Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1919, p. 3

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tatisties as ut it i and of the ther expan y that one a personal try. "And eastern ed- Dr, adiling, Your west: and see a3" 6. vertiser and THE BARRIE EXAMINER : Page Three -. S 00,000 1918, over $153,000,000 MUTUAL CONFIDENCE FOSTERS SUCCESS Mutnal confidence is essential between two parties" if the best results are to be obtained from taeir business relations. Many businesses have been assisted to success be: se tue firms or individuals took the bink into their fullest confidence and Prodted by the advice obtained. Ta yo1r business transactions you would be well advised to consult our local manager. He will be glad to he!p you with his couasel. 322 UNION BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE WINNIPEG, MAN. Barrie Branch & Safety Deposit Bo: Cookstown Branch, . 'Thornton Branch, * A. Leslie, Mer. T. MeMillan, Mgr. W. T. Hodgson, Mer. ----_--_------ [ COMMENT OF THE WEEK | What are YOU doing to helpt What of the Gas Company pros along your town? jPosition? Let us hope the Fin aner Committee is taking steps lo secure independent expert opinion with a view to laying it [before the people for a decision when the bylaws regarding the t Ward Seheol and cement are submitted Automobiles ayd gossips are alike, says the Tweed News--aAl Ways running peop own Bigger and Better Than Ever \\ $1500.00 IN PRIZES... PENETANG'S DOMINION Sun in Kent County wrote askin DAY CELEBRATION |! {##{ paper could alo the print ing fora politieal campaign, The Tuesday, July Ist, 1919 reply was. The Sin is not in in J, T, Puyette's New Driving Park [fuser of faking this business Vitro 1 I newspapers, who ; HORSE RACES have a right te the patranage of Free For All heats, yrurse $400.00 44, ving. t penple they ar 7 Seund advice arly in the days Is so great a tendeney 0 Pace 5 Pact $400.00 purse $300.00 Numeq_ Race, Inter, mile, IS. partic beats>y pune $150.00 when the Gratlentan's Road Race, to DUBE nile {o imneine that better values ean eats,\ 80.00 ne as Obits \ Best three out of five, MTA, Rules to), Nt ip fhe city than in th govern, : LON Two horses may start providing full en- | try bax been paid on euch hore. Five to enter and four to start ne 3 and 5 per cent. sd. winners. Money 10 per cent. We hones Matorists who come ta Barrie d have no fear that the Coun cil will permit the recently ena acted regulations as to parking the day rates apply that it would relieve the congestion which previously obtained in the early evening and facilitate prompt ser As far as we can see it doesn't work out in any such fashion, but has simply shifted the rush to a later hour {when there are fewer operators to handle the business. As an example af hew prompt the ser The Examiner had to wait for one hour and fifteen minutes to get'a line to Torento the other ent. The Bell Telephone Co need net rin away with the idea that the public are going to sub. Jmit tamely te a wreteh eonplel with ine Port) Hope has reduced the salary of its M.O.H S500 jte $800, This would seem te ine dicate one of two things, either a poor amecet gra very inade. quate appreciation by the Coun- eiloof the importance of this Juice, Increasing view i [ service asm char Sarjeant & King, Ltd. Simmons & Co. Moore & Armstrong Powell & Co. Otton Hardware Co., Ltd. emphasis is being laid upon | Est. J. J. Coffey health--and quite | J. F. Crai To carry out the bh » F. Craig jtions, an efficient Medical OMicer Dougall Bros. of Health is of prime impor A. H. Felt [re aiuat Rave protessiedal abil R. A. Stephens A. W. Whitby Brown & Co. firmness that wall insist on the Devlin & Murchison W. A. Overs M. J. Brennan i n regulations heing enforced Parsons' Fair Eldon Brown ' J.H. Readman® jthengh it may--and W. A. Lowe D. J. Tucker H. G. Robertson jrhns-- arnuse antagonism thal YT Cowie & Co. T. H. Myers Miss V. Brownlee QO. M. Wae WWARY whch 8 | F. & H. Craig A. B. Wice Barrie Fair * Hduttes, mest of which are W. C. Hunter Clothing Co. Alex McDonell B. D. O'Neill exaetty ant That he should carry out these duties for small amennt =maller Merrill & Hubbard ' F. J. Lower J. G. Keenan the couparatively paid in the tewns ane mamerpalties speaks well for his citizenship The Examiner bebeves that the] townsman When he leaves the avn Council made ainistake inf farm and goes to the factory he] money ta be distributed |ishappyagain so long as he keeps the hotels mstead of con-!te the small towne The big city | finuing the well ablished rest! spoils him. There are dozens of reom At the ean I meeting no pall big-indnstry towns down ' » know what hetels/the St, Lawrence that are on would give the nmodation prosperity be- hor was any provisien made for s are contented letting the people know that they ution. When | T Voting an menace to fartn case the wars and away from al WEDNESDAY Half-Holiday AGAIN THIS SUMMER IN MOST OF THE BARRIE STORES The following merchants have decided to close their places of business at 12 o'clock noon on every Wednesday during June, July and August, except in weeks when there is a public holida jyoungest daughter of the late reserve the right to reject any entry and to change the order of the programme AUTOMOBILE RACES Three mile race for Ford Stock Cars) only--Ist prize, All Weather Tread Outer Casing, donuted by Mr. J. L. Craighead, Ford Dealer, Midland, Ont. 2nd prize, Inner tube. 'One heat only Three Mile Race for Chevrolet Stock Cars ears to be enfor harshness. 'The passed to facilitate bette handing oof the omebile traitic and its chseryance will he ty the general advantage of the tmoterists, 10 shoukl be re membered that there is nothin --Iet prize, $50.00 auto rug donated by Mr, |) Prevent cars being left for any 1. K. Brown, Chevrolet dealer, Midland.) indefinite tite on streets other Ontario prize, 30x3' inch ure. One| than Dunlop and Ehvabeth be- heat only Hiween Muleaster and Winner of the Ford Car Race and the |; winner of the Chevrolet Race will race off for special prze donated by Mr. I. K.| Brown. | Callingwoud poliee depart MOTOR CYCLE RACES [is using the advertising columns Free For All, five mile race, one heat only. jaf thelawn papers ta inforny the purse, $5000) nublie concerning the moter Ses ce Race, three miles, ant Best nly, plalinns Gand fhe (ha PurpOsh af 5 per cent, to enter and 5 per cent. ad | ont ng the co-operation of the mo(@rists in making streets safe for traffic. "The department." says the Bulletin, "is net out ditional from all money winners, Three to enter und three to star! ATHLETIC SPORTS Watch hand bills later for pri yards dash, open ; High and broad jump-| tut rather to prevent aceidents ing, running bop, step and all the old time) and insure for motorists an equal REDE SETS chance for comfort and safety BRASS BAND IN ATTENDANCE Such moderate methods -- are Free ...-Hay: Straw, Stabling ...-Free| worthy of emulation. It dees no Salgea Nees, Deve Browpeh Hi) town any good to havepolicemen TL Sinpon ye M8) whose chief delight i to show Admission --Adults 50c, children 25¢, grand| 'Heir authority by bringing un- stand 25e. necessary charges against auto- J. T. Payette, Secretary and Owner, Pene-| abile owners for minor offences tang, Ontario. ' eagunniie GOD SAVE THE KING | One of the exeuses given by Note,--All races start at 1.30 Summer Time,| 'he Bell Telephone Co. for ex- and 12.30 Standard Time. tending the period during which WHEN YOU THINK OF THE HOT WEATHER Think of a Gas Stove COOL, CHEAP, CLEAN, CONVENIENT Get a Gas Stove on the installment plan - COOK WITH GAS IT'S THE ONLY WAY ASK ABOUT OUR "STACK" GAS. WATER HEATER A WONDERFUL CONVENIENCE Supplies Hot Water almost instantaneously for all hot water requirements at economi st. IT IS A COMFORT--A CONVENIENCE--A READY HELPER--A NECESSITY. DURING JUNE WE WILL INSTAL ANY OF OUR APPLIANCES. AT COST For information on gas installation and costs, see BARRIE GAS CO., NO. 16 OWEN STREET 100} after police court cases or fines,' ha right te the aceommoda.|industry exists for the sake of tien whieh the Town as paying |improving the farmer's lot at the for and that they are not there |ewest possible cost Canada may simply on the suferanee of the hetelmen, Having decided upon Mhis new orourse fhe Council should adverti through the press the names of the hotels id and the nature of the anian which is te be Further, they on having vards formation pramin noeach hotel which "ving part of the grant. Tf this as dane the new scheme may york ont fairly we hut if something like this is not dene the money will be pretty naeh thrown away being Haw far should sant go in trying toe Ihe opinion of others? The ques: tien ix raised in ae nt issue af the Mumeipal Werld, This well informed and useful journal tells us that a municipal councilor owes to his constituents his best judgment on all questions re. lating to bis public «office, and (that he "betrays, instead of serv- ing them, when he sacrifices his own fo their opinions.", This is sound reasoning, and is not in- compatible with the highest de. velopment of democratic imsti- tutions. 'To attempt the impos- sible feat of secking to give offret to the varied and conflicting opin- ions of the average body of eiti- zens, and to subvert his own judg- s lo what he believes |to be the opinions of others, is fo degrade public men, and reduce responsible public office to the mere function of a phonographie record. A public representative should!vote on all questions ac- cording to conviction, and should be able to persuade his constitu- ents that he is right. If in this he fails, he can forfeit his public office with honor, and with a con- |sciousness that he has safeguard jed one of the fundamentals of re- sponsible Government.--Ex. a poblie sere Ve effect to MAKING THE FACTORY SERVE THE FARM All basic industries should. exist for the sake of the faryn. The great aim of civilization shoud be to improve the lot of the farmer. The men who pro- duce what the rest of mankind eat and the raw materials for most of what they wear should he encouraged to go on doing it in yet greater proportions be- cause unless we quit abandon. ment and neglect of the land we shall never have true prosperity. There is one great quality in the Frenchman--and in the Russian also--that stands at the base of all national prosperity. It is the love of working on the land. Of this Quebee is the Canadian out- standing example. The average Quebec farmer is the best-off man in Canada beeause he is happy on his farm and ig not the vic- tim of industrial warfare. He has, as a rule, no desire to be a arm areas as con tented as Quebec. The outery agaist the tarm is that it is pruvitive, The aim of industry |shonid be ta bring all the results of invention, labor and capital Inte vasy and eompelent reach of have many {he average farmer. When the [fara as made the chief material Jobieet of all civilization mankind will in to be trul ue As lon Jindustrial centre is made an aim elf mankind will be poor No country uch an opportunity as Can- ada te ady y industry fer the sake of the farm. Canada is es- sentially a farming, fishing, foresting country, All our ine dustries and our railways are serondary ta that one big pro- [ductive trinity of inter i all nations will work on this problem of making basic indus- tries fundamental to the farm we shall be able to get rid of hard times and strikes and class war- |fare. Production and prosperity are two of a kind. The mother of fall true production is the land -- Canadian Courier a nEEanERREEEEEEEEnereEeeeemmeeS IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE, COUNTY OF ONTARIO Inthe estate of HENRY BELLARD |MYERS, deceased. Notice is hereby given 'that all persons having claims against the estate of Henry Bellard Myers, who died on or about the Fourth dey of May, 1919, are required to send by post, prepaid or to deliver to either of the undersigned execu- tors, on or before the Sixteenth day of June, 1919, their names and addresses ond a full statement of particulars of their Jclaims and the nature of the security (if jany) held by them duly certified and after |the ssid Sixteenth day of June, 1919, the executors will proceed to distribute the ax- sets of the deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have no- tice, Dated the 27th day of May, 1919, : MRS. H. B. MYERS, Barrie, Ont. G. D. CONANT, Barrister, &c., Oshawa, Ont., 22-240 Executors. NO TRUN RAILWAY SYSTE THE DOUBLE | TRACK ROUTE between TORONTO MONTREAL DETROIT an CHICAGO Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor Cars on principal day trains. + Unexcelled dining car service . Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, J. E. BILLINGSLEY Depot Agmt : 3 3 Phone 6 J. Sutcliffe & Sons A. G. McNabb G. G. Smith & Co. Merrick & Litster F. D. Haight Alex McKee Alex Milne P. Kearns W. L. Reeve Jas. Cheesman Alf. Rayner Hinds Bros. A. F. Garrett W. J. Paddison W. J. Johnson T. N. Hobley J. H. McKeown E. A. Cuff W. J. Nottingham J. McCandless J. McManus Fred Loth MoDonald--Webb A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday, May 21, in Toronto, when Miss Lillian Alberta Webb, TOWN OF BARRIE Tenders for Concrete Work Tenders for the construction of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Webb of Bar-| approximately 640 square yards rie, was married to Mr. Clark] @f conerete roadway, 320 lineal Wallace-MeDonald of Toronto,| feet of concrete curb and repairs son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Me.| to existing pavement at Bunker's Donald of Grand Valley. 'The! Creek on Bradford Street in the smony took place in the Town of Barrie will be received College St. Presbyterian Church, |)» the undersigned at his office the rector, Rev. R. B. Cochrane, |in the Council Chamber up till officiating. The bride, who was| twelve o'clock noon on the {6th/ unatterled, wore her travelling |ay of June, 1919. Plans and\ gown of Copenhagen blue serge | Specifications may be seen at the with gray trimmings, small| fice of the Town Clork. The French hat to match, and a cor-| lowest or any tender not neces~ sage of sweetheart roses. sarily accepted. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald left . immediately after the c ay , Town 'Clerk for a trip to Buffalo,-New York | Barrie, June ard, 1919 23-4 and AUlantic City, On their re -----=-------- = eer turn they will be at home to their iends at 385 Grace St. Toronto, Ohildren Ory friends at 385 Grace St., Toronto. FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Buy advertised things, it pays. All of Its goodness sealed in -- Protected, preserved. The flavour lasts! SK for. and be SURE get WRIGLEY'S. It's-in a sealed package, but look for the name--the Greatest Name In Goody-Land. WRIGLEYS | Gay RMINT

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