream, lemonade, 20-Ib. Bags for $2.20 Merrick & Litster i etc., in front of the residence of James FE. Moyer (Glen-G-Mac), Big Bay Point. The little Indies presided' over the tea tables, which were prettily decorated with lunch: con cloths and wild flowers, in a very effec: tive manner, promising great things for future occasions. The ice cream and lem. onace counter was presided over by. the boys, who were all dressed in white, 'These children, valuing the many priv ileges that they were blessed with in » long sash abligg Hargraft, Mrs, Ball, Mis Ball, Mise Rus. let Howard Bailey and | sii) "Mins Desg, 3. d. Hoidge, Mrs. Hoidge, Puul H. Mills. Mrs. Barnett and family Miss Wood, Mrv. Humphrey, Miss Gale. ily. D. Burton, F. Keath Stone, G. G. Hur- {Junice Rosenthal. |graft, Miss Marion Boys, over 1--1at John Gain, 2nd Jack , "8: all of Toronto, 15,000 Men Wanted IN Western Harvest Fields IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE $12.00 TO WINNIPEG ins McCabe, Mrs. Corson, Mr. and Mrs. Butler, Miss Butler, C, F. Till and fam- Long, Mies Florence Pius Ball « cent Comfortable Traine-- Vor terther particulars appty nearest a Recura, hall's cout per mile to Winnines, pius Accommodavion for Women. . Passenger Agent. J. J. NEELANDS Dunlop St. Put your money into War Sav- ings Stamps and let it work. Service--Special CN. Foretta Meat oF write Genera gg oe VICTORY BONDS BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED Write us when you have business in Bonds, or for information. BROUSE, MITCHELL & CO. Members Toronto Stock Exchange 71 Bay st., TORONTO. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON ALL EXCHANGES