Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jul 1919, p. 9

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Bargains in Millinery Your choice of our.$5.00 to $6.50 Hats. Now to clear at $2.50." These hats are beautifully trimmed and of the best quality straws. last for $1.89. Best Quality Jean, trimmed with serge, remov- able collar, Regular $3.25 for $2.49. Children's Tan, white trimmed Middy, extra good cloth, Regular 2.75 for $1.98 White Middies, trimmed with colors of Rose and Green, Regular $2.25, for $1.79 White Lisle Hose, sizes 8 to 10 for 25c. pair | Powell & Co. Alice Quinlun, Edith Quinlan, Helen Rollit, Isabel Maxwell. Alice Carpenter, H. Tripp, Rita Brennan, Doris Quilter, Victoria Qu lan, Isabel Devlin, Jean Cowan, Amy Moore. Miss Mary McKernan is visit- VICTORY BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED . BONDS ing friends in Barrie. » f - John Fraser left this week for AT BEST MARKET PRICES England on business. : tte e cs Mise Shecrin of Poronto-ts th Write us when you have business in Bonds, or for guest of Mrs. H. E. Jory. information. Mrs. Eustace Bird of 'Toronto is visiting Barrie relatives. Bert Bebb of Toronto spent the holidays, at his home here. Miss Gladys Storey is spend- ing a week with friends in Mid- land. Roe Degeer of Toronto spent over the holiday with his family in town. Miss M. Marshall of Detroit is holidaying at her father's home, 22 Park St. T. R. Huxtable attended the big his aunt, Mrs. T. Sewrey, Miss Evelyn Main of Toronto BROUSE, MITCHELL & CO. Members Toronto Stock Exchange 71 Bay st.; TORONTO. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON ALL EXCHANGES _----EE a Glen has heen with the American Army at Camp Lee. Virginia. two-week's visit with her mother, Jeitri feCarthy, this week, hours with relatives in town, on Thursday, motoring from Parry and parents at celebration at Shelburne on Do-| Mr, and Mrs, Frank Macklin|Sound to Toronto. minion Day. and family of Stratford are ut| Dr. D. A. Currie of Winnipeg Mrs. Wellington Cameron of{their summer home, "Cedar}/and Miss J. Edith Currie of Vic- 'Toronto was with Miss Maconchy |Grove," Big Bay Point. toria Hospital, London, are visit- ° ° ° over Sunday. Miss M. K. McNeil returned to|ing their sister, Mrs. Jack Powell, I 1es at e uce rices Herb Thompson df Toronto is|Toronto on Wednesday after alJr., of Barrie, Shanty Bay. at "Bellevoir,"' cor. Shirley Ave., is visiting Miss Audrey rirman Mrs. A. S. Burton, Mrs. Butcher|and Ross St. for a few weeks, and Miss Guida Burton leave on Mrs. S. Wesley and two sons, Miss Mason of Toronto is|Saturday to spend two weeks at|who have been in the South for occupying Mrs. T. H. Redditt's house this summer. Keith Aiken of Toronto spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Sewrey. Mrs. 8. J. Kearns of New York is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Deviin al Big Bay Point. Fred Allward of Toronto is vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Allward, Bradford St Miss Margaret Sinclair = is altending the Missionary Confer- ence in Whitby this week. Miss J.angton, Miss Mitchener, and Mr. Biddoe of Toronto spent the holiday with Miss Pearcy. Muir Jamieson of Galt and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Jamieson of To- rontoe were al Big Bay Point over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Devlin and family are leaving this week for their summer cottage "Acumin," Big Bay Point Q-M. Sgt. and Mrs. Glen Fowler are guests of the former's father, W. J. Fowler, Bayfield St. Haverland Resort, Huntsville. Miss Nathalie B, Smith spent a few da: last week with her es Jennie and Clara vay to Montreal. ¥. W. Harron and daughter, Edith, of Minneapolis are spending a couple of months with ber mother, Mrs. E. Little Louis formerly of the local braneh of the Bank of Commerce, was at Geo. Firman's over the week-end. Lieut. Wm. Marsh, late Sergt Major in the 76th Bn.. was mar- ied in England on June 18 to Miss Dorothy Howell of Seaforth. Mrs. F. J. Lower left on Satur- day for Montreal to meet her son, Lieut, A. R. M. Lower, who arr ed from overseas on the Carmania Mrs. Graham and Miss Annie were guests last week of Mrs. McClelland and Mrs. Leishman at "Garryowen." the Thompsons' cottage, Orillia, Dr, Plaxton, Gordon Plaxton Mr. Swift and spent Inglis of Owen Sound, } | a few' sion 35¢ and i5c. \ the winter months, spent a few days in town on their way to Wasaga Beach, where they will spend two months. Rev. Andrew Henderson, M.A., of Kipling, Sask., visited his neice, Mrs. '(Dr.) 1D. Jamieson, Worsley St., for a few days this week, He was down attending the General ssembley in Hamilton. Miss Gladys Firman has re- turned to resume her duties as a nurse in training in the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, af- ter spending three weeks 'with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Firman. A garden party and supper will -jbe held on the Rectory grounds, Shanty Bay, July .{6, under auspices of the Guild of St. Thomas Anglican Church. Miss Barrett, elocutionist from Toron- to, and others will supply the programme. Supper from 5 to 8.30 p.m., standard time. Admis- McDonald St. Mrs. A. MeNeil, 42 High St. Major Wellwood of the C.0.R. Miss Fdna Wright, who has} Mrs. McIntosh and two chil-|C.C, and Mrs. Wellwood. are ' 7 < : heen teaching at Mimico, is hol-|dren of Liverpool, England, paid|spending the summer with the Plain White Middy, Regular $2.25. While they idaying in town a brief visit to her aunt, Mrs.|latter's mother, Mrs. F. M. Smith, \ eee NEWS OF COOKSTOWN 'The representative of the Barrie Examiner in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. News items for Cookstown anil adjacent country may be handed or phoned to Br. Thompson and will be forwarded to this »aper. Phone No. 39 finds him. Sub- scriptions, either new or renewals may be forwarded through him. University of Toronto Faculty of Music Maximum, 100; Ist cluss honors, 80; 2nd class honors, 70; pass, 60. Junior Theory; Class 1--Miss R. Bren: Misy Parrish of Barrie is visiting at Wm. Clover Hill. Wm. Robinson and son, Frank, motor- to Toronto on Friday. "un. Thos Patterson and children of To- onto are visiting her parents, Mr. 'Wm. Corbett. ; Misa Annie Draper, who has just com- pleted a course in 'the Barrie Business College, is now spending a few days at her Thome before taking a position. ; The members of the Orange Order will attend divine service at St. Jobn's Church next Sunday evening. Come to Fisher's for your straw hats, 'Special values. Will Draper of Toronto spent a few days this week st his home here. Cookstown baseball tedm defeated the Alliston team at Cookstown on Wednesday 'of Isat week by a score of 6 to 5. It was 'a well played game and was heartily cheered 'by the fans, At the first of the 9th innings 'with Alliston to bat-it -was a tie of 5-5. Cookstown being last to bat made one run 'and quit, having gained the day. Mr, and Mrs, Chantler of Newmarket spent Sunday with his,parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'W. R. Chantler. John Donnell unlo ment on Monday. Geo. Reid and family of Toronto are 4yisiting this week with his sister, Mrs. D. 'HH. Ross. Pte, John Nevills returned home from vorseas last week. is 'W. E. Morton, Mfs. A. H. Robinson, Mra, Cyrus Smith, Misses Olive Burling. Gorey Kidd, Agnes McMuster and Clara Kell left on Monday to attend the Epworth League summer school' at the Elgin House. 'Lake Joseph, Muskoka. 'Mrs, Willoughby ,of Beeton spent Sun- dsy with her brother, Jas, Jebb. 'The Misses Long of Toronto were guests at Wm. Meher's last week. Seaman John Kell sent bome to his mother last week from Victoria, B.C., 0 arrot which he got down in Manzanillo, fexico. Seaman Kell has had the parrot 'on the ship with him for several months. "Te has a wonderful vocabulary. "T. E. Monkman has purchased J. Wilcox's store. Miss Masjette Tomek of Duntroon is visiting at C. G, Clute's. 7 Ae ander School picnic of St, Luke's *Church, Pinkerton, will be held at W. J. . Hounsome's on Saturday afternoon. led s carlosd of ce- Monday from_her position in Bradford. Sergt. W. Hughes and a boy friend of "Toronto spent the week-end with his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Hugies. Miss Laura Fildey of Toronto is spend- few holidays with her mother, Mrs. Mrs. )Sunday at the Miss' Margaret Thompson returned on |b Mrs, Mitchell, Sr., of Alliston is visiting at Henry Couse's, Misses Alice and Lizzie Nevills of Barrie spent the week-end at their home here. + Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Barnes spent over tter's home in Stouffville. Born, on Friday, June 20, to Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Harper, 8 daughter. Henry Coleman had the telephone in- stalled in his home on Saturday last, this being the first telephone on the 2nd Jine of Innisfil. Geo, Cunningham has gone on a trip to 'Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Barr of Barrie spent the holidsy with the latter's >arents, Mr. and Mrs, Jobn Rainey. Messrs, Louis and Warren Taylor, Chas. McCandlish and Norman Kerr of Duntroon spent Sunday at Chas, Clute's. /"Married, in Toronto, on Friday, June 27, Miss Lena Scott, daughter of Mr, and Mra, William Scott, to Mr, Melville Malcolm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Malcolm. Mrs.. Bell_and Miss Goodwin of Toronto visited at Mrs. J, W. Park's laat week. Wellington Thompson and family of St. Catharines spent over Dominion Day with his mother, Mrs. David Thompson, Hilton Leeson spent the past week at Ridley Herman's, Midhurst. Chas. McFadden attended the funeral of his cousin, John Stewart, in Toronto this week. 'W. J. Hounsome has purchased a new Ford car, Mra. David Thompson is visiting in To- ronto and St. Catharines. Miss Sylvia Coleman, who is « teacher in one of the Toronto schools, has return- ed home for the holidays, St. John's Sunday School picnic 'to the lake will be held on_We , June 16. Cookstown baseball team won second money at the tournament in Shelburne on Dominion Day, Unfortunately one of the Cookstown boys..(Lorne Neilly) suffered a fracture of the skull by being hit with he ball. A. Mins Beatrice Pollock, who tedézes achool near Barrie, is home for the summer vaca- tion. * i Music-recital "at St. Joseph's Convent. 'The music recital at St. Joseph's Convent on Wednesday, June 25, was a great suc- cess, in spite of the wet evening. Parents and friends of the artists filled the music all, which was prettily decorated. 'There were twenty numbers on-the program and | all were exceedingly well rendered. A fav- 'Heroes"', com- Joseph's and lorite selection was "'Canadian posed by ao Sister St. nan, Mise J. Cowan and Miss HF. I Tripp. Class IL--Miss A. Livingstone. Pase--Miss M. McAuley The first four are pupila at St. Joseph's vent. Belgian Countess Finds Refuge Here From a royal court in Belgium to an humble log cabin in the mountains of Tennessee is a far cry, but in "Out of a Clear Sky", the new' Paramount picture Jsturring dainty Marguerite Clark, which will be shown at the Opers House, Friday and Saturday, Celeste Countess of Bersek land Krymn, the beautiful heroine person- ated by Miss Clark, makes this transition with happy results. When Celeste refuses to become a pawn of ati ind escapes this country, she hides in the mountains of Tennessee where she is befriended by Robert Lawrence, personsted by Thomas Meighan, and ultimately shakes off her pursuers and finds happiness in a strong man's love, The story is a beautiful one, thrilling and decidediy appealing, It is based upon the novel of Maria Thompson Daviess and was directed by Marshall Neilau. 'The support provided for Miss Clark is one jof the best, As To Accommodation 'To the Editor of The Examiner:-- Dear Sir:--Kindly give me space to re- iste 8 short experience I had in respond- jing to o call in your paper a short time lago from several merchants in Barrie to patronize the home town, I said to my wife, 'Let's do away with that Eston catalogue, which is loved by some of the Iisdies more than their prayer-book, and go to town." So we 'hitched up and went to Barrie. Finding no rest room for my wife, she satin the buggy while I put in je horse. When we were ready to go home and I was going to get the things we bad bought, it started to rain, so I ran the horse in the only shed I could find in town, but I was not allowed to remain there without paying another 25 cents. 80 I drove down front street, but there [was not a ring or place to tie a horse in front of one of the stores that had asked Jus to patronize our home town. Paying 8 boy to hold the horse, I started to col- lect my purchases, when's man with brass jbuttons on his coat said I would have to jgo on the other side of the ba en |T had to carry my parcels througi®=28 mud to the other side of the street. I think ithe people of Barrie could make it a little more convenient for us to patronize our home town by putting in rings to tie to B ' A business car whose cost of operation can be calculated with mathematical accuracy. It will render a maximum of service with a minimum of adjustment and repair. 'The haulage cost is unusually low. Dopce SROTHERS BUSINESS CAR It will pay you to visit us and examine this car. T. R. HUXTABLE

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