Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1919, p. 5

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| | | | CIRCULATION THIS WEEK 3625 COPIES | THE BARRIE SATURDAY MORNING 12 PAGES - SECTION 2 PAGES 5 TO 12 J. A. 56th Year Ww. 6 MacLAREN, Editor WALLS, Manager BARRIE, CANADA, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1919. MANY ATTRACTIONS FOR PEACE DAY Big Celebration Will Draw an Immense Crowd to Barrie on Saturday. Barrie's big Peace Day cele- bration on Saturday bids fair to equal thé biggest event ever held in Barrie, and all imdications are that there will be an immense crowd in Town for the day. All the committees are working hard to make each event on the pro- gramme of specfal interest to the devotees af the various sports outlined, and the list of events is so varied that no son can fail to have a full day's enjoy- ment The day will be heralded by the ringing of bells and blowing of whistles at 9 o'clork, and at 9.30 the hig street parade will form np al the Market Square. TT Parade Committee have in- terviewed motor car owners from 'Town and all the surrounding district and expeet the largest turnont of decorated automo~ piles ever seen in any town in Ontario, besides many fine floats, comic outfits, ete, This parade is to be Jed by the War Veterans in unifarm, headed that vet- eran of three wars, "Teddy" Walton. as marshal. Collin wood Killie Rand, which has musicians in full Highland uni- form, has been engaged, and will play in the parade, as well furnishing music all day al the Park The basehall sure ko draw some tournament is of the best teams in the County and the fans may be sure of seeing some goad ball. The horse races will be a big feature, and the committee assure all horsemen that the track has heen put Jn first-class shape for real spged contests There will be a fpee-for-all, a 2.30 and a 2.50 class, and no'en- trance fee will be charged. Motor-eycle races, a ftug-o'- war and athletic sports will fill out a big day's entertainment. One of the unique features of this celebration is that no ad- mission fee will he charged for anything at the Park, except the Grand Stand. for which a small cents will be made. ening the Town Coun- cil is tendering a banquet in the Agricultural Park building, to all the resident returned men, and a dance has been arranged under auspices of the Barrie G. W.Y.A.. fo be held in the Armour- ies. Tickets for the dance are to be $1.50 per couple. | Partienlars of the different events and the prizes offered, may be learned from the large posters or from any of the com- Imitteemen. A. G, MacLellan is chairman of the executive and W. R. King, secretary A Patriotic Hen Mrs, SN. Hurst, qlabn St, has a hen which is helping'to reduce the high of living. After raising a flock of chickens this jspring, she has laid one egg daily fur 23 days and) this" morning | Thursday she started out with jtwo, one a.m. and another Jat Tt o'eleck east Be a booster, buy at home, Always ready to your friends (Same Price as of Independence March Reel Medley--Wall Donegal Dimple, "Wountain Cottage, The Market Giil (violin) « Jt.--Medley Fox Trot Dan Tucker--3. Pos --Mammy o' Mine One-Step Nocturne in"D Flat--Violin 'Werther--Pourquol me reveilier Musical Voice" An Impromptu porch party with a Victor-Victrola 'THE Victor-Victrola is the greatest social aid that any home can have. young folke, grown ups--to give all the eir kind of music, and wo make them all feel at home. "His Master's Voice" Records 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sided Rainbow Division March--Pryor's Band--and--Spirit 'Street, Fife Hunt, The Maid of Argyle, Medley--Bull, You, One Bottle ibe, 'The Boss, The Devil's Own, The Biel, The rt Gerton Out of the Ean--ond--Rainy Day Blues--Fox tee Oh, Susie, Behave--Medley One-. Shipment Nanas Cristo, Money Musk No, 1--Money Musk No. 2--Joyce's Hepes and--Virginia Reels--/. Miss McCloud's Reel--2. p Goes the Weasel When You See Another Sweetie Hanging Around--: $1:50 for 12-inch, double-sided Oh, My Dear!--Afedley Fox Trot--and--Somebody's % -- Sweetheart and Good Morning i, Red Seal Records La Favorita--A tanto amor Baritone 'Nictisten feces 934 © $077 (sold on easy ments, if desired). Ask 9000 "His Master's Voice" Hear them at an GEO. VICKERS DISTRIBUTOR FOR BARRIE 'DISTRICT Phone 303 entertain children, before the War) Conway's Band 18559 Reel, Old bg gb le More, Trip to the 216058 Jos. C. Smith's Orchestra 18561 fan Eps Trio 18556 Ok Log Band 18552 Adele Rowland * 18560 Smith's Orchestra 35690 Giuseppe de Luca 74591 Mischa Elman 74590 Tenor Glovannl Martinelli 64774 y= for free copy ef ous listing over Is. "His Master's lealers Single Copies 4 cents $1.50 Por Year (in advance) No. 29 OTOTOOR oR ROR RoR ROR RR RR clk the wife or friend of each, the Agricultural Building nineteenth, at six o'clock. Any of the following Committee will be pleased Alex. Clark, or Mayor Sprot son of Harry Point, returned Guelph Mayor, Mayor, Big Bay home last weeh. Sgt. R. H. Heppleston, who has recently been sergeant butcher in one of the reserves al Bram- shott Camp, returned home on Tuesday evening. Clarence Mitchell, of Tollen- dale, who has been engaged on special work with the Forestry Corps in Scotland and England, returned on the Olympic last week 'The hospital ship Araguaya breught the following Simeone County soldiers to Portland, Me. on July ti: d. MeDermid, Dun- fron; WL. bite, Craighurst: ned home on the Saturna tis ko He went o eas in Feb {SER with a draft to the Fath bn from Exhibition camp. Grr Me. Kuight has 1 ina demebiliza- fon camp in Mapen. Yorkshire, England, sinee the armistice was signed . Driver Fred Douglas, whe is just on his way home to Meaford from North Russia, spent Tues- day night wilh Hunter Kennedy. He saw nine months' service with the Canadian Artillery on the Archangel! front, going there from a reserve at Witley Camp, England. Soldiers all over Canada have watched with much interest the reports of the Dominion G.W.V. A. Convention -at Vancouver. The progressive attitude of the dele- gated on all public questions and the recommendation of the fam- ous "Calgary resolution" bonus under another name were fea- tures of the session. " Many Simeoe County soldiers arrived at Canadian ports this week, among them being the fol- lowing: On the Carmania--Capt. Biggs, L. B. Bruce, R. A. Law, H. M. O: horne, Capt. Lorne Tyrer, H. West, all of Barrie; D. R, Duguid, R. A. Erwin and A. R. Winegard of Collingwood. 'On the Minnekahda--Capts. J. A. Mathers, Allandale and J. B. Hanley, Midland; P. F. Leeking, Orillia. The Empréss of Britain, dock- ing at Quebec on July 12th, had FOR GARDEN PARTIES, PICNICS AND STORES Customers are not requested '}to send in their order ahead-- just phone up whenever you want it. OLYMPIA CANDY WORKS - Dunlop St. The Council of the Municipality of the Town of Barrie extends an invitation to all Returned Soldiers who are Barrie Boys or who are resident in Barrie, and to a Banquet to be given in on Saturday Evening, July members of the Reception to supply tickets to any who may not have received them:-- Ald. Dr. A. H. Brother, Reeve J. *p, Craig, Dep.- Reeve Wm. Rusk, Alds. T. H. Huxtable, R. H. Webb, tt. ' AROROTOROFOTOR ROTOR 3X OX0TOR HOR ROR RIOR R ROI0OR OK --\ HOME-COMING SOLDIERS tn tnenihietintotseisnet the following Simcoe soldiers on hoard; L. W. Adams, Minesing; T. AR. Boyle, Colling- wood; H. W. Brown, Bradford; R. Baxter, Athfone; K. W. Carter, Orillia: A. G. Godfrey, Coldwater: C, W. Green, Allandale JA, 1, Gleneairn; H, M. Holt, Beeton; J. B. Horan, Alliston; A. A. MeKin- non, Vietoria Harbor. Nursing Sister I. MeCuaig, of Oro Station, also returned on the same ship E. T. Tyrer was in Toronto yesterday to meet his son, Capt. County Lorne 'Fyrer, who has just re- turned from overseas. -- Capt Tyrer served for some months with the Medical Corps in Sal- Jonica in 1916, and later returned F. 4, Doner, Stayner. C. A. Hen-|to England. where he has been derson, Midland; G. Rawsen,;en the medical staf! of Buxton Ovillia | Hospital, Derbyshire Gunner Goo. MeKnight ree] Capt. ER. J. B Whe went lover in 1916 as chaplain of the th Bn. was in town on Tues jday mht, having arrived on the jCarmania.Afler the 7éth was Jhroken up he went fo the 2nd Casualty Station in Frane later served as chaplain cavalry brigade in France, beng attached to the Fort Garry Horse For some months past Capt. Biggs has peen on the teaching stafl of the Khaki College at Sea- ford. A. 1. Teasdale, a discharged }soldier and his" father. Thos. 'Teasdale, Minesing, wish to thank H. A. Jarvis, Ont, Field Secretary GW.V.A., for his able assistance in adjusting the pen- sion of Pte. Teasdale, When discharged from the S$, C. R. he was unable to walk and was granted but a partial pension of fifteen dollars per month, Mr. Jarvis took up the case and in three weeks was able (o have the case adjusted so that Pte, Teas- dale now receives the full pen- sion of $50.00 per month. Pte. Teasdale enlisted with the 1771h Bn. in 1916, but owing to sick- ness, wax forced to go into the Y. Hospital, where he has been for the past 18 months. Capt. A. F. Telfer, of Coli wood, has heen awarded (he Mili- tary Cross for his conduct on the field during the famous battle -lof the Plains of Sharon, Pales- fine. Capt. Telfer enlisted and went oveseas as a private in the tat University Company. P.P.C. LI. From this he was drafted to the {st Battalion Dublin Fusiliers and served in France {8 months with this unit. He was trans- ferred to the Indian Army and was sent with the 59th Punjabi Rifles to Mesopotamia, and then fo Palestine, where he served under Gen, Allenby throughout the Egyptian campaign. Since he left Canada, Capt. Telfer has seen active service in Franca, Northern India, Mesopotamia, Palestine and Egypt. He arrived in Canada a short time ago and went straight to his home in Col- lingwood. Capt. Telfer is the 4hird son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Y. Telfer of Collingwood. He was a graduate of Toronto University, and was in his second year at Osgoode Hall, where he expects to complete his course in Law. --Get your fuenace properly cleaned and put :n working order before the fallrush.--P. J Moran, phone 350. LY 29-30 In the Council report of last week the complaint of bicycling on the sidewalks of the/ East Ward was attributed to Mrs. E. Prince, whereas it should have read Mrs. Price. However, all Fast Ward residents would like fo see the dangerous practice abolished. -|Children's Panama Hats. Orangemen At Collingwood Barrie 1..0.L. No. 432 velebrat- ed the 12th in Collingwood and enjoyed to the full the big day's programme provided py their brethren of the Shipyard Town. A special train left Barrie with 100 people on it, hut before it arrived at Collingwood it was filled to capacity. Collingwood had the largest Orange celebration erowd in its history, over 40 lodges marching in the parade, representing ler- ritory from Allenwood to Shel- burne and east as far as Barrie. Thousands came in automobiles and the streets of the town were literally lined with cars, Barrie lodge had about 70 members in the parade and carried one of the best banners shown. Among those giving spirited, interesting addresses were: H. C. Hocken, Supreme Grand Master of B.N. Ay W. T. Allan, M.P.P.; J. A. Currie, M.P., Mayor Dr. Arthur, Henry Foreman, Chairman of Committee, and Glover, County Master, of Gléneairn, The oldest Orangeman in the parade was W. J, Cook of Min- exing, a member of Barrie lodge, who is over 100 years of age. He has participated in sixty-four annual Orange celebrations, and his record is most unique. 'Twenty-six members of the Ba lodge have served their country in the war out of a mem- bership of 119, and three mem- hers (1. Cole, C. Pitehford and W. Fraser' have paid the sup- reme sacrifice, Some of these enlisted men have not yet arriv- ed home. Sup. Gr. Master Hocken came down on the train with thé Bar- rie lodge, and while waiting for his train to Toronto, visited the lodge reoms and delivered a short address to the membei Ivy band, which was here on return from Orillia, kindly play- jed the lodge from the train to their lodge rooms in the evening. Their inability fo seeure a band in Barrie has led the mem- bers fo discuss 'the matter of aniying a fife and drum band f their own, and steps are being laken tq make a start as soon as possible Our Summer Suit Sale - We have great bargains in Me Youths' and Boys' Suits for all who aftend our Summer Suit Sale. About ten days ago we were fortunate in getting a shipment of Suits from a Mon- treal wholesale house. These Suits were made before the war and are on sale at prices only about half of present day prices. Our Suits at $17.98, $19.98 $22.98, $24.98, $26.98, 829.98 will surprise you and gre well worth from §8.00 to $15.00 per Suil more money. Come as early as you can, HUNTER'S CLOTHING STORE, Barrie. --We are range showing a of Ladies' Misses' large and The prices of these are all reduced for quick clearance.-- SIMMONS & CO., BARRIE, ONT. a-up Capital § 600,000 Ree 12'000,000 Beteurees => 180% [DOUBLE TRAGEDY -- AT COLLINGWOOD Veteran Shot by Farmer--Lat- ter Drops Dead in Police Court Yesterday Morning. The ,Collingwood- Bulletin thiss morning furnished The Examiner with the following particulars of the double tragedy which oecur-- red at Collingwood on Wednes-- day: A terrible double tragedy of @ very unusual character took place at Collingwood on Wednesday" morning of this week whereby John Mooney died of gunshot wounds, caused by a shot fired by Amos Sherrick, and Amos Sherrick died of hearf failure as he stood before the Police Mag-- istrate at 10 o'clock. The first part of the distress-- ing oecurrence took place at the Sherrick farm in the early hours of the morning between one anal two o'clock. Sherrick, who is w farmer on the 10th line, heard his dog barking and_upon arising: saw a light in his pigsty, Ac= companied by his. wife, he pro= ceeded to the sty and saw a mam inside, who, it is said, upon hear-- ing him call, made a rush out ang in doing so attempted to knocks Sherrick down, Sherrick hit hiaw with the butt of his gun, but i® had no effect, and when he saw Mooney was likely to get away, he fired the gun, the ch ing effect. in Mooney's shoulder and causing death in @ few minutes, Chief Johnstone and Constable Plant were notified and went to (Continued on page 12. Carrett'sMusicStore Heintzman & Co. and Webber Pianos and the home of the lead- ing lines of Phonographs, giving you a_ splendid choice from the follow- ing: THE SONORA THE COLUMBIA THE PATHE THE BRUNSWICK THE MANDEL THE KNAPP The following list of re- cords we keep in stock; COLUMBIA ~ BRUNSWICK PATHE and VICTOR Call and make your se- lection to-day. GARRETT'S MUSIC STORE P.O.Box178 Phone 259w TT TTT i Oi Courteous, Painstaking Service From the moment you have opened your account with us we look upon you as a friend of the , to be served in every way possible, at every turn. It is this spirit of "friendly service" that has been largely res- ponsible for this Bank's solid, steady 87 years of progress. sae: OUR ep eeiite yoursacroune. Bank of Nova Scotia A. G, MACLELLAN: Manager Barrie "Branch So}

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