|SUNBURN' FRECKLES ' AND TAN Bright, sunny days soon affect the complexion. Thg healthful gtow is replaced by tan and sun. burn, freckles appear and need- less to say, sume healing lotion or ointment is required to soothe the burnt skin and banish the tan and freckles. NYAT FACE In actual 'size it is small CREAM is a skin food that pro. enough tv carry, ang the size of | duces a soft, white, smooth com. Picture made is big enough and plexi It has a delightful re. good enough to tell the whole) freching perfume and when ap- story well. The name and date) plied before exposure to sun or can be written on the film when dae picture is taken. Price $9.00 to $21.60 One roil of film takes 8 ex-| 'posures and only costs 20. We) do the developing and printing CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS here. A man is seldom sick when his Wm. Crossland |.::23" sss: wind prevents roughness and tan and that unpleasant. shin: pearance dud to heat.. In jars at 25¢ and 50c. well when they are constipated. j GIS For coustipation you will find DRUG Ls nothing better than Chamber- ARRIE Jain's Tablets They also im prove the appetite and strength- the digestion. The price is Se. en only QuLUGE oie oceeaEEEEEEEmeeeeeee tt OUR NATURE STUDY COLUMN je The Solitary and Spotted Sandpipers | grasses; but witen this saw the é: ESamtheg |S procured by he admitted that his were Tn asking the rt ae Tc Major Robie: {Hot similar. Mr, Raine nok to ee the son has task = Be ale Alle 02 and as far as is lieder éa ci ike Ree nown the never been found ing very h steer t whe found in an ob very hare | Waxwing's nest) anoth n win Jay, and the way t former of one of the adult dards Thare in United Stares fur + fan, whieh the of the the tal Sol sud wen the wail side Tn winter the be The res call the "solitary familar 9 cllng an ane Tr has the peculiar habit of indiveduals come fe moving its tail up and down lakeshore while al when at or running along the =: re, # i ich characteristic action it ast 1898, ons the 1 Teeter-tail' and "Tip-up.' found by Dr e[t: buikls its nest under a tuft of grax or nd. Kingston weed close to the water and about. the first of June lays three to five ina with grayish buff Capital and Reserve, -- - $8,600,000 Total Assets, Nov. 30th, 1918, over $153, 000,000 If a Burglar Came To-night Would your valuables be safe from him? If you own Victory Bonds or other negotiable secui- rities, you should keep them where they will be far removed from thieves or fire, Safety Deposit Boxes of different sizes to meet your needs, may be rented at this Branch, from $2.50 upwards. Ask our Manager for rates, UNION BANK OF CANADA THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA HEAD OFFICE WINNIPEG, MAN. ' Barrie Branch & Safety Deposit Boxes, A. Leslie, Mgr. Cookstown Branch, T. McMillan, Mgr. Thornton Branch, + . W. T. Hodgson, Mgr. Building a Bungalow or Are You Remodeling? sting tet You'll want Beaver Board for the walls and ceilings to give the inside the same mark of cosine, and originality as the outside, The only thing for Summer Cottages because it stands up'in all kinds of weather. Goes up without any. fuss or muss and lasts as Jong as the house. Han improved Yall and ceiling material that is-befag i stead of lath and plaster in thousands of homes--large tay enn oldandnew--in Stores, officesand public buildings. i itself to Sunday visitors at Mrs. G. with J. Murphy. Ontario. on Saturday by the stork wl them a fine baby boy. Congratulations, with Miss Edna Carson recently, 'The Passenger Pigeon Major Robinson's notes in the Nature Study. Column of a previous issue saying that "a passenger pigeon had been found in jAlgonquin Park were of great interest to all and particularly important to naturalists and museum keepers throughout the con jtinent who had placed this bird on the ilist of those extinct. The pigeon was seen jby Ranger Waters at Rock Lake Station, and as Mr. Waters is an expert authority on birds there ean be little doubt but this is the real Passenger Pigeon, which were found in millions over this continent in the 80's. In 1914 what was supposed to be ithe Inst specimen of this bird died in cap tivity and since then both the Canadian and 'United States governments have offered handsome rewards to anyone who could find one of these birds. Although many replies were received, in every case they re ferred to the Mourning Dove of middle and | 'eastern North America or to the Band. tailed Pigeon west of the Rockies. | | With the Passenger Pigeon being neurly obliterated from the continent, the Mourn ing Dove is rapidly incressing to take the |place of its larger relative. They have |apparently taken lesson to heart ond se stead of nesting in large colonies, generally split up to one or two pairs toa locality. |The nest, which generally built in a coniferous tree, is a very. frail structure Jof aticks and rootlets through which the jtwo white eggs may be seen from below |The adult has brownish back, bluish-buff | |crown with a black spot back of the eve and | [below tho ear, the underparts are grey buif The' Band-tailed Pigeon may be found | from the Rocky Mts. westward to the Paci fie and from British Columbia to Mexico. | fanuly by eresces side of the neck. tiny flocks and agu ; Ty May or Jus ex tay their two white eggs on the usual © Passenger Pigewn wae chive the entire length af the | continent, andl of all the wild pigenus this Te the most hunsse sverios The under: [farts are ruddy, the uoper parts, hev! and | Ineck are blueeres with subdued oatehe jot vurple-red sheen on the neck. The ntneal s bird kh others. including Ches te long unt gr appeared quite ase to exist w e|ter A. Reed, maintained that a few «till in. { the interior. This latter theory nved correct huhi jhas bay | Wonderful Mechanism of the Lady's Slipper During the month of June 4 great many of the more brightly colored wild flowers | are in their best bloom and mingled with the gaudy blue Ins and reddish Pitcher | Plant. the Laily's Shpper at one attracts us by its flaunted beaéy and dainty [architecture | But not for our admiration alone does this wonderful orchid hang ite bag of plenty in the marshes; for the bees its wonderful mechanism 'is especially adapted. No plant is better formed. to compel insects to transfer its pollen than the Lady's Slipper. The opening ut the top is of such size that a bee must use considerable force to squeeze his way into the large, spotted banquet chamber where | he finds food in plenty hidden among the fine white hairs in the upper part, When | buzzing about trying to find a way out, and a8 the sides are turned downw: around the opening through which he en- tered, to get out by that route is impossible, | Curved downward and hanging partly in | this large aperture is a white tongue. be- hind which are. two tiny openings. Toward these the bee makes his way and as the} Passage grows narrower toward thé? out- side it would seem as though he could never get out; nor does he until he has rubbed his back along a stocky overhanging plete or stigma which is furnished with tiny [sti hairs all pointing downward and back. ward--placed there for the purpose of combing out the pollen brought in from another slipper on the bee's back ond head But his troubles ate not yet over, After thé pollen-has been oll safely removed he struggles of foward the open air until he Feaches two round particles which' are Plastered on the under nidé with yellow pollen not unlike"buster. In forcing ite way under this unther, which is drawn down. ward on a minute hinge, the insect's back ix coated with tho sticky pollen, y he flies to snother.Lady's Slipper to h combed out as shove described. Si sects go in and out without paying toll. and some, too large to get out by the in. tenrled route, bite their way to. freedom through the thin wall of the inflated sac, Mutilated flowers are not-uncommon. 'The preferred habitat of these plants is moist. bogey swamps. but the pink variety are more often hidden under the shade of the trees than are the Yellow Lady's Slippers, SIXTH LINE, VESPRA 'Mrs. W. R. Brown left fast ni an extended visit with: friends ig iy? chewan. Mrs. H. Baker and Mrs, G, 'Thaxton were Wingrove's, © Norman McCabe of Toronto is visiting N. F. Reynolds arrived on Friday last m Winnipeg to spend the vacation in id Mrs, R. N. Hickling were visited ich left with Mr, Miss Marjorie Kissick of Edgar visited not papered--and lei ¢ decorative Read about the unique Beat ded bun, cribed in the Saturday Evesing Post of February 197800" dee Call or 'phone 10 we can tell about Beaver Board and shew you samples, Made tn Cana BALL PLANING MIL, Phone 109, Barrie spending the week-end with friends in Ta- Tonto. -[his front lawn these 801 rec' nor Mrs. Carson returned on Monday after es A man can't even dig dandefons out of days without having ebody come along and ask him what he uses in making root beer, Cr | must not be parked in Orillia Park iven faster than six miles an 'hour, R. A. Brown's store at Coldwater was last and 8 considerable quantity of boots. and clothing take bien intron recently "dedieeto! al" yy ti é a a uae was sion Wealth, and are taking the great.| er part of it lends an entirely different aspect! to the situation, Thursday, June. 19, 1919 Dons BrovHers BUSINESS CAR A business car built with the same con- ¥ scientious thoroughness that characterizes 8 all of Dodge Brothers' products. | It will do what it is intended to do in an 4 efficient and economical manner. It will pay you to visit us and examine this car. The haulage cost is unusually low. T. R. HUXTABLE Thrift Stamps Collingwood collegiate institute As Canadians we must posi- age Nx Ae report. | tively Undertake to see that steh} may have a change of principal. wil Hee Peseaee: We reeeeaz]a. situation does not develop in| W, J. Feasby, , has been are leaving the United States for{ Canada| in future years. 'Thelrecommended by the Manage. their native homes. They un. [situation here is serious' today, | ment Commiltee for the position questionably ha he Americana {2Ut it will be far more serious iffof teacher of English in tho Tk Ee ee Americans' | we aa abt teke action steps to pre-| Jarvis street collegiate institute. godspeed on their journey, but it { If Mr. Feasby accepts the po vent it | wae anne reported that the Prevention lies in thrift, prop-jtion offered, which is probable, | areliniss Jit in thelr POBReS-| ony applied--ot. minerliness ool the change will not go into effect Noth 6f the countr ardliness, but commonsense|until the close of the present saving and commonsensa spend-| term. ing. Buy With them, This | advertised goads. 'Yt paye Ho fall wheat being particularly I. ER 355 d "Breezy Music" gto Help you Keep Cool "(KEEP your mind off the neat," say the doctors. "That's the way to keep cool." With a Vietrolatn your porch and some happy-hearted, light- footed music playing, it is quite possible to forget all about the heat with "His Master's Voice" Records ee eo aS i Red Seal Reootds Dream of Youth (Reve de Jeunesse) 'Violin = = 90 cents for 10.inch, double-sided That Tumble-down 'Shatk in Athione-- = "iM Keiser 64736. World/Saes with You 74 he 'ow yrs Lewis Jarsea't Quartet {856g Tas Ute Old Log Cabin in he Lang Py the Camp fire Peer fos Qvartet--and-- Spanish Danée (Op. 21, No. 1) - Vislia Jascha Helfetz 74569 _-~ Harr-Eliott Shaw 18540, ié Hush-a-bye, Ma Baby (Missouri! Waltz) ~~ t es Cand ina the Shadows Softly Calling Me Home to You Tenor Hear them at any "His Master's Voice" dealers Manufactured by Berliner Gram-o-phone Co., Limited, Montreal pais . om GEO. VICKERS » The crop outlook is excellent,