Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jul 1919, p. 7

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~~ ™HEBANK°F TORONTO Put.something by for a sunny day! : IHEN the horizon brightens with W. an opportunity that may lead to i your success and prosperity, not let it find you unready to take it on. Through lack of capital, many rhen have been forced to see their opportunities pass-- in many cases all that was required was a very small sum to invest. A few dollars saved each week or month, deposited to your credit in a savings account at The Bank of Toronto, with the interest it ----\earns, will soon accumulate to a substantial 'sum. Have it ready when the call comes for /your venture. . Your savings account is invited. u LYLELELGLGRER & & RELY LER LE LER OUR NATURE STUDY COLUMN which in Barrie appears to be the Catholic Church chimney. Over this structure they SH [congregate in hundreds ubout eight o'clock s&_ [inthe evening und commence circling round and round. Every minute one will J {flutter over the gaping chimney mouth and EAE SED SE OD RR OEY EO RD » [then drop within, and occasionally pari yy > FREES EY RRAG LY LE LY EERE of the flock will form in the sharp A a lurge pillar over the and. gruduall A Bird Coit jhigh in the sir from morning ull night, one ere y id Colony [high inthe! sie from' meraing till night,-ane | ot dogar in the murky ieptha, -- Describ remarkable bird enlony in the |#ulu scarcely bebeve they were hatched and |ing one of these large swarma Audubon Mat Island, im the Great Salt{ mised i as ey or within the /suys:--""Immediately after my. urrival at uh stand ts abut 1 Hecate Fre hollow stub. Be {Louisville im the State of Kentucky, I ent, md on a roe fore the tine of lurge houses these birds 'quainted with the late hospitable feet above the br with nor [feared their young in hollow tree ind even able ajor Willism Croghan and. todo of fresh wiser to be found. and [¥¢ at any ee so so, but |his family. While talking one day about where there ts nothing to exeite the cupidity | coming e spacious brick irda he usked me if I had een t or commercial mAinct of man, the birds |chimineys the vast @boose the /in which the swallows were sup} herons and corn ter but only those that are unused dur- | pend "he winter, but which they only enter wke ther ing their nesting ro The nest is of led, he said. for the purpose of roosting i a dilanee sriall twigs firmly glued to the suport and | Answering in the affirmative, Twas in t each other with the saliva of the bird, |formed that on my way back te town, virds 8 us they are by they buve had little ¢ nan and bir desth-deuling weapons, It is necessary to une the greates to avoid stepping on the nests and eggs of the tens of thoussnds of seafow! that have established their nest on the land. The Chimney Swift To see thea» Tittle swallows gliding around | Clear the Skin A beautiful complexion is the outward mark of good blood and a healthy body. When the stomach, liver and blood are in good lovely. Unsightly blotches, pimples, eruptions and sallowness show the need of and regulate the vital organs and improye the eircula- tion, Good healthand better looks soon folffew the use of BEECHAM'S PILLS '1 are worth a guinea a box. 'Sold everywhere in Canada and U.S, America. In boxes, 25cent, forming 4 mmrsow, semi-circular platform for prion i the three to five white eves deposited in June. Th adult bird i» soaty Muck. the heuk and feet are stuull and weak nnd the wings excep: er. The tail feathers there was a tree remarkable on account of the immense numbers that resorced to nd the place in whieh it stood was de eribed to me, I found it to be » sycamore nearly destitute of branches, sixty or seven: ty feet bigh, between seven and cight feet which sid 'he ]iy diameter ut the base and about five bricks, Just prior /far the distance of forty feet up, where my an immense flock of chimney tthe stump of a broken' hollowed branch ze nne large chimney as 4 roost Kvhout two feet in diane rt made out from ad may be seen in hundreds |the main stem, This was the place at ine around anid dvér the one selected. | which the swallows entered, On closely mining the tree, I found it hard, but hollow, to the roots. "It was now about four o'clock in the afternoon in the month of July, Swallows were flying over Jeffer sonville, Louisville and the woods around, hut there were none near the tree. I pro ceeded home, and shortly after returned on foot. The sun was going down bebid the Silver Hills; the evening was beautiful thousunds of swallows were flying clo: Jabove me; and three or four at a time ng into the hole, like bees nto their hive. I remained, my aning on the free, listening to the roaring noise made within by the birds aw they settled and arranged themselves until it was quite dark, whfn I left the place. although I was convinced that many more hud to enter. I did not pretend to count them, for the number wax too great, and the birde rushed to the entrance so thick as to baffle the attempt. "Next morning I was early enough to reach the place long before the least ap pearance of daylight and pliited my head sgsinst the tree. All was silent within. T remained in that posture probably twenty minute, when suddenly I thought the great order, the skin' is clear and Beecham's Pills to stimulate Rates for Telephone Service HE new tates for Long Distance Service, effective May 25th and based upon air-line mileage, correct inequalities in the old schedule and embod}both increased and de- tréased charges. aD Following is a comparison of old and new rates for a 3-minute talk to points most frequently called by local sub- scribers: Barrie to Toronto .. Orillia... . Collingwood . Hamilton. Alliston . Midland. . Old Rate New Rate $ 40 20 25 355 20 225 The hours during which feduced Long Distance rates (night rates) are in effect are now . From 8.30 p.m. to 11.30 p.m., 60 per cent of day rate From 11.30 p.m. to 6 a.m., 40 per cent of day rate Night rates are based on Standard Time 1 ' Rates for local service to present sul , LOCAL SERVI ibers will be increased ten per cent, effective from: July Ist next, ' Applicants for service will be charged at the increased rates, from May 25th. Boery Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station the time which they took in getting out at more than thirty minutes, After their departure, no noise was beard within, and they dispersed in every direction with the quickness of thought," Observations The reference to deer shedding their unt- \lers (which appeared 'in the Nature Study |Column recently) caused me to take more than passing interest in the subject. We have watched scores of fine bucks on our routes and just now we find the more vig- orous animals with antlers grown out_to second points and in full red coat. The average unimal has only « short stub of antler as yet and in very ragged looking Jcondition, not having shed all the winter Jeon' of hair. Then we find » number of last year's Inte fawns just beginning to sprout antlers about two inches in length Most of these animals are in very poor con- {dition at present, but quite active. We have noticed u few ged bucks in very poor condition with no greater growth than the young deer of last season, most of them eaten to some extent by mice and squirrels jI have known bucks to ched their antlers as early as November 25 and in this dis- trict very few bucks carry their antlers into January While walking along a road through the woods recently T found near a smell stream a fawn killed by bemg bitten in the back of the neck: the hind quurters hud been devoured Close tow lay four freshly killed young birds Owing 'o there being g a we were unuble to weertain what animal had been doing the kilbng [but past observations with the ermine kill ing rabbits ue to belie t to be the work of this blood-thirsty chap Another incident reported by the fire rangers at Brule Lake is that a family of red foxes havine a den near thut station had hrough' no less than three stuall deer-- | "x fuwns-edent, to the den. to | Thix should be of interest to! he foxes kill the killing deer at hing for other imal except bones and very few of them While walking alone Potter Creek + all deer huaters. deer themselves' I saw several does feeding and was arge fox ekulking along He didn't appear to want to attack then but he wus watching to see. if ary fawns were neur by Tam unable to solve the problem but" his etio! re Timber wolves are beginning to hunt the leer in families. that is, this season's whe being tuught to hunt, Almost | destroyed hy them are aged bueks 1d doce must lw ie their resting pla: ors by any animal hunting by sight, or caught when feeding in the same manner ently when fighting « bush fire T dis night hawk sitting on her eggs urrounded by fire, he refused | the nest until the fire was put out way a short dis- tance and wutched us working for a time, then returned to her nest quite sitisfied all right asmull tree nest our cabin a pair of li robins huilt their nest. A few days Inter «chipping syerow started t0 build a nest not twenty inches distunt irom the robins, At no time did we discover any trace of |onything but good feeling between the |two families. A quiet leon from Nature, | Last Sunday morning J resolved to take ja walk out through the forest and enjoy Jall the beauty of Nature possible. The jeun was just peeping over the tree tops, every blade of grass was standing upright Jand drops of dew spurkled like diamonds on all vegetation that looked upward ax if in acknowledgment of a Supreme Being; |the songs of thousands of birds arose like- wise, I walked along enjoying all, thank- ful for health, strength and the privilege to join in this worship. Near by an old bea- ver splashed the water with his tail, then «wam around and watched me for « time. A splendid looking buck stamped upon the ground and snorted as much as to say, "Look this way." At last. growing tired of watching and stamping he resumed his morning meal. Turning along trail through the birches I watched many of the birds -gathering food for their young. At last I arrived at an old gravel pit and sat down among the fern and flowers and watched.. Across the sand" a bunch of deer amused "themselves playing like 'a bunch of lambs in early spring. A bermit thrush in treeclose by sang so sweetly that I arose and tried to locate him but failed and no doubt spoiled part of the song: service by my efforts, The sun was grdwing hot and flies were getting trouble- tome, I sfarted scross the pit to the lake. In the sand the foot-prints could be read like an open book. There was the slow measured, step of the lordly moose going to the stréam close by. Deer tracks every where, Then there were the tracks of tim- ber wolves in\full run; no doubt they had been after a deer fortunate enough to reach the water head of them. A little far- ther on there was the track of Bruin bear 'and there he had turned over old logs, etc.. in search of ants. Up every little trail on the banks of the pit could be seen the tracks of aly Reynard. Turning into a trail through a spruce swamp admiring the shrubs of mountain laurel, Labrador tes, hurraying by a species of dogwood (com- monly known here as black alder) in full bloom, the sweet heavy fragrance of which enuses a severe hesdache, I at last sat 'down on the sands of the peaceful lake that listened like a mirror. Soon I was reward- ed for remaining quiet by having a fine blue heron drop into the shallow water near by and start fishing for clams. An inquisitive mink disturbed by my presence so I returned via another trail to our eamp making mental note of the many wild plants and flowers to be seen. arrival in camp, I prepared my noonday |_ meal and enjoyed it only as those can who have enjoyed a morning with Nature and Nature's God, Have you ever tried the Nature cure? If not, get busy. Get out among the fields, forests and flowers. _ Take the children along, they will grow up strong. er, better citizens; cleaner thoughts will prevail in the minds of all. Algonquin Park. M. Robinson, Minard's Liniment Relieves uralgla. m Instinetively. I im lit; when I looked up to it agin, what was 5 Foeas coer el, Fl M CA as ever. ewallows now péuriny out in a black, continuous stream." I Tas e e ( e 7 ' Dunlop St. 4 BARRIE - j Soot |G Cream Separator the leader in this community. > <a hes COST--That's what you put info a cream separator. VALUE--That's what you fake out of your cream separates: Value in a cream separator depends upon the amount and the quality of service you get out of it. Because it lasts fifteen to twenty years the De Laval is the most: economical cream separator to buy. If you consider its cleaner skim-- ming, easier running, greater capacity. ; and less cost for repairs, the price ofthe | "cheapest" machine on the market is | : exorbitant in comparison. ; With present high butter-fat prices. and the scarcity of labor this is ter - ; than ever. ' We'll sell you a De Laval on / such easy terms that it will pay- : for itself out of its own savings. We want to see you the next sy time you're in town. SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A DE LAVAL LIQUID \ | ' and Men's Shoes -- ith Brantford Asphalt Roofing. Resists Fire, Sheds Water, Wears Long Flying sparks and embers from a burning building often cause roofs near by to catch"fire, especially in a dry, hot season. Under like conditions, roofs covered with Brantford Asphalt Roofing are in no danger from flying embers, because any that fall on Brantford Asphalt Roofing die out harmlessly. Build a bonfire ona roof of Brantford Asphalt Roofing and the fire will not spread and the boards jerneath the roofing will be protected in a surprising manner. If a fire starts in the interior of a building Brantford Asphalt fing acts as a retardant and keeps the fire from spreading. Fire chiefs and insurance companies endorse its use in the most congest- g ed cities, Brantford Asphalt Roofing does not absorb water, but sheds the XM heaviest rain ith ease. id proof and alkali proof. Reliable, v 'Three weights --60 Ib, 70 Ib, 80 Ib. per square. Brantford Rubber Roofing is the same quality ss Brantford Asphalt, but has a smooth, surface instead of the sand. It is particularly suitable for decks and floor coverings. Three weigh! Tb, 50 Ib, and 60 Ib, per square, Leatherold Roofing Slightly lower quality than Brantford Rubber Roofing. Used for Has a leathery surface. Exceptionally good roofing 36 Tby 46 Iby and 55 Ib, weights, Standard wie Roo! fs made of the same materials as Brantford 4 It liable root tisfaction, Samples of any of these roofings and prices will be furnished on request. Brantford Roofing Conn Head Office and Factory, Brantford, Canada Branches at Toronte, Montreal, Halifax For saleby OTTON HARDWARE CO.-LIMITED

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