wou Your Reading Needs \ Are Well Supplied --at-- Scott's Jas. Arnold Fire & Life Insurance Agent @eai Estate and Money to Loan A number of Valuable Farms and Town Properties for Sale on} 'the most reasonable terms. MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING BARRIE 6.6, Smith & Co, Established 1809 UNDERTAKERS Open Day and Night Morgue and Chapel in connection BARRIE, ONT. - "INSURANCE ' All Kinds Placed in 'RELIABLE COMPANIES WE WRITE Farm Risks at the Old Rates YOUR AUTOMOBILE INSURED - To Cover Everywhere A. F. A. MALCOMSON The Insurance Man, Barrie. ya EF 48 TO DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE 'Our success as funeral directors | 'has been developed by our pat- rons, and our best advertisement | is word-: tion . of our custome "have been with us for years. We aim lo serve one and all, rieh and poor, alike--to render the sbest we know how. W. D. MINNIKIN Phone 431 . 34 Mary St. 2 doors south of our former location. ommenda- | Sines \ THE BARRIE EXAMINER SECURITY A Savings Bank Account not only provides an assurance for the ent, but guarantees you security in the future. To save is to succeeed--= THE CANADIAN BANK _ OF COMMERCE L.F. Cross, Manager oO ---------- The Pawns Count By E. Phillips Oppenheim Copyright, 1918, by Little, Brown & Co. Serial Publication rights secured by The Examiner, through special arrangement with owners of copyright. Barrie Branch sition towards you was a wrong one. We offered you s reversion when we ahould jhave offered you the thing itself," Senator Joyce swung sround ay, Mr, Fischer, what are you getting he asked bluntly. | "I mean that it is Hastings und £ who 'should have been your supporters, and you | occupying the attention | of the country very largely at the moment, \W80, should have been our candidate," "What Mie Van Teyl,"" he said. "It ia perhaps {iseher suggested Bee. unfortunate that Governor Roughton seems |! yt) at foo late." to have ullowed his sympathies to be so! ing doing, sir," was the firn re-| clearly known." ae. ply, "Theodore Hastings may aot be exuct: | ; ly my type of man, bat T He is a German by bi ly my typ . An! not out to Banida'ingul ee "him cornered like that, und beatces (Continued from last week) "What has Governor Roughton been do- ing, Mr. Fischer?" she asked, ere was a moment's silence. Pamela's |question had fallen something like bomb- | shell amongst the little party. It was their | guest who replied. "The matter about is he not?" + Fischer aceerted, (20 tell you the honest truth. Mfr a Fees awerted: ne added, pausing ut the door, "when ra "All the sune'" Pamely murmured wader "48d for Presidency. I want to fo x0. not | her breath.' think that he es nrg on te nomination of you or your. frien: at Stuttgart."" jor any underground schemers. I want the "He is an American citizen," Senator SUPPL of the real American citizen, 1 Joyer obaeced, "and has tecehert enigh (want to be free ftom all «utnide ties and position here, «We of the Administration OMligntions, { want to stand for America, may be wrong." he continted, "but we be. and America oaly. I not only want to be | President, you see, but I want to be the | lieve, and we think that we have a night | to beheve, Yhut when any man of conscience Choe President of the right sort of people. | . Tam going to ask sou to exeuer d ideals tal path, he is free going 5 excun AD lenis fakes thes GMD. Deo fees San ante the tadiew and our-Howt, My Fischer," | 2a es tga ng sel Bling wt he | HE eceniseas Aa magnificent,"" Pamela General, which T only received on. my way | (declared, "but it isn't common sense, v« it, Bere. T have am idea chat it is aba thie and you haven't answered my oriinal Fischer autttened to the others alone. eet am pot in a position to sda sn, Mise |Flastings was eleuely disturbed at hix guest's | Van Tevl. dogce sentied. "The trouble (¢parture. His friend and aupporter, few: | ever. affected to treat it lightly, "Joyce is like all these lawyers," he declared? "He ix simply waiting to see which way the wind blows I have come | neross them many times They like to wait | till parties are evenly balanced. till their jsupport makes afl the difference, and clinch their bargain then," T should have said," Pameth remarked. 'thi Mr. Joyee was a man above thut sort_of thing." Fyery man hax his price and his weak er is that Governor Roughton has been consid ered incompetent as so mahy of these dis- [asters have taken place unhindered in hie Stute,"" ' There was a rumour." persis: ted, "that he was undig. ar "Quite untrue, Tam stre, tered. There was a general diversion of the con- versation but the serise of uneasiness re- | Pamela end Mts. Hastings, at the conclusion of the little banquet, acting upon , a hint from their host, made their way to }$P0t Fischer mut unefe observed didactically "Joyce's price is the Presideney. His weak quickly very on Nee chairs closer. together. one of th ll drawing-rooms for their . ang the amall drawing roms for thet lace ponular adit age.' : Joyee's fine |Fisetier. He will probably join us later." face seemed somehow to have become a| Mr. Hastings was summoned to the 'ele. little harder and more unsymoathetic. He ped the water, whieh was his only bev- age, and pushed away the cigars in which he generally indulged. ~ "Mr. Hastings," he pronounced, "I have xiven the subject of supporting your nom- ination mytdeepest consideration. I was at bs jone time, I must confess, favourable dis- Black, Tan and WHITE Rubber Heels and Soles 'put on by i 'THE WHITBY | SHOE REPAIR STORES Two Doors West of Tele- : phone Office, Barrie | One Door North' of the |) Jassie Hotel, Allandale PHONE C, BROWN : 250 FOR THE BEST IN | * BAKERS' BREAD HOME-MADE BREAD . BROWN BREAD SANDWICH BREAD AND A FULL LINE OF PIES, CAKES and PASTRY w . Bakery and Saleshop: Tor. Elizabeth and Small Streets The Barrie Planing Mill Corner Sophia and Mary Streets Manufacturers of Sash, Door, Frames, "Blooring, Céiling, Mouldings, Water Troughs, Tanks, ete. carry in stock a large assortment of end Dressed Lumber, B.C. Shingles and Roofing. Wood Turning and Kiln Drying a Specialty. Dressing, done 'promptly. : Consult us with your building. | Joyee 'SIMCOE MARBLE WORKS Eastman, Prop. jnosed towards the idea. I have changed |my mind. T.have decided to give my sup- port to the present Administration."* Fischer's face was dark with anger, He allowed an expletive to escape from his lips. Hastings, however, remained master of himself. "Twill not conceal from you, Mr. Jov he confessed, 'that Tam exceedingly di pointed. You have fully considered évery- thing, I presume--dur pledge, for instance, to nominate you as my successor?" have considered everything," Joyce re- ed. "The drawback in my mind, to be fronk with you, "that T doubt whether you would receive sufficient support throughout the country. It is my idea," he went on, "slthough T muy be wrong. of that the support of the German. nx who, you must allow me to are an exceedingly unneutral part of America, will place you in an unpopular position. Should you succeed in getting yourself elected, which I very much doubt, you will be an unpopular President. I would rather wait my time. . 'ou have changed your views," Fis- cher mutterd. "To be perfettly frank with you, I have," acknowledged. _ 'These outrages throughout the States are, to my mind, blatant and criminal. Directly or indirect- ly, the German-American public is res- ponsible for them--indirectly, by inflam- matory speeches, reckless journalism, and. point-blank laudation of illegal acts; di- rectly--well, here I can speak only from my own suspicions, so I-will remain But my mind is msde up. A man inlbis country, as you know," he added, "need make 'only one mistake and. his political future is blasted, I am ndt, inclined to risk making that one. mistake." Hostings sighed. He was making « brave effort to conceal a great disappointment, "One cannot argue with you, Mr. Joyce," hhe regretted. "You have come to a cer- tain conclusion, and words are not likely course, ey rose from the table a few minutes Inter, Fischer, Who had been eagedy for moment as they ; Minaré's Liniment Cures Burns, Etc. rowded. "Mr. Joyce," he said, your decision tonight. with deeper regret than T can expreas, yet more than ever it has brought home one truth to me, Our po- [probably sce it in the newspapers tomorrow | watching his opportunity, drew Senator| 80 "T have heard | been phone, a moment or two later, Mr. Hus- tines sat down to write a note, and Pamela moved her place over to Fischer's side. His face brightened at her -spontageows movement. She sfook.her head. howtver. at the little compliment with wihch he weleomed her, "This afternoon," she suid soft met Mr. Lutchester," "Is Be back in New York ?™ Fischer ask ed, frowning. Pamela nodded. "He told me something which T feel inclined to tell you," she continued, glan- cing into her companion's haggard face with '8 gleam of sympattiy in her eyes. "You'll "T morning, Governor Roughton's resignation was compulsory. He is umder arrest," "For negligence?" THE MAKING OF A FAMOUS MEDICINE rootaand herbs, together the mei pend reite chebinit ition 'uctssaful in, the treatment of in the treatment of "For participation," was the grave reply. "Mr. Lutehester haa' been down tothe city where these things took place. He only got buck Iste this afternoon." "Lutchester again!" Fischer muttered. "You see, it's rather in his line," Pam- ela reminded him. 'tHe is over here to superintend the production of munitions from the'factories which' are working for the British Governmen "He is over here as a sort of general mischief-maker!" Fischer exclaimed fierce- ly, "Do I understand that he has been down in--t" . Pamela nodded, "He went down with one of the heads of the New York police." Sho turned away, but Fischer caught at her wrist. "You know more than this!"* hoareely, The ngony in the man's face and tone touched her, After all, he was fighting for great things. There wax nothing meso about Fischer, nathing selfish about his ly- ing and his crimes. "I have told you all that I can," she whispered, "but if you hurried, you could catch the New York tonight--and I think T should advise you to go." he' creid CHAPTER XXXVI. Fischer, on leaving his unsuccessful din- her party, drove direct to the residence_of Mr. Max H. Bookham, in Fifth Avenue. The butler who admitted him Ihoked a little blank at his inquiry "Mr, Bookham was expected home yes- terday, sir,"" he announced, '*He bas arrived, "however." "Has there been uny telegram from him? "any news ss to the cause of his non-re- turn?" Fischer persisted "T believe that Mr. Kaye, his secretary, has some information, sir," the man ad ffted "Perhaps you would like to see him ' Fischer did not hesitate, and was con- dacted at once to the atudy in which Mr. Backham was wont to indulge in various nefarious Stock Exchange adventures. The rom was occupied on this occasion by a de iected-looking young man. with pasty face and gold spectacles. The apartment, us Fischer was quick fo notice, showed signe of & strange disorder. "Where's Mr. Bookham ?" he asked The soung man walked to the door. shook it to be sure that i" way closed, and cume back again, His tone was ominous, almost dramatic "In the State Prissa at--, sir." he announced "What for?" Fischer demanded, breatbht ings little thickly "I have no certain information,"" secretary replied, with a noneommirt "AIT know is that T had a long-distance telephone to burn cértuin documents, but before T coulif do so the ram and the house were searched by New York deteetiv whose warrant if was usefess to resist. ~ "But what's the charge sguinst Mr. Book: || ham? "It's sometinng 'to do mith the dias: ters ~ the young man_ confided, "The Governor of the State, who is Mr. Bookham's cousin, ix in the sume trouble. Better sit down 4 moment. air, You're looking white Mr. Fischer threw himself into an easy chair. He felt like 9 man who has built 1 mighty piece of machinery, has set it swinging througit space, and watehes now its imminent collapse: watehes-some tiny but chustly flaw, pregnant with disaster, grow: ing wider and wider before his eyes "What paners did the police take away with chem?" he asked "There wasn't very much for them, the secretary repfied. 'Thre was a lis of the names of che proposed organization which, owing tty your very_wise inter: vention, was never formed. There was a list of factories throughont the United States in which munitions are being mare, with a black mark agsinst those holding the most importunt contracts. And there was a letter froin Governor Roughton." "Mr. Bookhusly fissn't drawn any cheques Intely for large amounts? Fischer in quired eagerly. "There are tliree in his private cheque- book. sir, the counterfoilx of which are not filled in," was the somewhat dreary admission. ixcher groaned ss he received the mews, fave you any idea about those cheq- he demanded T am afraid," the other acknowledged, "that Mr. Bookham was not very discreet. I reminded him of your advice--that the money should be passed through Sulfivan-- but he didn't seemo think it worth while." "Look here,..et_me know the worst 'at once," Fischer 'insisted. "Do yow believe that any one of those cheques was made payable to any of. the men who are under arrest ?"" "Tam afraid," the secretary declared sadly, "'that the proceeds of one were found on_the person of Ed. Swindles, intact." Fiegher sat for a moment with his head buried in his hands. "That any man could have been such a fool. An orgunization would have been thousand times safer. Max Bookham was only a very worthy and industrious clothing manufacturer, with an intense love for the Fatherland and a ereat veneration for all her institutions. What hp had done, he had done whole- heartedly but foolishly. He war a man who should never have been trusted for 8 mom- | ent in the game. After all, the pawns count..." "(Tn be continued) Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff GRAND TRUNK 3\'steu CHICAGO Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains. = + Unexcelled dining car service . Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. That's the feeling you have about everything washed with Lifebuoy, especially stockings, underwear, night- fowns, sheets, blankets, and everything that touches the skin, The rich velvety Mather of Lifebuoy has wonderful cleansing power, but more important. the antiseptic qualities in Prevents germs, d: microbes,(and they are pre- sent everywhere),and perfect Your Clothing will be properly cleaned inside and outside at W: Firth's. The linings and. inside of your clothing are as important as the outside. Why not have them done right when you are having them done? All kinds of Repairing done. We know how. W. FIRTH - Phone 229° Opp. Barrie Hotel, Barrie. lennon Butter was very hard to handle on Sst- use 'their supply s0 soon. bueser was precarious, all the way from comers especially bad to self out quickly at the for figure. Eggs were plentiful vad rhubarb marmalade. for the nicely prepared marmalade. Sev- 'onies predominyting. There were quite a marketed at Hast week's quotation. tuce was on sale in small quantities. - There was, as usual, a nice market, with good variety even though prices were high, The Alliston Herald predicts a decline in market prices soon. Potatoes, bag Lettuce bunch Onions, basket Onions, green, bunel Onions, seed, 2 Ibs. Rhubarb, bunch Peas, seed, qt. Butter Beans, qi Sage, bunch . Horse Radish root, bunch . Horse Radish, half pigt bottle Hay .. Pigs, choice, pr. . NEAR-BY MARKETS (Juné 12, 1919) Bradford--Oaté 75-77¢, barley $1.18- 1.22, peas $1.90-2.00, hogs $20.00 ewt., potatoes $1.25-1.60 bag, hay $30.00 ton, butter 44-450, eges 48.490. Orillia--Oate 60-65c, rye 90-$1.00, pens $1.50-1.75, barley 75:80, eggs 42c, butter 45c, potatoes $2.00, hogs $20.50, Shelburne--Barley 90-$1.00, onts 72- 75e, rye $1.30-1.40, butter 89-40c, eggs 38-390, potatoes $1.25, Alliston--Rye $1.40, barley $1.00, oats 70c, peas $1.75, buckwheat 95c, hay $25- 28.00, butter 40-42c, eggs. 38-40c, pot- atoes $1.25, Herald--Prices took a slump here last week, and this cannot be readily explained.' There are no large stores in wareHouses, and consumption is not fall- ing off any, yet quotations from the wholesale men 'are showing a marked de- cline and it is expected the prices which ¥, |will be paid-on the market 'this week will show a still" further decline. fowl continue high and steady, Horning, District "Passenger Agent, Toronto. \4 4. E. BILLINGSLEY Depot Agent so: ot, Phome @ the last few weeks there haye been no of- fne of fowl of any kind on the market Peo be 7 ba og i THEMARKETS # urday owing to the heut of the day. No ice yet; pomibly thase having it fear to prize of 40 to 50 cents a pound being quoted. Late and psssed out at £2 to 45 cents dozen, A new fedture was a displsy of preserved rhubarb, rhubarb marmalade and orange Small balf pint containers for 15: cents seemed reasonable eral bouquets of flowers were neticed, pe- number of bagy of potatoes in, They were $1.75 2 bag. A few dressed chicken were Let- Thursday, June 19, 1919). - -- musio *MAUDE E.'CLAXTON, L.T.C.M, PIANO AND VOCAL LESSONS. In voeal work special attention is given to Voice Production. Pupils prepared for AT.C.M. degree in both. pi and vocal; also elementary exams. of Toronto Conser- vatory of music or University bxams, Studio: King Block. Phone 424. W. H. THRESHER Organist and Choirmaster. of St. Andrew Presbyterian 'Clrurch, Teacher of Voice Culture, Piano, Organ and Theory. Pupils prepared for any examination, practical and theoretical Voices tested free. Residence and Studio, Wortley St. " Phone 510. B4-yrly Legal * ALEXANDER COWAN Money to loan, BOYS & MURCHISON + Barristers, Solicitors, Notary Public, Con- veyAncers, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest, Offices: 13 Owen St. (in the premises for- merly occupied by the Bank of Toronto). Branch office, Elmvale, Ont. : Wi A. Boys, K.C, MP. D. C. Murchison PLAXTON & PLAXTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building. Toronto, Ont. G, Gordon Plaxtan DONALD ROSS, LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. _ Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. Money to loan, --<--_------_""a@a *__ CRESWICKE & BELL BARRISTERS Solicitor for the Supreme Court of Judi- cature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Con veyancers, etc. Money to' loan. C. W. Plaxton. Offices: in Ross Block, Barrie. W. A. J. Bell. K.C. MEDICAL SY DR. H. T. ARNALL , Office and Residence Corner of Toronto and Elizabeth Streete, opposite Eli St. Methodist Church. Telephone 167. DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University Office and Residence, corner Elizabeth and Bradford Sts, Barrie. Office hours 9 to 10am, 1t03pm, 7 to 8 p.m. Phone 105, Se W. A. LEWIS, M.D., CM. SURGERY AND GYNECOLOGY especially, Phone 61. 56 Collier St., Barrie, DR. VICTOR A. HART Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto, also Edinburgh and Glasgow. Specislty--Diseuses of Stomach. Office: Corner Bayfield and Worsley Sta ice open until 8 p.m. daily, DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. W., Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, every Saturd: Diseases of Eye, Ear, Consultstion hours 11 a.m. to 5 p.m, and by appointment. Toronto Phone Noith 3326. Barrie Phone No. 2 ROBERT D. COLLIER, M.B., M.D., C.M, Office 'and Surgery, Phelpston, Ont. Office hours: 12 to 2 p.m. and 6 to 8 pm. Special sttention given to Maternity Calls, AD tht Calis" promptly ded to on either Elmvale of Minsing "phooe lines 'ACCOUNTANTS ; LAWSON, WELCH & CAMPBELL Chartered Accountants Phone Msin 5874. 9 Yonge St. Toronte J. F, Lawson, F.CA. (Phone 171, Barrie) H. J. Welch, CA." G. D. Campbell, C.A. T. E. Lawless, CA. W. 8. Hulbig, Production Engineer Manager Cost & Efficiency Department, « JAMES PATERSON Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser For County of Simeoe. Prepared to con- duct Sales at reasonable rates. Satisfaction guaranteed. 120 Bayfiel; Orders left at AFA. will receive prompt attention. Eggs per dozen 42-450 Butter, lb. *: 40-450 Chicken, dressed, Ib. 30-35 FURS! Mik quet + 50-60¢| CLEANED, ALTERED AND REPAIRED MISS M. McKERNAN 58 Small St., Barri Phone 323 PROTECT Your Family Your Business Your Future With an Annual Divi- dend Policy in the Sun Life of Canada -Canada's Greatest Life Insurance'Co. 'D. J. REBURN, 'Phone 142." Dis, Mgr.