Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1919, p. 2

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Page Two be THE BARRIE EXAMINER Allen picture theatre in Winnipeg. tach of eae op igla olioe found VEST POCKET SUNBURN init Bua ear Peace albert he cay Police seized a wagon entering the town ~_/' AUTOGRAPHIC FRECKLES at, The 200 'cases were AND TAN). severst calgary Chinamen were recently found guilty of smoking opium and were Bright, sunny days soon affect heavily' fined. Discussing these cave eet the complexion. The healthful] also the increase of drug addicts as pro- glow is replaced by tan and sun- hibition becomes absolute, Chiet of Police S12) P ahi eed [Cuddy remarked that narcotic drugs pro. burn, freckles appear and need. |Guddy remarke that the whiskey drinker less to say, swine healing lotion leraves eng det (it (ite of drugs hua ie or ointment is required to soothe lereased to an alarming extent particularly the burnt skin and banish the tan|in eastern cities, He scored the phvacie, and -- freckles NYAL FACE {who issued the prescriptions and the drug CREAM is a skin food that pro.|*0Fes that filled them, and said auch plow it Canny he size of cy . cians "'chould be boiled in oil and that enough to canry, and the size of| duces a soft while, smooth com. |p, Soma hana rt, . if there is a hell, they should be sent Picture made 'is big enoug Plexion. It has a delightful re-|there to siagle' The extends not to "good enough to tell the whole! frechin perfume and when 'ap-|the underworld alone, he declared, but to story-well, The narhe and date | plied befare exposure to sun or every layer of society. can be written on the film when} wing provents toughness Peter Veregrin, the boas of the Douk- the picture is taken, oad thas UNDICROG AE GEERT so (Kabor coluy'in Betas Columbia, isan. : pleasant Shiny: @p-| tous. to sel only the poor land to the Price $9.00 to $21.50 pea ranco-dug Uo heat. In Jarsiat Bc. goverment, tor the oes of returned One roll oF filth takes 8 e e and 50¢c.\ soldiers and retain those portions of it that ne Tall of, film': takes 8 ex- are really valuable.' "The Government Posures atid only costs 200. We do the ih Thursday, June 12, 1919 ONE DAY ONLY--TWO PERFORMANCES In actual sig it is small therefore wi i ; ; = 7 ert emir, the purehane, 'veloping and printin wisely i i do ping and printing CHAMBERLAIN'S isely declining t0 put the soldiem up against an impossible farming proposition Sergt. Raphael Lewis Zengel, who won - TABLETS |eistingtion oes, caw, Zens Amiens last August and was decorated with the caveted A man is seldom sick when his | Victoria Crow, has joined the Calgary fire m ross an howels are regular, he is never [brigade He entered the city quietly and ° well when they are constipated, shrogg oe Aer eed ee slot eis af ner to DRUGGIST For fanetioaling sou Ceti [return to alberta. air' Vc, nner & ing be tha jAmMDer-\ The North Star mine at Kimberley. BC, BARRIE Is Tablets. They also im-/shout 20. miler from Cranbrook, i strength |putting out shou 20 tone ap nd-ailver prove appetite a NY tn the digestion. 'The price is |0re per month which ix going to thence 3 Store |". 25e 4 at Trail. There is great sctivity at ull the mining centres of British Columbia at pre. $00000000000000006 600000006 sent and the outlook for the industry is ber- ter than it has ever been before. Silver is \now worth $1.0 Y we G sts ee; RIN wang ' eee' THE NAME AND Mi per ounce 23 ae sf x BUSINESS METHODS 4 | Fourteen million lerters passed through WESTERN NOTES freee rane wa seer iat ey laid t7 | Calgary post office in the fiseal year ending 7 ------w. "a dangerous Bolshevik, out of town and March 3st last, an average of nearly four M i Set ms it te mr |e "ul Se nn enagerie oe Federacine oh kaos dat tes janging sbout town for two months preach. |" Te" {°F ¢ Sara Is one stride ahead of Noah's Ark, a3 many Corporation, Ltd., Calgary, eapital $2.000,- Calgary. if his health will permit, and give| The cash fare on the Calgary Municipal !Q00, the Canadian Western Steel Co. of Red. an adiress Premier Norris of Munitoba |street railway is a straight five cents or cl eel aalleay inca stray x liffe and the Alberta Rolling Mille of Medi of the animals are of Gjittering Splendor, e tickets for quarter of |eine Hat have been amal ed. The re- EAS, Sate Police are are twenty-two for dolla," Sebol children's ovgansed "eveyone mafarated. Thee represented by more NOVEL IDEAS, resent with [tickets are eight for quarter instesd of |ingots and ork orotate than one par. BRASS BANDS, ity and control lien mul workingmen's tickets which sold into articles if commerce. | CAGES & FLOATS, uation in the which is|at eight for a quarter have been abolished SENSATIONAL HANDSOME HORSES Iy greater than the average per A farmer near F ACTS. d berless M i 4 shots at a neighbor's hogs with |moting the erection of a steel nad ng i and Numberless Musical ] WOTU. at Mice Hat Siiirel alibre rifle, "fe. Killed several and | munufactury. There |e great revival of THRILLING PERFOR- Vehicals make the Par- Sn hrvivst tw the city council to lis now spending :a six months term a [ae turing and industria any ward the eranting of licenses |Le-hbnidge act fof the district. Most of the ruw MANCES, and a hoard ade worth coming miles for cuiviee* juries, declaring such ina trie light rates have been increased in |for the of funny clowns to see. tutuins as harmful physically and morally. | Calgary from 73 cents to 81 minimum, less! iron ani { --At--- Mans 2 fam owned by C/I per cent. diseount for prompt payment, [provinces to the veer ee | gathered from every Tr gave birth te five fully | Meter hight was formerly five cents for the ten pe: on Monday night. May [fist 1.000 KW. hours und four eents on all (the nation on earth. ure field. The calves. the cam |in excess. The new rate is seven cents | combin OPA2, bined wosght of which was 200 ths, died | for the first 500 KW. hours und five cents |iginal smelted iron for many purposes Ye of coll het for All in excese Mosnwhile the eyes of the promotore are A party uf re a Drum} Work hs beew started On the $300,000 !turned towanls the locutinn of een le supply of iron ore in the mountainow: trict just "west of Calgary aad scouts are | already in the field investiguting deposits 7 |which have been known to exist for inane pes A. Dewey, a landscape gardener of Sask., requested the city couneil | Igary to cancel the license fees for | réerymen. claiming that the fees oper fainst the beautifying of the city and{ The Easy Way to Hear the World's Best Music 4 "a "4 =2 t the amount of business involved wae i =< "oN oF insufficient to warrant nurverymmen currying is i j : - jon business in the ciry, The request was | NEVER HAS SUCH {not granted, The Saskatchewan govern ment has enacted a law prohibiting fees [in that provinee for auch business ] For the first three months A COMPLETE AMUSEMENT |the figures of the Alberta provi ENTERPRISE branch show a total output of 830.6: ° a BEEN ORGANIZED . of steam coal, as compared with 712.150 | / . [tons for the same period of 1917 | DONT FORGET explanation is that the railways are putting = PLACE AND DATE more by in expectation of a busy autumn, 1749 for the same period of 1917. The total | pray Association, publisher of the Wood. |that inestimably valuable conclu: sara of gi eles te Mark ats ral ac | stock Sentinel-Review and of Rod and Gun,|be reached if the matter is appr stocked for railway purposes. from Edeon, |®& been on tour of the Went, visiting the |the proper way and if both sides are pre- sentially important if one is to get a. true Alta, to Brandon Ma fs "{principal cities and towns, Mr. Taylor's|pared to make concessions in order to ef-|coneeption of the wonderful national and The first four months of this year have fist visit to the West was with the Cana-| fet a saan compromise. And if this|natural assets of the west, of the western heen the most successful, from an organiza. | dian Press Association in 1809, and he has [ie not done, to me it apelle vn iota growth in the last few years and of the tion standpoint, in the history of the tianai | marvelled at the changes in dae the eat*| This wae Mr. Taylor's emphatic declaration, | wonderful Possibilities for further expan- Farmers of Alberta, In this period 99° new |e was not content with fecing the coun-|He went on--"lf the people of the east |sion--it is essentially necessary that one locals have been organized and 18 old locals | **¥ from the car windows, but got in touch jor the big men of the east, were to visit line 4 personal to, and a personal sions can ditions. Railway maps and statisties are sched in/all very well in their way, but it is ox Right on your porch this sum-- mer you can enjoy your favorite music whenever you wish. "His Master's Voice":Records (Same price as before the war) 9% cents for 10 inch double sided ; ' Ww , -|inspection of, the western country. "And vived. Bor" ther ae d 23 new|with the Western leaders at the various |western country oftener, it would be ke. {in ection of, the w Tocals ofthe ULF-W.A' have' been organized, ;Places_ at which "he visited. Inv Calgery treet, gay, for all Canada, To | particularly does this apply to eastern ed- €. P. Marker, provincial dairy commis. | MF. Taylor spoke ax follows: "My trip {eee the weet through eastern eyes--that is |itors,"" commented Mr, Taylor, adding, eee Bibetial syn tat Ne cutipuies Nant fe far hax convinced me of the ab-| without investigating the west et fint hant| "Yes and it wank both ways. Your west- 7 . early reduction in the price of bana' solute nece of the eastern manufac-|--is a grave mistake. In order to know {etn editor should come down and see us Mickey--Burr--and--My Ain Folk por alice Alibi cver| Mer aud western farmer getting together lihe weatand tc appreciate throughout what [every year." Alan Turner 216040 leslie apie Meal bale Mt car Ieee | 8% settling the tariff issue on a'basie ma lie ie store in the west for the eastern man- (Continued on page 6. : Ta 1014. and IBIS buner axe SL Heuattyy agreeable. Tht scot Cant Me he must see the west with his ----__ --and--Kisses Smith Trio 18532 age 'ice he we SHEE: AV SEABEE ABOU er WhRt TL. have learned in the west and / come into personal contuct| Advertising paye--both the advertiser and The Rotarians of Medicine Hat and Cal. | {fm what I know of the east, Tam sure {with she wae gary have recently by their mwistance been instrumental in restoring the eyesight of 1 | young lad residing in the former city. Just Blue--Fox Trots All Star Trio 18547 ; | The Typographical Unions of western lown Shack in Athlone--Sterling Trio-- ull people and the 'ests co: the purchaser. 1d--Wien You Lox the Heart of a Rose--Waitzes J.C. Smith's Orch. 18543 | Find Otdixielend in France--Pietro--and Canada ure following the lead of Calgat cnd--Smile, and the World Smiles with You union in opposing the One Big Union whicl By the Camp-fire---Peer ete Peerless Quartet 18545 was born in Culgary at the recent labor | HOT y the Camp-fire--Peerless Quartet--end--l'm ss. Prince Albert, Fort Will s Forever Blowing Bubbles Hart-Shew 18540 * morn. Ben Gaeee Lethbridge WATER Jaw, and Medicine Hat recorded every \ 3 Red Seal Records . y] | ggainst the proposition, "Tn Winnipeg the | AN] in - Union decided not to send in any vote Baby Mine (Contralto) hie Brasiau 64810 epee: 0: a vote Crépuscule (Twilight) (Soprano) Sortie Ras 64807 and foe Sorelle eons me ee bit Yous dansez, Marquise (Soprano) Mabel Garrison 64811 only supported the Gagne five members The Little Old Log Gabin in the Lane (Soprano) i ony supported the O.B.U. | ; 'Alma Gluck 64809 The City of Edmonton is erecting a vet- Spanish Dance (Violin) Jascha Heifetz 74569 ] Jeran's club house which is to take the arti ttil Dremm of Youth ~ (Violin) Kreisler 64730 al} [form of a memorial from the citizens to T Love to Tell the Story (Contralto) Homer 87301 the men who fought in te war. It is ait- uated on the bank of the river, on lot donated by the city, close to the MacDonald senate by heey, le tothe tacDonal Economical Heaters erans only, The Dominion Government will build i i : 4 new bridge over the Bow river at Banff, These Boilers are simply perfect as econ rd . Alta. The plan of th i fe omical heaters. They give an even, steady Hear them at any "His Master's [fj] |*!,_,Ti,rim of the ensincer way fora 'Oncrete ornamental bridge, but the public heat in every room in stormiest weather. Voice" dealers Sora department favor the erection of a Victrolas from $34 to $597 (sold on easy pay- 'ments, if desired). Ask for free copy of our 920-page Musical Encyclopedia, listing over 9000 "His Master's Voice" Records. 0 tt Your Sanitary, Engineer, or Plumber, or ' vey culvert Kay of naa with a cem. Hardware dealer will tell you the cost of P [ent Plaster on the side rails as u conces- installation, or you may write us and we sion. The citizens of the town have request- bah ne - é : . ; aiiitames'by cd the department to erect 2 Teen will gladly give full information without \ Berliner Gram-o-phone Co.,Limited _|P Pee ae iees of Gileery Beascd any obligation to you. \ Montreal Padus Cade hve enone etolgum OUR BOOKLETS TELL THE WHOLESTORY . 19147-<71 of the directors to authorize them to. bor- row" $500,000 on an istue of the debenture : 'Waite for Free Copies stock, for further development of the field, : 'JAt the present time there are seven well: known oil companies actively at work, either drilling new wells or deepening the ones for greater production. -- The depths attained vary from 1200 to 4800 feet. One well is now producing high grade gasoline which is, being refined and4 sold at current market price. W. J. Taylor, president of the Canadian 2 =

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