position in the institute. ha posi- srobable, ito effect phesent xcellent, ticularly goods, 1O farmer is rich enough to feed high-priced butter to his hogs or his calves in partially skimmed milk. It'é a waste of moneytnnd food that your pocketbook, your neigh- bors, your country, all condemn. But it's a waste that is going on today wherever an inferior ot half-worn-out cream separator is being used, or the wasteful "gravity" method. = 'Why not put a stop to this needless waste with a De Laval (ream Separator? There is no other that can compare with De Laval' in 'clean skimming, capacity, ease of operation, __ freedom from repairs, and dura- ~ bility. It's the world's greatest géam saver. Come in some day and talk it over SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BUY A / DE LAVAL Lightning Cant Strike if You can't afford to do this [IF YOU WANT to be sure that Lightning will not strike your house or barn or other property--if you want to feel perfectly safe when the Lightning flashes--remember that hitnn-kla Lightning Rods~- are Bonded to absolutely protect {your property from damage by Lightning. A large Bonding Company issues a Surety Bond to the owner of every building we protect, guaranteeing that Light- ning will not damage. 36 per cent. Greater Capacity Shinn-Flat has 86% more conducting surface for electricity than any round cable containing the same amount of material. + W. H. Day, Professor of Physics at the Ontario Agricul- tural College for twelve years, assists in training Shinn Deal- ers, thus insuring correct installation. It costs very liftle to get protection, THE SARJEANT CO., LTD., AGENTS ht- Kept right The Greatest Name he In Good y-Land In the world nat- urally has to have a package worthy of its contents. , SHINN Gets There First] | THK OLD HOME SINGERS. June 2 AFEW OF THE MANY ATTRACTIONS SIGNALLER TOM /SKEYHILL. 'Theodore Roosevelt said that he would rather appear on the public vhill than with any other living man. ' Skeyhill {s an Australian who came out of the Gallipoli Campaign seriously injured and totally blind. His sight was miraculously restored. great cities, He will speak on the last day telling how' they fought the Hipoli Campaign. Jean A. Picard. Picard is a Frenchman, fought as a Lieutenant in the first Battle of the Marne, was seriously wounded and has since been the Representa- tive of his country on this continent, telling of the spirit of France in the Great Contest. He is a wonderful Representative and Interpreter of this great people, and will tell us what the spirit of France is to be in the re-construction period. No man on the platform can an- than can Lieutenant Picard. We are placing him upon the afternoon pro- gramme so as to give an abundant occasion for this, Be sure to hear him. 'THE VISSOCHI FLORENTINES. We have a continuous Novelty Company on the third day of Chautauqua. se Vissochi is' known on all great circuits in the States as a wonderful performer upon the Piano Accordion, He has a sustaining Company composed of a Violinist, a Reader and a Pianist, and their work is of that popular character that will please the multitudes, A LIMITED NUMBER OF SEASON TICKETS, WHICH ARE GOOD FOR ADMISSION TO'THE WHOLE Cen OF ELEVEN HIGH-CLASS ENTERTAINMENTS, SALE--ADULTS. $2.20, CHILDREN $1.10, INCLUDING WAR TAX. THESE TICKETS ARE INTER' AMONG MEMBERS OF THE DIATE FAMILY. OMSON'S : 'OF THE CO! He has been the sensation of the platform in London, New York, and other | swer questions more satisfactorily |' CULARS ON ANOTHER PAGE. LADIES, MISSES' and CHILDREN'S --PANAMAS-- '25 DOZEN TOYO PANAMAS ON SALE AT $1.50 These are worth from $2.00 to $3.00 regular. Some are trimmed with fine corded silk bands, others are plain, but all are exceptionally good value. . \ MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S MILAN STRAWS € About 5 dozen in the lot. The prices regularly are $3.00 to $5.00. The entire lot $2.00 and $3.00. These are all very fine hats, and are a great bargain. MEN'S TOYO PANAMAS Finest quality, regular $3.50, on sale at... .$2.50 MEN'S FINEST QUALITY BOATERS Sennetts and fine Split Braids, regular $3.00 to $4.00. On Sale at .......cccecsereeroesecs $2.00 Men's Fine French Panamas at $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00 Our entire straw hat stock on SALE at reduced prices { SIMMONS &CO. FOR HEADWEAR AND FURS, | EDENVALE | 'e i: The Old Home Singers Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bailey, Joba Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ashton of Uxbridge spent the week-end with the former's sister, Everybody loves the songs. of |Mes. Joseph Fralick. "Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Elliott of Cadmus are j iden Times, and the Old Home |spending some time with the former's bro- N ther, S. Elliott. | Singers have devoted their energies | Wit) Webber atid Hurry Pearson are bury to the rendition of these in a manner putting cement stables and foundations ww- der their barns, that is most fascinating. No item) Mr. and Mrs. Frank Livingston spent few days last week in Toronto. has been neglected to make the set-) Zeman Rupert has purchased 8 newt ting the very best. They render [Fordson tractor. ' Mr, and Mrs, Charles Grigg of Allenwood! their songs in old-time costumes. |spent Sunday with Mrs. W. C. Webb. thelr' ¥ 4 to pertecthan, |,, The, Sermers are busy working on their 'heir entire programme is strong| Max Coutte of Midhurst spent Sunday. | with bis sister, Mrs, To:n Knupp. | and animated, and they will charm pe Mieraibeheaon MINESING STATION: ~ all who hear them with the beauty 'A large number of friends of Pte, Arthur' of thetr performances. No better larGuire gathered at the home of Mr. and Company could have been chosen for |Mrs. B. F Tracy on June 11. Pte. McGuire has spent several years at the Front and the opening day of Chautauqua than it was the friends' duty to welcome him |. " jhome again. He was the first to answer "The Old Home Singers.' the call of King and County in this vicinity" Weddin! . and the last to return. A short programme: vitations and AN- was given after which Ptc. McGuire wae nouncements, in script or wed- |presented with the sum of sbout $40, He ding text, printed at The Ex-|made a very suitable reply and gave some aminer. of his experiences while in the army. Supper" Werding cake boxes for sale at | served afterwards and everyone, spent: e a very pleasant evening. The Examiner office. eS Buy advertised things, it pays.|ronto to take hss gone to Tox' tion. a Perfection, the cooks all recipes to the height of Perfection. 'The Long Blue Chimney Burner on. Jean {nitense heat. It concentrates it all 1¢ utensll--none wasted. And because the Derfect there {sino smoke or odor. 'The New Perfection does gas ttove does-- Is us eany to regulate. 3,000,000 are now giving satisfac tion to Just so many housewives. Burns Imperial Royalite Coa! Of, the most economical and etiient fos stove makes ly under 'Ask your dealer about the New Perfection, Have him demonstrate at your convenience the advantages of the 'Long Blue Chimney, For Sale by NEW _P! . 'THE Everywhere ECTION | SEASON A