Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Jun 1919, p. 9

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HOUSE. PROPERTY: FOR SARE aE Si : om overseas, . é 73g en Heated feet ee i ick {Toronto University, whose-home Seven Ate Brick house, Sophia is in Saskatoon, is now assisting | Sersoatt alt conveniences, Pric Dr. W. A. Lewis in his practice, beating "Haman ate wih ving endef town" |, Gondon Pateroon, son of Mr Blake St "pris ae tne Plumbing. Mis Addie Culbert. is home/been appointed lecturer in Span- Pislsoem belse hen from New York for-vacation. ish and Italian at Toronto Univer. 'aie' gan rick house, Char-| wins, Coughey is spending] sity. : rice 85.900, CORVERience | week with friends in Brace-| Ai the Oddfellows Grand Lodge . Fight-room brick house Bay. | Pride. . held in Toronto last week, H. G. field St, finished in oak. A beads |, MTS. W- F. Ronald, with her|Robertson was honored. by a titul home, price $3,500. pra ea is visiting her mother |further promotion. being elected Miss\Huggard. of Toronto is WHAT'S IN A NAME> j si hie to the office of Deputy Grand i ns ; . | is earieatepom prick house, (prad-| "Mrs. Wass of Vancouver, B.C..|Master, This is the first me Hone much does the name "Moore" in your shoes mean? It is to your interest to throughout, price, 83,800, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J, MeL.!in the history of Barrie Lodge now nt i Stevenson. that this honor has come to one Eight-room brick house, Brad- Miss McCarthy of Toronto is|of its members. The growth of the Moore organization has been enormous--not inflation, but ford St., with plumbing, heating visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mrs. G. A. Brown, who return- sound, solid and substantial growth. Made Possible only because the name Moore > Blue and lighting, finished in hard-|Montagu Leeds. ed from Lindsay last Monday, re- stands for a definite policy. Here it is--read it; The greatest value at the least cost h Blue weed, wth slate roof, price #2,700| Miss Isbister of _Winnipeg, @/ports Mr. Brown doing nicely to you; the quality and fit of every shoe is right; we guarantee your complete sat- to 32 t i, Seven-room brick house, Cum-| graduate of the R. V, H., is visit- though still very weak, The doc- isfaction; money cheerfully refunded. 2, erland St., Allandale, allijing Mrs. Fred Marr. tor in attendance does not an- value conveniences, price $2,500. ev. Jas. Buchanan of Toronto | ticipate any permanent injury but 50c Seven-room brick house, Brock|Wi!l_ preach in St\ Andrew's|it will probably take from three aa St. in calling distance of Grand |Church next Sunday. to six months for the effects of sleeves, . Trunk, price $2,350, Mrs.James of Toronto is spend-|the nervous shock to wear off. y 5c Eight-room prick house and|ing a few days in town with her Next week Mrs. Brown and _ two lots, Burton Av®, Allandale |80n, Rev. C. W. James. family leave for Sturgeon Point, ------ price 82.206, |, Gordon Stevenson leaves on|below Iindyay, where she has ing|Monday to spend a couple of rented a cottage to which it is weeks in the Canadian Soo. hoped to remove Mr. Brown in Kenneth Warner, who recently |a couple of weeks. |returned from overseas, left « | Monday for British Columbia. Apperley--Peace = shionable dress shoe of fine |, Miss Florence Srigiey and Miss| yarguerites and roses decked A fashionable 4 ----_--_--__ yiand lity Patent Colt, turn soles, ~ M. Adams of Barrie visited lthe home of Mr. J. F. Malcolm. Rs : : Q ( , | af Mr, J. F. Malco Louis heels. Same in Black, Glace CRAND TRUN beaded | friends in North Ray last week. | oon Gitar Ave., Toronto, for hid ine $8.00 pr. = Mrs. 'T. H. Reddilt leaves to-|the marriage al seven o'clock laxt day for Gregory, Muskoka, where | Wednesday evening of his niece, TIME TABLE CHANGES °°..." spend a couple of |Edith Gladys, daughter of the Tcan arronge reasonable te cny of ths above properties, W. C. THOMPSON, Office 15 Owen 8t., Phone 288. 26-26) A destinctive model of Mahogany toned Kid Skin, Louis heels and turn soles, also shown in Grey Kid casas $8.00 pr. This Pump is one of the season's successes; comes in Patent Coll, late G. J, Peace and Mrs. Edith (ong vamps, turned soles ond 5 Miss Rirdie Rhinehart has re-|F. Peace, of Chatham, to Sergeant Fa eee: Utne? soles ang Louis heels, with exceptional turned from a visit with friends jl. H. Apperley, M.M. and bar, late fitting qualities + $7.50 pr. in Collingwood, Greemore and!22nd Battery. with four years' Same in Black Kid .... $8.00 pr. f ii New Lowell service, son of Mr. and Mrs. Same in White Canvas..§8.80 br, A change of time will be-made Mr. and Mrs. J. §. Berrian of|Frank | Apperley, "CAoverhill.™ mein Canvass :88.80 pr Los Angeles are visiting in town,|Cookstown, Ont. Rev. Scatt on Mrs. Berrian was formerly Miss /Fulton officiated, and Mrs. Wal- For'Men, wa have aeriaxibiadatan noth 'el for M am Hatlie Sewrey. ter Malcolinson played the wed- or Men w a Flexible-soles Another model for Men, not too Shoes, JUNE 29TH 1919 | Mr. and Mrs, E.'T, Caidwell of ding march. The bride, who was Oxford in Mahogany Calf, a sni conservative--not too exireme, value, ? Flint Michigan, are visiting their hunattended, was given' away by epneeabapely Sa ean ae shown in Black and Dark Brown parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. R. Cald-/Mr, H. H. Malcolmson, wore white aristocrat las - $1.00 . . | Well, Owen Street, meteor crepe and beaded georg- cular vamp ........5 $11.50 pr. information now in Agents' s. Caldwell and Miss Mary |ette with hand embroidered veil joots, Nrs to-day Hand Caldwetl of Alton, IIL, are visit-/and orange blossoms, and earring F ands. ing the former's mother, Mrs.|sweetheart roses and lilyof-the You'll find a large showing of these types of shoes in our new summer stocks, many $2.50 Forsyth, Borezy St. valley. During the signing of the Lida Pi a ieather Do not Mr. and Mrs, A. H, Felt spent{register. Master Ross Morrison combinations of lasts and leathers. "ill not J. E, BILLINGSLEY 4 couple of days in Hamilton this) sang, "I Love You Truly." After Depot Agent : : : +: Phome @ week, the former attending a con-|a reception the newly wedded 9 eens |VEntion of jewelers pair left for Muskoka before tak. | Mrs. Alex. Sinclair and Miss|ing up residence in Parkdale. POOLE & PEARCE fannie' Sireiair nave "returnoa ai, EP. gtesienee | in Pack wns 4 ho after spending severallof navy blue tricotine, with leg- THE BARRIE DAIRY [hone ster speniine sererl|o¢ navy HOUSE OF GOOD SHOFS cba? : Harold Manuel, who has been if iis Creatliness an with his parents, Mr. and Mes.| Orillia Fairwill beheldon Sept. 06000000004 i te. 7 oe ® 4 Quality Count one 7 R. G. Manuel, for several weeks! 16 and 17 Wright--Palling of the 157th Bn, sang|s - The ceremony was Perform. Trinity Church was the scene |"Trusting Eyes. . eras Hi ed by Rev.W.J.Watt. The bride of a charming wedding on Wed- Che groom's favors were: To looked very pretty in a gown of nesday afternvon, June 25, when the maid of honor, large tor-|white georgette with a corsage Miss Constance Palling, daughter |quoise feather fan; tobridesmaids|boquet of sweetheart roses. Af. - of Mrs. Palling ang the late Capt,/and organist, Pretty lingerie|ter the cermony a luncheon was J. F. Palling, became the bride|Pins; to the flower girl, 'silver |/serveg at-which only the immedi. @ of Major G. Craig Wright of Ham-|napkin ring engraved; 'to the/ate relatives were present. The ilton, formerly of the 4th Bn. groomsman. gold tie pin set with|groom's gift to the bride was a a mn half-past twelve the choir |Peatls; to the ushers, gold cuff] lavalier. took thelr places singing as a//inks. The happy couple left on the preoesalonal' hymn "The Voice| Following the geremony, Ha evening train for Toronto and 7 .. pA " ception was held at the familylother points. They will sail on CHILDREN'S VESTS Just received hat, (Breathe ee en Mise residence, 'Edgecombe' 4 where the steamer "Cassandra" to Eng- ti n felicitations were extended by|land 'and Scotland in September. i id played the wedding ' ¥ ear size A new Assortment of organ an ions |™@ny guests including a number paaieinnateriicb tmey BEAUTIFUL . musio. tn the ohuroh decorations irom out of town. 'The large|Ohartle Got ta 'or His New 20c ~ marguerites we thoes belie aF- number of beautiful gifts were] Comedy From Grateful Pup ASSORTMENT WHITE VORE [ctu see, tert Puce gall) admit acded"e| hte" ettts te tit oe 7 to 12 year 25¢ : is ie y tried the bride was a|them was a cut glass set from|studio at Hollywood, California, BLOUSES Gulla lot 'Rev. Canon Reiner was (the congregation of 'Trinity|to 'be erected, Charlie Chaplin OF members i wavevnae Church and a sterling silver gravy| spent many days rambling about A . the officiating clergyman. boat from the choir with which|the highways and bywaye of the in the large sizes 38 to 44 The bride, who was given away lthe bride was associated as or- nearby city of Los Angeles. Dur- BLACK -VOILE: by her uncle, Mr. epee ganist for several years. ing one of his slumming expedi- GEORGETTE Beret Oc apenite satin], The honeyroon will take the|tions into the Mexicas quarter, # retky tn Rer:go9 «i|form of a motor trip for two/he saved a miserable white WAISTS NETT CORSETS areal tnibecider ang fone taltg Months in the Adirondack Mts.[inongrel from a envel oeath tee AND SILK Bencl ouroldery and a enower [and Eastern States. As a travel-|was about to be provided for him 75 F veil. je A ling costume the bride wore aby a pack of sharp-toothed gutter PRICES * Strong quality boquet of bridat Fores age wore French suit of black and bronze,/hounds. The Pup showed his ap- i ualit She groom's fit, e platinum st to. maton, embroidered in(preciation ot chucten kindness eautifu 'y i " : ; a Nett Made in Pink diamond necklace. hep three |W0Ol, bronze shoes and corsage|by following him home and | _ 788 and style on hae Attended by her three) caus, of archida: ~ Major and|atlaching hivséir vette perman- $1.10-81,15 SAMPLE $2.00 sloters, he, beidesmalds, Misse® lacs. Weight will make. their|ent studio stall When it became Shai = ges \:} | Bathleen and Helen, were dressed [in uamilton, necessary to decide upon a BLOUSES alike in white net Ieoeks trimmed theme for his first 81,000,009 with rosebuds, large tulle hate Evans--Tottle comedy, Charlie cudgeled 'his : s to ins. i i 7 wilh rosebuds and streanvera Beneath a canopy of white|/brains for some time until the the hem of their frocks. Miss|_ _ canopy fore te i CHILDREN'S AT GREATLY NEW PRINTS Gladys, the maid of honor, wore |ribbon, embowered in ferns and| Purp forced itself wpoe Hie | a i ilver |flowers, the marriage was /atlention by dragging one of the ' CUTIE'S SOX Se ee eeand PvE lactematzed. tant Wotnosoes [diminutive commilee sn fears | in Dark Colors See ee eet in yeaina (UGS 18) Gl tne come shoes out of his dressing room. | * streamers. Each of the atten. 5 Chaplin decided w th t All sizes up : dants carried a white staff. Miss [of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tottle, | Phe aekin Por ie whee j , Best Qualit le of Hamilton was a|Woodside Ave., of their daughter,|that the ambitious canine should 4 : 'y Ruth Steele of Hamilton 5 ; vard J. E be encouraged in his longing for to 8% PRICES sweet llltle flower inl in pink Evelyn, to Mr; Howard J. vans be encouraged in his longing fo - . 7 t of [O rie. » Mr. ' . * for 35¢ to 50c pair 35c yd. vitk roca Tne & Basket ofr viciated; Miss Adgla Ademecn| Charlie Proveeded to evolve a pink roses. ; veddi story in which the dog shoulit ' Attending the groom was his |Played the wedding march, and leadi le. Th ir. Gordon Wright, re-|Miss Ada Adamson sang "O|0¢cupy a leading role. The com- i ' brother, Mr. aon ion Piet All|Promise Me." The bride wore|Pleted film will be shown at the i d the ushers also saw service over, [white duchess satin and lace with|OPera House, Friday and Satur- t 4 j s Wie waers:elao vous, Rutt ford |tulle veil and orange blossoms,|¢ay, bearing the title, "A Dog's Hy Colored Voile Dresses, some wonderful crea- Gavera at Movie Ret an cared "pnk"rneas| 4 ilton Cassels, Jr., of Toronto, Mr.|Madeline Tottle, her bridesmaid, Men, uy Your sult Your Sults Now ' . . was in pale pink georgette. Mr. i i f $1 2 00 t $ 1 6 50 Peredale Carnenter of Hamilton C. Evans was besten After Our Suit values are surprisiny e tions, ranging m price yom = 0 a pad Mr..Archis 'Dixon Of Hamil: ho aayincion in Muskoka Mr. and|hundreds of men and daily we ar+ aw sat 's. Palling, mother of the |Mrs. Evans will reside in Barrie.|being asked, how can you s:"! -- b iden ore a. black satin and|The bride's travelling costume|suits so cheap? We bought oe chiffon brocade gown, Mrs, {Was of navy blue with leghorn|heavy in 1914, 1915, Yolen, Wright, the groom's mothag,. was bat with white ostrich. customers are now reaping the . benefit. You are invited to vi slocestie unrincee 2 4 Telfer-Graves our store and inspect our with blue ostrich feather iss] The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. meee suit por Hunter's Cloth. PhyHis Wright, sister 1 |J. Graves, Mary St., was the scene} {ng Store, Barrie. \ groom, had a frock of white and blue crepe de chene with bat to match. During the signing of the reg- ister, Major W. D: Smith,-form- lof a very pretty wedding on June 19, when their daughter Annia Louise was united in marriage to David 'Stenhouse Telfer of Tor- onto, recently returned fom over-

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