Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1919, p. 12

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ek on the G.TR. for the week-end, week-end with friends in Newmarket. Don't forget the Supper on the Presby-| The Allandale Orangemen attended divine terian Church lawn, Wednesdsy, July 16. service Inst Sunday morning at ti Miss Jessie Fraser left on Tuesday to|byterian Church, when Rev, W. J. Watt + spend. couple of months in Saskatchewan [delivered an excellent address. According - with ber sister. to the constitution the main objects of the are to uphold the principles "Collingwood after spending their vacation |of the christian religion, Mr, under the parental roof, Mrs. E, A. Crawford and children' have|ship of God and the brotherhood of man. Pearain case ices ea oe ene "t iia, and two weel lends in ol m are een tendance and observation of 'the Sabbath, |i28 Orangemen to lend all up-keep of these vital ALL COMMODITIES BARRIE HOTEL. 4 A LESSON IN ECONOMY. WOMEN'S SKIRTS AT LESS THAN COST OF MATERIAL About 40. Women's White Wash Skirts of Pique, 'wide and narrow stripe, Gabardines and Plain Middy Cloth. Very pretty sport styles and well made--these are Manufacturers' samples along with some odd lines from stock. They are worth regularly at'$4.00, $4.50, $5.50 to $7.00. We've priced them all for quick selling at... $1.98 RARE VALUE IN SILK STOCKINGS Stockings have been our specialty for the past 17 years and each season our buying prestige grows--re- sult--you get the maximum worth in Hosiery of all kinds. If there is a stocking need--come to this Store --you cannot go wrong. These for instance: . Women's Pure Silk Thread Stockings with Lisle top, Lisle heel and toe, and reinforced soles. The celebra- ted Black Cat Brand, in Black, White and Grey, si- zes 8% to 10. This is a special and Extra worth. Pai eee eee eee e cece ences $1.50 Women's Silk Thread Hose with high spliced heel and double soles. A splendid Hose for wear; comes in Black and White, sizes 8% to 914.' We have but 9 dozen fo clear. Our regular $1.25 line, for pair 98¢ Children's Fine 1x1 Rib Lisle Hose in White and Black, elastic, seamless foot, splendid wearing. Sizes... BCeSiiascs scares ga eet | WE SELL HOLEPROOF HOSIERY This celebrated make of Hose needs no introduc- tion. It is known from coast to coast for its good wear- ing qualities--our stock is complete if®all sizes--but we have been advised by the makers that this summer's output is oversold and that we cannot get repeats--this means disappointment if-you do not get your supply early--be advised and buy now. Holeproof Silk, ribbed top in sizes 81%, 9, 914 and 10, in Grey, Champagne, Pink, Blue, Brown, White and Black. Pair... .. $1.65 SEE THE TABLES OF ODDS AND ENDS Once in the year we make a complete clearance of all oddments, remnants and, odd lengths of goods and mark them for quick clearance. That time is now and many extra values may be picked up at advantageous prices, 5 They consist of Dress Goods, Tablings, Towellings, Shirtings, Tickings, Chintzes, Cretonnes, Sateens, Flan- elettes, etc., etc., each a Splendid Buy. See the Tables of Odds and Ends. ' WOOL FOR KNITTING Sweaters and Pullovers in every conceivable shade --vwe sell Monarch Floss and Monarch' Down and the most called for colors are Turquoise, Apricot, Orange, Seer Canary, Mauve, Mouse, Rose, Old Rose, Nile and addy. Monarch Floss ALLANDALE NEWS Presbyterian Church in the tations of Jesus, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamilton spent the 'Orangemen at Church it The' Misses Farrow have returned to|Orange ri : ; i ef shots, B, Thompson beat A. C. Bricker by '9 shots and P. T. Clark beat J. D, Wisdom Summer tourist business is decidedly good |, 2 shots. aire ae teriees between the Metho ' ist and Presbyterian-churches in Allandale Mis E. Newman motared to Collingwood [Sit Sd Promkyveriag. churches io Allandal Geo. Falconer 'made a business trip to [church every Sunday. ae o in the Toronto this week. ; u : the evening services Mr. Watt will preach a'her home in Gravenkarn, "45 seren of three sermons on "The Temp- jing. At the Pres- ]t2 make a home run, and sent two in|, My, Heary Grose, : 1 shead Gf him: Puddion' ian sure sateher, ines few weeks with ber daughter ar Le. | Bam Millan, while helping af: tbe bacn | evonta are visiting 'her parents, i AT NO TIME OF THE YEAR ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF SHOPPING AT THIS STORE MORE APPARENT THAN NOW WHEN ONE'S NEEDS ARE MANY AND THE PRICES OF AT THE PINNACLE OF ADVANCE COSTS. THE POLICY OF THIS STORE HAS BEEN ON AGGRESSIVE LINES AND. EARLY INVESTMENTS ON STAPLE LINES OF GOODS ALL TEND TO BENEFIT OUR PATRONS. WHEN YOU HAVE READ OVER THESE ITEMS OF EVERYDAY NEEDFULS FIGURE OUT THE COST OF LIKE GOODS IN LARGER CITIES AND YOU'LL APPRECIATE THE ADVANTAGE OF SHOPPING HERE. PLAN A VISIT TO THIS STORE--ON DUNLOP EAST OF THE POST OFFICE, MIDWAY BETWEEN SCOTT'S BOOKSTORE AND THE BARGAIN OFFERING IN BEAUTIFUL SUMMER DRESS FABRICS The demand for Fine Voiles for Summer dresses has been exceptional and our purchases much larger than usual. There is still a splendid choice' to be had in White and Fancy Voiles, Colored Batistes and Mar- quisettes. The popular prices run from 59c. to 85c. the yard, and all are grouped for a Bargain Offering at 45¢ A CORSET EXTRA Every lady who appreciates real Corset Comfort in the hot weather will be interested in this item: A well-stayed Corset of white Coutille, tape bound top and bottom, very low bust, medium skirt, 4 non-slip hose supporters, a good model for the medium figure embodying the advantages of higher priced goods, ve GOOD CANADIAN-MADE PRINTS These are all reliable dyes and dependable cloths, in stripes and various designs, chiefly light colors. They are "'Mill-Ends" in lengths of from 234 yds. tO: ESeyds. At VAT ese. eocesn coe asin ene SURG oe SeertOa 25c strong bid for your trade. Come on in. Co LINENS ARE SCARCE. WE HAVE THEI 'Linens are not only very scarce but what is ayail- able in all lines of Linen Goods is almost prohibitive:in price. We still have a supply of Linen Towellings, Table Linens and Cloths, being balance of purchases made in 1916 and bearing the 1916 price.» If it's Lin- ens--Buy them here and now. 72-inch Bleach: y, 2 yards wide, 2% yds. long, Floral, Shamrock and Ivy patterns. ALOACH se e004 34 Hasson Gye enegeree « $9.00 and $9.50: | Pure Linen Damask Cloths, Bleached, extra good quali- ty, hemstitched, Napkins to match. Cloths, 66x86, BE ais Saino 08 Faieiee we wiaieieie wie weiaiaie vele'e'e $10.50 Napkins, 19x19, at ... Set for .......... $22.00 Pure Linen Hand Towel bleached, half bleached and unbleached, 16 inches wide, plain and with bor- der. Heavy good wearing quality. At Yard .... 35¢ 17-inch Bleached Turkish Towelling, good wearing qua- lity, close warp, worth 35c. For special, ...., 29c 7-H CHINTZES AND ART SATEENS Our showing of British and American made Chint- zes and Sateens will delight you. For Cushions, Cover- ings and Draperies the range is large and choice of pat- terns varied from the modest shadow effects in réver- per cloths to the gay Oriental designs in light weight Foo $. Art Sateens 0.0... eee cece eee 35c to 95c¢ Chintzes ....... 0.0... cece eee 40c to $1.75 ROUND CUSHION FORMS Are much in demand for living room and verandah use. We have on sale a limited quantity of these forms, well filled and light weight cambric covering. Size 18. At Ce $1.40 When you buy your clothes or any of your numerous needs at this Store you get the maximum of value and goods of merit. With a policy of Economy in the interests of our patrong this Store is making a If it isa Suit, an odd pair of Trousers; Shirts, Underwear, Hose or Neckwear--try this Store. A discount of 10 per cent off the first outfit for all Returned Soldiers. R. MALCOMSON, Mgr. LADIES* COMBINATION UNDERWEAR In fine knitted thread, including the 'Harvey Knit," "Corona" and 'Peerless' Makes. Long, short and no sleeves, all neatly trimmed, the values are extra stock having been bought in 1916, Extra good numbers at. . hk Cen Re WITTE Om TETRIS 60c, 85c, 90c, $1.00, $1.50 DOLLY VARDEN CREPES ONLY 20¢ YD. There are 16 patterns in this offering of pretty Dolly Varden Crepes. They are chiefly light grounds with pretty designs in colors; splendid for sacques, waists, dresses and kimonas. Our regular price is 29c. Reduced for clearance, yd. .........eeeeeeeeee 20c sured of the best service at our command. A REAL SNAP IN MILLINERY Over 50 lovely Hats for summer wear-are now on Sale. They are made of Maline, Chiffon and Fancy Straws, prettily trimmed in the season's latest fancies, both light colors and the darker shades; large Hats and small Hats. Regular price from $5.50 to $9.00. Offered for quick selling at ............. $3.98 WE ARE BARRIE DISTRIBUTORS FOR VICTOR VICTROLAS AND RECORDS A large stock of all the most popular Records. When in Barrie come and hear them played. About Wednesday Shopping, Some of the Stores in Barrie are closed every Wed nesday, but this Store is one with others that are open all day for your convenience. We believe in giving you an unbroken service with no chance of disappointing even a single customer. Do not inconvenience yourself by putting off your shopping. Come any time and be as- SATURDAY, JULY 19, IS PEACE DAY Everybody is going to celebrate and you'll need Bunting and Flags in plenty--let there be three thousand decor- ated autos in the Parade-- Buy your Bunting and Flags at this store, and--be advised, buy it early-- Flags from 3c up; Bunting, 10c and 15¢ yard. Toronto. Apprentices Won What should! take place in this town|LF.,; E. Hartt, P.; L. Elrick, R.F.; every Saturday afternoon is a good game |0'Neil, CF. . of baseball. Last Saturday afternoon there| Chris Pratt, umpire. was a very exciting game in the Queen's} Ed. McMillan, field captain. Park between the G.T.R. apprentice boys of} puri sad accident bappen- {iting at his bome here. ' Allandale and Toronto. 'The acore kept ed' te Hoke' frokoeas wee teat beppen: NEE ner's have just received a shipment of pretty close all the game up to about the by a foul ball, which struck him on the |butter and cream crocks, Do aot fail to ninth innings, when the Toronto team| upper lip. He had to be taken to the doc. (et one of these, tor. . scored 7 uns, There are several reasons for Allandale losing the game, namely, the want of practice, not to be over-confident and not to leave the game to be won by the COOKSTOWN pitcher, Two. of the home tearn's best -Msjor and Mrs. Thompson and son Duff ines visited with the former's brothers,| Mr. and Mrs, Wilkinson of Alliston visi- men were away, from town. Hartt was in| are holidaying at Rossclair, Muskoka. the bos: fo Allandale and F. Frees for 'oronto. me of ¢ home team did some good work, Ed.,Flaherty was the only one | Toronto Inst week. as he did some good work in that line on Toronto: 010132227--18 Allandale; 031103130--12 'The 'Allandale team were: J, Armstrong, spent Sunday at Miss Mrs. John Campbell. t . 4 i H. L, Dunning made a business trip to left field. The following is the score by in- |. Campbell and family of Hum-|last week, accidentally fell and was severely | Lorne Neilly, who was as ilton visited this week with his mother, |hurt, Geo. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Fraser of Barrie|rent, Sask., where he D 'Arnold's, GEO. VICKERS Mr. Joseph Kidd is visiting in Toronto. Miss Beatrice McFadden passed ber prim- 'There were 20 pupils tried their Entrauce | ry examination Yu music, with honors, in nD, S./Examinstion here last week. Miss Mux-|Toronto, ji 7 well, Principal of the High School, pre-| J: H. Readman of Barrie was in town sided. on Sunday, Garnet Leadlay of Arcola, Sask., 's -vis- this week, Mrs. Douglas Gibson and Mrs. Hailes of jision of the G.T.R, Toronto visited the former's sister, Mrs. Ed. Graham, last week. Dr. and Mrs, Sutherland of St, Cathar- nell. Jobn and William Sutherland and ster, |'ed at Mrs, John Kell's on Sunday. Miss Teney Sutherland, this week. raising at Telford Sharpe's, near Thornton, |Mre. Geo, . Baker left this week for Swift Cur-| result of bis will spend the Principal Whiteman of Bradford, presi- ded at the Lower School examinations here Frank Agnew left this week to take s position as mail clerk on the Toronto-Div- Master Jack Sims of Toronto is visiting 'his grandparents, Mr. and Mra. Jos, Don- Stanley Nicholas, who Just seared from Miss Garrett, a returned missionary, will |overseas a few weeks ago, left. this week, 'Mrs. Henry Grose, who resides with her |speak at the Methodist Chureh on Mon-|for Western Canada, E: nn, is now spend-|day evening, July 14. ' rene = itl

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