Thursday, July 34, 1919 THE BARRIE EXAMINER few months. As a preventative measure, therefore, if will be wisdom that, the children and. young people generally should all BROWNIES be vaccinated. ing v f the In asking the Ontario Hydro Fete used eee Peers oo Electric Commission to report See sn tonic neane that events in a child's life from on the Gas Co. proposition, it get a goo onie,--on ; a hood or does not look as thougl ie will build us up and help us f infaney up to man does "not look 'as though, 'the Fee eee cor eat tonig, § Womanhood with an Auto. favorable opinion, It is hardly having all the. ingredients | eraphic Kodak. (o be expected that the Hydro Ee aE We carry aggplendid assortment and our prices are most reasonable, such as K & S RIBBED TREAD TIRES--303'--ONLY $20.00 tee i dveren Cominission can be very ent®us- Reliners for Tires Auto, Jacks Cap Screws 3 asa perfect blood builder. 4 Reward the child who was iastic over a gas proposition-- Rim-Cut Patch: Ford Tail Lamps Cotter Pins E Tt has beda in use for o ; ticularly well infor! ut Patches 30 years and has helped | SUecessful in examinations nor yet particu aris, well inforne: : ; Non-Glare Head Lights Oilers \ J ars 8 4 st SS - a = 2 ia « others, --it will help you. -- J with a Brownie, These little fue of ke leat nee Ressiht ace-on Boots Mirrors Grense Guns q Pe $1.00 @ large bottle =f cameras are easily operated oe had Widiant Hook-on Boots Spark Plugs Valve Removers 5 pa and cost only a trifle. They |. The Araus says that Midland Steel Tire Clasps Extra Porcelains Valve Grinders 4 ste ] please grown-ups as well as medical men having decided to Tire Chains Pocket Ammeters Spring-leaf Spreaders A ; qu onttdeeA, ./ discontinue the issuing of pre. Extra Links Dry Cells Carbon Scrapers 7 = aa scriptions for liquor. For some Tire Tools Flash Lights Pocket Wrench Sets wi Ngeterttage piiimerbark Ine varanvement hes il] are Bunans Hydro Meters Spark Plug Wrenches ol Ta ATRBG: fe yOu Feel RIL ERS: ~~ them, and they have been con- Tire Pressure Gauges Chain Tire Locks Cylinder-head Wrenches ae and stupid or bilious and | Kodaks -- $9.00 to $60.00) sidering the move for some ttle 'Tire Valve Insides Lock Washers Auto Pliers : Hi constipated, take a dose of J lime, The doctors have poste , 2 Chamberlain's Tablets, and We develop and print notices at each of their offices an Homms Oo Geares Hub rate shoes 4 = \ right to- | your films at small cost: notifving the public that no a ( r vou wl feel all righ sino make: aulargemeuts Hauer preseriptions wil he issued Rubber Pedal Pads Radiator Cement Crank Holders A He -250 for 50 tablets from emall negatives. ; Cementless Patches Carbon Remover Fan Belts _ pad Z The 4th of Auguat--next Mone Tire Tape Body Polishes Valve Grinding = day--is the fifth anniversary of Tire Putty Clutch and Brake a Compound La the fateful day on which war was Cup Grease Compound Liquid Wax oo M CROSSL N declared: "The: past. tive years Graphite Grease Night and Day Goggles | Mohair Top Dressing but eo has seen the greatest conflict . 2 + d Oil Si Fu . of work! powers, causing tho Stop Squeak Oil Grease Cups Linseed Oil Soap ; DRUGGIST most terrible desolation and - BARRIE mn frosprra "nations, the GARGOYLE MOBILOIL -- THE BEST MOTOR OIL MADE Joss ast bers " the} haat ae mat ace Re s field of battle, and the maiming of thousands of others, And loday, when peaves. reigns, the reat problem of reconstruction res the people of this country SR Otton Hardware Co., Limited | COMMENT OF THE WEEK , Phe e800 OP 0 0, | ing 4 ix whether we are playing our The Tree of "scrub" bulls will be consider- Wedding cake boxes for sale at . . ee yor] Part in making Canada a better] Ry Joyee Kilmer, in" Literary} ed. The Examiner office. . = Te lvoks as though this conn.) How many parents know or | place to live in , Digest As 'try would "strike' itself inte the care where their children spend| : I think that | shall never see ss hardest winter experienesd in ther evenings? Many who used| Selon Free Press nin' HER |e poem lively as A Iree: MLA the villid 5 : re now Sent indications, the next coneral : mu Ayn be aii year, says the Geillia te burn the midnight oil are now ' yo v) - ee a Pata burning the midnight gasoline.{*etions ia Canada will have as! y tree whose hungry mouth is SM FES Lys tes Packey [A hii fh bed at ontnenet ig|Manv varieties af candidates as pres i = Onee more the efivieney of the Worth a dozen youngsters ran | Annet on an Ballats i an | Against the earth's sweet flowing | . se ing Jose on the streets. This! 200 In England or Caited States.| nrvast: "Darrin srtvits, hag lesen denen, Vie Mpsrinn, the leeotes | Chis rie wld: Canseivativn and Tikesal ee eavtes resi lcufs {he Roe te WS ANE TeNety : parties are gradually lining up 7 Fur strated by Ue result otered by the Owef. Sound Sune " nil Me HOTA Gree that looks at God all d Fur anes Examinations, Con Tien, Jon the elt principles whieh they] And lifts her leafy arms to pray: iatie AGS Tie ccdlliew' Los [hati jrirenuousiy enunciated bette 9 = eG eel Til The volume of tourist trade} (he war, The Union Government! q tee that may in summer wear IF \ ' hp the lakes and in the Muskoka/ iL ne doubt, he before the|'\ nest af robins in her hairs Lie \ The Rxaminer's condensed promises ty establish a/¢ountry again on their war oe advt. columns are more and more this year. Accommuda-|tecord administration. -- The | epan whose bosom snow has lain: fea vming the recognized ¢ nomust be booked some time] farmers' organizations claim they i 'Who intimately lives with rain ing-House for sale and exchange ahead. and (he prices charged | Will elect eighty members in the} of articles and for restoring lost would have been considered | NeXt houses the Tabor interests res Sod ee property, Multum in parvo--and "fabulous' a few years ago. Wha| already have their members and E Rut only God can make a tree, = inn quick results can dispute that the high cost of [Are reaching ont: and now the -- Oo on e 15 Sa living is but a "blessing in dis.|Creat| War Veterans' Associa-| xjimer was "killed in action" W = Poems are made by fools like me, , ie We \ Mian anction sale in Millbrook guise™--to some penple, al least ton are: disenssing whether thev| «hile serving in the American E recently six cards of hardwood ¢ aeitieg eRe 80 active part intarmy in France. eis E : = Sul In Sloe lengiha: sald for CRVORY aAldinrghe AAliaten waa lDolitie® In tel has already |" "THis is truly an all-Canadian list : a R120, « 0 a cod. If Reeye vaccinated and was a great| heen decided in West Toronto by urt of Appeal featuring Ruthven McDonald = 120, or a I tt . Referendum Co: PPK Get Craig eoull dispose of the Al. satisfaction that there was al-|that organization to place rani Judes Vanes and Judge Wiss of Toronto ; Geoffrey O'Hara of S gonquin Park wood at that most an entire absence of small- dates in the Pederal, Provincial) wai. Sherif Maclaren, County Chatham; Gitz Rice and Eckstein Bol igure' wouldn't he smile? ox in the army either in Eng-|and Municipal eleotions, " ny Calter i 4 figure woulrn't he smile? ae Ge PRIN. AA SPRL eT Crown cal! : He ad ie ann Trio of Montreal. 7 = When Detroit went dry the soldiers have faith in vaecina-| Almonte Gavelte: Gossip tram a et ar et appeal in con- oF consumption 6f milk inereased 20 tien and speak highly of Jits| Toronto 3 rae atal the probibi-| nection with the preparation of} 3] 'Red Seal Records at Greatly-Reduced Catalog Prices = per cent. and bullermilk 50 per effectivencss, It is woll-known| lion referendum. is to be taken ibe tile thi The prohibition | bres gen}. In the referendum eam-- that smallpox has existed in To-[on the day af the provincial elec, referendum. -- Every man and a 'oars Palen the antis may be telling conte for months and other|tion and coincident -vith it. This} woman over twenty-one years of E| sup} Ferhat wrohibition is responsible towns and cities to whieh ourlis nothing more aor less (han an age and every returned. soldier. 4 = for the high price ef milk prow citizens freely go have also had|effort tn rantuse Ihe iene irrespective of age, will have the bol Aucts numbers af eases during the past]is the shrewd noliev of the liqnes right to vate, and any whe may Hou interests: Th is the right of Hie[ he lott oft by the enumerators mat femperanee people, who dnelude| can appeal to the court, The io COOOPOOOSO OOOO OOOO OOSOOOOOOOO OS rrsinne ot all prlitinal Heit foam appeal tothe court, The 1 > ies Ps fa have the referen tim taken oa| districts. and one of the mem- 4 = eo. a separate from the politicall pers of the court will sil ala MA! Ps Qjbatile at the polls. 'There need]eenire. convenient to each. of busi he no fear that _a good vote willl those districts that he recorded. The blessings So , ; Profiition aye: heen iso abun-| yw cansud by reprexintatives of Buy dantly evident that many whaling Department wf Auriculture ia = . 6 formers nore lukewarm on the /yeing taken throughout the Pr MEI subject, are now enthusiastic for E . t vinee of all the pure-bred li DO "HARA suc . its conlinuanee. They will all in order to report al the RUTHVEN McDONALD GEGFEREY 07H: 2 goo - furn out. Let us have a fair and erence at Guelph on July 44, . [= for ~ HALF PRICE AND LESS eruare fight. The influence of| hen means to rid the Province 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided Ee . he political or wil Kenly CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' STRAWS AND PANAMAS SUR An uni ntL Father O'Flynn--and--Chip of the Old 5 ; Pits x cally bite os negatived if prohibition is di_ Block Ruthven McDonald 216062 = AT $1.00 -- THE REGULAR PRICKS OF 'THESE vereed from polities. Remove, = WERE 82.00 toleido Mi , . i E Building for Eternity--and=In the Shadow E 0 to 84 rom that influence and there is of His Wings Ruthven McDonald 216063 BOYS' RAH-RAHS, regular 75¢ lo $1.00, for 49e. Very Tittle donbt that the forees Orange Doughboy Jack and Doughnut Jill (Gitz Rice) = working for temperance and the --end--Burmah Moon (Gitz Rice) + LADIES' PANAMAS, rezular 82.50 to $3.00, for $1.65. Public good will have a notable Geoffrey O'Hara 216059 That Tumble-down Shack in Athlone--Wultz --and--Ob! Helen--One-Step --Absolutely Willie Eckstein's Strand Trio 216060 Pure | Burmah Moon--Fox Trot (Gitz Rice}--and 3 --I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles--Waltz Willle Eckstein's Strand Trio 216061 All PiquesLinen and Cotton Hats for children and adults sletory, at half price. Ralance of the Men's Straws and Panamas al half price. We do not intend to pack any Summer Headwear, so come and get big bargains all through our stock Death of Mrs. E. J. Stephens The funeral of the late Mrs. E. J. Stephens, wife of the late Wm. Stephens, formerly of Bar- rie, took place on Sunday after- noon, at 2 p.m. from the Baptisi DELICIOUS Viesolas from $27.50 to $597 (sold FURS Chureh, to the Union Cemetery, IN MANY gn eny payments ifdestred). "Ask sun the Rev. E. T. Fox conducting the DELIGHTFUL for free copy of our 624-page Mu- services. Mrs. Stephens had been DISHES sical En ies over 9000 ; 10% to 15% off all Furs bought during the Summer. ailing for some time and narcod "His Master's Voice" Records. oY vay i y Hy . We have a very comple{e stock now--Hudson Seal pelthocnece eee Wie tee Goats, Muskrat and Marmot Coats, Sets and Single ars 8; Love, FREE i el, Ont; G 1 ty Pieces in Fox, Wolf, Lynx, Beaver, Seal, Opposum, Ronen Lever Ree a ores Sita. Bock lear them at any "His Mink, Marmot, Fitch, Marten, etc, etc. ; Warren Johnson and G. C. Coles, " Mast ice" deale : ! ' 3. C. en Ways, ta \ You may choose your fis now, and pay for them Mrs. Stephens had = many ae ie use er's Voice" dealers during the Summer and Fall at your own convenience. friends and was respected and Orange Marmalad We guarantee to save you money; also the finest-skins__ loved by them all. Her husband A are made up the first of the season; you get better goods died 15 years ago. She is sur-| % wee 9 | Manufactured by! ive Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Limited and save money at the same time. 5 ives by three daughters and two * ei ' Mi No trouble to show you goods. Shanty Bay: Meee ara The T, UPTON CO., LTD. - 19196-0ce f F eae Man Mea. Sim. Tuchal- + EAMIETOM, CANADA EST Stephens, Boyle, Alta.: R. W, E.|Upton's Orange Marmalade , e P' ' Stephens, Saskatoon, Sask.; and On Sale at GE VI nine grandchildren. E a s HATS AND FURS - - BARRIE, ONT. ee H. J. BUCHANAN'S ti : : |. Je 90000600000000000000000000000008) the rent te Mirena 39 Dunlop St. DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE DISTRICT 4