Thursday, June 19, 1919 "Page Eight ~ BARRIE CHAUTAUQUA June 27 to July 3. ~ AFEW OF THEMANY ATTRACTIONS ~ | SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE. L Moore & Armstrong's Store News SILK PULLOVERS ARE CORRECT These garments are popular in New York and are very becoming to any Miss or Lady. Coral with Gray. Turquoise with Gold, Reseda with White, and Old Gold with Peacock Blue. $13.50 each Heather Mixtures in same style with Turquoise trimming $13.50 This Store for Silk and Wool Sweater Coats A big variety to select from. See the window dis- play this week. : WHAT ABOUT SUMMER DRESSES ? The sudden inrush of Summer and hot weather has brought about the greatest scarcity in Voile and other lines of Cotton Dresses that the trade has ever known. Manufacturers have been unable to fill orders fast enough. Early in the year we placed large orders and these are coming in every few days. Visit the Ready-to- Wear Department Often and watch for the style that appeals to you. e $1.49 About 125 Sheer White Voile Waists displayed -on tables for quick selling. Good clean stock and in desirable styles. Mostly V neck. Some with organdy fronts and col- lars and in every waist you get real value. Sizes 36 to 46. $1.49 each Modish Waists, featuring every style that we consider desirable, are here. Georgettes, Crepes and Silk. $1.98 to $13.00 $1.49 Children's Dresses senting unusual value at this THIS WEEK Tepre- CURTAIN SALE After a big season's selling we find several lines of Luce and Novelty Curtains with only one pair of s style leit. These are all offered at a big reduction this week, See the window display. 29¢ YARD If you want yard goods for your Summer Dress, see the dainty Muslins and Voiles we have on sale tables this week These are American goods and very specially priced at..29¢ yard price. Nice qualities of White Lawn Lace and Embroidery trimmed, and a good assort- ment to select from. Sizes 5 to 14 years. $1.49 each At prices from $1.98 to $6.50 you will find some dainty little White Voile Dresses, al] beautifully designed and trimmed. Sizes 1 yr. to 14 yrs. PUBLIC NOTICE Read the list published last week of stores that close at 12 noon on Wednesday and note that it includes nearly every place of business.. Will you arrange your shopping SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE. 4 UMD Nonmey or sason Tors yaucy ESSERE Wem | \e cam "ares found to be suffer. ing of year $258. F install / ARE GOOD FOR ADMISSION TO THE WHOLE COURSE |ine 'fon nts inter ston wonay Pee yet (0 een ED equlpaat sil eareapaet our paved ates if OF ELEVEN HIGH-CLASS ENTER' : [ptoricter ieee (lege Pele Gleconrkde Mrr promise you quick and courteous service at the iJ WAR TAX. THESE TICKETS ARE INTEROHANGERDNS fst eo Serie tn Boa ROOM OF i : ARE INTERCHANGEABLE |oeintm, 'iss, Beeld of ion AMONG' OF THE IMMEDIATE FAMILY. GET |Nes ot 5 aching aan fee | "YOUR TICKETS NOW AT MALCOMSON'S INSURANCE |i! tBu od ay at tome nd |July canraton nb id's PALMS | ICE OR FROM ANY MEMBER OF apkaoya. he remains were conveyed to| Donations by Cina Gom., 'R FURTHER PARTICULARS, ON AN ternoon for interment, sp "| Donation by Ballyeroy Lodge'. ' : ~ FR , so that clerks may take the half day each G ' 'An announcément that will create tremendous Interest for Chautauqua Look through out _Wash Goods week ? Apparel for Children in the Ready-to- Week will be the fact that we have secured the above play for the 5th day's Section. Lots to choose from. Wear Department _--_---- programme. Everybody knows that It is recorded as Mr, Cohen's greatest success. It was presented at the Royal Alexandra Theatre in Toronto, and was brought back in response to a unanimous demand. The Evening Tele- gram quoted it "the most popular comedy ever produced in Toronto." 'The Evening Star called it "The most continuous Laughing Carnival of the Season." It presents two-and-one-half hours of Mystery, Thrills and Laughter." It is a Master Mystery and stands at the very head of the Farce Comedies. Mr. Percival Vivian, who was at the head of the Ben Greet Playerd last year, has been secured as Manager of this play and will present the leading role. He has played in leading plays and theatres in New York and Chicago. 'The past season he spent playing with Macklyn, Arbuckle, and DeWolfe Hopper in Captain Bairstather's delightful comedy "The Better 'Ole." The fact that he is in this play assures its complete success, The music of the fourth day will be furnishéd by this well-known 'Toronto Quartet, composed of Artists, all of whom are well known as Solo Singers, and accompanied by a Pianist of note, Their programmes will Gonstitute one of the great features of Chautauqua week. The repertoire of the quartette includes selections from the great ©ratorics and operas, the choicest ofthe English, Scotch, and Irish melo- ies, standard and popular songs. Not alone as a quartette do they 'excel, but in concerts, recitals, oratorios, and opera selections, each in- dividual member stands distinct, having been accorded marked recognition 'because of his virtuosity. * EDWARD CLARKE COMPANY. The musical or- Company of Chi- cago, consisting of: tists have made a name for them- selves in the Mus!- cal World, Mr, Clarke is in con- , i stant demand by the i, , THE EDWARD CLARKE COMPANY. leading Musical and 'Territorial Societies, having recently appeared with the Apolo Club of Chicago, the Arion Club of Milwaukee and many other Clubs of high standing. ° 'Mrs.\Clarke is a native of Poland, » country that has produced some of the world's greatest Violinists, Among others she led under Jacques Thibaud, who is considered by many as the world's foremost Violinist. She plays her way into the hearts of her audience. Mr. Prahl has made a reputation for himself' as a Composer and ganization of the third day will be the Edward Clarke These three Ar |f Ladies' Bathing Suits ceptionally good values. 15¢ TOWELS Low in price but ex- tra value for the money White Terry with color- ed ends, size 16 by 37 inches. Only 75 to sell 15c each STORE CLOSES AT $1.75, $4.98 AND $6.75 in 3 good styles, mostly Navy and Black with combination trimming. These are ex- WASH SKIRTS AT $2.98 White Pique Skirte in two of the season's good styles. Full gathered back, wide belt, slash or patch pockets, and pearly button tnmmed, $2.98 each A good selection in White Gabardine Skirte Misses' sizes $3.50 and $4.50 Ladies" sizes $3.75, $450 and $4.98 New shipment of Colored Silk Poplia Skirt just received. Good styles and mod- erate. prices Sommer Kimonas in great profusion, $2.25 to $6.98 scriptions, either new or renewals may Ralph Davidson of Hhileybury spent the week-end with bis parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J, Davidson. Pte. Will Gordon returned to town last week. Miss Beard of Alliston is visiting her sister, Mrs, Herb Jebb, Mrs. Alfred Ingham is, building a house east of Jos, Feltis's. Sam Henson of Wybridge spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Henson. iiss Hambly of D. Mopper's Millinery department, left for her home at Meaford, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Branigan of Owen Sound garden party on the Fair grounds, on July . 1 'Wm. Ross of Stayner visited his sister, Mrs, John Flynn, one day last week. Miss Mary Duff of Sundridge is visiting with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs, T. R. J. Wray and Mr. and Mrs, T, W. Handy of Toronto spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs, David Thompson. Miss Carter of Toronto visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Richard Carter. 'The first baseball game of the South Bimcoe League was played at Bradford on Wednesday afternoon of last week between 'Cookstown and Bradford teams. The game was very one-sided, the score being 18-3 in favor of Cookstown. The mauy friends of John Pollock were shocked to hear of his death on Monday morning.of this week. Mr. Pollock had The representative of the Barrie Examiner in Cookstown is George F. Thompson. News items for Cookstown an adjacent country may be banded or phoned to Mr. Thompson and will be forwarded to this paper. Phone No. 39 finds him. Sub- be forwarded through him. Confirmation will be held at St. John's Church on Tuesday evening, June 24. Miss Lorene Willoughby of Toronto is visiting with friends here, Draper spent Sunday at Elmvale. Miss Vina Ross of Toronto is visiting in town this week. Billy Creswick is taking a month's vaca- tion through Western Ontario and will then take a'position in the Dominion Bank, To- ronto. Ernest Banting and family of Toronto visited in town this week. The piano recital given in the Town Hall on Monday evening by the pupils of Mrs. Ethel Sutherland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Sutherland, to Mr. Russell | Allison. Frank Agnew is visiting in Toronto this week. Mr. Morrison of Creemore visited at Jas. and Charles McFadden's last week. Humphrey Jones of Duluth, Minn., visit- ed at Harry Coleman's this week. Miss Baker of Stouffville is visiting ber sister, Mrs. H. B. Barnes, Miss Margaret Thompson of Bradford spent Sunday at her home here. Rev. Dr. Grose, wh went overseas as chaplain with the American fore killed recently in an automobile 'accident in Paris, France. Rev. Dr. Grose/ was a brother of the late Noah Grose of Eesa. Cookstown W. I. Following is the annual report of Cooks- town Women's Institute--year ending May - Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hayes and Fred| 3 |stating age, references and $1.39 TO Grasstex Rugs that fill the need for a low-priced 5 sizes in stock. floor covering. $1.25 FOR NAVY HOSE These are fcarce goods and we would advise you to buy this week, Nice sbades of vy and in splendid quality of Silk for a moderately priced hose, Buy Silk Hose at This Store 35c HOSE This lot of Hose is for children and in every pair you get extra value. They come in 1 x 1 Rib, Black and White, also in Fancy top and Plain Lisle Socks. Sizes are from 4 to 8. 35c pair Assortment of Ladies' and en's Hose, odd lines, at ....-.-..0+5 '9c pair |Tog receipts st the Fair jLunch receipts at the F a .. = =< y 'Miscellaneous personal donations for THE DE MILLE QUARTET. NEWS: OF COOKSTOWN Ree vr Mga Rw hn Yarn sold . Bank interest Expenditure 'Yarn for the year . Printing for the year Hall rent Donation to Prisoners' of War Fund 100.00 Donation to Navy League .. Adoption of Prisoner of War lind Soldiers and Sailors Bale for Belgian Relief .. Postage overseas and miscellaneous 101.44 Bread for local relief Donation to Band .. Accounts at local stores for material in 0. 8. boxes, Red Cross supplies ee To Girl or Middle-aged Wo- man who is fond of children-- previous experience, if any. Mrs. F, R. Graham, 517 Chris- STORE 50 Celery Plants 8c Best varieties, transplanted. Postpaid, shi success $1816.15 |fully everywhere. Ask' for Wise List of other vegetable plants and fruits in sea- son. HEROLD'S FARMS, FRUITLAND, . Ontario, Niagara District. aed fT 2.00 | q_ueeetaesUSNNEeunnssessees* Donation to Canadian Red Cross.. 300. tie street, Toronto. : p St In order that our staff may have reasonable work- ing hours during the hot weather and at the same time give our customers good service we find it necessary to announce our regular business hours. "; Store Opens at 9 a.m. and will close at 11 p.m. Promptly Each Day. SATURDAY THIS WEEK $7.98 $1.19 EACH Men's Work Shirts in good quality Black and Natural Drills, sizes 1414 to17. The goods alone are; worth more than we ask for the made-up shirts. Sale $1.19 each and Garden Party GURNEY-OXFORD STOVES AND RANGES. Call and get our prices before buymg your new range. | We do all kinds of Plumb- ing, Heating and Tinsmith- attended to. J. J. NEELANDS HOURS 10 O'CLOCK BARRIE AND Be stele prin Rua ay NIGET Moore & Armstrong GUELPH er ain Mr. Clarke, spent the past week with their daughter, ] FM Q ; ing. H. B. Barnes and the Ladies' Sight-Singin, 3 : Baritone Ee cee "tnaal dhe Gel by wearing [Class was well attended. This being thei! Will teach you to become aj] ing work. Mn, CaO ick heuvy underwear, Fisher's have good |*e2ond Pig i pastes eee ie thoroughly capable nursemaid Sole agents for Pease Ec- | utr. Bratt 2 stock of sumnaies Godarmets:ion) Bend for of attending an evening's entertainment of and pay $20 to $35 a month|| onomy Furnaces. 1 Pianist St. John's Church will hold their aonual|""Stsried, on Wednesday, June-11, Maa{ "hile you are learning. Write Repair work promptly