91919 19, 2s if ish Skirts y reduced ite Middy Monday, Skirts are pe Skirts, 00, $6.00. -. $5.00 avy Blue, 50, $6.75 Washing- 00, $5.50 ses. You $3.00, $4 ra DAY F LYS Inesday, ng at 12 g June, gust, ex- ks there liday. Se ixiliary of the The meeting ng and prayer. SALE PRICES 2. $2.10-9213 $2.00-82.08 . 75-800 , eats our can under- | business is It is be- ery, using ic.methods, - delightful r 'Bryson's quality. __ wears. "Thursday. 'Jrme 19. 1919, COWIE dren's Wear, Sweater Coats, COWIE SUCCESSORS TO Bell Telephone Co. Wins Bottr| who lives between Mr. Wice and Last week His Honor Judge Vance handed out judgment in the actions of Wm. Adamson vs Bell Telephone Co. and the Bell Telephone Cu. vs. Mary ua Adamson. 'his litigation arose over the right to use 37 feet of a ten-foot lane at the rear of the Bell 'Lelephone Co, premises. The jane runs from Bayfield St, tu Maple Ave. and pfaintifl sought an injunction to restrain de- fendants from using the portion at the north of his property. His Honor, commenting upon the complicated lille, said it was caused mainly "bad and care- less conveyancing, most of it home-made or inspired at home, with peculiar and extraordinary business ideas." The° jud reviews in detail the conv in connection with the proper since {887, On more than one vccasion there were different deeds drawn affecting, the same property, and registered the same day, between the sisters and in one ease a stra rows intro: duced "In order to show the comes mercial enterprise of the plain tiff ang his wife.' says the jue ment, "it was brought ett in evi- dence that Mr. Wice, she now owns and lives on prope auth of the lane and has h rber shop on Blizabeth St, had made arrangement with Me, Martin, RUPTURE APPLIANCE EXPERT COMING New Invention Ri. Without Pain or Lor of Tl trusses and Yoreign mall order methods are done away w! by the surgical inventions of ® Canadian Stuy, ot Bre Fenuand seeurity nherovothers have faled: prevents ail Irration, retains ever PXtural position as soon aa leis used, mradg trusses are thrown away- Ke Tras' ds intended to asaist nacure ih -Sinang the opening pte abortest time Known sost.® Testimonials from men, Sid afemel frown men. toe method. Delays may be make yourself BARRIE--Hotel Wellington, Monday (all day and night), 1 day only--June 30th. NOTICE TO MOTORISTS In order to avoid congestion on Dunlop and Elizabeth Streets, thotorists are request- ed not to leave their cars stand- ing on the above named streets between Bradford Street and Poyntz Street longer than half an hour. Cars may be left -standing for a longer period on the adjacent streets, but in do- 'ing so in the evening,. care -must be taken to conform to the law with regard to lights on 25-27¢ A. W. SMITH, Town Clerk Barrie, June 18th, 1919. TheNew Fancy GoodsStore Wools, Stamped Goods, Chil- lines of Fancy Goods Clapperton Street---East Side & CO. yjthe part in Pire_ was getting, and to take from) & CO... Pullovers and Beads and all MISS ARMITAGE the south end of the lane, so that he could go across the back en of Mr, Marlin's property, across the lane and into his barber shop through the back door. 'The Adamsons vbjected to this, con- tending that he had only right of way tu go from street tu street Su Mr, Wice, to avoid litigation vr trouble, agreed to pay them 25 cents a year for the privilege of using this right of way which he was really entitled to use. Mr. Wice sdid he had used the right of way now im dispute; in fact. it seems to have been generally used by owners and tenants in the block without objection." "There wa, no evidence that Mrs, Perkins or anyone subse: uently ever altempted to exe cise any right of ownership diypute until t plaintit? did so in 1917." "After the plaintif' has had the property, since August, 1916 he, in the spring of 1917, «1 deavors to obtain something he did not pay for or did not know the defendants something they dit pay for and thought th were getting. * * * Byidence of Geo, Hagart showed that plaintit said that he had nothing to de with its it was his wife TCO e Evidence proved that We made tte | claim until-seane time later than this. His wife, however, did and) he stood by until it was thought his wife could not sucered atl that perhaps he could," Judgment was given for de-| fendants with costs. and declar- ing defendants have a valid right of way over the land im dispute; an injunction restraining plain tiff from inte with the de fendants. Costgof counter claun also were given lo defendants. If| the defendants so request, there may be an order to remove the gates at each end of the right} ogway on Bayfield St, and Maple Ave In the case of the Bell Tele- phone Co. vs. Mary Ann Adam- son, His Honor found that de- fendant had no right to pul up an obstruction in the lane or to interfere with the plaintiffs in the use of the right of way men- tioned. Judgment was given re- straining defendant from ob- structing in any way the use of this right of way. Mrs. Adam~ son to pay costs. Struck by Lightning In Monday night's heavy thunderstorm, the residence of W. C. Hunter, Owen St., was struck by lightning, but fortun- ately no one was injured and the damage was not large. The bolt hit the chimney and knocking off the top bricks made a slit down either side. One part of the current' followed the chimney into the house and blew the stoppers out of the pipe holes in three rooms. The other part ran along the eavetrough, jumped to a big spike at the end and from that to the pipe in which the electric wiring is enclosed. Along this the current made its way to the cellar where it blew out the fuse and jumping to a waterpipe was grounded. Remember Patterson's Big One Cent Sale on Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week. MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN with modern plumbing. Have us put in new enameled tubs, a snow white sink, or a water heater to your boiler, You will find the kitchen work actually easier and far-pleasanter. Healthier, too, to Mrs. L. F. Cross is visiting in, Peterboro. C. W. Plaxton of Toronto was in town on Monday. Miss Birdie Rhinehart is visit- ing friends in New Lowell. Mr. and Mrs, H. A. Sims leave nex! week to spend a holi in Prescott. Mrs. Esther Plewes of Toronto: is visiting wilh her daughter, / Mrs. R. H. Webb. | Mrs. § McAdam, with her three sons, is visiting her i mother, Mrs. Lett. : Mrs. W. H. Gould of the Mich-' igan Soo is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. K. Warner. Mi Cameron of London has been spending a few days with Miss Nellie McNabb. Mrs. Lawson and the Misses Lawson leave this week to visit Major Tawson in Kingston Rev, Frank C. Harper has been appointed .Referendum organizer for Simeoe, Grey and Dufferin | Counties The marriage took place in To- ronto on Wednesday, June 18, of Miss Evelyn 'Tottle to Mr. Howard Evans of Barrie i Mrs. Aziz and her young son, William, from Assiout, Egypt, are visiting Mrs. Ault, 342 Bloor St, West, Toronto Mixx Mae Dougall of Detroit and Mrs, Gordon Wells of Toron- to are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jno, Dougall. R, H. White and daughter, Helen, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor, "Rewan Lawn," Bar Mr. and Mrs. Rabert Moore and Mixs Moore, Vietoria St., left last night for Lethbridge, Alta., where they will make their home H, G. Robertson, Eliner White and Albert Padiison are in Tor- onto this week attending the nd Lodge of Gddfellows. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Pater are at present visiting Miss son M. Clarke. Stroud. Mrs. Paterson was formerly Miss I. Angus. Mr. and Mrs, RF. Manuel of Portage La Prairie, Man are visiling the former's parents Mr: and Mr. R, G. Manuel, 24 North St Staff! Sergeant A. PP. Dea returning from overseas spent a few day ast week with his aunt, Mrs. A. E. Clark. an route to his| home in Falmenton | Otte Gallagher passed his second year in Modeen Histor Faculty of Arts, with honors, He alsoApassed his Wycliffe College exam, with honors Jas. G Fair of Brantford! motored to town on Sunday. His| sister, Miss Fdna Fair, accom.| panied him and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wobb Miss Vera MeCarthy returned] to town this week after spending three vears in England, Mrs MeCarthy and Miss Brydon are spending a short time in Toronto on the way home Mrs. M, O'Connor has returned from Hamilton where she was attending the convention of the Canadian Order of -- Cnosen Friends as representative of) Allandale Council No. 140. Ernest Barrie of Galt, a mem- ber of the local branch of the Bank of Toronto four years ago, and lately returned from over- seas, was in town for a few days this week, visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Spence, Craighurst. announce the engage- ment of their daughter. *Irene Eliza, to William George Steach- an, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Strachan, Oro, The marriage to take place the latter part of June, Mrs. M. Parkhouse, Mrs, B, L, Ingram and Miss Pearl Lewis attended the Commencement. Ex- ercises of Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby, last week. Miss Ruby Parkhouse received the degree of M.E.L. and won the gold medal for the highest standing in the M.E.L. Course. Miss Beatrice Ingram won the silver medal for the highest standing in the One Year Commercial Course. THORNTON June 18.--Mr. and Mrs, F. C. Bishop, Miss Bishop and H. Brown of Elmvale 'spent over Sunday with Mm. M. E. Dut- cher. John Smith of Collingwood is visiting for a week with his friends, Mr, ard Mrs. Geo. B. Henry. W. J. C. Boake's Sunday School class spent Inst Saturday afternoon at the Lake. All report a good time. Allistor lost by a score of 7 to 0 in fevor of Thornton last Friday afternoon ere. Mrs. W. A. Jamieson and Mr. and Mrs, Jas, A. Jamieson attended a Deanery meet- ing at Rosemont last Tuesday. A number from here attended the Wom- en's Institute meeting at Bradford Isst work in sucka place. well, Jet us surprise you by tell- ing you how little the expense will be. MOFFATT & PARR Plumbers, Phone 831, Barrie Sole' Agents fer. 'Hecla" Furnaces G The cost? |x, nday. Jas. Jennett jacked up his barn last Tuesday and will put o stone foundation "THE BARRIE EXAMINER GIRLS' PRINT DRESSES 2 to 6 years Pique Collars . . Special Value in MIDDIES AND SMOCKS Collar. For . : Special Values in FAILLES AND CREPES From 30c to $1.50 sortment of VOILE DRESSES $10.00 to $16.50 | service last Sabbath evening in the Meth- odist Church, Mr, McKee of Toronto is «pending a few days with his friend, Joha Patton, Pte. Harold O'Dell arrived home lust Friday evening. Hix friends are pleased to see him, looking so_ well. Roy Blackstock of Toronto spent a couple of days recently with his father and mo- ther, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Blackstock, Parish of Vespra, 7th Line Sunday, June 22 Sunday School--1.30 p.m. Evening Prayer and Address--2, 30 p.m. Note--These hours are according to the old time schedule. This will bring to the notice of the members of the above parish thet Christ Church has beguo services again for the summer months, Next Sunday's Subject-- "The End of the World." Be a booster, buy at home. under the same this summer, 'Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Henry spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. ©. Allan of Chas. Henry, (Pree. of the Bpworth Leag- ue) and' A. MeKensie cde ge Biot Are trimmed with striped .. $1.45 Just received a New As- Ranging in price from THE REXALL DRUGGIST, SEE OUR HATS FOR $3.29 They are away below cost BUNGALOW APRONS Good strong dark patterns in print for $1.00 PINK HABUTUI SILK WAIST Special Price, all sizes $2.25 SPECIAL FAILLE SKIRT In Black and Navy, for $5.50 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN .THE MATTER OF the Estate of Joanna Kest, late of the Township of Oro, in the County of Simcoe, married woman, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. 8.0. 1914, and Amending Acts that all per- sons having claims or demands against the late Joanna Keat, who died on or about the tenth dsy of May, 1919, at the Town of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, are re- quired on or before the 26th day of June, 1919, to send by post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned, solicitors for the Ex- ecutors of the Estate of the said Joanna Keat, their names and addresses. and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts, and the nature of the securitits, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE thst after the 26th day of June, 1919, the said Executors will proceed to distribute the ssseta of the said OUR BIG ONE CENT SALE Is now going on JUNE 19, 20, and 21 Hundreds of Bargains Good Assortment of BEST GRADE PRINT 35 in. wide Light Colors ...... 30¢ Dark Colors ...,.. 35¢ LADIES' GINGHAM ' DRESSES Sold up to $5.50 Special Price $3.79 Beautiful Colored fancy Striped FAILLE SKIRTS Made in best style $10.50 FANCY TOP SOX All sizes; also white, black and brown. 25c, 35c, and 50c Powell & Co. deceased among the persons entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said ussets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Barrie, this 26th day of Moy, AD. 1919. STEWART & STEWART, Solicitors for the Executors, 22-25¢ Barrie, Ontario, ooo IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mr. Richard Power, died June 20, 1918. A precious husband and father from ua has gone, A voice we loved is stilled. A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. --Wife and family. A. E. PATTERSON - ALLANDALE