Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1919, p. 10

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FF Tanlac enjoys such wide popu- larity both 'in Canada and the "United States," continued Mr. never have the shihtest sign of slomach trouble of any kind. I mane lei vr bothe dowith eon. patbation, and nev have those iw spells any more. 1 have Page Ten DOCTOR ADVISED' HIM TO TAKE IT A. F. Roberts, Successful Cattle Dealer, Gains 16 Pounds In 60 Days Taking Tanlac. ""One of the best doctors in Colorado advised me to take Tan- lac, and it has not only overcome my troubles but I have gained sixteen pannds since I began tak- ing it sixty days ago," said A. F. Roberts, who lives at Rocky Ford, Alberta, Canaila, a few days ago. Mr. Roberts is one of the larg- est cattle dealers in his section of the vountry, and before mov- ing to Canada a short time ago, he had spent most of his life in Colorado, U.S.A. "I can now understand why Roberts, "and 'since it has done me so much good, I know that it is a very dependable medicine and deserves all the praise that is being given il, For the past two THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON AUGUST 3: CHRISTIAN WORSHIP.-- Jno, 4:1-10, 19-24, (Read Mat. 6:5, "WG; Jno. 4:1-10, 19-24; Heb. 10: 19-25: Rev. 7:9-12.) GOLDEN TEXT--"God is a-Spirit; and they that worship must worship him in spirit and in truth." Jno, 4:24, TIME--December, A.D, 27, PLACE-- Sychar. EXPOSITION--I the Living Water, 1 'The coming of 'this explains why Jesus needs go through Samaria." Jesus vas weary and hungry and thirsty, but as He saw this Poor creature coming down the road all other hunger was forgotten in the hunger to do the will of Him that sent Him (v.34) and all other thirst in the thirst for, per- ishing souls. His first thought was, 'how can I reach and save this woman? Is that slways our first thought when we see # perishing soul approaching? The woman came for a pitcher of water, she got a whole well TGIL\That trip to the well was the turning point of her life and etéenal destiny, because' upon it she met Jesus? He began with the master that was up. pérmost in the woman's mind. but led by ® very short route to the great question. He asked a small favor of the woman that he might confer a great one upon her He took the woman when she was alone and so she opened her heart to Him, The woman had a mean spirit; for instead of giving a thirsty man a drink, she brings years | have suffered from stom-|up the strife between her people and. Hie, ach trouble, and when 1 eom menced taking this Tanlae, it was almost impossible for me to res tain anything I ate, 1 was very nervous and neve get a good night's sleep, and finally got so weak and rundown that I was} hardly able to get about. 1 often| had dizzy spells. ang was hothe: ed a great deal with constipa- thon "My physician certainly knew what he was doing when he pre- seribed Vanlac for me, for it has lone the work for me, as Tam as! healthy and <trong now as T ever] was in my life. In fact it has| done much more for me than | Oxpeetod it would de. 1 have a fine appetite and everything T eat axrees with me perfwetly, and 1; ined all my strength, too, and thal nervousness has left me. and T sie alos every night. In fact Tam simply enjoying Ith Ain, and Tg if all Tanlac is sold in Barrie bw Geo, Monkman, in Orillia by M H. Cooke & Co., in Elmvaly by W J. MeGuire. in Lefroy by GR Ardill, in-Stayner hy NX. B. West in Cookstown by W Mac in Wanbaushene by Georgian Bay Lumber Co, Lid. in) Port Me- Nicoll by Po. Beattie, in Allis- fon by FE. B, Schell, in Lisle by Robt. . Lite, in Gilford by James A. Blain, in Tottenham by Chas. A, Weaver, in Penetang- nishene hy Chas. A. Nettleton, in Hawkestone by Thos Stone, in Hillsdale by Richard Rumble, in Coldwater by C. G. Millard, in Midland by Geo, Gerrie, in Brad- ford by W. I.. Campbell, in Stroud hy Chantler Bros, in Craighurst by T. Hill, in Collingwood by Ju & Gregory, in Belle Ewart by 4 Trombley & Co., in Mt. St. Louis by E. J. Peters & Son, in Moon- stone by J. B. Sykes, and in Vic- toria Harbor hy T. W. Brown.-- Adverti Better than Pills] GET A For Liver Ils. 200 Box 'WM. CROSSLAND, DRUGGIST HUSBAND ~ SAVES WIFE From Suffering by Gettin, 7 Her Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Pit Pa--"For Twas not MU il! months le to do my work owin; < ckache an e8, friend called my attention to one of. your newspaper advertisements and immediately my. husband bought three bottles of H Lydia 'inkham's Vegetable Com ound for me. After two = int backache, bead: "the blues," P th ce ar correcting such slinments. Ifyou have mysterious complications write for [Indeed, Jesus did not get that drink He asked for at all, but He got what He de- sired infinitely more, the woman herself. Inv. 10 Jesus tells her that there are two things that she needs to know: (1) The wondrous "gift of God," ie., the Holy Spirit (comp. v. 14; ch. 7:37:30; Luke 1113; Ac, 2-23.381, (2) The wondrous man who had said "Give me to drink joday. The result of her knowing would jhave been, "thou wouldst have asked of Him, and He would have given thee living water." How simple this makes the w: to receive the living water--the Holy Spir- it: Ist, Just know the gift; 2d. Just know the giver, Jesus Christ; | 3d. Just ask, That erything lives where He comes Fz. 47 9). This woman was ; comp. 1 Cor, 2:14) She did not appear at all a hopeful case, He told her that ain That is true of all this world's fountai hey do notusatisty, neither the fountain of wealth. fame, plea- sure, carnal gratification or learning, Then He tells of nother water (v, 14), The drinker of this water "shall not' thirst forever." It sutisfies. "whosoever drink eth" But you must actually drink, not merely read sbout the water or look at it, And ir becomes a constantly springing fountain within iv, 14 And its contents everlasting life" Glorious fountain will not drink! This water is the Hoiy Spirit (Jno, 7: 37-39:, The one who receives the Holy Spirit has within a per ennial, eternal spring of life. rest. joy, tisfaction, He carries a well around with hits. He is independent of environment He is emancipated from the dance, the theatre, the card party and all the world finds necessary for xatisfaction. Why then do so many. professed Christians find. it necessary to run after these things? Rither they have not received the Holy Spirit, or the fountain is choked with rubbish. Out with the rubbish, The woman did not quite comprehend Jesus even yet, she had sense enough to say water," And she got I, True Worship, 12s. Conviction of sin usually precedes the reception of the Holy Spirit, So Jesus timed a sharp thrust. at her conscience. | "Go call thy husband" (v. 16). It wax lefiective. Heart and life were laid bare, She briefly answered, "I have no hus: band." But little did ehe know how Jesus would drive the answer home to her own conscience (vs, 16-18), The woman tried to parry the thrust by engaging Jesus in 8 theological discussion. The woman failed in her attempt. Jesus' answer to her ques- tion went even more deeply to the need of her soul. Tt was beginning to dawn upon the woman that Jesus was a prophet | indeed: He had read her heurt. Jesus _ [showed hertthe utter formality and worth- lessness of all her worship of which she had made her boast. The question is not where we shall worship, but how we shall worship, "Salvation is from the Jews." To them were committed the oracles of God (Rom. 3:2). Of them the Christ, the Saviour of the world, is born accord- ing to the flesh (Rom. 1:3). The Jews were the first heralds of a crucified and risen Sayiour, in whom salvation is offered to all men. The world owes to the Jews 'a debt that it can never psy. But while Salvation is from the Jews, the Jews as a people have rejected it. 'The heavenly Father is seeking worshippers (v. 23, R.V.) God ia seeking not only those who will serve Him and obey Him, but those who will worship Him. "He does not find many worshippers, though he is seeking them. Prayer is not worship. Thanksgiving is not worship. Worship ia bowing before God in adéring contemplation of Himself. And God is seeking-only one kind of worship pers, those who worship in spirit, that is, in the Holy Spirit, and in truth, that is, in reality not in mere pretense (ef, Phil, 3:3, R.V.). We are absolutely dependent upon the Holy Spirit to teach us how to worship and to lead us into seeeptable worship. God is a spirit, not a mere out- ward form, Though God is spirit in His essential essence, He does manifest Him- self in visible form (Ex. 24:9, 10; 33: 18, 23), and the glad day is coming when the pure in heart shall see Him (Mat.5:8; T. Jno. 3:2), Illiterate Population Canadian-born, including the Indian, com- Provinces 10-years of age and aver, 7.5 per cent. are born illiterate, of whi prise 31.5°per cent., the foreign-born per cent., and the British-born 1 per cent., as stated in the Canada Year Book for 1918, * + Paid for Corps Damage In 1917, 167,931.91" francs was paid' by the Canadian Corps in France in settle- ment of claims from inhabitants received for damage to crops, damage to buildings, damage to civilian vehicles, occupation of buildings, ete., according to a statement in the report 'of the Overseas Minister of Militia, vice to Lydie Pinkham Medicine » Lynn, Mass, Jesus, the Giver of 10. Those are the two things we need to know | | | The Holy Spirit is "living | py but Jesus was patient and won, and what | | Of the total population of the Prelite| Att THE BARRIE EXAMINER | Ay Li 1 Light, Conve: 1 Economical Wren ree bey ore pain keep those three qualities in mind. And see that you get the product which will save effort, ff 204 time and money. EDDY'S INDURATED FIBREWARE WASHTUBS PAILS, ETC. save all three. They are easy to lift and easy to carry, They will not absorb liquids or odors, and it is no trouble to keep, them clean. They will not leak either, nor become battered or dented, And they cost much Jess than metal, and last longer into the bargain. Ask your dealer for them. I}! Phe E.B. EDDYCO. Limited Wy HULL, Canada 6 SINCE § 1870 I 3t0Fs COUGHS See Rural Promotion Exams. 8. S. No. 17, Innisfil Sr. ML, to Jr. TV--Irene Pratt, Tena Irving. Jr IML. to Sr. M--Jean Cowan Sr. Il. to Jr. II Willie Pratt (Ree.), Lewis Irving (Ree.) Sr. 1. to Jr. 1.--Mary Bowman. Sr. Pr. to Jr. Sarah Bowman, Juck obinson, Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr.--Jnck Bowman. T. J. Gordon, Teacher. S. S. No. 17, Oro Sr. IIL. to Ir, TV.--Gertin Crawford 78 fer cent, Erma Connell 74, Helen Corbett ah 'Thelma Crawford 67, Howard Ansdell 6 Jr. TIT, to Sr W--Mary Gilchrist 84 percent. Bessie McArthur 71. Chri Campbell Ruth Beasley 59 (Ree |, Pearl Perry 59 (Rec.! IT to Jr. I--Mae Emme 73 por cent., Orr, Kissock 67 Je. TL, to Sr. 1--Dunean Campbell 72. J. McCulloch, Teacher. S. S.No. 14, Innisfil (Big Bay Point) Je Wl to Sry Ethel Mayor an 1 Lyall Guest. equal (Hon, Roger Wels Tee and. anproved TIT, to Sr TIT. ~ Milde + (Hon Irwin, Ernest Irwin and Mary Arm P + TL to Jr M--Allan Warnica (Hon Willie Reynolds, Bernard) Jobhitt. Elmer Guest, Wilfred Quantz Jr. TL, to Sr. T--Helen Guest (Hon. Margaret Quantz (Hon.!, Milton Guest 'M. 0. Hubbert. Teacher. School Report S. S. No. II, Innisfil Sr II. to Jr, IV.--Kenneth Jack, Ar- nold Reid. Jr M. Hunter. Sr. Tl. to Jr T1--Edgar Sproule, Edna Neely, May Foster. Sr. I. to Jr. I_--Goldie' Givens, Marjorie Foster. Primer to Jr, 1--Irwin Neely. Howard Constable. Melleville Reid, Eddie Hunter, Madeline Spring. M. E. Warnica, Teacher. S. S. No. 7, Vesora Sr. TI1.--Gladys Harris, John Copeland, Viola Scott (Rec... Jr. W1--Catharine Lux (Hon.), Lillian Dennelly (Hon), Sara Lux. Sr. I--Elgin Harris Fliznbeth MeKer. nan, Everard Young (Ree.). Jr. I.--Chrissie Copeland, Nellie Green- Geld, Margaret Cameron, Erma Walron Annie T. Robinson, Teacher 1S ICE-COLD WATER BAD FOR RHEUMATISM? A BRINGH CEAMAN'S BXPERIBNCE 'This story of Wm. ers, @ seaman in the 'Mize 'Smacpiog Brntch "Stak Royal Navy, is absolutely true 'and can be verified. t Niagara Camp, in 1914, Rogers con- Rbeumatiany, He wassent to the 'TorontoGeneral Hospital, where for over 19 months he was'a patient, finally being discharged ag incurable. In despair took a friend's advice and tried Templey ton'sRheumatic Capsules. The resulta 'were astounding--in a short time be was able to pass the stiff examination set by the Navy, and became an AB. in the Mine Sweeping Branch, For 17% months he did service in the North Sea. On three occasions he was. blown into the sea and remained in the ice-cold water as long as' eleven hours at astretch, Despite these hardships Rog- ers had no 'retum of 'his previous trouble. 'Think about it. If PRO'S did 80 much for i do the same for you to Sr. IIl--Flsie Webb, George "ofonto). Sai nce re on receipt ot $1.04. t for Barrie, Sole Aj William Crossland, Druggist and Kodal See Minard's Liniment Co, Ltd. Gents,--I have used your Minard's Lini, ment in my family and aloo in my stabl for years and consider it the best medicin obtainable, Yours truly, ALFRED ROCHAV, " Proprietor Roxton Pond Hotel «od Livery Stables. i" + in Flos or at {Moc. Elson. /E. Elson, ik PHELPSTON As Ryther is up from nd a few days' vacation at July 21 Toronto to her home, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hall of Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs, J. H, Hall here Frank Corrigan of Guelph is enjoying a day or two in good company in our village, Mrs. John Gray 'of Toronto, once » resi- dent of our village, is renewing old ac- quaintanceships here. Miss Carling of Toronto was visiting with Miss Evelyn Shanahan over the week-end. Peace Day Celebration in Barrie was the means of our little village being almost completely deserted, just about enough be- ing left to look after the litte things in general. Early in the day our enterprising stock desler received a carload of stock consisting of lambs, hogs and cattle, which he promptly loaded and, as Albert believes in business before pleasure, most of the day Ras epent in looking wfter this shipment. The U.F.O. are certainly not procuring ev. erything in this district. but it requires pusher like Ab. to keep the business moving. Mrs, Thomas McLellan of Detroit, Mi has returned after spending » few pleasant weeks with relatives here Harry MeVeigh and assistant, C. Loftus, are at present drilling for water on the pre. mises of S, Hall, con. 3. Considering the lay of the land, no trouble should be en- countered in procuring « good flow, but in this line of work the chances are quite un. certain Up to the time of writing no rain has visited us, and much of the garden truck, jincluding potatoes, is about famished, Re. {ports from neighboring places) ail have the |ame story to relate, "*Crops burning up for want of rain." Reports from letters re. ceived from Montana say thut no rain has fallen since May, and that never in the his- tory of the Stite have thingy received such & sun-scorching. The Canadian West is also suffering and indications are pointing | to a real failure in the potato crop, both jhere und there. Other crops are also 4 failure. Higher prices the coming winter re sure now. James McGinnis, our genial merchant, has decided to take a few duys' vacution | during these strenuous sultry days und has (gone to Owen Sound, where he will very |likely enjoy the benefit of Georgian Bay breezes: Miss Annie Sexton of Toronto, accom [panied by her brother Jack, who' recently | Terurned from overseas, are visiting at their | home here Michael Kennedy und sister Nora have | left for the Pacific Const, where they will | spend some time visiting relatives, We them a pleasunt trip and much en joyment while there, | Residents long the west side of the vil loge sre certainly receiving large quantities of dust during thi hot, dry spell, expec: | iully siner the traffic in cars hus become so | eavy, r the new road was graded. up, It gives them an idea of what the Main Street in Elmvale has been like for some | Lust week your correspondent was over | s from Elmvale to Wyevale, on to Wyebridee, through Waverly to Hillsdule ond on to Phelpsten. und has decided th the hills cut around Waverly are even | worse than in any partéof Flos, As far as your scribe can learn, we would be enjoy. ing goo coads in Flos today if the farmer | would get ont and do the work that the | Council have been asking for for some cnn siderable time. This idea of the townshin {not paying sufficient wages for teams is perfeetly ridieul | the average farmer ere ele would be the first man to kick ubout pyying anything over 86 per day for team. Isn't it just as much jbenefit to the farmer as to anyone else to have w good piece of road along hix own jpluce? 'There are stretches of roads in Floe jtoday that could be in first-class shape and 'should be if a little time wes spent filling jun those bumps in front of his own farni Think of the little time spent und the grand results, In reference to the Govern- Tment rod going through Wa the of- |ficials must have been "'dop ing that route in prefer Mill road, but in wall probubility influence from |Midland direction and other sources was the direct cause of choosing the Penetang 'ond ax the proposed Government route. Raspberries are in full season just now, many of our citizent making daily trins to the different patches and returning with full pail The huckleberry plains near Wassgs | Beach have also been 9 great attraction for many of our villagers, large quantities he- ing brought home on ench visit Miss McAvoy, now of Barri jnuree serving with our Ca in France, recently returned, i a few days with Miss K. Buckley. [pleased to see Miss McAvoy amongst ur | again. Mr. and Mrs, Jno, Robertson and Roy ichardson, of Marquette, Mich., are visit- ing with Mrs, Robertson's aunt, Mra, R. H. Platt, having motored to the Soo, taking the boat to Port McNichol, and then mo- toring through the rest of the way, They left Marquette Saturday forenoon, here Monday noon. Roy Richardson, bi ther of Mre, Robertson, has only recently returned from overseas, and was one -of the survivors of the Tuscana, torpedoed by 8 German submarine. He spent nearly two years with the American Army, and had many narrow escapes, but came through unscathed. They intend motoring to To- ronto, Hamilton, Galt, Brantford, Niseara, Ottawa and Detroit, returning by Sarnia. ORO STATION July 22.--Rev. H. Berry will preach in the Methodist Church for the next two Sundays, while the pastor is on holiday. Leslie Kissick was called home lest week to go on an airplane trip from Toronto to Ottawa, A few days ago D. Bretheur of Toronto, 4 returned soldier, made a remarkable atch while trolling, landing a trout which dressed at 15% pounds, Mrs. J. A. Fraser of Toronto and three sons, Fred, James and Donald, and her daughter, called to ee Mr. and Mra. James MacLelland last Sunday. Mrs. Hudson of Toronto is visiting Mrs, | Red Cross soldiers iss Clibbitt of Toronto is Visiting Mies 4 Glad to learn that little Miss Helen Un- cles is recovering from an attack of the chickenpox. * its 8, Bagshaw and little nieee, Annie th, of Hawkestone, called on F. McMinn k, week. Mrs. D. McCusig spent a few days with her daughter in Hawkestone last -week. Children Ory "FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA. Thursday, July 31,.4919 r " YOR ONE ORE -w » CIA Furr | Warm Airlieating Hopular A Better Heating System for Your Home at Lower Cost 'Ts the great advantage--lower cost--every warm | air furnace has over other heating systems, © Hecla Furnaces have added better heating-- cheaper heating--greater health. Moist Warm Air Warm air given by the Hecla Furnace carries plenty of the moisture so necessary to health. The Circular Waterpan of the Hecla is large, runs com- pletely around the furn- ace. This ensures even distribution--every room gets the same proportion of moisture with the heat. No Gas--No Dust No gas or dust escapes into the house with a Hecla Furnace. The Fused Joints of the Hecla radiator allow no gas or dust to escape even after years of service. fortably warm as dry air at 70 degrees. The abun- dance of moisture sup- plied by the Hecla saves the coal necessary for the extra 5 degrees heat. The Hecla Steel Ribbed Fire Pot, too, assists in saving. Will burn coal, wood or natural gas. It has three times the fire-pot radiat- ing surface of ordinary furnaces, same amount of heat with less fire~saving one day's coal each week. And the Cost There is hardly a home that cannot afford the low cost of this perfect heating. If you intend improving your home with a new furnace see this furnace at the nearest Hecla dealer's store. If you are buy- ing a new home, remember it will probably cost less and be a better home if it has a Hecla Furnace. Saves Coal, Too A Hecla Furnace is a great saver of fuel. By actual test it saves one ton in every seven over other furnaces. Moist air at 65 degrees is as com- For more complete information about Hecla Furnaces write to-day for our free completely illustrated literature. CLARE BROS. & CO., Limited, PRESTON, Os! Messrs. Moffatt & Parr BARRIE BEECHAMS PILLS Constipation is the arch-enemy of health. Conquer this enemy and you rout a whole army of physical foes, including indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, sleeplessness and nervous dyspep- sia. Beecham's Pills have been a world-favorit= laxative for over sixty years. They go straight to the cause of many ills and remove it. They ect romptly, pleasantly and surely. Contain no Eabitfonhing drug. These time-tesre? pills strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and Relleve Constipation Worth a Guinea a Box ple LALA Lyd pl ieee Nencestire, Fasten bad Lv. Te ito 4 \. . Toronto {8.45 \a.m. and 10.55 p.m. Ar. Otta .00 p.m. and * 8. 3 Cee satsiey PM. And © 8.00 m.en with cont, TDA cro Sid Joka, Hsllfar aad Mantis Orie 'States Pointe: Se. Throvgh Tekees, and Reservations--C.N.Rys, Agents,-0F: write aren Passenger it, Toronto. Canadian National nd Neomerecon me>e > mOeronntnerness Seenmeume= Fear ems i a a - RQ mor>an ON oe ee a

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